We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net


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“Some six months later, after a terrific binge, in a maudlin and helpless state, I<br />

made my way <strong>to</strong> the doc<strong>to</strong>r's home. He gave me medical treatment and had me<br />

taken <strong>to</strong> the home of one of my relatives. I <strong>to</strong>ld him I had come <strong>to</strong> the point<br />

where I was ready for the remedy, the only remedy. He sent two of the members<br />

<strong>to</strong> see me. They were both kindly <strong>to</strong> me, <strong>to</strong>ld me what they had gone through<br />

and how they had overcome their fight with liquor. They made it very plain that<br />

I had <strong>to</strong> seek God, that I had <strong>to</strong> state my case <strong>to</strong> Him and ask for help. Prayer was<br />

something I had long forgotten. I think my first sincere utterance must have<br />

sounded pretty weak. I didn't experience any sudden change, and the desire for<br />

liquor wasn't taken away overnight, but I began <strong>to</strong> enjoy meeting these people<br />

and began <strong>to</strong> exchange the liquor habit for something that has helped me in<br />

every way. Every morning I read a part of the Bible and ask God <strong>to</strong> carry me<br />

through the day safely.”<br />

“I've been sober two years, kept that way by submitting my natural will <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Higher Power and that is all there is <strong>to</strong> it. That submission wasn't just a single<br />

act, however. It became a daily duty; it had <strong>to</strong> be that. Daily I am renewed in<br />

strength and I have never come <strong>to</strong> the point where I have wanted <strong>to</strong> say,<br />

"Thanks, God, I think I can paddle my own canoe now," for which I am<br />

thankful.“ 50<br />

Robert Oviatt finally sobered up in December of 36 according <strong>to</strong> The Amos<br />

Roster where Dr. Bob lists him with fourteen months of dry time.<br />

“<strong>We</strong> have no desire <strong>to</strong> convince anyone that there is only one way<br />

by which faith can be acquired”<br />

The next name we will provide is a name previously undisclosed in A.A.<br />

literature but not unknown <strong>to</strong> the serious A.A. his<strong>to</strong>rian. He is Harry Latta, a<br />

Test Car Driver who is listed on The Amos Roster as having 19 months. The<br />

absence of his name from DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers makes us quite curious as<br />

<strong>to</strong> his origins. It is possible that Harry was only an “Oxford Grouper” but then all<br />

of our numbers were only Oxford Groupers at that time. A careful search of<br />

available records turns up Harry once again on what has come <strong>to</strong> be known as<br />

the Akron 226 List 51 or the Cleveland 220 List.* 52<br />

These two lists, which have been circulated among A.A. his<strong>to</strong>rians and on<br />

the Inter<strong>net</strong>, are identical. Their origin is not presently known <strong>to</strong> us. Both list<br />

Harry’s home address as San An<strong>to</strong>nio, TX. It could be that Harry left Akron after<br />

sobering up and would be forgotten by many of the Akron Pioneers over time.<br />

Since Harry is remembered by Dr. Bob in the writing of The Amos Roster he<br />

must be included in the <strong>Count</strong>ing of <strong>Noses</strong>.<br />

“Whenever a society or civilization perishes there is always<br />

one condition present; they forgot where they came from”<br />

* The Cleveland 220 List (First 220 AA Members) is included in its entirety as Appendix VI

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