We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net


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Just a few short months before this, Dr. <strong>Silkworth</strong> had counseled Bill <strong>to</strong><br />

alter his approach <strong>to</strong> the active alcoholic. He <strong>to</strong>ld Bill that instead of conveying<br />

the great news of the Solution, first establish the hopeless nature of the physical<br />

and mental aspects of the problem. 19 Bill would later often refer <strong>to</strong> the<br />

indispensable advice that our three friends from medicine provided. As we<br />

disused in the first chapter, these men of science, Dr. William James, Dr. Carl<br />

Jung and Dr. William D. <strong>Silkworth</strong> had come <strong>to</strong> believe in the need for the Power<br />

greater than human power. Although working separately, decades apart, their<br />

individual efforts came <strong>to</strong>gether under the Hand of Providence <strong>to</strong> lay the<br />

Foundation and Corners<strong>to</strong>ne of our recovery program. Today we owe a debt of<br />

gratitude <strong>to</strong> these humble men who showed us how <strong>to</strong> articulate and streamline<br />

those ancient principles behind Steps One and Two in<strong>to</strong> such forms that<br />

alcoholics could understand and accept. 20 As we established in the previous<br />

chapter, Bill had worked with dozens of drunks in the winter and spring of 1935.<br />

He had succeeded only in staying sober himself. Dr. Bob was the first drunk he<br />

had approached using Dr. <strong>Silkworth</strong>’s method of identification with the problem;<br />

the powerless and unmanageable life of the alcoholic. From Hank’s narration of<br />

his discussion with Dr. <strong>Silkworth</strong> in Towns, the little Doc<strong>to</strong>r who loved drunks,<br />

is practicing what he himself preached <strong>to</strong> Bill<br />

“What's that Doc You know a couple of fellows that were steady cus<strong>to</strong>mers here<br />

that haven't been drunk for about ten months* You say they claim they are<br />

cured And they make an avocation of passing it on <strong>to</strong> others What have they<br />

got You don't know . . . and you don't believe they are cured . . . well why tell<br />

me about it A fine fellow you say, plenty of money, and you're sure it isn't a<br />

racket . . . just wants <strong>to</strong> be helpful . . . call him up for me will you, Doc” 21<br />

So Hank, with the help of Dr. <strong>Silkworth</strong>, begins the journey, that first step.<br />

“What was it he said Oh yes, came in and <strong>to</strong>ld about his terrific drunks, his trips<br />

up here, this same thing I'm going through. Yes, he's an alcoholic all right. And<br />

then he <strong>to</strong>ld me he knew he was cured. Told me he was peaceful . . . (I'll never<br />

know peace again) . . . that he didn't carry constant fear around with him. Happy<br />

because he felt free. But it's screwy. He said so himself. But he did get my<br />

confidence when he started <strong>to</strong> tell what he had gone through. It was so exactly<br />

like my case. He knows what this <strong>to</strong>rture is. He raised my hopes so high; it<br />

looked as though he had something. “I don't know, I guess I was so sold that I<br />

expected him <strong>to</strong> spring some kind of a pill and I asked him desperately what it<br />

was.” 22<br />

Just ten months before Bill had asked Ebby the same question that Hank is<br />

now asking…“what ‘it’ was” Once confronted with truth, before our very own<br />

eyes in the form of another recovered soul, we must have the answer.<br />

Ebby’s reply <strong>to</strong> Bill was:<br />

Simply, but smilingly, he said, "I've got religion." 23

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