1995-96 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany

1995-96 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 1995-96 - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany


BSIP Programme 9.2 Objective A catalogue of fossil dinoflagellates from India Morphological re-interpretation and documentation olpublished data To identifY latest taxonomic statls To comment on stratigraphic distribution Stratigraphic distribution of dinoflagellate cyst taxa reported from the Jurassic scdimcntary sequences of India are compiled and compared with the respective global ranges to identify index dinoflagellate cyst taxa for future biostratigraphic rcscarches. K.P. Jain, Rahul Garg & KJlOwaja-AteequzanU11an Programme 9.6 Patterns of leaf architecture and cuticle in some tropical dicotyledonous families Objective To study leal architecture and cuticle of some tropical angiospermous families Magnoliaceae, Anonaceae, Dilleniaceae, Combretaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Fabaceae Leaves ofMesuajerrea Linn. subsp.pulchella Vesque var. coromandeliana (Wt.) Mahcshwari and Mesuaferrea Linn. subsp. thwaitesii Vesque were collected and identified. Herbarium sheets of these leaf specimens were prepared. Duplicate specimens of above A dil:ot Hower from Mahuadanr Valley, Palarnu, Bihar. 124

1995-96 species were treated with chemicaJs and prepared slides of cuticle and mounts of leaf venation pattern. Atlas of leaf print was aJso prepared. The morphology of leaves and venation patterns were described alongwith tl,eir cuticular features. It has been observed that the leaf architectural pattern and cuticular features are constant within a species. It is therefore clear that these features furnish useful taxonomic characters in the family Clusiaceae. D.C. Saini Programme 9.9 Objective Programme 9.10 Objective Cenozoic plant remains of Palamu, Bihar Tostudy morphotaxonomy of megafossils from the Neogene sediments ofMahuadanr Valley To reconstmct vegetational history, palaeoecology, phytogeography and depositional environment The specimens collected from Mahuadanr, Palamu were sorted out. Photodocumentation was done. Impressions of leaves of Adina cordifolia, Casearia tomentosa, Cyclostemon assamicus, Ficus microcarpa and Hiptage bengalensis have been identified. Manuscript on the study is under preparation. Besides the fossil plants from Mahuadanr, Palamu, Bihar fossil resins (Amber) were also collected. G.P. Srivastava SiwaJik flora of West Bengal To study the plant megafossils from the Siwalik sediments exposed in various localities of Darjeeling District To build up the floristics for interpreting palaeoecology, phytogeography and evolutionary pal/erns of the Himalayan flora The leaf-impressions. collected from Ghish River, Lish River and Sevoke Road cutting sections in the Himalayan foot-hills of Darjeeling District, were studied and identified with the extant taxa-Polyalthium simiarum (Anonoceae), Shorea buchananii and Dipterocarpus macrocarpus (Dipterocarpaceae), Phyllanthus hirsutum (Euphorbiaceae) Swintonia floribunda (Anacardiaceae), Pterospermum semi-sagittatum (Sterculiaceae), Clinogyne dichotoma SaJisb. (Marantaceae) and Millettia pachycarpa (Fabaceae). On the basis of study four papers were finalised. The presence of these elements in the area indicates the prevalence of tropicaJ climate with excessive rainfall during scdinlentation as well as exchange of floral elements between India and Malaya Peninsula. J.S. Antal Programme 9.12 Objective SEM studies on the pollen morphology of arborescent monocots of India with special reference to palms Comparison of pollen of living andfossil palm pollen recovered in Tertiary sediments Survey of pollen flora of arborescent south India monocots of Western coast, 125

<strong>1995</strong>-<strong>96</strong><br />

species were treated with chemicaJs and prepared slides <strong>of</strong> cuticle and mounts <strong>of</strong> leaf venation<br />

pattern. Atlas <strong>of</strong> leaf print was aJso prepared.<br />

The morphology <strong>of</strong> leaves and venation patterns were described alongwith tl,eir<br />

cuticular features. It has been observed that the leaf architectural pattern and cuticular<br />

features are constant within a species. It is therefore clear that these features furnish useful<br />

taxonomic characters in the family Clusiaceae.<br />

D.C. Saini<br />

Programme 9.9<br />

Objective<br />

Programme 9.10<br />

Objective<br />

Cenozoic plant remains <strong>of</strong> Palamu, Bihar<br />

Tostudy morphotaxonomy <strong>of</strong> megafossils from the Neogene sediments<br />

<strong>of</strong>Mahuadanr Valley<br />

To reconstmct vegetational history, palaeoecology, phytogeography<br />

and depositional environment<br />

The specimens collected from Mahuadanr, Palamu were sorted out.<br />

Photodocumentation was done. Impressions <strong>of</strong> leaves <strong>of</strong> Adina cordifolia, Casearia<br />

tomentosa, Cyclostemon assamicus, Ficus microcarpa and Hiptage bengalensis have<br />

been identified. Manuscript on the study is under preparation. Besides the fossil plants from<br />

Mahuadanr, Palamu, Bihar fossil resins (Amber) were also collected.<br />

G.P. Srivastava<br />

SiwaJik flora <strong>of</strong> West Bengal<br />

To study the plant megafossils from the Siwalik sediments exposed<br />

in various localities <strong>of</strong> Darjeeling District<br />

To build up the floristics for interpreting palaeoecology,<br />

phytogeography and evolutionary pal/erns <strong>of</strong> the Himalayan<br />

flora<br />

The leaf-impressions. collected from Ghish River, Lish River and Sevoke Road<br />

cutting sections in the Himalayan foot-hills <strong>of</strong> Darjeeling District, were studied and identified<br />

with the extant taxa-Polyalthium simiarum (Anonoceae), Shorea buchananii and<br />

Dipterocarpus macrocarpus (Dipterocarpaceae), Phyllanthus hirsutum (Euphorbiaceae)<br />

Swintonia floribunda (Anacardiaceae), Pterospermum semi-sagittatum (Sterculiaceae),<br />

Clinogyne dichotoma SaJisb. (Marantaceae) and Millettia pachycarpa (Fabaceae). On the<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> study four papers were finalised. The presence <strong>of</strong> these elements in the area indicates<br />

the prevalence <strong>of</strong> tropicaJ climate with excessive rainfall during scdinlentation as well<br />

as exchange <strong>of</strong> floral elements between India and Malaya Peninsula.<br />

J.S. Antal<br />

Programme 9.12<br />

Objective<br />

SEM studies on the pollen morphology <strong>of</strong> arborescent<br />

monocots <strong>of</strong> India with special reference to palms<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> pollen <strong>of</strong> living andfossil palm pollen recovered<br />

in Tertiary sediments<br />

Survey <strong>of</strong> pollen flora <strong>of</strong> arborescent<br />

south India<br />

monocots <strong>of</strong> Western coast,<br />


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