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AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library User Guide

AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library<br />

User Guide

AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Last Revised 03 April 03<br />

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AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />


1. ADFINX ADXMODULE CONTROL .............................................................................10<br />

1.1. ADXMODULE PROPERTIES..................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 10<br />

1.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.2. ADXMODULE METHODS.......................................................................................................... 11<br />

1.2.1. AdDepToFra............................................................................................................................ 11<br />

1.2.2. AdDepToFraBA....................................................................................................................... 12<br />

1.2.3. AdFormat................................................................................................................................. 12<br />

1.2.4. AdHistoryUpdate ..................................................................................................................... 13<br />

1.2.5. AdHistoryValue ....................................................................................................................... 13<br />

1.2.6. AdInterp................................................................................................................................... 13<br />

1.2.7. AdParse................................................................................................................................... 14<br />

1.2.8. AdRateConv............................................................................................................................ 14<br />

1.2.9. AdRound ................................................................................................................................. 15<br />

1.2.10. AdZcToFraBA...................................................................................................................... 15<br />

1.2.11. DfAddMonths....................................................................................................................... 16<br />

1.2.12. DfAddPeriod ........................................................................................................................ 16<br />

1.2.13. DfAddYears ......................................................................................................................... 17<br />

1.2.14. DfAddWD............................................................................................................................. 17<br />

1.2.15. DfAdjustToWD..................................................................................................................... 18<br />

1.2.16. DfCountDays ....................................................................................................................... 18<br />

1.2.17. DfCountNonWD................................................................................................................... 19<br />

1.2.18. DfCountWD.......................................................................................................................... 19<br />

1.2.19. DfCountYears ...................................................................................................................... 19<br />

1.2.20. DfFindDateD........................................................................................................................ 20<br />

1.2.21. DfFindDateM ....................................................................................................................... 20<br />

1.2.22. DfFormatDate ...................................................................................................................... 21<br />

1.2.23. DfIDNDate ........................................................................................................................... 21<br />

1.2.24. DfIsWD ................................................................................................................................ 21<br />

1.2.25. DfLastWD ............................................................................................................................ 22<br />

1.2.26. DfListHolidays...................................................................................................................... 22<br />

1.2.27. AdDefAttribute ..................................................................................................................... 22<br />

1.2.28. AdDefSet ............................................................................................................................. 23<br />

1.2.29. AdDefStructure .................................................................................................................... 23<br />

1.2.30. AdReadParam .....................................................................................................................23<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

1.2.31. AdStyleAttribute................................................................................................................... 24<br />

1.2.32. AdStyleDelete...................................................................................................................... 24<br />

1.2.33. AdStyleName....................................................................................................................... 24<br />

1.2.34. AdStyleSet........................................................................................................................... 25<br />

1.2.35. AdStyleStructure.................................................................................................................. 25<br />

1.2.36. AdWriteParam ..................................................................................................................... 26<br />

1.2.37. DisplayDefaults.................................................................................................................... 26<br />

1.2.38. DisplayStyles ....................................................................................................................... 26<br />

1.2.39. MaxDate .............................................................................................................................. 27<br />

1.2.40. MinDate ............................................................................................................................... 27<br />

1.2.41. NormalC............................................................................................................................... 27<br />

1.2.42. NormalS............................................................................................................................... 28<br />

1.2.43. SetReferenceDates ............................................................................................................. 28<br />

2. ADFINX ADXBONDMODULE CONTROL...................................................................29<br />

2.1. ADXBONDMODULE PROPERTIES .......................................................................................... 29<br />

2.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 29<br />

2.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 29<br />

2.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 29<br />

2.2. ADXBONDMODULE METHODS................................................................................................ 30<br />

2.2.1. Accrued ................................................................................................................................... 30<br />

2.2.2. AdBondDeriv ........................................................................................................................... 30<br />

2.2.3. AdBondPrice ........................................................................................................................... 31<br />

2.2.4. AdBondSpread........................................................................................................................ 32<br />

2.2.5. AdBondYield ........................................................................................................................... 33<br />

2.2.6. BdCalcCpn .............................................................................................................................. 34<br />

2.2.7. BdCashFlows .......................................................................................................................... 34<br />

2.2.8. BdConvFactor ......................................................................................................................... 35<br />

2.2.9. BdCpnCrv................................................................................................................................ 35<br />

2.2.10. BdCpnValue ........................................................................................................................ 36<br />

2.2.11. BdIrsStructure...................................................................................................................... 36<br />

2.2.12. BdPvbpCrv........................................................................................................................... 37<br />

2.2.13. BdRepo................................................................................................................................ 37<br />

2.2.14. BdSettle ............................................................................................................................... 38<br />

2.2.15. BdSettleLock ....................................................................................................................... 39<br />

2.2.16. CfAvgLife ............................................................................................................................. 39<br />

2.2.17. CfConv................................................................................................................................. 39<br />

2.2.18. CfDur ................................................................................................................................... 40<br />

2.2.19. CfPvbp................................................................................................................................. 40<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

2.2.20. CfPx ..................................................................................................................................... 41<br />

2.2.21. CfPxCrv ............................................................................................................................... 41<br />

2.2.22. CfRepo................................................................................................................................. 41<br />

2.2.23. CfVol .................................................................................................................................... 42<br />

2.2.24. CfYld .................................................................................................................................... 43<br />

2.2.25. CpnNext............................................................................................................................... 43<br />

2.2.26. CpnNumber ......................................................................................................................... 44<br />

2.2.27. CpnPrev............................................................................................................................... 44<br />

2.2.28. IlbCalcCpn ........................................................................................................................... 44<br />

2.2.29. IlbCashFlows ....................................................................................................................... 45<br />

2.2.30. IlbPx..................................................................................................................................... 46<br />

2.2.31. IlbYld.................................................................................................................................... 47<br />

3. ADFINX ADXCONVBONDMODULE CONTROL ........................................................48<br />

3.1. ADXCONVBONDMODULE PROPERTIES................................................................................ 48<br />

3.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 48<br />

3.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 48<br />

3.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 49<br />

3.2. ADXCONVBONDMODULE METHODS ..................................................................................... 49<br />

3.2.1. AdConvBdDeriv....................................................................................................................... 49<br />

3.2.2. AdConvCalcCpn...................................................................................................................... 50<br />

3.2.3. AdConvCashFlows.................................................................................................................. 50<br />

3.2.4. AdConvImpliedVol................................................................................................................... 51<br />

3.2.5. AdConvOpDeriv ...................................................................................................................... 51<br />

3.2.6. AdConvPrice ........................................................................................................................... 52<br />

3.2.7. AdConvRatios ......................................................................................................................... 53<br />

3.2.8. AdConvYield ........................................................................................................................... 53<br />

4. ADFINX ADXCREDITMODULE CONTROL ................................................................54<br />

4.1. ADXCREDITMODULE PROPERTIES ....................................................................................... 54<br />

4.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 54<br />

4.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 54<br />

4.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 54<br />

4.2. ADXCREDITMODULE METHODS............................................................................................. 55<br />

4.2.1. AdCdsNpv ............................................................................................................................... 55<br />

4.2.2. AdCdsSpread.......................................................................................................................... 56<br />

4.2.3. AdFxCdsNpv ........................................................................................................................... 57<br />

4.2.4. AdFxCdsSpread...................................................................................................................... 57<br />

4.2.5. AdCreditStructure.................................................................................................................... 58<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

4.2.6. AdCreditZcCurve..................................................................................................................... 59<br />

4.2.7. AdDefaultProba....................................................................................................................... 60<br />

4.2.8. AdJLTCreditStructure.............................................................................................................. 61<br />

5. ADFINX ADXEXOTICMODULE CONTROL ................................................................62<br />

5.1. ADXEXOTICMODULE PROPERTIES ....................................................................................... 62<br />

5.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 62<br />

5.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 62<br />

5.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 63<br />

5.2. ADXEXOTICMODULE METHODS............................................................................................. 63<br />

5.2.1. OpAsianDeriv .......................................................................................................................... 63<br />

5.2.2. OpAsianImpliedVol.................................................................................................................. 64<br />

5.2.3. OpAsianPremium .................................................................................................................... 65<br />

5.2.4. OpBarrierDeriv ........................................................................................................................ 66<br />

5.2.5. OpBarrierImpliedVol................................................................................................................ 67<br />

5.2.6. OpBarrierPremium .................................................................................................................. 67<br />

5.2.7. OpBasketDeriv ........................................................................................................................ 68<br />

5.2.8. OpBasketPremium .................................................................................................................. 69<br />

5.2.9. OpBinaryDeriv......................................................................................................................... 69<br />

5.2.10. OpBinaryImpliedVol............................................................................................................. 70<br />

5.2.11. OpBinaryPremium ............................................................................................................... 71<br />

5.2.12. OpChooserDeriv..................................................................................................................72<br />

5.2.13. OpChooserImpliedVol ......................................................................................................... 73<br />

5.2.14. OpChooserPremium............................................................................................................ 73<br />

5.2.15. OpCliquetDeriv .................................................................................................................... 74<br />

5.2.16. OpCliquetImpliedVol............................................................................................................ 75<br />

5.2.17. OpCliquetPremium .............................................................................................................. 76<br />

5.2.18. OpCompoundDeriv.............................................................................................................. 76<br />

5.2.19. OpCompoundImpliedVol ..................................................................................................... 77<br />

5.2.20. OpCompoundPremium........................................................................................................ 78<br />

5.2.21. OpDoubleBarrierDeriv ......................................................................................................... 79<br />

5.2.22. OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol................................................................................................. 80<br />

5.2.23. OpDoubleBarrierPremium ................................................................................................... 80<br />

5.2.24. OpExLookbackDeriv............................................................................................................ 81<br />

5.2.25. OpExLookbackImpliedVol ................................................................................................... 82<br />

5.2.26. OpExLookbackPremium...................................................................................................... 83<br />

5.2.27. OpFxLinkedDeriv.................................................................................................................83<br />

5.2.28. OpFxLinkedImpliedVol ........................................................................................................ 85<br />

5.2.29. OpFxLinkedPremium........................................................................................................... 86<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.2.30. OpPowerDeriv ..................................................................................................................... 86<br />

5.2.31. OpPowerImpliedVol............................................................................................................. 87<br />

5.2.32. OpPowerPremium ............................................................................................................... 88<br />

5.2.33. OpRainbowDeriv ................................................................................................................. 89<br />

5.2.34. OpRainbowPremium ........................................................................................................... 90<br />

6. ADFINX ADXFOREXMODULE CONTROL .................................................................92<br />

6.1. ADXFOREXMODULE PROPERTIES ........................................................................................ 92<br />

6.1.1. ErrorCode................................................................................................................................ 92<br />

6.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................... 92<br />

6.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................... 92<br />

6.2. ADXFOREXMODULE METHODS.............................................................................................. 93<br />

6.2.1. FxCalcPeriod........................................................................................................................... 93<br />

6.2.2. FxCross................................................................................................................................... 94<br />

6.2.3. FxCrossA................................................................................................................................. 94<br />

6.2.4. FxCrossD ................................................................................................................................ 95<br />

6.2.5. FxDepToSwpD........................................................................................................................ 95<br />

6.2.6. FxDepToSwpP ........................................................................................................................ 96<br />

6.2.7. FxGenCalc .............................................................................................................................. 97<br />

6.2.8. FxGenParse ............................................................................................................................ 98<br />

6.2.9. FxSwpToDepD........................................................................................................................ 98<br />

6.2.10. FxSwpToDepP .................................................................................................................... 99<br />

6.2.11. FxSwpToOut...................................................................................................................... 100<br />

6.2.12. FxSwpToSwp .................................................................................................................... 101<br />

6.2.13. FxSwpToSwpD.................................................................................................................. 101<br />

6.2.14. FxSwpToSwpP .................................................................................................................. 102<br />

7. ADFINX ADXOPTIONMODULE CONTROL..............................................................103<br />

7.1. ADXOPTIONMODULE PROPERTIES..................................................................................... 103<br />

7.1.1. ErrorCode.............................................................................................................................. 103<br />

7.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................. 103<br />

7.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................. 103<br />

7.2. ADXOPTIONMODULE METHODS .......................................................................................... 104<br />

7.2.1. AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets.................................................................................................... 104<br />

7.2.2. AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv........................................................................................................ 105<br />

7.2.3. AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol ............................................................................................... 106<br />

7.2.4. AdBarrierCapFloorPremium.................................................................................................. 107<br />

7.2.5. AdBondOptionDeriv .............................................................................................................. 108<br />

7.2.6. AdBondOptionPremium ........................................................................................................ 109<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

7.2.7. AdCapFloorCaplets............................................................................................................... 109<br />

7.2.8. AdCapFloorDeriv................................................................................................................... 110<br />

7.2.9. AdCapFloorImpliedVol .......................................................................................................... 111<br />

7.2.10. AdCapFloorPremium ......................................................................................................... 112<br />

7.2.11. AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets ................................................................................................. 113<br />

7.2.12. AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv..................................................................................................... 114<br />

7.2.13. AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol............................................................................................. 115<br />

7.2.14. AdDigitalCapFloorPremium............................................................................................... 116<br />

7.2.15. AdSwaptionDeriv ............................................................................................................... 116<br />

7.2.16. AdSwaptionPremium ......................................................................................................... 117<br />

7.2.17. OpCalcDeriv ...................................................................................................................... 118<br />

7.2.18. OpHistVol........................................................................................................................... 119<br />

7.2.19. OpImpliedVol ..................................................................................................................... 120<br />

7.2.20. OpPremium........................................................................................................................ 120<br />

8. ADFINX ADXSWAPMODULE CONTROL.................................................................122<br />

8.1. ADXSWAPMODULE PROPERTIES ........................................................................................ 122<br />

8.1.1. ErrorCode.............................................................................................................................. 122<br />

8.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................. 122<br />

8.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................. 122<br />

8.2. ADXSWAPMODULE METHODS ............................................................................................. 123<br />

8.2.1. FrnCalcCpn ........................................................................................................................... 123<br />

8.2.2. FrnCashFlows ....................................................................................................................... 124<br />

8.2.3. FrnMargin.............................................................................................................................. 125<br />

8.2.4. FrnPx..................................................................................................................................... 125<br />

8.2.5. SwCsCashFlows ................................................................................................................... 126<br />

8.2.6. SwCsPx................................................................................................................................. 127<br />

8.2.7. SwCsSolve............................................................................................................................ 128<br />

8.2.8. SwIrsCashFlows ................................................................................................................... 129<br />

8.2.9. SwIrsCpnDates ..................................................................................................................... 130<br />

8.2.10. SwIrsPvbpCrv.................................................................................................................... 131<br />

8.2.11. SwIrsPx.............................................................................................................................. 132<br />

8.2.12. SwIrsSolve......................................................................................................................... 132<br />

8.2.13. SwSwpExtend ................................................................................................................... 133<br />

9. ADFINX ADXYIELDCURVEMODULE CONTROL ....................................................135<br />

9.1. ADXYIELDCURVEMODULE PROPERTIES............................................................................ 135<br />

9.1.1. ErrorCode.............................................................................................................................. 135<br />

9.1.2. ErrorMode ............................................................................................................................. 135<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

9.1.3. ErrorString............................................................................................................................. 136<br />

9.2. ADXYIELDCURVEMODULE METHODS................................................................................. 136<br />

9.2.1. AdCalibrate............................................................................................................................ 136<br />

9.2.2. AdFutCodes .......................................................................................................................... 138<br />

9.2.3. AdFutDates ........................................................................................................................... 138<br />

9.2.4. AdRate .................................................................................................................................. 138<br />

9.2.5. AdTermStructure................................................................................................................... 139<br />

10. GENERAL IDENTIFIERS...........................................................................................142<br />

10.1. ERRORMODE ...................................................................................................................... 142<br />

10.1.1. AdxErrorMode ................................................................................................................... 142<br />

11. BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY .................................................................................143<br />

11.1. COMPATIBILITY................................................................................................................... 143<br />

11.2. NAMING DIFFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 143<br />

11.3. HOW TO MIGRATE YOUR CODE ..................................................................................... 144<br />

12. TROUBLESHOOTING ...............................................................................................145<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



1.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxModule control retrieves the last error code generated by the<br />

object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim mo as AdxModule : Declares an object of v type AdxModule<br />

Set mo = New AdxModule : Creates an AdxModule object<br />

If mo.ErrorCode 0 Then : mo.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (mo.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

1.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxModule component sets the error mode of the AdxModule.<br />

Three modes are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the<br />

error encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim mo as AdxModule : Declares an object of type AdxModule<br />

Set mo = New AdxModule : Creates an AdxModule object<br />

mo.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : mo.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

1.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxModule retrieves the last error code generated by the<br />

object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim mo as AdxModule : Declares an object of type AdxModule<br />

Set mo = New AdxModule : Creates an AdxModule object<br />

mo.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : mo.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

RES = mo.DfIsWD("EUR", "05-MAR-01", "LAY:V")<br />

: The calendar code is incorrect. The <strong>fun</strong>ction DfIsWD returns<br />

an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(mo.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

mo.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#f000 –<br />

Calendars:Calendar(s) not found.’)<br />


1.2.1. AdDepToFra<br />

AdDepToFra(Date1 As Variant, Date2 As Variant, Date3 as Variant, RateMode As<br />

String, Rate1 As Double, Rate3 As Double) As Double<br />

Calculates a forward rate.<br />

The type of rate used for Rate1, Rate3 and the returned rate must be specified in the RateMode<br />

argument with the either the keyword RATES or all three keywords R1, R2 and R3.<br />

Arguments<br />

Date1 : First date<br />

Date2 : Second date<br />

Date3 : Third date<br />

RateMode : Extended argument defining the type of rates used<br />

Rate1 : Rate applicable for the period from Date1 to Date2<br />

Rate3 : Rate applicable for the period from Date1 to Date3<br />

Return Value<br />

The rate applicable for the period from Date2 to Date3.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

1.2.2. AdDepToFraBA<br />

AdDepToFraBA(Date1 As Variant, Date2 As Variant, Date3 As Variant, RateMode As<br />

String, Rate1BA As Variant, Rate3BA As Variant) As Variant<br />

Calculates forward bid and ask rates.<br />

The type of rate used for Rate1BA, Rate3BA and the returned rates must be specified in the<br />

RateMode argument with either the keyword RATES or all three keywords R1, R2 and R3.<br />

Arguments<br />

Date1 : First date<br />

Date2 : Second date<br />

Date3 : Third date<br />

RateMode : Extended argument defining the type of rates used<br />

Rate1BA : Rates applicable for the period from Date1 to Date2 (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Rate3BA : Rates applicable for the period from Date1 to Date3 (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of RateMode. The default value is a vertical 2-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Rate2B : Bid side of the rate applicable for the period from Date2 to Date3<br />

Rate2A : Ask side of the rate applicable for the period from Date2 to Date3<br />

1.2.3. AdFormat<br />

AdFormat(Data As Variant, BidDecimals As Integer, AskDigits As Integer,<br />

FormatMode As String) As String<br />

Converts a decimal number to a fraction or displays a bid/ask array as a string using the bid/ask<br />

format.<br />

Arguments<br />

Data : Decimal number or array of bid and ask values to format<br />

BidDecimals :<br />

Number of decimals of the fractional component (for fraction formatting) or of<br />

the bid side (for bid/ask formatting)<br />

AskDigits : Number of last digits of the ask side (applicable for bid/ask formatting only)<br />

FormatMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The formatted string.<br />

Note<br />

To get a rate in the Ask/Bid format, switch the bid and ask array arguments and set the BACTRL<br />

keyword as desired in FormatMode.<br />

Examples<br />

AdFormat(7.5,0,0,"FD:32") equals the string "7 * 16".<br />

AdFormat(7.5,0,0,"FD:32 FSEP:^-^ FSHOW") equals the string "7 - 16/32".<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AdFormat({1.235,1.264},3,2,"BASEP:-") equals the string "1.235-64".<br />

1.2.4. AdHistoryUpdate<br />

AdHistoryUpdate(IndexName As String, DateArray As Variant, ValueArray As<br />

Variant) As Double<br />

Adds new values to the index history database.<br />

Arguments<br />

IndexName : Index history style name<br />

DateArray : Array of dates<br />

ValueArray : Array of historical values<br />

Return Value<br />

1 if successful.<br />

1.2.5. AdHistoryValue<br />

AdHistoryValue(IndexName As String, StyleMode As String) As Variant<br />

Retrieves the latest historical value available in the database for an index history style.<br />

Arguments<br />

IndexName :<br />

StyleMode :<br />

Index history style name<br />

Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of StyleMode. The default value is a 2-element array<br />

containing:<br />

LatestDate : Date corresponding to the latest historical value available<br />

LatestValue : Value of the index for that date<br />

1.2.6. AdInterp<br />

AdInterp(X As Variant, XArray As Variant, YArray As Variant, InterpMode As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Interpolates a point from a curve according to a linear or cubic spline method.<br />

To define the type of the interpolation, use the IM keyword in InterpMode.<br />

If the calculation date s not within the range of the date array DateArray, the <strong>fun</strong>ction may either<br />

extrapolate or return an error message depending on value of the OBC keyword.<br />

Arguments<br />

X : Calculation date (x j<br />

corresponding to the interpolated y j<br />

)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

XArray : Array of dates (x i<br />

)<br />

YArray : Array of values (y i<br />

= f(x i<br />

))<br />

InterpMode : Extended argument defining the interpolation<br />

Return Value<br />

The value interpolated (y j<br />

).<br />

1.2.7. AdParse<br />

AdParse(DataString As String, ParseMode As String) As Variant<br />

Parses a data string formatted in fraction or bid/ask format.<br />

To define the type of parsing, use the PDF and PDT keywords in ParseMode.<br />

Arguments<br />

DataString : BidAsk string<br />

ParseMode : Extended argument defining the parsing mode<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of ParseMode. The default value is a 2-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Bid : Bid value<br />

Ask : Ask value<br />

1.2.8. AdRateConv<br />

AdRateConv(StartDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant, RateMode As String, Rate<br />

As Double) As Double<br />

Converts a rate from one type to another.<br />

The type of rate used for Rate and the returned rate must be specified in the RateMode argument<br />

with the keywords FROM and TO.<br />

Arguments<br />

StartDate : Start date of the period<br />

EndDate : End date of the period<br />

RateMode : Extended argument defining the type of the conversion<br />

Rate : Rate to be converted<br />

Return Value<br />

The converted rate.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

1.2.9. AdRound<br />

AdRound(Value As Double, Tick As Double, RoundMode As String) As Double<br />

Rounds a number to the nearest tick.<br />

Arguments<br />

Value : Number to be rounded<br />

Tick : Rounding tick<br />

RoundMode : Extended argument defining the type of the rounding.<br />

Return Value<br />

The rounded number.<br />

Note<br />

By default the <strong>fun</strong>ction rounds the number to the nearest possible value, but it is also possible to round<br />

the number down or up using respectively the keyword DOWN or UP in RoundMode.<br />

1.2.10. AdZcToFraBA<br />

AdZcToFraBA(StirFutStructure As String, StartDate As Variant, Period As<br />

String, ZcArray As Variant, YcMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates a FRA bid and ask rates from a zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

To indicate the zero-coupon yield curve type (rates or discount factors), use the ZCTYPE keyword in<br />

YcMode.<br />

Arguments<br />

StirFutStructure : Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract<br />

StartDate : FRA starting date<br />

Period : FRA maturity date (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y")<br />

ZcArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors<br />

YcMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of YcMode. The default value is a vertical 3-element array<br />

containing:<br />

FraBid : FRA bid rate<br />

FraAsk : FRA ask rate<br />

NbDays : Number of days covered by the FRA<br />

Notes<br />

The StirFutStructure argument is included in this <strong>fun</strong>ction to define the calendar and the<br />

year basis used for FRA calculations.<br />

The BWB keyword in YcMode can be used to monitor the spread of the calculated FRA.<br />

"BWB:NO" calculates synthetic prices with a larger spread whereas "BWB:YES" retrieves market<br />

prices which is needed for instance for IMM FRAs.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

The NFVP and PFVP keywords in YcMode can be used to customize how broken FRAs are<br />

calculated. The standard method consists in interpolating the FRA rate from the 2 bounding fixing<br />

rates but it is possible to apply the previous fixing for some days after the fixing date (PFVP) and/or<br />

the next fixing for some days before the fixing date (NFVP).<br />

1.2.11. DfAddMonths<br />

DfAddMonths(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, NbMonths As Integer,<br />

DfMode As String) As Variant<br />

Adds a number of months to a date.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

NbMonths : Number of months<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

Returns the date computed by adding NbMonths to CalcDate.<br />

Note<br />

If the computed date falls on a non-working day, the date moving convention specified in DfMode<br />

with the keyword DMC (or the default value if not specified) applies. If CalcDate falls on the last<br />

working day of the month, the return date may also vary depending on the end-of-month convention<br />

defined as default or specified in DfMode with the keyword EMC.<br />

1.2.12. DfAddPeriod<br />

DfAddPeriod(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, Period As String, DfMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Adds a period (number of calendar days, working days, weeks, months or years) to a date.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Period : Period code {iD, iM, iW, iWD, iY, with i as integer}<br />

iD i calendar days<br />

iM i months<br />

iW i weeks<br />

iWD i working days (from -366 to 366)<br />

iY i years<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of DfMode. The default value is a vertical 2-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

ComputedDate : Date computed by adding Period to CalcDate.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

If this date falls on a non-working day, the date moving convention<br />

specified in DfMode with the keyword DMC (or the default value if<br />

not specified) applies.<br />

If CalcDate falls on the last working day of the month, the computed<br />

date may also vary depending on the end-of-month convention defined<br />

as default or specified in DfMode with the keyword EMC.<br />

Adjustement : String indicated why CalcDate was adjusted if applicable.<br />

Notes<br />

It is possible to combine two period calculations within the same Period argument (e.g. iYjM<br />

for adding i years and j months to CalcDate).<br />

When Period stands for a given number of working days (iWD), DfAddPeriod is equivalent to<br />

DfAddWD.<br />

When Period stands for a given number of months (iM), DfAddPeriod is equivalent to<br />

DfAddMonths.<br />

When Period stands for a given number of years (iY), DfAddPeriod is equivalent to<br />

DfAddYears.<br />

1.2.13. DfAddYears<br />

DfAddYears(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, NbYears As Integer, DfMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Adds a number of years to a date.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

NbYears : Number of years<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The date computed by adding NbYears to CalcDate.<br />

Note<br />

If the computed date falls on a non-working day, the date moving convention specified in DfMode<br />

with the keyword DMC (or the default value if not specified) applies. If CalcDate falls on the last<br />

working day of the month, the return date may also vary depending on the end-of-month convention<br />

defined as default or specified in DfMode with the keyword EMC.<br />

1.2.14. DfAddWD<br />

DfAddWD(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, NbDays As Integer, DfMode As<br />

String) As Long<br />

Adds a number of working days to a date.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

NbDays : Number of working days (from -366 to 366)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The NbDays-th working day following CalcDate is first calculated independently for all listed<br />

calendars. The greatest of the computed dates is returned if it is a working day for all calendars.<br />

Otherwise, the next working day common to all listed calendars is returned.<br />

Note<br />

When NbDays equals 0, DfAddWD is equivalent to DfAdjustToWD with the argument Direction<br />

= 1.<br />

1.2.15. DfAdjustToWD<br />

DfAdjustToWD(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, AdjMode As Integer,<br />

DfMode as String) As Long<br />

Adjusts a holiday date to the previous or next working day.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

AdjMode : Adjustment mode {0, 1, -1}<br />

0 for adjusting the date according to the date moving convention specified in DfMode<br />

with the keyword DMC<br />

1 for adjusting the date to the next day<br />

-1 for adjusting the date to the previous day<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The same date if it is a working day, otherwise the previous ("DMC:P") or the next ("DMC:F") working<br />

day common to all listed calendars.<br />

1.2.16. DfCountDays<br />

DfCountDays(StartDate As Variant, EndDate as Variant, DfMode As String) As<br />

Long<br />

Calculates the number of days between two dates according to the day count basis specified in<br />

DfMode with the keyword DCB.<br />

Arguments<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The number of days calculated according to the chosen basis.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Note<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction will return the same number of days as in a normal year (365,366) except for "DCB:00"<br />

and "DCB:E0".<br />

1.2.17. DfCountNonWD<br />

DfCountNonWD(Calendars As String, StartDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant,<br />

DfMode As String) As Long<br />

Calculates the number of non-working days between two dates.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

DfMode : # not currently used - leave blank #<br />

Return Value<br />

The number of non-working days in any of the listed calendars between StartDate and EndDate.<br />

Only the end date is counted if it is a non-working day. The start date is not taken into account.<br />

1.2.18. DfCountWD<br />

DfCountWD(Calendars As String, StartDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant,<br />

DfMode As String)As Long<br />

Calculates the number of working days between two dates.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

DfMode : # not currently used - leave blank #<br />

Return Value<br />

The number of working days common to all listed calendars between StartDate and EndDate.<br />

Only the end date is counted if it is a working day. The start date is not taken into account.<br />

1.2.19. DfCountYears<br />

DfCountYears(StartDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant, DfMode As String) As<br />

Double<br />

Calculates the number of years between two dates according to the day count basis specified in<br />

DfMode with the keyword DCB.<br />

Arguments<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The number of years calculated according to the chosen basis.<br />

1.2.20. DfFindDateD<br />

DfFindDateD(Number As Integer, Day As String, Direction As String, RefDate As<br />

Variant) As Long<br />

Finds a date from a rule based on a reference date.<br />

Arguments<br />

Number : Integer representing the number of days or given day of the week<br />

Day : String representing the day {Day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,<br />

Friday, Saturday, Sunday}<br />

Direction : String representing the direction {Of, Before, After}<br />

RefDate : Reference date<br />

Return Value<br />

The calculated date.<br />

Note<br />

The string arguments (Day and Direction) are not case sensitive and can be limited to the first<br />

three characters when applicable.<br />

1.2.21. DfFindDateM<br />

DfFindDateM(Number As Integer, Day As String, Direction As String, Month As<br />

String, Year As Integer) As Long<br />

Finds a date from a rule based on a reference month.<br />

Arguments<br />

Number : Integer representing the number of days or given day of the week<br />

Day : String representing the day {Day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,<br />

Friday, Saturday, Sunday}<br />

Direction : String representing the direction {Of, Before, After}<br />

Month : String representing the month {January, February, March, April, May, June,<br />

July, August, September, October, November, December, Easter}<br />

Year : Year<br />

Return Value<br />

The calculated date.<br />

Note<br />

The string arguments (Day, Direction and RefMonth) are not case sensitive and can be limited to<br />

the first three characters when applicable.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

1.2.22. DfFormatDate<br />

DfFormatDate(CalcDate As Variant) As String<br />

Converts a date specified as a serial number to the string format "DDMMMYY".<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate :<br />

Calculation date<br />

Return Value<br />

The corresponding string.<br />

Note<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction may be useful to convert dates that have to be included as strings in AdfinX extended<br />

arguments.<br />

1.2.23. DfIDNDate<br />

DfIDNDate(DateStr As String) As Long<br />

Converts a date specified in the string format "DD MMM YY" or "DD MMM YYYY" to a serial<br />

number, whatever the date settings of both the operating system and the client application are.<br />

Arguments<br />

DateStr : Date-formatted string ("DD MMM YY" or "DD MMM YYYY")<br />

Return Value<br />

The corresponding serial number.<br />

Note<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction may be useful to avoid that a date retrieved from a real-time data feed is misinterpreted<br />

by the client application.<br />

1.2.24. DfIsWD<br />

DfIsWD(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, DfMode As String) As Variant<br />

Indicates whether a date is a working day or not.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of DfMode. The default value is a 2-cell vertical array<br />

containing:<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Status : A Boolean (TRUE | FALSE) set to FALSE if CalcDate is found in any of the listed<br />

calendars<br />

Calendar : String of calendar codes for which CalcDate is a non-working day.<br />

When this array <strong>fun</strong>ction is used as a standard <strong>fun</strong>ction, just the first element is returned. To get the<br />

second element use "RET:2" as DfMode.<br />

1.2.25. DfLastWD<br />

DfLastWD(Calendars As String, CalcDate As Variant, DfMode As String) As Long<br />

Calculates the last working day of a month.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

DfMode : # not currently used - leave blank #<br />

Return Value<br />

The last working day in the month of CalcDate common to all listed calendars.<br />

1.2.26. DfListHolidays<br />

DfListHolidays(Calendars As String, StartDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant,<br />

DfMode As String) As Variant<br />

Lists one or several calendar holidays between two dates.<br />

Arguments<br />

Calendars : String of calendar codes (example : "FRA,UKG")<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

DfMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of DfMode. The default value is a vertical array containing<br />

holidays between StartDate and EndDate for all listed calendars.<br />

When this array <strong>fun</strong>ction is used as a standard <strong>fun</strong>ction, just the first element is returned. To get the<br />

second element use "RET:2" as DfMode.<br />

It is also possible to get both holiday names and dates using for instance "RET:B10" as DfMode.<br />

1.2.27. AdDefAttribute<br />

AdDefAttribute(DefCategory As String, DefAttribute As String) As String<br />

Returns the value of a default setting.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

DefCategory : String argument defining the default settings category<br />

DefAttribute : Keyword of DefStructure corresponding to the default setting<br />

Return Value<br />

The value of the default setting.<br />

1.2.28. AdDefSet<br />

AdDefSet(DefCategory As String, DefStructure As String)<br />

Sets one or several default settings belonging to a same default setting category.<br />

The default settings category or nature is defined in the argument DefCategory. Hence, all settings<br />

grouped together in the DefStructure argument must belong to the same category.<br />

Arguments<br />

DefCategory : String argument defining the default settings category<br />

DefStructure : Extended argument defining the default settings<br />

1.2.29. AdDefStructure<br />

AdDefStructure(DefCategory As String) As String<br />

Returns all default settings for a default setting category.<br />

Arguments<br />

DefCategory : String argument defining the default settings category<br />

Return Value<br />

The DefStructure string corresponding to the default settings of the category.<br />

1.2.30. AdReadParam<br />

AdReadParam(Section As String, Entry As String) As String<br />

Reads information from the Adfin data file m_excel.dat.<br />

Arguments<br />

Section : Section name<br />

Entry : Entry name<br />

Return Value<br />

The value assigned to Entry from the section [Section] of the file m_excel.dat.<br />

Note<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction may be useful to initialize a parameter with a value previously saved with the <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

AdWriteParam.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

1.2.31. AdStyleAttribute<br />

AdStyleAttribute(StyleTable As String, StyleCode As String, StyleAttribute As<br />

String) As Variant<br />

The AdStyleAttribute method of the AdxModule control returns the value of a style attribute.<br />

Arguments<br />

StyleTable : String argument defining the style table<br />

StyleCode : Style Code<br />

StyleAttribute : Keyword corresponding to the style Attribute<br />

Return value<br />

The value of the style attribute.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.AdStyleAttribute(“BOND”,”GILT”,”ACC”) :<br />

Returns the value for the accrued interest attribute<br />

1.2.32. AdStyleDelete<br />

AdStyleDelete(StyleTable As String, StyleCode As String) As Boolean<br />

The AdStyleDelete method of the AdxModule deletes an existing style from a style table.<br />

Arguments<br />

StyleTable : String argument defining the style table<br />

StyleCode : Style Code<br />

Return value<br />

True or False depending on the success of the operation.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.AdStyleDelete(“BOND”,”OAT”) :<br />

Delete the style “OAT” from the style table bond<br />

1.2.33. AdStyleName<br />

AdStyleName(StyleTable As String, StyleCode As String) As String<br />

Returns the name of a style.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

StyleTable : String argument defining the style table<br />

StyleCode : Style code<br />

Return Value<br />

The name of the style.<br />

1.2.34. AdStyleSet<br />

AdStyleSet(StyleTable As String, StyleCode As String, StyleName As String,<br />

StyleStructure As String, StyleMode As String) As Boolean<br />

The AdStyleSet method of the AdxModule creates or modifies a style in a style table.<br />

Arguments<br />

StyleTable : String argument defining the style table<br />

StyleCode : Style Code<br />

StyleName : Style Name<br />

StyleStructure : Style Structure<br />

StyleMode : Extended argument defining the operation<br />

Return value<br />

True if successful otherwise False.<br />

Note<br />

You can use the IndexHistoryStructure as StyleStructure argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.AdStyleSet(“BOND”,”GILT”,” UK Treasury Bonds”,“ACC:AA CM:AA<br />


Sets the style GILT in the style table BOND<br />

1.2.35. AdStyleStructure<br />

AdStyleStructure(StyleTable As String, StyleCode As String) As String<br />

The AdStyleStructure method of the AdxModule returns the structure of a style.<br />

Arguments<br />

StyleTable : String argument defining the style table<br />

StyleCode : Style Name<br />

Return value<br />

The structure of the style.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.AdStyleStructure(“BOND”,”OAT”) :<br />

Returns the structure of the OAT<br />

1.2.36. AdWriteParam<br />

AdWriteParam(Section As String, Entry As String, Value As String)<br />

Writes information into the Adfin data file m_excel.dat.<br />

Arguments<br />

Section : Section name<br />

Entry : Entry name<br />

Value : Value of entry as a string<br />

Note<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction may be useful to save the value of a parameter. The entry in the m_excel.dat can be<br />

retrieved using the AdReadParam <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

1.2.37. DisplayDefaults<br />

DisplayDefaults()<br />

The DisplayDefaults method of the AdxModule control displays the default dialog box.<br />

Arguments<br />

This method takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlgDefault as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlgDefault = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

dlgDefault.DisplayDefaults : Display the default dialog box<br />

1.2.38. DisplayStyles<br />

DisplayStyles()<br />

The DisplayStyles method of the AdxModule control displays the style dialog box.<br />

Arguments<br />

This method takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

dlg.DisplayStyles : Display the styles dialog box<br />

1.2.39. MaxDate<br />

MaxDate() As Long<br />

The MaxDate method of the AdxModule control returns the maximum date value set.<br />

Arguments<br />

This method takes no argument.<br />

Return Value<br />

A Long value, containing the maximum date.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.MaxDate : Get the Max date<br />

1.2.40. MinDate<br />

MinDate() As Long<br />

The MinDate method of the AdxModule control returns the minimum date value set.<br />

Arguments<br />

This method takes no argument.<br />

Return Value<br />

A Long value, containing the minimum date.<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

MsgBox dlg.MinDate : Get the Min date<br />

1.2.41. NormalC<br />

NormalC(Number As Double) As Double<br />

Calculates y=f(x) using a cumulative normal distribution.<br />

Arguments<br />

Number : x value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

N ( x) = N( t)<br />

dt<br />

c<br />

x<br />

∫<br />

−∞<br />

1.2.42. NormalS<br />

NormalS(Number As Double) As Double<br />

Calculates y=f(x) using a normal distribution.<br />

Arguments<br />

Number : x value<br />

Return Value<br />

1 ( x−<br />

m)<br />

N( x) = exp[ −<br />

2<br />

2Πν<br />

2ν<br />

2<br />

]<br />

1.2.43. SetReferenceDates<br />

SetReferenceDates(DateOffset As Long, MinDate As Long, MaxDate As Long)<br />

The SetReferenceDates method of the AdxModule control sets the offset (base day), the<br />

minimum date and the maximum date. The default values are 0, 1, 65380, since AdfinX valid dates<br />

must be between 31 st December 1899 (1) and 31 st December 2078 (65380). The date minimum limit<br />

is 1 st January 100 and the maximum limit is 31 st December 3999. The offset is used to increase the<br />

lower range for the dates that can be handled. If an error is incurred whilst calling the <strong>fun</strong>ction then the<br />

reference dates will be reset to the default values. The <strong>fun</strong>ction can be used with MaxDate and<br />

MinDate as shown in the following coding example to obtain the maximum and minimum dates set:<br />

Arguments<br />

DateOffset : New offset (base day)<br />

MinDate : New minimum date<br />

MaxDate : New maximum date<br />

Example<br />

Dim dlg as AdxModule : Declare an object variable of type AdxModule<br />

Set dlg = New AdxModule : Create an AdxModule object<br />

dlg.SetReferenceDates 0, 1, 65380 : Set the reference dates<br />

MsgBox dlg.MinDate : Get the Min date set<br />

MsgBox dlg.MaxDate : Get the Max date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



2.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxBondModule control retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim bd as AdxBondModule : Declares an object of type AdxBondModule<br />

Set bd = New AdxBondModule : Creates an AdxBondModule object<br />

If bd.ErrorCode 0 Then : bd.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (bd.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

2.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxBondModule component sets the error mode. Three modes<br />

are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim bd as AdxBondModule : Declares an object of type AdxBondModule<br />

Set bd = New AdxBondModule : Creates an AdxBondModule object<br />

bd.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : bd.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

2.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxBondModule retrieves the last error code generated by the<br />

object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim bd as AdxBondModule : Declares an object of variable type AdxBondModule<br />

Set bd = New AdxBondModule : Creates an AdxBondModule object<br />

bd.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : bd.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

RES = bd.BdSettle("24-JAN-00", "GLT")<br />

: The style ‘GLT’ does not exist. The <strong>fun</strong>ction BdSettle returns<br />

an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(bd.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

Bd.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#7008 –<br />

SetStructure with an unrecognized keyword.’)<br />


2.2.1. Accrued<br />

Accrued(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the accrued interest using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The accrued interest expressed as a percentage.<br />

2.2.2. AdBondDeriv<br />

AdBondDeriv(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray as Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Coupon As Double, Spread As Double, BondStructure As String,<br />

RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Calculates the derivatives of the bond using a bond structure.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

Depending on the model, this array has several forms:<br />

• a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used<br />

• a 1 dimensional array containing the Vasicek-Fong coefficients if<br />

VF is specified<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword), and the values for the rates if a ZCCurve is used<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is<br />

used<br />

The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the<br />

RateStructure argument.<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

Spread : Spread value expressed in basis points<br />

Depending on the rate model, the spread will be added either to a yield<br />

(RM:YTM), to a yield curve (RM:YC, RM:VF), or will be an option<br />

adjusted spread (RM:BDT).<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 8-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Price : Price of the bond<br />

Option Free Price : Option Free Price of the bond<br />

Volatility : Volatility<br />

PVBP : Price variation per basis point<br />

Duration : Duration<br />

Average Life : Average life<br />

Convexity : Convexity<br />

Yield To Worst/Yield To best date : Yield to worst/yield to best date<br />

The value is the clean or the gross price of the bond depending on the value of the keyword PX in the<br />

BOND default settings. By default, the return value is the clean price.<br />

2.2.3. AdBondPrice<br />

AdBondPrice(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Coupon As Double, Spread As Double, BondStructure As String,<br />

RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Calculates the price of a bond using a bond structure.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

Depending on the model, this array has several forms:<br />

• a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used<br />

• a 1 dimensional array containing the Vasicek-Fongs coefficient if<br />

VF is specified<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword), and the values for the rates if a ZCCurve is used<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is used<br />

The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the<br />

RateStructure argument.<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

Spread : Spread value expressed in basis points<br />

Depending on the rate model, the spread will be added either to a yield<br />

(RM:YTM), to a yield curve (RM:YC, RM:VF), or will be an option<br />

adjusted spread (RM:BDT).<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical array containing:<br />

Price : Price of the bond<br />

Option Free Price : Option Free Price of the bond<br />

The value is the clean or the gross price of the bond depending on the value of the keyword PX in the<br />

BOND default settings. By default, the return value is the gross price.<br />

2.2.4. AdBondSpread<br />

AdBondSpread(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, Price As<br />

Double, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double, BondStructure As String,<br />

RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As<br />

Double<br />

Calculates the spread of the bond using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

Depending on the model, this array has several forms:<br />

• a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used<br />

• a 1 dimensional array containing Vasicek-Fong coefficient if VF is<br />

specified<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (row or column<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword) and the values for the rates if a ZCCurve is used<br />

• a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (row or column<br />

depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY<br />

keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is<br />

used<br />

The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the<br />

RateStructure argument.<br />

Price : Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The spread in basis point.<br />

The return value depends on the value of the RM keyword in the RateStructure.<br />

If the model is YTM and the RateArray is zero, the return value is the yield to maturity or<br />

the yield to worst/yield to best.<br />

If the model is static (i.e. constant yield curve, yield curve, Vasicek-Fong), the return value is the yield<br />

spread incremental return or the yield curve spread depending on the model used. It measures the<br />

spread between the yield of the bond and the benchmark yield calculated from the inputs.<br />

If the model is dynamic (i.e. BDT), the return value is the OAS.<br />

2.2.5. AdBondYield<br />

AdBondYield(SettlementDate As Variant, Price As Double, Maturity As Variant,<br />

Coupon As Double, BondStructure As String, RateStructure As String, AdMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the Yield To Maturity of non optionable bonds. Calculates the yields at call/put dates of<br />

optionable bonds.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Price : (Market) Price of the bond<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the rate model<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 4-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Yield<br />

Option date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Strike price<br />

Yield type<br />

2.2.6. BdCalcCpn<br />

BdCalcCpn(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String, BdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all coupon features in an array using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

BdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of BdMode. The default value is a vertical 6-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

PrevCpnDate : Previous coupon date<br />

NextCpnDate : Next coupon date<br />

ExDivDate : Ex-dividend date<br />

AccruedDays : Number of accrued days calculated according to the accrued basis<br />

AccruedInt : Accrued interest<br />

NextCpnValue : Next coupon value<br />

When this array <strong>fun</strong>ction is used as a standard <strong>fun</strong>ction, only the first element is returned. To return for<br />

instance the second element use "RET:2" as BdMode.<br />

Notes<br />

The ex-dividend date is equal to the next coupon date unless the BondStructure argument<br />

includes an ex-dividend attribute (XD) other than 0.<br />

Most elements calculated with this <strong>fun</strong>ction are calculated separately using other <strong>fun</strong>ctions. The<br />

same conventions apply.<br />

2.2.7. BdCashFlows<br />

BdCashFlows(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String, BdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Generates an array of the remaining cash flows using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

BdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of BdMode. The default value is a vertical 2-column array<br />

containing all remaining cash flow dates and values (interest + principal). To return a 3-dimension<br />

array containing the dates, the interest cash flows and the principal cash flows, use "IAC" as<br />

BdMode.<br />

Note<br />

When the RET keyword is not specified in BdMode, the maximum number of cash flows returned by<br />

the <strong>fun</strong>ction is limited to 24. To return, for example, 30 cash flows for a long term bond, use<br />

"RET:A30".<br />

2.2.8. BdConvFactor<br />

BdConvFactor(BondFutStructure As String, MaturityCode As String, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Coupon As Double, ConvMode As String, BdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the conversion factor of a bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

BondFutStructure : Extended argument defining the bond futures structure<br />

MaturityCode : String defining the maturity of a 3-month futures contract<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

ConvMode : Extended argument defining deliverable bond oddities<br />

BdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of BdMode. The default value is a vertical 3-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

ConvFactor : Conversion factor of the bond<br />

DelivStartDate : Start date of the delivery period<br />

DelivEndDate : End date of the delivery period<br />

Note<br />

You can use more than one character to define the year in the MaturityCode argument. For<br />

example, if the calculation date is February 27 th , 1994, you can differentiate between a June 94<br />

contract ("M4") and a June 2004 contract ("M04" or "M2004") using multiple characters.<br />

2.2.9. BdCpnCrv<br />

BdCpnCrv(CalcDate As Variant, Price As Double, DateArray As Variant, RateArray<br />

As Variant, Maturity As Variant, BondStructure As String, CalcMethod As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the nominal coupon rate from the bond price and a zero-coupon yield curve.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Price : Gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal<br />

DateArray : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

RateArray : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The nominal coupon rate of the bond.<br />

2.2.10. BdCpnValue<br />

BdCpnValue(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the value of the next coupon using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The next coupon value of the bond.<br />

This value is equal to the nominal coupon rate Coupon unless the next coupon is the first one and<br />

the BondStructure argument includes an irregular coupon attribute (ISSUE).<br />

Ex-dividend situations (the purchaser of the bond is not entitled to receive the next coupon during a<br />

period defined by XD) and coupon date offset situations (the purchaser of the bond is entitled to<br />

receive the previous coupon during a period defined by CDO) are ignored for this <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

2.2.11. BdIrsStructure<br />

BdIrsStructure(BondStructure As String) As String<br />

Returns the interest rate swap structure corresponding to a swap in which fixed cash flows match the<br />

bond ones.<br />

Arguments<br />

BondStructure :<br />

Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The equivalent interest rate swap structure for the fixed leg.<br />

Note<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction is dedicated to asset swaps pricing and assumes that the start date of the interest rate<br />

swap is equal to the settlement date of the bond.<br />

2.2.12. BdPvbpCrv<br />

BdPvbpCrv(CalcDate As Variant, Price As Double, DateArray As Variant, RateArray<br />

As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double, BondStructure As String,<br />

CalcMethod As String, BdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the price variation per basis point (PVBP) for each point of a zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Price : Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal<br />

DateArray : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

RateArray : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

BdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns a 2-dimensional array containing the curve dates and the corresponding<br />

sensitivity values.<br />

Notes<br />

The credit spread, i.e. the difference between the yield to maturity and the yield calculated from the<br />

price derived from the yield curve, is by default ignored, but it can be taken into account using the<br />

"SPREAD" keyword in CalcMethod.<br />

The calculation is performed by default with a yield change epsilon equal to 1 basis point (0.01%), but<br />

this value can be changed using the "SHIFT" keyword in CalcMethod.<br />

If the curve is specified with discount factors, the calculated discount factors are converted into rates,<br />

then shifted applying the yield change, and finally converted back to discount factors.<br />

2.2.13. BdRepo<br />

BdRepo(CalcDate As Variant, HorizonDate As Variant, Npv As Double, Fv As<br />

Double, RepoRate As Double, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String, RepoMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value of a repo using a bond<br />

structure.<br />

The expected result must be specified in RepoMode using the RES keyword.<br />

To define how the present value and/or the future value of the bond are expressed (clean price, gross<br />

price, or yield), use the NPV and FV keywords in RepoMode. To define the repo rate type (usually<br />

MMBA0 or MMBA5), use the RR keyword.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments for implied repo rate calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value)<br />

Fv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future<br />

value)<br />

RepoRate : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the implied repo rate, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:IMPRATE".<br />

Arguments for future value calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value)<br />

Fv : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

RepoRate : Repo rate<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the future value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:FV".<br />

Arguments for present value calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

Fv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future<br />

value)<br />

RepoRate : Repo rate<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the present value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:NPV".<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value depending on the value of the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

2.2.14. BdSettle<br />

BdSettle(CalcDate As Variant, BondStructure As String) As Long<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Calculates the settlement date using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The bond settlement date.<br />

2.2.15. BdSettleLock<br />

BdSettleLock(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, BondStructure As String)<br />

As Long<br />

Calculates the settlement date for bonds with lock-out periods using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is the settlement date. If the settlement date, calculated from the SETTLE keyword<br />

in BondStructure, falls within the lock-out period preceding the coupon date (defined by the LOCK<br />

keyword) then the settlement occurs on the next coupon date, adjusted to the next working day if<br />

necessary.<br />

2.2.16. CfAvgLife<br />

CfAvgLife(CalcDate As Variant, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant, CalcMethod As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the average life using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond principal reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond principal reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The average life of the bond.<br />

2.2.17. CfConv<br />

CfConv(CalcDate As Variant, Yield As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant,<br />

CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the convexity using cash flows.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The convexity of the bond.<br />

2.2.18. CfDur<br />

CfDur(CalcDate As Variant, Yield As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant,<br />

CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the duration using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The duration of the bond.<br />

2.2.19. CfPvbp<br />

CfPvbp(CalcDate As Variant, Yield As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant,<br />

CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the price variation per basis point using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The PVBP of the bond.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

2.2.20. CfPx<br />

CfPx(CalcDate As Variant, Yield As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant,<br />

CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the price from yield using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The price of the bond in % of the nominal.<br />

2.2.21. CfPxCrv<br />

CfPxCrv(CalcDate As Variant, DateArray As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant, CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the price from a yield curve using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

DateArray : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

RateArray : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The price of the bond expressed as a percentage of the nominal.<br />

2.2.22. CfRepo<br />

CfRepo(CalcDate As Variant, HorizonDate As Variant, Npv As Double, Fv As<br />

Double, RepoRate As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant, RepoMode As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value of a repo using cash flows.<br />

The expected result must be specified in RepoMode using the RES keyword.<br />

To define how the present value and/or the future value of the bond are expressed (clean price, gross<br />

price, or yield), use the NPV and FV keywords in RepoMode. To define the repo rate type (usually<br />

MMBA0 or MMBA5), use the RR keyword.<br />

Arguments for implied repo rate calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value)<br />

Fv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future<br />

value)<br />

RepoRate : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the implied repo rate, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:IMPRATE".<br />

Arguments for future value calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value)<br />

Fv : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

RepoRate : Repo rate<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the future value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:FV".<br />

Arguments for present value calculation<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

HorizonDate : Horizon date of the repo<br />

Npv : # not used - enter 0 #<br />

Fv : Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage<br />

of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future<br />

value)<br />

RepoRate : Repo rate<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

RepoMode : Extended argument defining the calculation<br />

If calculating the present value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:NPV".<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value depending on the value of the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

2.2.23. CfVol<br />

CfVol(CalcDate As Variant, Yield As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As Variant,<br />

CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the volatility or modified duration using cash flows.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The volatility of the bond.<br />

2.2.24. CfYld<br />

CfYld(CalcDate As Variant, GrossPrice As Double, CfDates As Variant, Cf As<br />

Variant, CalcMethod As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the yield from price using cash flows.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

GrossPrice : Clean price plus accrued interest expressed in the same unit as cash flows<br />

CfDates : Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

Cf : Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement<br />

CalcMethod : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The yield to maturity of the bond.<br />

Note<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction only takes the cash flows into account that still have to occur.<br />

2.2.25. CpnNext<br />

CpnNext(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, BondStructure As String) As<br />

Long<br />

Calculates the date of the next coupon using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The next coupon date of the bond.<br />

If there is a first long coupon (expressed by ISSUE and IC:L1 or IC:L1R), the null-value coupon<br />

is ignored.<br />

Similarly, in ex-dividend situations (the purchaser of the bond is not entitled to receive the next coupon<br />

during a period defined by XD) and situations where there is a coupon date offset (the purchaser of<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

the bond is entitled to receive the previous coupon during a period defined by CDO) the arguments are<br />

ignored for this <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

2.2.26. CpnNumber<br />

CpnNumber(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, BondStructure As String)<br />

As Integer<br />

Calculates the number of coupons until maturity using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The number of coupons until maturity.<br />

If there is a first long coupon (expressed by ISSUE and IC:L1 or IC:L1R), the null-value coupon<br />

is ignored.<br />

Similarly, in ex-dividend situations (the purchaser of the bond is not entitled to receive the next coupon<br />

during a period defined by XD) and situations where there is a coupon date offset (the purchaser of<br />

the bond is entitled to receive the previous coupon during a period defined by CDO) these arguments<br />

are ignored for this <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

2.2.27. CpnPrev<br />

CpnPrev(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, BondStructure As String) As<br />

Long<br />

Calculates the date of the previous coupon using a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

Return Value<br />

The previous coupon date of the bond.<br />

If there is no previous coupon, this <strong>fun</strong>ction returns the issue date of the bond.<br />

2.2.28. IlbCalcCpn<br />

IlbCalcCpn(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

InflationRateArray As Variant, IlbStructure As String, IlbMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Returns all coupon features of an index-linked bond in an array.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

InflationRateArray : Array of anticipated inflation rates<br />

IlbStructure : Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure<br />

IlbMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of IlbMode. The default value is a vertical 7-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

PrevCpnDate : Previous coupon date<br />

NextCpnDate : Next coupon date<br />

ExDivDate : Ex-dividend date<br />

AccruedDays : Number of accrued days calculated according to the accrued basis<br />

AccruedInt : Accrued interest<br />

NextCpnValue : Next coupon value<br />

IndexRatio : Index ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The InflationRateArray argument simulates three kinds of index scenarios:<br />

A single value defines a constant inflation rate during the remaining life of the bond.<br />

A one-dimensional array of inflation rates defines the values of the subsequent inflation rates (if<br />

there are more coupons than rates in the aray, the last rate will be applied to all remaining<br />

coupons).<br />

A two-dimensional array of dates and inflation rates is used to calculate the inflation rate curve.<br />

Linear interpolation is applied to this result to calculate the inflation rates.<br />

All the rates available in the index history style database are used, including future rates. In other<br />

words, it is also possible to simulate an index scenario by adding projected index values to the<br />

database.<br />

2.2.29. IlbCashFlows<br />

IlbCashFlows(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double,<br />

InflationRateArray As Variant, IlbStructure As String, IlbMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of an index-linked bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

InflationRateArray : Array of anticipated inflation rates<br />

IlbStructure : Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure<br />

IlbMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of IlbMode. The default value is a vertical 2-column array<br />

containing all remaining cash flows dates and values (interest + principal).<br />

If the RET keyword is not specified in IlbMode, the maximum number of cash flows returned by the<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ction is limited to 24. To return, for example, 30 cash flows for a long term bond, use "RET:A30".<br />

Note<br />

The InflationRateArray argument simulates three kinds of index scenarios:<br />

A single value defines a constant inflation rate during the remaining life of the bond.<br />

A one-dimensional array of inflation rates defines the values of the subsequent inflation rates (if<br />

there are more coupons than rates in the aray, the last rate will be applied to all remaining<br />

coupons).<br />

A two-dimensional array of dates and inflation rates is used to calculate the inflation rate curve.<br />

Linear interpolation is applied to this result to calculate the inflation rates.<br />

All the rates available in the index history style database are used, including future rates. In other<br />

words, it is also possible to simulate an index scenario by adding projected index values to the<br />

database.<br />

2.2.30. IlbPx<br />

IlbPx(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double, Yield As<br />

Double, InflationRateArray As Variant, IlbStructure As String, IlbMode As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the price on an index-linked bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

Yield : Yield to maturity<br />

InflationRateArray : Array of anticipated inflation rates<br />

IlbStructure : Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure<br />

IlbMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The price of the bond expressed as a percentage of the nominal.<br />

Note<br />

The InflationRateArray argument simulates three kinds of index scenarios:<br />

A single value defines a constant inflation rate during the remaining life of the bond.<br />

A one-dimensional array of inflation rates defines the values of the subsequent inflation rates (if<br />

there are more coupons than rates in the aray, the last rate will be applied to all remaining<br />

coupons).<br />

A two-dimensional array of dates and inflation rates is used to calculate the inflation rate curve.<br />

Linear interpolation is applied to this result to calculate the inflation rates.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

All the rates available in the index history style database are used, including future rates. In other<br />

words, it is also possible to simulate an index scenario by adding projected index values to the<br />

database.<br />

2.2.31. IlbYld<br />

IlbYld(CalcDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As Double, Price As<br />

Double, InflationRateArray As Variant, IlbStructure As String, IlbMode As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the yield of an index-linked bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Nominal coupon rate expressed as a number or a percentage<br />

Price : Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal<br />

InflationRateArray : Array of anticipated inflation rates<br />

IlbStructure : Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure<br />

IlbMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The yield to maturity of the bond.<br />

Note<br />

The InflationRateArray argument simulates three kinds of index scenarios:<br />

A single value defines a constant inflation rate during the remaining life of the bond.<br />

A one-dimensional array of inflation rates defines the values of the subsequent inflation rates (if<br />

there are more coupons than rates in the aray, the last rate will be applied to all remaining<br />

coupons).<br />

A two-dimensional array of dates and inflation rates is used to calculate the inflation rate curve.<br />

Linear interpolation is applied to this result to calculate the inflation rates.<br />

All the rates available in the index history style database are used, including future rates. In other<br />

words, it is also possible to simulate an index scenario by adding projected index values to the<br />

database.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



3.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxConvBondModule control retrieves the last error code<br />

generated by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim cd as AdxConvBondModule : Declares an object of type AdxConvBondModule<br />

Set cd = New AdxConvBondModule : Creates an AdxConvBondModule object<br />

If cd.ErrorCode 0 Then : cd.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox(cd.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

3.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxConvBondModule component sets the error mode. Three<br />

modes are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim cd as AdxConvBondModule : Declares an object of type<br />

AdxConvBondModule<br />

Set cd = New AdxConvBondModule : Creates an AdxConvBondModule object<br />

cd.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : cd.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

3.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxConvBondModule retrieves the last error code generated<br />

by the object with the associated error string.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim cd as AdxConvBondModule : Declares an object of type AdxConvBondModule<br />

Set cd = New AdxConvBondModule : Creates an AdxConvBondModule object<br />

cd.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : cd.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an<br />

error occurs<br />

RES = cd.AdConvCalcCpn("24-APR-01", "25-FEB-01", "0.08",<br />

"CONVSRATIO:05OCT00:01JAN04:1.12", "LAY:V")<br />

: The keyword CONVSRATIO does not exist. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

AdConvCalcCpn returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(cd.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

cd.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#7008 –<br />

SetStructure with an unrecognized keyword.’)<br />


3.2.1. AdConvBdDeriv<br />

=AdConvBdDeriv (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As<br />

Double, RateArray As Variant, Spread As Double, ConvStructure As String,<br />

RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives of the underlying bond in an array from the price of the convertible, using a<br />

conversion structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

RateArray : Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency:<br />

• single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array<br />

• two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions]<br />

array<br />

Spread : Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Price : Price<br />

Volatility : Volatility<br />

PVBP : Price variation per basis point<br />

Duration : Duration<br />

Convexity : Convexity<br />

3.2.2. AdConvCalcCpn<br />

=AdConvCalcCpn (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As<br />

Double, ConvStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all coupon features of a convertible bond in an array using a conversion structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 6-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

PrevCpnDate : Previous coupon date<br />

NextCpnDate : Next coupon date<br />

ExDivDate : Ex-dividend date<br />

AccruedDays : Number of accrued days calculated according to the accrued basis<br />

AccruedInt : Accrued interest<br />

NextCpnValue : Next coupon value<br />

3.2.3. AdConvCashFlows<br />

=AdConvCashFlows (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As<br />

Double, ConvStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of a convertible bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 2-column array<br />

containing all remaining cash flow dates and values (interest + principal).<br />

3.2.4. AdConvImpliedVol<br />

=AdConvImpliedVol (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Price As<br />

Double, Coupon As Double, RateArray As Variant, EquityPrice As Double,<br />

EquityDivArray As Variant, SpotFX As Double, Spread As Double,<br />

ConvStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the volatility implied by the price of a convertible bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Price : Clean or gross price of the convertible bond expressed in the current currency.<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

RateArray : Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency:<br />

• single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array<br />

• two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions]<br />

array<br />

EquityPrice : Spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

EquityDivArray : Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and dividend amounts<br />

SpotFX : Spot rate ofor the cross currency<br />

Spread : Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

Implied Volatility of the convertible bond.<br />

3.2.5. AdConvOpDeriv<br />

=AdConvOpDeriv (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As<br />

Double, RateArray As Variant, EquityPrice As Double, EquityVolatility As<br />

Double, EquityDivArray As Variant, SpotFX As Double, Spread As Double,<br />

ConvStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) As Variant<br />

Returns an array of all derivatives (Delta, Gamma, Rho, Theta, Vega) of the optional part of the bond.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

RateArray : Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency:<br />

• single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array<br />

• two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions]<br />

array<br />

EquityPrice : Spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

EquityVolatility : Volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

EquityDivArray : Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and dividend amounts<br />

SpotFX : Spot rate for the cross currency<br />

Spread : Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The greeks Delta, Gamma, Rho, Theta, and Vega.<br />

3.2.6. AdConvPrice<br />

=AdConvPrice (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Coupon As<br />

Double, RateArray As Variant, EquityPrice As Double, EquityVolatility As<br />

Double, EquityDivArray As Variant, SpotFX As Double, Spread As Double,<br />

ConvStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String,<br />

AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the price of a convertible bond using a conversion structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage<br />

RateArray : Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency:<br />

• single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array<br />

• two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions]<br />

array<br />

EquityPrice : Spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

EquityVolatility : Volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

EquityDivArray : Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and dividend amounts<br />

SpotFX : Spot rate for the cross currency<br />

Spread : Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Values<br />

Theoretical price: the convertible bond price calculated by the model<br />

Equity Premium<br />

Option Premium<br />

Total Premium (Equity Premium + Option Premium)<br />

Break-even period<br />

Straight value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

3.2.7. AdConvRatios<br />

=AdConvRatios (SettlementDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Price As<br />

Double, EquityPrice As Double, SpotFX As Double, ConvStructure As String,<br />

AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the main characteristics of a convertible bond using a conversion structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Price : Clean or gross price of the convertible bond expressed as a percentage of<br />

the nominal<br />

EquityPrice : Spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

SpotFX : Spot rate for the cross currency<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

Conversion value<br />

Market conversion premium<br />

Conversion price<br />

Parity<br />

3.2.8. AdConvYield<br />

=AdConvYield (SettlementDate As Variant, Price As Double, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Coupon As Double, ConvStructure As String, RateStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the yield of the underlying bond from the price of the convertible, using a conversion<br />

structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

Price : Clean or gross price of the convertible bond in current currency<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the convertible bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon rate expressed as a percentage<br />

ConvStructure : Extended argument defining the conversion structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

Return Value<br />

The yield of the underlying bond.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



4.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxCreditModule control retrieves the last error code generated<br />

by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ct as AdxCreditModule : Declares an object of type AdxCreditModule<br />

Set ct = New AdxCreditModule : Creates an AdxCreditModule object<br />

If ct.ErrorCode 0 Then : ct.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (ct.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

4.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxCreditModule component sets the error mode. Three modes<br />

are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ct as AdxCreditModule : Declares an object of type AdxCreditModule<br />

Set ct = New AdxCreditModule : Creates an AdxCreditModule object<br />

ct.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : ct.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

4.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxCreditModule retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ct as AdxCreditModule : Declares an object of type AdxCreditModule<br />

Set ct = New AdxCreditModule : Creates an AdxCreditModule object<br />

ct.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : ct.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

Res = ct.AdCdsNpv("19SEP02", "15SEP02", "5Y", 200, 0.3, [ratea].Value,<br />




: The RateStructure is incorrect. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

AdCdsNpv returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(ct.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

ct.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#7601 –<br />

RateStructure: invalid keyword.’)<br />


4.2.1. AdCdsNpv<br />

AdCdsNpv(SettlementDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Spread As Double, RateArray As Variant, CreditArray As Variant,<br />

CdsStructure As String, CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the net present<br />

value of a credit default swap, using:<br />

the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model<br />

a credit event probability curve<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the credit default swap<br />

Maturity : Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code<br />

Spread : Spread of the credit default swap, expressed as basis points<br />

RateArray : Interest rate model<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CdsStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return value<br />

The return value is the net present value of the credit default swap.<br />

Notes<br />

You can specify CDSTYPE:AMERCDS or CDSTYPE:EURCDS in CdsStructure, to calculate the net<br />

present value of an American or European credit default swap.<br />

CreditArray defines the credit model, using either the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a credit<br />

event probability curve:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />

a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />

4.2.2. AdCdsSpread<br />

AdCdsSpread(SettlementDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Npv As Double, RateArray As Variant, CreditArray As Variant,<br />

CdsStructure As String, CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the spread of a<br />

credit default swap from the net present value, using:<br />

the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model<br />

a credit event probability curve<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the credit default swap<br />

Maturity : Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code<br />

Npv : Net present value of the credit default swap<br />

RateArray : Interest rate model<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CdsStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

Return Value<br />

The spread of the credit default swap, expressed as basis points.<br />

Notes<br />

You can specify CDSTYPE:AMERCDS or CDSTYPE:EURCDS in CdsStructure, to calculate the<br />

spread of an American or European credit default swap.<br />

CreditArray defines the credit model, using either the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a credit<br />

event probability curve:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />


Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />


a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />

4.2.3. AdFxCdsNpv<br />

AdFxCdsNpv(SettlementDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Spread As Double, PaidRate As Double, ReceivedRate As Double,<br />

FxArray As Variant, CreditArray As Variant, CdsStructure As String,<br />

CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As String) As Double<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the net present<br />

value of a Quanto credit default swap, using:<br />

the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model<br />

a credit event probability curve<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the credit default swap<br />

Maturity : Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code<br />

Spread : Spread of the credit default swap, expressed as basis points<br />

PaidRate : Interest rate model of the paid leg<br />

ReceivedRate : Interest rate model of the received leg<br />

FxArray : Array of dates and swap points<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CdsStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

Return value<br />

The return value is the net present value of the Quanto credit default swap.<br />

Notes<br />

You can specify CDSTYPE:AMERCDS or CDSTYPE:EURCDS in CdsStructure, to calculate the net<br />

present value of an American or European Quanto credit default swap.<br />

FxArray is a 2-column array of N+1 swap points and dates, where N is the number of periods.<br />

CreditArray defines the credit model, using either the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a credit<br />

event probability curve:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />

a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />

4.2.4. AdFxCdsSpread<br />

AdFxCdsSpread(SettlementDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As<br />

Variant, Npv As Double, PaidRate As Double, ReceivedRate As Double, FxArray<br />

As Variant, CreditArray As Variant, CdsStructure As String, CreditStructure<br />

As String, RateStructure As String) As Double<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the spread of a<br />

Quanto credit default swap from the net present value, using:<br />

the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model<br />

a credit event probability curve<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the credit default swap<br />

Maturity : Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code<br />

Npv : Net present value of the credit default swap<br />

PaidRate : Interest rate model of the paid leg<br />

ReceivedRate : Interest rate model of the received leg<br />

FxArray : Array of dates and swap points<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CdsStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

Return Value<br />

The spread of the Quanto credit default swap, expressed as basis points.<br />

Notes<br />

You can specify CDSTYPE:AMERCDS or CDSTYPE:EURCDS in CdsStructure, to calculate the<br />

spread of an American or European Quanto credit default swap.<br />

FxArray is a 2-column array of N+1 swap points and dates, where N is the number of periods.<br />

CreditArray defines the credit model, using either the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a credit<br />

event probability curve:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />

a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />

4.2.5. AdCreditStructure<br />

AdCreditStructure(RateArray As Variant, InstrumentArray As Double,<br />

CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As String, AdMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calibrates the Cox,<br />

Ingersoll, and Ross model or the credit event probability curve, either from an array of credit default<br />

swaps, or from a credit zero-coupon curve.<br />

Arguments<br />

RateArray : Interest rate model<br />

InstrumentArray : Array of instruments<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the credit model you want to calibrate and the AdMode structure.<br />

Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model:<br />

The return value is an array containing the:<br />

• initial default intensity<br />

• long-term default intensity<br />

• convergence speed of the default intensity<br />

Probability curve:<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The default value is a 2-column array containing:<br />

the maturity of each credit default swap<br />

the probability for each swap to default before maturity<br />

The array represents the credit event probability curve.<br />

Notes<br />

You must specify either RISKMODEL:CIR keyword in CreditStructure to calibrate the Cox,<br />

Ingersoll, and Ross model, or RISKMODEL:CURVE to calibrate the probability curve.<br />

RateArray is not taken into account if you calibrate the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model using the<br />

approximated formula from an array of instruments.<br />

InstrumentArray specifies either the set of instruments or the credit zero-coupon curve used to<br />

calibrate the credit model:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then InstrumentArray must contain<br />

the columns (Cds Start Date, Maturity, Spread,<br />

CdsStructure)<br />

the columns (Maturity, Rate)<br />

Adfin Analytics does not limit the size of InstrumentArray.<br />

4.2.6. AdCreditZcCurve<br />

AdCreditZcCurve(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, CreditArray<br />

As Variant, CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As String, AdMode As<br />

String) As Variant<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction builds a credit zerocoupon<br />

curve, using:<br />

the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model<br />

the credit event probability curve<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Interest rate model<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a 2-column array containing the credit discount factor at each date of RateArray.<br />

The return value depends on the AdMode structure.<br />

Notes<br />

CreditArray specifies the credit model:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />

a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />

You must specify either RISKMODEL:CIR keyword in CreditStructure to use the Cox,<br />

Ingersoll, and Ross model, or RISKMODEL:CURVE to use the credit event probability curve.<br />

You must specify RM:YC ZCTYPE:DF in RateStructure to use AdCreditZcCurve.<br />

4.2.7. AdDefaultProba<br />

AdDefaultProba(SettlementDate As Variant, DateArray As Variant, CreditArray<br />

As Variant, CreditStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the<br />

probabilities of default for an array of dates, using the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a curve credit<br />

model.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

DateArray : Array of dates<br />

CreditArray : Credit model<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The return value is a 2-column array containing for each date in<br />

DateArray the credit event probability computed either with the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross parameters<br />

or by interpolation of the credit event probability curve.<br />

Notes<br />

DateArray is generally the maturities of the credit default swaps.<br />

CreditArray defines the credit model, using either the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a credit<br />

event probability curve:<br />

If you specify in CreditStructure<br />



Then CreditArray is<br />

a 1-dimension array containing (Initial default intensity,<br />

Long-term default intensity, Convergence speed)<br />

a 2-dimension array containing (Maturity, Credit event<br />

probability)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

4.2.8. AdJLTCreditStructure<br />

AdJLTCreditStructure(RateArray As Variant, RiskyZcArray As Variant,<br />

TransitionArray As Variant, CreditStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calibrates a credit event probability curve from a rating transition matrix, using the Jarrow, Lando, and<br />

Turnbull model.<br />

Arguments<br />

RateArray : Array of risk-free zero-coupon prices<br />

RiskyZcArray : Array of credit zero-coupon curves<br />

TransitionArray : Ratings transition matrix<br />

CreditStructure : Extended argument defining the credit model<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a 2-column array, containing the credit event probabilities for the maturities defined<br />

in RiskyZcArray.<br />

Notes<br />

RiskyZcArray must specify as many credit zero-coupon curves as the transition matrix specifies<br />

credit ratings, the default state excepted. It is represented by an array containing the zero-coupon<br />

dates and rates of each curve.<br />

TransitionArray defines a square transition matrix, which describes the ratings for instruments<br />

maturing in one year. The last line and column represent the default state.<br />

You must specify RISKMODEL:CURVE keyword in CreditStructure.<br />

You must specify RATING:i and CREDITEVENT:j in CreditStructure to indicate the issuing<br />

firm rating i and the credit event rating j.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



5.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxExoticModule control retrieves the last error code generated<br />

by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ex as AdxExoticModule : Declares an object of type AdxExoticModule<br />

Set ex = New AdxExoticModule : Creates an AdxExoticModule object<br />

If ex.ErrorCode 0 Then : ex.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (ex.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

5.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxExoticModule component sets the error mode. Three modes<br />

are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ex as AdxExoticModule : Declares an object of type AdxExoticModule<br />

Set ex = New AdxExoticModule : Creates an AdxExoticModule object<br />

ex.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : ex.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxExoticModule retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object with the associated error string.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim ex as AdxExoticModule : Declares an object of type AdxExoticModule<br />

Set ex = New AdxExoticModule : Creates an AdxExoticModule object<br />

ex.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : ex.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

Res = ex.OpBasketPremium("1-MAR-04", "31Aug04", [pricea].Value, "70",<br />

[corra].Value, "0.064", [returnar].Value, _[weighta].Value, "EXM:EURO",<br />

"RM:YTM", "CMTFORM")<br />

: The CalcStructure is incorrect. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

OpBasketPremium returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(ex.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box.<br />

ex.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#7601 –<br />

CalcStructure: invalid keyword.’)<br />


5.2.1. OpAsianDeriv<br />

OpAsianDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, FirstFixingDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, AveragePrice As Double,<br />

NbFixing As Long, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an Asian option in an array. At maturity,<br />

this type of option pays either the difference between the average of the underlying prices and the<br />

strike price, or the difference between the underlying price at maturity and the average of the<br />

underlying prices.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

FirstFixingDate : Date of the first fixing for the average calculation<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AveragePrice : Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the<br />

calculation date<br />

NbFixing : Number of fixings used to calculate the average<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction assumes that the fixings are performed at regular dates between FirstFixingDate<br />

and ExpiryDate. If the average calculation period has not started yet, the argument<br />

AveragePrice is ignored.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Asian type using the ASIAN keyword.<br />

You can define the type of average using the AVE keyword in ExoticStructure.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.2. OpAsianImpliedVol<br />

OpAsianImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, FirstFixingDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, AveragePrice As Double,<br />

NbFixing As Long, Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray<br />

As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of an Asian option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the<br />

difference between the average of the underlying prices and the strike price, or the difference between<br />

the underlying price at maturity and the average of the underlying prices.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

FirstFixingDate : Date of the first fixing for the average calculation<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options<br />

AveragePrice : Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the<br />

calculation date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

NbFixing : Number of fixings used to calculate the average<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction assumes that the fixings are performed at regular dates between FirstFixingDate<br />

and ExpiryDate. If the average calculation period has not started yet, the argument<br />

AveragePrice is ignored.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Asian type using the ASIAN keyword.<br />

You can define the type of average using the AVE keyword in ExoticStructure.<br />

5.2.3. OpAsianPremium<br />

OpAsianPremium(CalcDate As Variant, FirstFixingDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, AveragePrice As Double,<br />

NbFixing As Long, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RatesStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of an Asian option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference<br />

between the average of the underlying prices and the strike price, or the difference between the<br />

underlying price at maturity and the average of the underlying prices.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

FirstFixingDate : Date of the first fixing for the calculation of the averages<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options<br />

AveragePrice : Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the<br />

calculation date<br />

NbFixing : Number of fixings used to calculate the average<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction assumes that the fixings are performed at regular dates between FirstFixingDate<br />

and ExpiryDate. If the average calculation period has not started yet, the argument<br />

AveragePrice is ignored.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Asian type using the ASIAN keyword.<br />

You can define the type of average using the AVE keyword in ExoticStructure.<br />

5.2.4. OpBarrierDeriv<br />

OpBarrierDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

StrikePrice As Double, BarrierPrice As Double, Volatility As Double,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Barrier option in an array. At maturity,<br />

this type of option pays either the difference between the strike price and the underlying price if<br />

activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is knocked out or if it fails to knock-in.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KO or WIN keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.5. OpBarrierImpliedVol<br />

OpBarrierImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, BarrierPrice As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Barrier option. At maturity, this option pays either the difference<br />

between the strike price and the underlying price if activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is<br />

knocked out or if it fails to knock-in.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KO or WIN keywords.<br />

5.2.6. OpBarrierPremium<br />

OpBarrierPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, BarrierPrice As Double, Volatility As Double,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Barrier option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference<br />

between the strike price and the underlying price if activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is<br />

knocked out or if it fails to knock-in.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KO or WIN keywords.<br />

5.2.7. OpBasketDeriv<br />

OpBasketDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPriceArray As<br />

Variant, StrikePrice As Double, CorrelationArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, NbSharesArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStucture As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure<br />

As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Basket option in an array. Basket<br />

options, also called portfolio options, are a variation of Rainbow options. Their payoff is the weighted<br />

average of the prices within the basket of underlying assets.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPriceArray : Array containing the spot prices of the underlying instruments<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

CorrelationArray : Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the<br />

correlation coefficients<br />

RiskFreeRateArray<br />

: Array of data depending on the rate model chosen:<br />

• constant risk free rate<br />

• zero-coupon curve<br />

ReturnArray : Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying<br />

instruments<br />

NbSharesArray : To specify the number of shares for each asset<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 9-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Delta:i : Delta ratio of the i th asset of the Basket option<br />

Gamma:i : Gamma ratio of the i th asset of the Basket option<br />

Gamma:i:j : Cross Gamma ratio of the i th and j th assets of the Basket option<br />

Vega:i : Vega of the i th asset of the Basket option<br />

Note<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

5.2.8. OpBasketPremium<br />

OpBasketPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPriceArray<br />

As Variant, StrikePrice As Double, CorrelationArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, NbSharesArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStucture As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure<br />

As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Basket option. Basket options, also called portfolio options, are a variation<br />

of Rainbow options. Their payoff is the weighted average of the prices within the basket of underlying<br />

assets.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPriceArray : Array containing the spot prices of the underlying instruments<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

CorrelationArray : Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the<br />

correlation coefficients<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen:<br />

• constant risk free rate<br />

• zero-coupon curve<br />

ReturnArray : Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying<br />

instruments<br />

NbSharesArray : Specifies the number of shares for each asset<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Note<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

5.2.9. OpBinaryDeriv<br />

OpBinaryDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

BarrierPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CashAmount As Double,<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String,<br />

AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One-<br />

Touch/No-Touch Binary option in an array. At maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of<br />

option pays a fixed amount of cash or the asset.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CashAmount : Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The argument BarrierPrice is ignored for Binary options without barriers.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Binary type using the BINARY and/or TOUCH keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.10. OpBinaryImpliedVol<br />

OpBinaryImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, BarrierPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CashAmount As Double,<br />

Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One-Touch/No-Touch Binary<br />

option. At maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of option pays a fixed amount of cash or<br />

the asset.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CashAmount : Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The argument BarrierPrice is ignored for Binary options without barriers.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Binary type using the BINARY and/or TOUCH keywords.<br />

5.2.11. OpBinaryPremium<br />

OpBinaryPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, BarrierPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CashAmount As Double,<br />

Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One-Touch/No-Touch Binary option. At<br />

maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of option pays a fixed amount of cash or the asset.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

BarrierPrice : Price of the barrier of the option<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CashAmount : Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The argument BarrierPrice is ignored for Binary options without barriers.<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Binary type using the BINARY and/or TOUCH keywords.<br />

5.2.12. OpChooserDeriv<br />

OpChooserDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, PutExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, CallExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, PutStrikePrice As<br />

Double, CallStrikePrice As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As<br />

Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho theta, vega) of a Chooser option in an array. Chooser<br />

options allow the holder to choose at some pre-determined future date whether the option is a call or a<br />

put, with the same predefined strike price and expiry date.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

PutExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying put option<br />

CallExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying call option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

PutStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option<br />

CallStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.13. OpChooserImpliedVol<br />

OpChooserImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, PutExpiryDate<br />

As Variant, CallExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, PutStrikePrice As<br />

Double, CallStrikePrice As Double, Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As<br />

Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Chooser option. Chooser options allow the holder to choose at<br />

some pre-determined future date whether the option is a call or a put, with the same predefined strike<br />

price and expiry date.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

PutExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying put option<br />

CallExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying call option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

PutStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option<br />

CallStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

5.2.14. OpChooserPremium<br />

OpChooserPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, PutExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, CallExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, PutStrikePrice As<br />

Double, CallStrikePrice As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As<br />

Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Chooser option. Chooser options allow the holder to choose at some predetermined<br />

future date whether the option is a call or a put, with the same predefined strike price and<br />

expiry date.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

PutExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying put option<br />

CallExpiryDate : Expiry date of the underlying call option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

PutStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option<br />

CallStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

5.2.15. OpCliquetDeriv<br />

OpCliquetDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, StartDateArray As Variant, ExpiryDateArray<br />

As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, Volatility As Double,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a Cliquet option or a Forward-<br />

Start option. A Cliquet or Ratchet option is essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing<br />

maturities and strike prices set at the maturity date of the previous option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDateArray : Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

ExpiryDateArray : Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.16. OpCliquetImpliedVol<br />

OpCliquetImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, StartDateArray As Variant,<br />

ExpiryDateArray As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double,<br />

Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Cliquet option or a Forward-Start optionA Cliquet or Ratchet option<br />

is essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing maturities and strike prices set at the<br />

maturity date of the previous option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDateArray : Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

ExpiryDateArray : Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.2.17. OpCliquetPremium<br />

OpCliquetPremium(CalcDate As Variant, StartDateArray As Variant,<br />

ExpiryDateArray As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double,<br />

Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String)<br />

As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Cliquet option or a Forward-Start option. A Cliquet or Ratchet option is<br />

essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing maturities and strike prices set at the<br />

maturity date of the previous option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDateArray : Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

ExpiryDateArray : Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

5.2.18. OpCompoundDeriv<br />

OpCompoundDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, CmpExpiryDate As<br />

Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CmpStrikePrice As Double,<br />

Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant,<br />

ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String,<br />

AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Compound option in an arrray. This<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the derivatives of European Compound options also known as options on options.<br />

An option on option gives the option holder the right to sell or buy an option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

CmpExpiryDate : Expiry date of the Compound option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CmpStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Compound option<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Compound type using the UO keyword.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.19. OpCompoundImpliedVol<br />

OpCompoundImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, CmpExpiryDate<br />

As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CmpStrikePrice As<br />

Double, Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure<br />

As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Compound option. This <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the implied volatility of<br />

European Compound options also known as options on options. An option on option gives the option<br />

holder the right to sell or buy an option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

CmpExpiryDate : Expiry date of the Compound option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CmpStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Compound option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Compound type using the UO keyword.<br />

5.2.20. OpCompoundPremium<br />

OpCompoundPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, CmpdExpiryDate<br />

As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, CmpStrikePrice As<br />

Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure<br />

As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Compound option. This <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates the premium of European<br />

Compound options also known as options on options. An option on option gives the option holder the<br />

right to sell or buy an option.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

CmpExpiryDate : Expiry date of the Compound option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

CmpStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Compound option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Compound type using the UO keyword.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.2.21. OpDoubleBarrierDeriv<br />

OpDoubleBarrierDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, LowerBarrierPrice As Double, UpperBarrierPrice<br />

As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As<br />

String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a Double Barrier option. Barrier<br />

options are options where the right to exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches<br />

a predefined barrier level during the lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier<br />

levels, one above and one below the current price of the underlying asset.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

LowerBarrierPrice : Price of the lower barrier of the option<br />

UpperBarrierPrice : Price of the upper barrier of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KIKO, or KOKI keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.2.22. OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol<br />

OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice<br />

As Double, StrikePrice As Double, LowerBarrierPrice As Double,<br />

UpperBarrierPrice As Double, Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Double Barrier option. Barrier options are options where the right<br />

to exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches a predefined barrier level during<br />

the lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier levels, one above and one below the<br />

current price of the underlying asset.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

LowerBarrierPrice : Price of the lower barrier of the option<br />

UpperBarrierPrice : Price of the upper barrier of the option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KIKO, or KOKI keywords.<br />

5.2.23. OpDoubleBarrierPremium<br />

OpDoubleBarrierPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, LowerBarrierPrice As Double, UpperBarrierPrice<br />

As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As<br />

Variant, ExoticStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure<br />

As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a double barrier option. Barrier options are options where the right to<br />

exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches a predefined barrier level during the<br />

lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier levels, one above and one below the<br />

current price of the underlying asset.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

LowerBarrierPrice : Price of the lower barrier of the option<br />

UpperBarrierPrice : Price of the upper barrier of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL and PUT<br />

keywords, and the Barrier type using the KI, KIKO, or KOKI keywords.<br />

5.2.24. OpExLookbackDeriv<br />

OpExLookbackDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, Min/Max As Double, VolatilityArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback<br />

Spot option in an array. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the<br />

underlying spot price and the lowest (highest) price achieved during the life of the call (put), or the<br />

difference between the highest (lowest) price achieved during the life of the call (put) and the strike<br />

price.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike options<br />

Min/Max : Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Strike options<br />

Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Spot options<br />

VolatilityArray : Array of anticipated volatilities of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate the price of ladder options using the LADDER keyword.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.25. OpExLookbackImpliedVol<br />

OpExLookbackImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, Min/Max As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback Spot option. At maturity, this<br />

type of option pays either the difference between the underlying spot price and the lowest (highest)<br />

price achieved during the life of the call (put), or the difference between the highest (lowest) price<br />

achieved during the life of the call (put) and the strike price.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike options<br />

Min/Max : Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Strike options<br />

Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Spot options<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate the price of Ladder options using the LADDER keyword.<br />

5.2.26. OpExLookbackPremium<br />

OpExLookbackPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, Min/Max As Double, VolatilityArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback Spot option. At maturity, this type of<br />

option pays either the difference between the underlying spot price and the lowest (highest) price<br />

achieved during the life of the call (put), or the difference between the highest (lowest) price achieved<br />

during the life of the call (put) and the strike price.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing)<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike<br />

options<br />

Min/Max : Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Strike options<br />

Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for<br />

Lookback Spot options<br />

VolatilityArray : Array of anticipated volatilities of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate the price of Ladder options using the LADDER keyword.<br />

5.2.27. OpFxLinkedDeriv<br />

OpFxLinkedDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, ExchangeRate As<br />

Double, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, ERVolatility As Double,<br />

Volatility As Double, Correlation As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ForeignRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Quanto, Composite, or Equity Linked<br />

Foreign Exchange option in an array. Quanto (quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate<br />

the foreign exchange risk when the underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the<br />

currency of the option, exchange rate being fixed to the calculation date. A Composite option is an<br />

option on a foreign equity where the strike is denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option<br />

has an exposure on the exchange risk. In an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is<br />

linked to the forward price of a stock or equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants<br />

to speculate directly in a foreign equity market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

ExchangeRate : Exercise or spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic<br />

currency per unit of the foreign currency<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

ERVolatility : Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

Correlation : Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ForeignRateArray : Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 9-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

ForeignDelta : Delta ratio in the foreign currency<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

ForeignGamma : Delta ratio in the foreign currency<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

ForeignRho : Rho ratio in the foreign currency<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

ForeignVega : Vega ratio in the foreign currency<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords, and the foreign exchange link type using the FXLINK keyword.<br />

You can now calculate the derivatives of a Quanto or Composite option with an American or<br />

Bermudan exercise mode, using the EXM keyword in ExoticStructure. EXM is incompatible with<br />

FXLINK:ELFX. In these cases, you must use CMT:TREE in CalcStructure.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

5.2.28. OpFxLinkedImpliedVol<br />

=OpFxLinkedImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, ExchangeRate<br />

As Variant, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

ERVolatility As Double, Correlation As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ForeignRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStucture As String,<br />

RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Returns:<br />

the relative implied volatility of a Composite option<br />

the underlying volatility of a Quanto or Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option in an array<br />

Quanto (quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate the foreign exchange risk when the<br />

underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the option, exchange rate<br />

being fixed to the calculation date. A Composite option is an option on a foreign equity where the strike<br />

is denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option has an exposure on the exchange risk. In<br />

an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is linked to the forward price of a stock or<br />

equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants to speculate directly in a foreign equity<br />

market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

ExchangeRate : Spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic currency per unit of<br />

the foreign currency<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

ERVolatility : Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate if applicable<br />

Correlation : Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate if applicable<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ForeignRateArray : Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords, and the foreign exchange link type using the FXLINK keyword. You can also specify the<br />

SOLVER keyword in CalcStructure to calculate the implied volatility with a specific method<br />

(Newton-Raphson, Ridder, or dichotomy).<br />

You can now calculate the implied volatility of a Quanto or Composite option with an American or<br />

Bermudan exercise mode, using the EXM keyword in ExoticStructure.<br />

You cannot calculate the implied volatility of a Quanto or Composite option using FXLINK:ELFX in<br />

ExoticStructure.<br />

You must use CMT:TREE NBBRANCH:3 in CalcStructure to calculate the implied volatility of a<br />

Quanto or Composite option.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

For more information on the relative implied volatility, see the Trinomial model section of the Adfin<br />

Options Theory Guide.<br />

5.2.29. OpFxLinkedPremium<br />

OpFxLinkedPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, ExchangeRate As<br />

Double, SpotPrice As Double, StrikePrice As Double, ERVolatility As Double,<br />

Volatility As Double, Correlation As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ForeignRiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure<br />

As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Quanto, Composite or Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option. Quanto<br />

(quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate the foreign exchange risk when the underlying<br />

asset is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the option, exchange rate being fixed to<br />

the calculation date. A Composite option is an option on a foreign equity where the strike is<br />

denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option has an exposure on the exchange risk. In an<br />

Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is linked to the forward price of a stock or<br />

equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants to speculate directly in a foreign equity<br />

market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

ExchangeRate : Spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic currency per unit<br />

of the foreign currency<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the option.<br />

ERVolatility : Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

Correlation : Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ForeignRateArray : Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords, and the Foreign Exchange Link type using the FXLINK keyword.<br />

You can now calculate the premium of a Quanto or Composite option with an American or<br />

Bermudan exercise mode, using the EXM keyword in ExoticStructure. EXM is incompatible with<br />

FXLINK:ELFX. In these cases, you must use CMT:TREE in CalcStructure.<br />

5.2.30. OpPowerDeriv<br />

OpPowerDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

StrikePrice As Double, Alpha As Double, Power As Double, Volatility As Double,<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an asymmetric Power option<br />

where the payoff is expressed as:<br />

Arguments<br />

max( α S<br />

ν − X , 0 )<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Spot price of the underlying stock (S)<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option (X)<br />

Alpha : Polynomial coefficient (α)<br />

Power : Power coefficient (v)<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative if this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.31. OpPowerImpliedVol<br />

OpPowerImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, Alpha As Double, Power As Double, Premium As<br />

Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure<br />

As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of an asymmetric Power option where the payoff is expressed as:<br />

max( α S<br />

ν − X , 0 ) .<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Spot price of the underlying stock (S)<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option (X)<br />

Alpha : Polynomial coefficient (α)<br />

Power : Power coefficient (v)<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray : Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

5.2.32. OpPowerPremium<br />

OpPowerPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, Alpha As Double, Power As Double, Volatility As<br />

Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure<br />

As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of an asymmetric Power option where the payoff is expressed as:<br />

Arguments<br />

max( α S<br />

ν − X , 0 ) .<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Spot price of the underlying stock (S)<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option (X)<br />

Alpha : Polynomial coefficient (α)<br />

Power : Power coefficient (v)<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen<br />

ReturnArray<br />

: Array of annualized dividend rates<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

5.2.33. OpRainbowDeriv<br />

OpRainbowDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPriceArray As<br />

Variant, StrikePriceArray As Variant, CorrelationArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Spread or a Two-Color Rainbow<br />

option in an array. Rainbow options are options for which final payoff is determined by the highest<br />

performance achieved at the expiration date by two or more underlying assets. Rainbow options can<br />

be either American or European options.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPriceArray : Market or spot price of the underlying instruments<br />

StrikePriceArray : Strike price, and second strike price of a Dual-Strike option<br />

CorrelationArray : Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the<br />

correlation coefficient<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen:<br />

• constant risk free rate<br />

• zero-coupon curve<br />

ReturnArray : Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying<br />

instruments<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value.<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 8-element array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta1 : Delta ratio of the first asset<br />

Delta2 : Delta ratio of the second asset<br />

Gamma1 : Gamma ratio of the first asset<br />

Gamma2 : Gamma ratio of the second asset<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega1 : Vega ratio of the first asset<br />

Vega2 : Vega ratio of the second asset<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords, and the Rainbow type using the RAIN keyword.<br />

The Rainbow option must not have more than two assets when using CMT:TREE in<br />

CalcStructure.<br />

You must use CMT:TREE in CalcStructure to calculate the derivatives of an American Rainbow<br />

option.<br />

You must use the keywords NBBRANCH:2 and NBFACTOR:2 in CalcStructure when the<br />

calculation method is specified by CMT:TREE.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative when this derivative is specified in AdMode, using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

5.2.34. OpRainbowPremium<br />

OpRainbowPremium(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPriceArray<br />

As Variant, StrikePriceArray As Variant, CorrelationArray As Variant,<br />

RiskFreeRateArray As Variant, ReturnArray As Variant, ExoticStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Spread or a Two-Color Rainbow option. Rainbow options are options for<br />

which final payoff is determined by the highest performance achieved at the expiration date by two or<br />

more underlying assets. Rainbow options can be either American or European options.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPriceArray : Market or spot price of the underlying instruments<br />

StrikePriceArray : Exercise or strike price of the option. Can be a table in the case of a<br />

Dual-Strike option<br />

CorrelationArray<br />

: Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the<br />

correlation coefficient<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Array of data depending on the rate model chosen:<br />

• constant risk free rate<br />

• zero-coupon curve<br />

ReturnArray : Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying<br />

instruments<br />

ExoticStructure : Extended argument defining the exotic option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

ExoticStructure and RateStructure through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or DCB.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords, and the Rainbow type using the RAIN keyword.<br />

The Rainbow option must not have more than two assets when using CMT:TREE in<br />

CalcStructure.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

You must use CMT:TREE in CalcStructure to price an American Rainbow option.<br />

You must use the keywords NBBRANCH:2 and NBFACTOR:2 in CalcStructure when the<br />

calculation method is specified by CMT:TREE.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



6.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxForexModule control retrieves the last error code generated<br />

by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim fx as AdxForexModule : Declares an object of type AdxForexModule<br />

Set fx = New AdxForexModule : Creates an AdxForexModule object<br />

If fx.ErrorCode 0 Then : fx.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (fx.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

6.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxForexModule component sets the error mode of the<br />

AdxForexModule. Three modes are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim fx as AdxForexModule : Declares an object of type AdxForexModule<br />

Set fx = New AdxForexModule : Creates an AdxForexModule object<br />

fx.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : fx.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

6.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxForexModule retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim fx as AdxForexModule : Declares an object of type AdxForexModule<br />

Set fx = New AdxForexModule : Creates an AdxForexModule object<br />

fx.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : fx.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

RES = fx.FxCurInfo("GFP", "LAY:V")<br />

: The currency code GFP is incorrect. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

FxCurInfo returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(fx.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

fx.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#8200 –<br />

Currency: invalid currency code.’)<br />


6.2.1. FxCalcPeriod<br />

FxCalcPeriod(CalcDate As Variant, Cur1Cur2 As String, Period As String, FxMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the start date and the end date of a period.<br />

The CalcDate argument stands by default for the trading date. To calculate the period end date<br />

directly from the spot date (it may be useful to do so for instance when applying an offset to the spot<br />

date), or to choose between the Forex and the Money markets, use the FROM keyword in FxMode.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (trading date or spot date)<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1M")<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

StartDate : Period start date<br />

EndDate : Period end date<br />

Adjustment : String indicated why EndDate was adjusted if applicable<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

If any of the two currencies is the USD, the other currency code can be used directly in the<br />

Cur1Cur2 argument to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the<br />

USD. Similarly, if the base currency is not the USD, it is possible to use a 9-character code that<br />

includes in the middle the base currency (e.g. "EURDEMGBP").<br />

If the base currency is the USD, American holidays are taken into account for determining the<br />

period start date and end date. Similarly, if another base currency is specified, the corresponding<br />

holiday dates are used for the calculation.<br />

6.2.2. FxCross<br />

FxCross(Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, FxMode As<br />

String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the spot cross rate assuming that the cross value date and the spot dates are equal.<br />

The cross spot rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask<br />

or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Spot12B : Bid side of the spot cross rate<br />

Spot12A : Ask side of the spot cross rate<br />

6.2.3. FxCrossA<br />

FxCrossA(CalcDate As Variant, Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA<br />

As Variant, Dep1BA As Variant, Dep2BA As Variant, DepUsdBa As Variant, FxMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the spot cross rate correcting the spot rates if the cross spot date and the spot date of each<br />

currency are not equal.<br />

The cross spot rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask<br />

or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepUsdBA : USD deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Spot12B : Bid side of the spot cross rate<br />

Spot12A : Ask side of the spot cross rate<br />

SpotDate12 : Spot value date of the cross currency<br />

SpotDate1 : Spot value date of Cur1<br />

SpotDate2 : Spot value date of Cur2<br />

6.2.4. FxCrossD<br />

FxCrossD(SpotDate12 As Variant, SpotDate1 As Variant, SpotDate2 As Variant,<br />

Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, Dep1BA As Variant,<br />

Dep2BA As Variant, DepUsdBA As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the spot cross rate correcting the spot rates if the cross spot date SpotDate12 and the<br />

currency spot dates SpotDate1 and SpotDate2 are not equal.<br />

The cross spot rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask<br />

or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

SpotDate12 : Spot value date of the cross currency Cur1Cur2<br />

SpotDate1 : Spot value date of Cur1<br />

SpotDate2 : Spot value date of Cur2<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepUsdBA : USD deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Spot12B : Bid side of the spot cross rate<br />

Spot12A : Ask side of the spot cross rate<br />

6.2.5. FxDepToSwpD<br />

FxDepToSwpD(NbDays As Integer, Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot12BA As Variant, Dep1BA<br />

As Variant, Dep2BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the synthetic swap point from deposit using a number of days. If any of the two currencies<br />

is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of<br />

Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be<br />

specified in FxMode using the RES keyword.<br />

To get outrights instead of swap points, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the FxSwpToOut <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

The cross swap point is returned by default in a two element array. To get the swap point in the<br />

Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments for two non-USD currencies<br />

NbDays : Number of days of Cur1Cur2 swap point period<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWP12".<br />

Arguments for one currency against USD<br />

NbDays : Number of days of Currency swap point period<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Currency ISO code (example : "EUR") referred to as Currency<br />

Spot12BA : Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Currency deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : USD deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWPCUR".<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Swp12B : Bid side of the cross swap point (or the currency swap point with USD)<br />

Swp12A : Ask side of the cross swap point (or the currency swap point with USD)<br />

6.2.6. FxDepToSwpP<br />

FxDepToSwpP(CalcDate As Variant, Period As String, Cur1Cur2 As String,<br />

Spot12BA As Variant, Dep1BA As Variant, Dep2BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Calculates the synthetic swap point from deposit using a period. If either of the two currencies is the<br />

USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or<br />

Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in<br />

FxMode using the RES keyword.<br />

To get outrights instead of swap points, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the FxSwpToOut <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

The cross swap point is returned by default in a two element array. To get the swap point in the<br />

Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments for two non-USD currencies<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1W")<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWP12".<br />

Arguments for one currency against USD<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1W")<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Currency ISO code (example : "EUR") referred to as Currency<br />

Spot12BA : Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep1BA : Currency deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Dep2BA : USD deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWPCUR".<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Swp12B : Bid side of the cross swap point (or the currency swap point with USD)<br />

Swp12A : Ask side of the cross swap point (or the currency swap point with USD)<br />

StartDate : Start date of the period<br />

EndDate : End date of the period<br />

6.2.7. FxGenCalc<br />

FxGenCalc(InstrumentCode As String, CurrencyList As String, CalcDate As<br />

Variant, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, Spot12BA As Variant, Swp1Array<br />

As Variant, Swp2Array As Variant, Dep1Array As Variant, Dep2Array As Variant,<br />

DepUsdArray As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Performs any kind of Forex or Money market calculation from an instrument code. The integration of<br />

the FxGenCalc <strong>fun</strong>ction within models can be made easier with the FxGenParse <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

InstrumentCode : Instrument code corresponding to the calculation<br />

CurrencyList : List of the available currencies (string with the comma "," as separator)<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp1Array : Cur1 array of dates and swap points<br />

Swp2Array : Cur2 array of dates and swap points<br />

Dep1Array : Cur1 array of dates and deposit rates<br />

Dep2Array : Cur2 array of dates and deposit rates<br />

DepUsdArray : USD array of dates and deposit rates<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Bid : Bid side of the calculation<br />

Ask : Ask side of the calculation<br />

SpotDate12 : Spot date of the cross currency (if applicable)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

EndDate1 : End date of the 1st currency period (if applicable)<br />

EndDate2 : End date of the 2nd currency period (if applicable)<br />

Note<br />

The argument Spot12BA can be left to 0 to indicate that the cross spot rate must be calculated from<br />

Spot1BA and Spot2BA.<br />

6.2.8. FxGenParse<br />

FxGenParse(InstrumentCode As String, CurrencyList As String, FxMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns information concerning the calculation that corresponds to an instrument code. This<br />

information can be used to select the proper arguments in the FxGenCalc <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

InstrumentCode : Instrument code corresponding to the calculation<br />

CurrencyList : List of the available currencies (string with the comma "," as separator)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

InfoMsg : Message describing the instrument and the calculation<br />

InfoCode : Code describing the instrument and the calculation<br />

Cur1 : 1st currency code<br />

Cur2 : 2nd currency code (if applicable)<br />

CurDep : Currency code for deposit calculation (if applicable)<br />

Period1 : 1st period code<br />

Period2 : 2nd period code (if applicable)<br />

IdnFlag : 1 if the data comes directly from IDN, 0 otherwise<br />

6.2.9. FxSwpToDepD<br />

FxSwpToDepD(NbDays As Integer, Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot12BA As Variant, DepBA<br />

As Variant, Swp12BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the synthetic deposit from swap point using a number of days. If any of the two currencies<br />

is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of<br />

Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be<br />

specified in FxMode using the RES keyword.<br />

The deposit rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid<br />

format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments for two non-USD currencies<br />

NbDays : Number of days of Currency swap point period<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepBA : Cur1 or Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array<br />

Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp12BA : Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEP1" if the deposit rate of Cur1 is<br />

calculated from that of Cur2, or "RES:DEP2" if the deposit rate of Cur2 is calculated from that of<br />

Cur1.<br />

Arguments for one currency against USD<br />

NbDays : Number of days of Currency swap point period<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Currency ISO code (example : "EUR") referred to as Currency<br />

Spot12BA : Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepBA : Currency or USD deposit rates (in real value) for approx. NbDays (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp12BA : Currency swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEPCUR" if the deposit rate of Currency<br />

is calculated from that of USD, or "RES:DEPUSD" if the deposit rate of USD is calculated from that<br />

of Currency.<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

DepB : Bid side of Currency or USD deposit rate (in real value)<br />

DepA : Ask side of Currency or USD deposit rate (in real value)<br />

6.2.10. FxSwpToDepP<br />

FxSwpToDepP(CalcDate As Variant, Period As String, Cur1Cur2 As String,<br />

Spot12BA As Variant, DepBA As Variant, Swp12BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Calculates the synthetic deposit from swap point using a period. If any of the two currencies is the<br />

USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or<br />

Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in<br />

FxMode using the RES keyword.<br />

The deposit rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid<br />

format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments for two non-USD currencies<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1W")<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepBA : Cur1 or Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp12BA : Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEP1" if the deposit rate of Cur1 is<br />

calculated from that of Cur2, or "RES:DEP2" if the deposit rate of Cur2 is calculated from that of<br />

Cur1.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments for one currency against USD<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1W")<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Currency ISO code (example : "EUR") referred to as Currency<br />

Spot12BA : Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

DepBA : Currency or USD deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp12BA : Currency swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

In that case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEPCUR" if the deposit rate of Currency<br />

is calculated from that of USD, or "RES:DEPUSD" if the deposit rate of USD is calculated from that<br />

of Currency.<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

DepB : Bid side of Currency or USD deposit rate (in real value)<br />

DepA : Ask side of Currency or USD deposit rate (in real value)<br />

StartDate : Start date of the period<br />

EndDate : End date of the period<br />

6.2.11. FxSwpToOut<br />

FxSwpToOut(Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot12BA As Variant, Swp12BA As Variant, FxMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates outright rates from swap points.<br />

This <strong>fun</strong>ction is likely to be used to display a forward quotation of a cross currency as both swap points<br />

(argument of the <strong>fun</strong>ction) and outrights (result of the <strong>fun</strong>ction).<br />

The outright rate is returned by default in a two element array. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid<br />

format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot12BA : Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp12BA : Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Out12B : Bid side of the cross outright<br />

Out12A : Ask side of the cross outright<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

6.2.12. FxSwpToSwp<br />

FxSwpToSwp(Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, Swp1BA<br />

As Variant, Swp2BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the cross swap point from swap points assuming that the cross value date and the spot<br />

dates are equal.<br />

To get outrights instead of swap points, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the FxSwpToOut <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

The cross swap point is returned by default in a two element array. To get the swap point in the<br />

Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp1BA : Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp2BA : Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Swp12B : Bid side of the cross swap point<br />

Swp12A : Ask side of the cross swap point<br />

6.2.13. FxSwpToSwpD<br />

FxSwpToSwpD(NbDays12 As Variant, NbDays1 As Variant, NbDays2 As Variant,<br />

Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, Swp1BA As Variant,<br />

Swp2BA As Variant, FxMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the cross swap point from swap points, using either the numbers of days or an array of<br />

Start Dates and End Dates, to correct the calculation when the cross value date is different from the<br />

spot date.<br />

To get outrights instead of swap points, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the FxSwpToOut <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or<br />

Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

NbDays12 : Number of days of Cur1Cur2 swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End<br />

Dates<br />

NbDays1 : Number of days of Cur1USD swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End<br />

Dates<br />

NbDays2 : Number of days of Cur2USD swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End<br />

Dates<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp1BA : Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp2BA : Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Swp12B : Bid side of the cross swap point<br />

Swp12A : Ask side of the cross swap point<br />

6.2.14. FxSwpToSwpP<br />

FxSwpToSwpP(CalcDate As Variant, Period As String, Cur1Cur2 As String, Spot1BA<br />

As Variant, Spot2BA As Variant, Swp1BA As Variant, Swp2BA As Variant, FxMode As<br />

String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the cross swap point from swap points using a period to correct the calculation when the<br />

cross value date is different from the spot dates.<br />

To get outrights instead of swap points, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the FxSwpToOut <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

The cross swap point is returned by default in a two element array. To get the swap point in the<br />

Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this <strong>fun</strong>ction can be combined with the AdFormat <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date (contract or trading date)<br />

Period : Period code (example : "1W")<br />

Cur1Cur2 : Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP")<br />

Spot1BA : Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Spot2BA : Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp1BA : Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

Swp2BA : Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask)<br />

FxMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FxMode. The default value is an array containing:<br />

Swp12B : Bid side of the cross swap point<br />

Swp12A : Ask side of the cross swap point<br />

StartDate : Start date of the period<br />

EndDate : End date of the period<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



7.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxOptionModule control retrieves the last error code generated<br />

by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim op as AdxOptionModule : Declares an object of type AdxOptionModule<br />

Set op = New AdxOptionModule : Creates an AdxOptionModule object<br />

If op.ErrorCode 0 Then : op.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (op.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

7.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxOptionModule component sets the error mode of the<br />

AdxOptionModule. Three modes are defined<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim op as AdxOptionModule : Declares an object of type AdxOptionModule<br />

Set op = New AdxOptionModule : Creates an AdxOptionModule object<br />

op.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : op.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

7.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxOptionModule retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim op as AdxOptionModule : Declares an object of type AdxOptionModule<br />

Set op = New AdxOptionModule : Creates an AdxOptionModule object<br />

op.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : op.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

RES = op.OpPremium("24-APR-97", "25-FEB-96", "1.69", "1.55", "1.55",<br />

"0.1976", "0.0197", "0.0207", "CALL EXM:AMER")<br />

: The maturity date is before the calculation date. The<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ction OpPremium returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(op.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

op.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#7012 –<br />

Invalid maturity date.’)<br />


7.2.1. AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets<br />

=AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, UpperBarrier As Variant,<br />

LowerBarrier As Variant, UpperRebate As Variant, LowerRebate As Variant,<br />

CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As<br />

String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet premiums of a Barrier cap or floor.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period<br />

UpperBarrier : Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerBarrier : Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

UpperRebate : Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerRebate : Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the following values for all caplets or floorlets:<br />

start date<br />

strike price<br />

volatility<br />

forward rate<br />

premium<br />

remaining notional<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

If you do not specify a value for UpperBarrier or LowerBarrier, you must include “0” in both<br />

arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

If the cap or floor is out-of-the-money, you can specify a rebate array by using UpperRebate or<br />

LowerRebate. Otherwise, you must include “0” in both arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate and LowerRebate can be a single value or an<br />

array of size N, where N is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor.<br />

You cannot use UpperRebate to value caplets or floorlets of a double knock in a Barrier cap or<br />

floor.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.2. AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv<br />

=AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, UpperBarrier As Variant,<br />

LowerBarrier As Variant, UpperRebate As Variant, LowerRebate As Variant,<br />

CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As<br />

String, AdMode As String) As Double<br />

Generates an array with the derivatives of a Barrier cap or floor.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period<br />

UpperBarrier : Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerBarrier : Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

UpperRebate : Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerRebate : Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the global, global forward and caplet values<br />

for each of the following derivatives:<br />

delta<br />

gamma<br />

vega<br />

theta<br />

basis point value (BPV)<br />

convexity<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns “0” as global forward value for vega, theta, BPV and convexity. The first row of the<br />

return array contains the global values; the second contains the global forward values, and the third,<br />

the values of the derivatives for each caplet.<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

If you do not specify a value for UpperBarrier or LowerBarrier, you must include “0” in both<br />

arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

If the cap or floor is out-of-the-money, you can specify a rebate array by using UpperRebate or<br />

LowerRebate. Otherwise, you must include “0” in both arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate and LowerRebate can be a single value or an<br />

array of size N, where N is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor.<br />

You cannot use UpperRebate to calculate the derivatives of a double knock in a Barrier cap or<br />

floor.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.3. AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol<br />

=AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

UpperBarrier As Variant, LowerBarrier As Variant, UpperRebate As Variant,<br />

LowerRebate As Variant, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Barrier cap or floor.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

UpperBarrier : Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerBarrier : Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

UpperRebate : Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerRebate : Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the Barrier cap or floor.<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

If you do not specify a value for UpperBarrier or LowerBarrier, you must include “0” in both<br />

arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

If the cap or floor is out-of-the-money, you can specify a rebate array by using UpperRebate or<br />

LowerRebate. Otherwise, you must include “0” in both arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate and LowerRebate can be a single value or an<br />

array of size N, where N is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor.<br />

You cannot use UpperRebate to calculate the implied volatility of a double knock in a Barrier cap<br />

or floor.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.4. AdBarrierCapFloorPremium<br />

=AdBarrierCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, UpperBarrier As Variant,<br />

LowerBarrier As Variant, UpperRebate As Variant, LowerRebate As Variant,<br />

CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Barrier cap or floor.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period<br />

UpperBarrier : Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerBarrier : Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

UpperRebate : Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

LowerRebate : Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of a Barrier cap or floor.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

If you do not specify a value for UpperBarrier or LowerBarrier, you must include “0” in both<br />

arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

If the cap or floor is out-of-the-money, you can specify a rebate array by using UpperRebate or<br />

LowerRebate. Otherwise, you must include “0” in both arguments of the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate and LowerRebate can be a single value or an<br />

array of size N, where N is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor.<br />

You cannot use UpperRebate to price a double knock in a Barrier cap or floor.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.5. AdBondOptionDeriv<br />

AdBondOptionDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, BondMaturity As<br />

Variant, Coupon As Double, ExpiryDate As Variant, StrikePrice As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String, OptionStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Double<br />

Returns an array of all the derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a bond option defined from a<br />

bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

BondMaturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

StrikePrice : Strike of the option<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

AdfinX Analytics assumes that the StrikePrice argument stands for the gross price of the bond.<br />

You must specify the PX keyword in CalcStructure to make the <strong>fun</strong>ction use the clean price of<br />

the bond.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the OptionStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

7.2.6. AdBondOptionPremium<br />

AdBondOptionPremium(CalcDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, BondMaturity<br />

As Variant, Coupon As Double, ExpiryDate As Variant, StrikePrice As Double,<br />

BondStructure As String, OptionStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a bond option defined from a bond structure.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

BondMaturity : Maturity date of the bond<br />

Coupon : Coupon<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

BondStructure : Extended argument defining the bond structure<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is the bond option premium. If<br />

needed the second returned value is the bond price.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

AdfinX Analytics assumes that the StrikePrice argument stands for the gross price of the bond.<br />

You must specify the PX keyword in CalcStructure to make the <strong>fun</strong>ction use the clean price of<br />

the bond.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the OptionStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

7.2.7. AdCapFloorCaplets<br />

AdCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, StartDate<br />

As Variant, Maturity as Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double, FloorStrikePrice<br />

As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure<br />

As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet values of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the following values for all caplets or floorlets:<br />

start date<br />

strike price<br />

volatility<br />

forward rate<br />

premium<br />

remaining notional<br />

If you price a collar, the <strong>fun</strong>ction returns both caplet and floorlet strike prices in two separate columns.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

You can only price caps and floors with money market rates, if you use the Hull and White model.<br />

7.2.8. AdCapFloorDeriv<br />

AdCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, StartDate<br />

As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double, FloorStrikePrice<br />

As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure<br />

As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Double<br />

Generates an array with the derivatives of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the global, global forward and caplet values<br />

for each of the following derivatives:<br />

delta<br />

gamma<br />

vega<br />

theta<br />

basis point value (BPV)<br />

convexity<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns “0” as global forward value for vega, theta, BPV and convexity. The first row of the<br />

return array contains the global values; the second contains the global forward values, and the third,<br />

the values for each caplet.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

You can only price caps and floors with money market rates, if you use the Hull and White model.<br />

7.2.9. AdCapFloorImpliedVol<br />

AdCapFloorlImpliedVol(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As<br />

String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.10. AdCapFloorPremium<br />

AdCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, StartDate<br />

As Variant, Maturity as Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double, FloorStrikePrice<br />

As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure<br />

As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of a cap, floor or collar.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You can only price caps and floors with money market rates, if you use the Hull and White model.<br />

7.2.11. AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets<br />

AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFixedAmount As Variant,<br />

FloorFixedAmount As Variant, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet premiums of a Digital cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Calculation date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital cap<br />

FloorFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the following values for all caplets or floorlets:<br />

start date<br />

strike price<br />

volatility<br />

forward rate<br />

premium<br />

remaining notional<br />

If you price a collar, the <strong>fun</strong>ction returns both caplet and floorlet strike prices in two separate columns.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

CapFixedAmount and FloorFixedAmount can be a single value or an array of size N, where N<br />

is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor. You must include “0” in CapFixedAmount<br />

or FloorFixedAmount if you do not want to enter a rebate array in the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.12. AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv<br />

AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFixedAmount As Variant,<br />

FloorFixedAmount As Variant, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Double<br />

Generates an array with the derivatives of a Digital cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital cap<br />

FloorFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the global, global forward and caplet values<br />

for each of the following derivatives:<br />

delta<br />

gamma<br />

vega<br />

theta<br />

basis point value (BPV)<br />

convexity<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns “0” as global forward value for vega, theta, BPV and convexity. The first row of the<br />

return array contains the global values; the second contains the global forward values, and the third,<br />

the values for each caplet.<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

CapFixedAmount and FloorFixedAmount can be a single value or an array of size N, where N<br />

is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor. You must include “0” in CapFixedAmount<br />

or FloorFixedAmount if you do not want to enter a rebate array in the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.13. AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol<br />

AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, Premium As Double,<br />

CapFixedAmount As Variant, FloorFixedAmount As Variant, CapFloorStructure<br />

As String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of a Digital cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

Premium : Market or spot price of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital cap<br />

FloorFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a vertical 6-column array, containing the global, global forward and caplet values<br />

for each of the following derivatives:<br />

delta<br />

gamma<br />

vega<br />

theta<br />

basis point value (BPV)<br />

convexity<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns “0” as global forward value for vega, theta, BPV and convexity. The first row of the<br />

return array contains the global values; the second contains the global forward values, and the third,<br />

the values for each caplet.<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

CapFixedAmount and FloorFixedAmount can be a single value or an array of size N, where N<br />

is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor. You must include “0” in CapFixedAmount<br />

or FloorFixedAmount if you do not want to enter a rebate array in the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.14. AdDigitalCapFloorPremium<br />

AdDigitalCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, CapStrikePrice As Double,<br />

FloorStrikePrice As Double, FirstRate As Double, CapFixedAmount As Variant,<br />

FloorFixedAmount As Variant, CapFloorStructure As String, RateStructure As<br />

String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a Digital cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Arguments<br />

SettlementDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

StartDate : Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar<br />

CapStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap<br />

FloorStrikePrice : Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor<br />

FirstRate : Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period<br />

CapFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital cap<br />

FloorFixedAmount : Rebate array of the Digital floor<br />

CapFloorStructure : Extended argument defining the instrument<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of a Digital cap, floor, or collar.<br />

Notes<br />

RateArray is a “Dates, Rates” array with a constant volatility in a third column. You must use<br />

RM:BS in CapFloorStructure.<br />

Maturity is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

You must specify the rate of the current caplet or floorlet in the FirstRate argument, if the<br />

instrument is already issued. You cannot calculate it from the zero-coupon yield curve.<br />

CapFixedAmount and FloorFixedAmount can be a single value or an array of size N, where N<br />

is the number of caplets or floorlets of the cap or floor. You must include “0” in CapFixedAmount<br />

or FloorFixedAmount if you do not want to enter a rebate array in the <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

You must specify CAP, FLOOR, or COLLAR and FRQ keywords in the CapFloorStructure.<br />

7.2.15. AdSwaptionDeriv<br />

AdSwaptionDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, SwapStartDate As<br />

Variant, SwapMaturity As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, SwapStructure As String, OptionStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, theta, vega) of an option on a swap.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

SwapStartDate : Start date of the swap<br />

SwapMaturity : Maturity date of the swap<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Spot market rate of the swap<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike rate of the swap<br />

SwapStructure : Extended argument defining the underlying swap<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 4-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

ExpiryDate is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

7.2.16. AdSwaptionPremium<br />

AdSwaptionPremium(CalcDate As Variant, RateArray As Variant, SwapStartDate<br />

As Variant, SwapMaturity As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As<br />

Double, StrikePrice As Double, SwapStructure As String, OptionStructure As<br />

String, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of a swaption.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Settlement date<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

SwapStartDate : Start date of the swap<br />

SwapMaturity : Maturity date of the swap<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Spot market rate of the swap<br />

StrikePrice : Exercise or strike rate of the swap<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

SwapStructure : Extended argument defining the underlying swap<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option on a swap.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:BS<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray has the following columns<br />

Dates, Rates, and a constant volatility<br />

Dates, Rates, Volatilities<br />

Dates, Rates, and constant volatility and mean-reversion<br />

ExpiryDate is expressed as a date or a code, such as “1Y”.<br />

The European mode is the only exercise mode available for a swaption when the keyword RM has<br />

the values RM:BS or RM:HW.<br />

7.2.17. OpCalcDeriv<br />

OpCalcDeriv(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

StrikePrice As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, OptionStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an option on a security<br />

(index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date of the option<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

Volatility : Volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Term structure array<br />

ReturnArray : Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend)<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customising the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of AdMode. The default value is a vertical 5-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

Delta : Delta ratio<br />

Gamma : Gamma ratio<br />

Rho : Rho ratio<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Theta : Theta ratio<br />

Vega : Vega ratio<br />

The following values are also returned in the case of currency options:<br />

ForeignDelta : Delta ratio in the foreign currency<br />

ForeignRho : Rho ratio in the foreign currency<br />

ForiegnTheta : Theta ratio in the foreign currency<br />

ForeignVega : Vega ratio in the foreign currency<br />

Notes<br />

Depending on the model, the RiskFreeRateArray argument can be a constant yield or a (Date,<br />

Rate) array, representing the zero-coupon curve.<br />

The ReturnArray argument means:<br />

- the carrying costs, in case of an option on a commodity<br />

- the risk free rate of the foreign currency, in case of an option on a currency<br />

- 0, in case of an option on a future<br />

- the annual security yield, in case of an option on a stock<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

OptionStructure and RateStructure, through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or<br />

DCB.<br />

In the case of an option on a stock, the dividend rate(s) specified in ReturnArray can be<br />

continuous, proportional, discounted or fixed. See Dividend Types section in the Adfin Options<br />

Theory Guide.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the OptionStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate only one derivative when this derivative is specified in AdMode, by using the RES<br />

keyword.<br />

The RES:FDELTA , RES:FRHO , RES:FVEGA , and RES:FTHETA keywords in AdMode are only<br />

available for a European currency option priced using the Black and Scholes Model.<br />

You can calculate the derivatives of a Vanilla option with variable strike price, using the<br />

EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i keyword in OptionStructure. See OptionStructure in the Adfin<br />

Analytics Structures User Guide.<br />

7.2.18. OpHistVol<br />

OpHistVol(PriceArray As Variant, OpMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the historical volatility of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a<br />

currency, from a set of underlying prices.<br />

To define the type of prices used (either close prices, or high and low prices), use the HVM keyword in<br />

AdMode.<br />

Arguments<br />

PriceArray : 1-dimensional (for HVM:CLOSE) or 2-dimensional (for HVM:HL) array containing<br />

the prices (the orientation of this array should be specified with the LAY<br />

keyword in OpMode if it is different from the default orientation)<br />

OpMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The historical volatility of the option.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

7.2.19. OpImpliedVol<br />

OpImpliedVol(CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

StrikePrice As Double, Premium As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, OptionStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the implied volatility of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a<br />

currency, from the option premium.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date of the option<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

Premium : Premium of the option<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Term structure array<br />

ReturnArray : Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend)<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The implied volatility of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

Depending on the model, the RiskFreeRateArray argument can be a constant yield or a (Date,<br />

Rate) array, representing the zero-coupon curve.<br />

The ReturnArray argument means:<br />

- the carrying costs, in case of an option on commodities<br />

- the risk free rate of the foreign currency, in case of an option on currencies<br />

- 0, in case of an option on futures<br />

- the annual security yield, in case of an option on stocks<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

OptionStructure and RateStructure, through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or<br />

DCB.<br />

In the case of an option on a stock, the dividend rate(s) specified in ReturnArray can be<br />

continuous, proportional, discounted or fixed. See Dividend Types section in the Adfin Options<br />

Theory Guide.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the OptionStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

If you want to calculate the implied volatility of an equity option and if you do not use SOLVER in<br />

CalcStructure, Adfin Analytics applies the Newton-Raphson, dichotomy and Ridder methods<br />

consecutively, until the implied volatility of the option is found. Adfin Analytics returns an error<br />

message if the implied volatility cannot be calculated.<br />

You can calculate the implied volatility of a Vanilla option with variable strike price, by using the<br />

EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i keyword in OptionStructure. See OptionStructure in the Adfin<br />

Analytics Structures User Guide.<br />

7.2.20. OpPremium<br />

OpPremium (CalcDate As Variant, ExpiryDate As Variant, SpotPrice As Double,<br />

StrikePrice As Double, Volatility As Double, RiskFreeRateArray As Variant,<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

ReturnArray As Variant, OptionStructure As String, RateStructure As String,<br />

CalcStructure As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the premium of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date of the option<br />

ExpiryDate : Expiry date of the option<br />

SpotPrice : Market or spot price of the underlying instrument<br />

StrikePrice : Strike price of the option<br />

Volatility : Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument<br />

RiskFreeRateArray : Term structure array<br />

ReturnArray : Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend)<br />

OptionStructure : Extended argument defining the option structure<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

Return Value<br />

The premium of the option.<br />

Notes<br />

Depending on the model, the RiskFreeRateArray argument can be a constant yield or a (Date,<br />

Rate) array, representing the zero-coupon curve.<br />

The ReturnArray argument means:<br />

- the carrying costs, in case of an option on commodities<br />

- the risk free rate of the foreign currency, in case of an option on currencies<br />

- 0, in case of an option on futures<br />

- the annual security yield, in case of an option on stocks<br />

The ReturnArray and RiskFreeRateArray arguments can be defined respectively in<br />

OptionStructure and RateStructure, through the keywords RATETYPE, RATEFRQ, RM or<br />

DCB.<br />

In the case of an option on a stock, the dividend rate(s) specified in ReturnArray can be<br />

continuous, proportional, discounted or fixed. See Dividend Types section in the Adfin Options<br />

Theory Guide.<br />

You must include at least the option type in the OptionStructure, using the CALL or PUT<br />

keywords.<br />

You can calculate the premium of a Vanilla option with variable strike price, by using the<br />

EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i keywords in OptionStructure. See OptionStructure in the<br />

Adfin Analytics Structures User Guide.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



8.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxSwapModule control retrieves the last error code generated by<br />

the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim sw as AdxSwapModule : Declares an object of type AdxSwapModule<br />

Set sw = New AdxSwapModule : Creates an AdxSwapModule object<br />

If sw.ErrorCode 0 Then : sw.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (sw.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

8.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxSwapModule component sets the error mode of the<br />

AdxSwapModule. Three modes are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim sw as AdxSwapModule : Declares an object of type AdxSwapModule<br />

Set sw = New AdxSwapModule : Creates an AdxSwapModule object<br />

sw.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : sw.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />

8.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxSwapModule retrieves the last error code generated by the<br />

object with the associated error string.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim sw as AdxSwapModule : Declares an object of type AdxSwapModule<br />

Set sw = New AdxSwapModule : Creates an AdxSwapModule object<br />

sw.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : sw.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an error<br />

occurs<br />

Res = sw.SwIrsCpnDates("1-MAR-04", "31Aug04", "1-Jun-02", "LBOTH FRQ:1<br />

ACC:AA", "LAY:V")<br />

: The RES keyword is not in AdMode. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

SwIrsCpnDates returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(sw.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

sw.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#40cb –<br />

SwMode: invalid value for RES keyword.’)<br />


8.2.1. FrnCalcCpn<br />

FrnCalcCpn(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

CurrentIndex As Double, QuotedMargin As Double, FrnStructure As String,<br />

FrnMode As String) As Variant<br />

Returns all coupon features of a FRN in an array.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the FRN (issue date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the FRN<br />

CurrentIndex : Index rate for the current coupon<br />

QuotedMargin : Margin applied to the index<br />

FrnStructure : Extended argument defining the FRN structure<br />

FrnMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FrnMode. The default value is a vertical 5-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

PrevCpnDate : Previous coupon date<br />

NextCpnDate : Next coupon date<br />

AccruedDays : Number of accrued days calculated according to the accrued basis<br />

AccruedInt : Accrued interest<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

NextCpnValue : Next coupon value<br />

Note<br />

The QM keyword in FrnStructure dedicated to the quoted margin is an alternative to the<br />

QuotedMargin argument. When this keyword is used within the structure, a zero value in the<br />

argument is required.<br />

8.2.2. FrnCashFlows<br />

FrnCashFlows(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, QuotedMargin As Double,<br />

FloatingRateArray As Variant, FrnStructure As String, FrnMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of a floating rate instrument.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the FRN (issue date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y")<br />

QuotedMargin : Margin applied to the index<br />

FloatingRateArray : Array of floating leg rates<br />

FrnStructure : Extended argument defining the FRN structure<br />

FrnMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of FrnMode. The default value is a 4-column array containing<br />

the following:<br />

Payment Date<br />

Cash flows expressed as a percentage<br />

Rate expressed as a percentage<br />

Discount factor expressed as a percentage<br />

Notes<br />

The QM keyword in FrnStructure dedicated to the quoted margin is an alternative to the<br />

QuotedMargin argument. When this keyword is used within the structure, a zero value in the<br />

argument is required.<br />

The FloatingRateArray argument allows the simulation of the current index and the projected<br />

index. In the case of a scenario without a date, the first index applies to the first cash flow, the<br />

second index to the second cash flow, and so on. If there are more cash flows than indexes, the<br />

remaining cash flows are derived from the last available index. When the current index is a<br />

constant yield curve, the FloatingRateArray parameter is considered as the current index and<br />

every forward cash flow is derived from the zero-coupon curve.<br />

The LAY:H keyword, which describe the orientation of the result array in the FrnMode argument, is<br />

mandatory when used in the FrnCashFlows <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

8.2.3. FrnMargin<br />

FrnMargin(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, Px As<br />

Double, QuotedMargin As Double, FloatingRateArray As Variant, FrnStructure As<br />

String, FrnMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the FRN price, margin or yield.<br />

The expected result must be specified in FrnMode using the TO keyword. Similarly, the type of data<br />

used in the Px argument must be specified using the FROM keyword.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the FRN (issue date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y")<br />

Px : Margin or yield expressed as a percentage or price expressed as a<br />

percentage of the nominal<br />

QuotedMargin : Margin applied to the index<br />

FloatingRateArray :<br />

Two-row array defining the value of the current index and the value of<br />

the projected index<br />

FrnStructure : Extended argument defining the FRN structure<br />

FrnMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is one of the following:<br />

the clean price<br />

the gross price<br />

the adjusted price<br />

the simple margin<br />

the adjusted simple margin<br />

the adjusted total margin<br />

the discounted margin<br />

the yield to maturity<br />

the yield to maturity spread<br />

Notes<br />

The QM keyword in FrnStructure dedicated to the quoted margin is an alternative to the<br />

QuotedMargin argument. When the QM keyword is used in the structure, a zero value in the<br />

argument is required.<br />

The FROM keyword of the FrnMode Argument specifies the data type of the Px argument of the<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ction. When it takes the value YS (“yield to maturity spread”), the user must be aware that the<br />

input yield is always expressed in the FRN frequency.<br />

8.2.4. FrnPx<br />

FrnPx(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant, StartDate As<br />

Variant, Maturity As Variant, QuotedMargin As Double, FloatingRateArray As<br />

Variant, FrnStructure As String, FrnMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the price from a yield curve of a floating rate instrument.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the FRN (issue date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y")<br />

QuotedMargin : Margin applied to the index<br />

FloatingRateArray : Array of floating leg rates<br />

FrnStructure : Extended argument defining the FRN structure<br />

FrnMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The price of the FRN.<br />

Notes<br />

The QM keyword in FrnStructure dedicated to the quoted margin is an alternative to the<br />

QuotedMargin argument. When the QM keyword is used in the structure, a zero value in the<br />

argument is required.<br />

The FloatingRateArray argument allows the simulation of the current index and the projected<br />

index. In the case of a scenario without a date, the first index applies to the first cash flow, the<br />

second index to the second cash flow and so on. If there are more cash flows than indexes, the<br />

remaining cash flows are derived from the last available index. When the current index is a<br />

constant yield curve, the FloatingRateArray parameter is considered as the current index and<br />

every forward cash flow is derived from the zero-coupon curve.<br />

8.2.5. SwCsCashFlows<br />

SwCsCashFlows(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

PaidRate As Double, CurPaidArray As Variant, ReceivedRate As Double,<br />

CurReceivedArray As Variant, ZcPaidArray As Variant, ZcReceivedArray As<br />

Variant, FxArray As Variant, CsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of the currency swap.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the currency swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code<br />

such as "1Y")<br />

PaidRate : Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if<br />

the paid leg is floating<br />

CurPaidArray : Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ReceivedRate : Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a<br />

percentage if the received leg is floating<br />

CurReceivedArray : Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ZcPaidArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the paid<br />

leg<br />

ZcReceivedArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

received leg<br />

FxArray : Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of<br />

swap point periods<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation<br />

specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot<br />

rate for the cross-currency.<br />

The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding<br />

swap point values for the cross-currency.<br />

CsStructure : Extended argument defining the currency swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of SwMode. The default value is a 18-column array containing<br />

the following data for all remaining cash flows:<br />

Column #1 : Date<br />

Column #2 : Principal payment of the paid leg in the payment currency<br />

Column #3 : Interest payment of the paid leg in the payment currency<br />

Column #4 : Principal payment of the received leg in the received currency<br />

Column #5 : Interest payment of the received leg in the received currency<br />

Column #6 : Zero-coupon rate of the payment currency<br />

Column #7 : Discount factor of the payment currency<br />

Column #8 : Zero-coupon rate of the received currency<br />

Column #9 : Discount factor of the received currency<br />

Column #10 : Outright rate<br />

Column #11 : Conversion rate to the discount currency for the paid leg<br />

Column #12 : Conversion rate to the discount currency for the received leg<br />

Column #13 : Discount factor in discount currency for the paid leg<br />

Column #14 : Discount factor in discount currency for the received leg<br />

Column #15 : Principal payment of the paid leg in the discount currency<br />

Column #16 : Interest payment of the paid leg in the discount currency<br />

Column #17 : Principal payment of the received leg in the discount currency<br />

Column #18 : Interest payment of the received leg in the discount currency<br />

Notes<br />

The string value used for CsStructure cannot be empty. It must include at least the crosscurrency<br />

("CROSS") and for each leg the leg type ("LTYPE") and the leg currency ("CUR").<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the arguments CurPaidRate and<br />

CurReceivedRate can be left to 0 to indicate that floating rates for the current calculation period<br />

must be calculated from the zero-coupon yield curves<br />

When the RET keyword is not specified in SwMode, the maximum number of cash flow returned<br />

by the <strong>fun</strong>ction is limited to 24. To return for instance 30 cash flows for a long term swap, use<br />

"RET:A30".<br />

8.2.6. SwCsPx<br />

SwCsPx(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

PaidRate As Double, CurPaidArray As Variant, ReceivedRate As Double,<br />

CurReceivedArray As Variant, ZcPaidArray As Variant, ZcReceivedArray As<br />

Variant, FxArray As Variant, CsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Calculates the net present value of a currency swap or one of its legs.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

StartDate : Start date of the currency swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code<br />

such as "1Y")<br />

PaidRate : Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if<br />

the paid leg is floating<br />

CurPaidArray : Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ReceivedRate : Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a<br />

percentage if the received leg is floating<br />

CurReceivedArray : Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ZcPaidArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

payment currency<br />

ZcReceivedArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

received currency<br />

FxArray : Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of<br />

swap point periods<br />

The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation<br />

specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot<br />

rate for the cross-currency.<br />

The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding<br />

swap point values for the cross-currency.<br />

CsStructure : Extended argument defining the currency swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of SwMode. The default value is a 3-row array containing:<br />

SwapNPV : Net present value of the swap in the discount currency<br />

FloatingLegNPV : Net present value of the floating leg in the discount currency<br />

FixedLegNPV : Net present value of the fixed leg in the discount currency<br />

Notes<br />

The string value used for CsStructure cannot be empty. It must include at least the crosscurrency<br />

("CROSS") and for each leg the leg type ("LTYPE") and the leg currency ("CUR").<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the arguments CurPaidRate and<br />

CurReceivedRate can be left to 0 to indicate that floating rates for the current calculation period<br />

must be calculated from the zero-coupon yield curves<br />

8.2.7. SwCsSolve<br />

SwCsSolve(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

PaidRate As Double, CurPaidArray As Variant, ReceivedRate As Double,<br />

CurReceivedArray As Variant, ZcPaidArray As Variant, ZcReceivedArray As<br />

Variant, FxArray As Variant, NetPresentValue As Double, CsStructure As String,<br />

SwMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the paid rate or the received rate spread for any leg equivalent to a predefined net present<br />

value.<br />

To specify for which leg the fixed rate or the floating rate spread is calculated, use the RES keyword<br />

in SwMode ("RES:PAID" or "RES:RECEIVED").<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the currency swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code<br />

such as "1Y")<br />

PaidRate : Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if<br />

the paid leg is floating<br />

CurPaidArray : Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ReceivedRate : Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a<br />

percentage if the received leg is floating<br />

CurReceivedArray : Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ZcPaidArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

payment currency<br />

ZcReceivedArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

received currency<br />

FxArray : Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of<br />

swap point periods<br />

The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation<br />

specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot<br />

rate for the cross-currency.<br />

The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding<br />

swap point values for the cross-currency.<br />

NetPresentValue : Present value of the swap or one of its legs in the discount currency<br />

CsStructure : Extended argument defining the currency swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The fixed rate expressed as a real value or the floating rate spread in basis points for the paid leg (with<br />

"RES:PAID") or the received leg (with "RES:RECEIVED").<br />

Notes<br />

The string value used for CsStructure cannot be empty. It must include at least the crosscurrency<br />

("CROSS") and for each leg the leg type ("LTYPE") and the leg currency ("CUR").<br />

If NetPresentValue stands for the net present value of the paid leg ("PXT:PAID"), only the<br />

fixed rate or floating rate spread of the paid leg is calculated. Similarly, if NetPresentValue<br />

stands for the net present value of the received leg ("PXT:RECEIVED"), only the fixed rate or the<br />

floating rate spread of the received leg is calculated.<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the arguments CurPaidRate and<br />

CurReceivedRate can be left to 0 to indicate that floating rates for the current calculation period<br />

must be calculated from the zero-coupon yield curves<br />

8.2.8. SwIrsCashFlows<br />

SwIrsCashFlows(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, FixedRate As Double,<br />

CurFloatingRate As Variant, IrsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of the interest rate swap.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code<br />

such as "1Y")<br />

FixedRate : Rate of the swap fixed leg<br />

CurFloatingRate : Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period<br />

IrsStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of SwMode. The default value is a vertical 5-column array<br />

("RET:Ai:ABCDE") containing the following data for all remaining cash flows:<br />

Column A : Date<br />

Column B : Floating payment (if applicable)<br />

Column C : Fixed payment (if applicable)<br />

Column D : Zero-coupon rate<br />

Column E : Discount factor<br />

The following array configurations are also provided:<br />

RET:Ai:AB+{D,E} : Floating payment schedule (the zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

are optional)<br />

RET:Ai:AC+{D,E} : Fixed payment schedule (the zero-coupon rates or discount factors are<br />

optional)<br />

When this array <strong>fun</strong>ction is used as a standard <strong>fun</strong>ction, only the first element is returned. Similarly,<br />

when used with a horizontal array, only the first element is returned into all cells of the array. To return<br />

a correct array use "LAY:H" as SwMode.<br />

Notes<br />

By default, Adfin Swaps assumes that the fixed rate is paid and the floating rate is received.<br />

Otherwise, use "PAID:FLOAT" in the IrsStructure argument.<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the argument CurFloatingRate can be left to 0 to<br />

indicate that the floating rate for the current calculation period must be calculated from the zerocoupon<br />

yield curve.<br />

When the RET keyword is not specified in SwMode, the maximum number of cash flow returned<br />

by the <strong>fun</strong>ction is limited to 24. To return for instance 30 cash flows for a long term swap, use<br />

"RET:A30".<br />

8.2.9. SwIrsCpnDates<br />

SwIrsCpnDates (CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

IrsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As Variant<br />

Generates an array with the coupon dates of one swap leg.<br />

The leg type must be specified in SwMode using the RES keyword ("RES:FIXED" or<br />

"RES:FLOAT").<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as<br />

"1Y")<br />

IrsStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value is a 1-column array containing the fixed leg coupon dates (with "RES:FIXED") or<br />

the floating leg coupon dates (with "RES:FLOAT").<br />

8.2.10. SwIrsPvbpCrv<br />

SwIrsPx(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant, StartDate<br />

As Variant, Maturity As Variant, FixedRate As Double, CurFloatingRate As<br />

Variant, IrsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the price variation per basis point of a swap or one of its legs for each point of a zerocoupon<br />

yield curve.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such<br />

as "1Y")<br />

FixedRate : Rate of the swap fixed leg<br />

CurFloatingRate : Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period<br />

IrsStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The <strong>fun</strong>ction returns a 2-dimensional array containing the curve dates and corresponding sensitivity<br />

values for the swap, for the floating leg of the swap, and for the fixed leg of the swap.<br />

Notes<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the argument CurFloatingRate can be left to 0 to<br />

indicate that the floating rate for the current calculation period must be calculated from the zerocoupon<br />

yield curve.<br />

The calculation is performed by default with a zero-coupon rate or discount factor change epsilon<br />

equal to 1 basis point (0.01%), but this value can be changed using the "SHIFT" keyword in<br />

SwMode.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

8.2.11. SwIrsPx<br />

SwIrsPx(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant, StartDate<br />

As Variant, Maturity As Variant, FixedRate As Double, CurFloatingRate As<br />

Variant, IrsStructure As String, SwMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the net present value of a swap or one of its legs.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such<br />

as "1Y")<br />

FixedRate : Rate of the swap fixed leg<br />

CurFloatingRate : Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period<br />

IrsStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of SwMode. The default value is a vertical 3-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

SwapNPV : Net present value of the swap<br />

FloatingLegNPV : Net present value of the floating leg<br />

FixedLegNPV : Net present value of the fixed leg<br />

Notes<br />

By default, AdfinX Swaps assumes that the fixed rate is paid and the floating rate is received.<br />

Otherwise, use "PAID:FLOAT" in the IrsStructure.<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the argument CurFloatingRate can be left to 0 to<br />

indicate that the floating rate for the current calculation period must be calculated from the zerocoupon<br />

yield curve.<br />

8.2.12. SwIrsSolve<br />

SwIrsSolve(CalcDate As Variant, ZcDates As Variant, ZcRates As Variant,<br />

StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant, FixedRate As Double,<br />

CurFloatingRate As Variant, NetPresentValue As Double, IrsStructure As String,<br />

SwMode As String) As Double<br />

Calculates the fixed rate or the floating rate spread equivalent to a predefined net present value.<br />

To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in SwMode using the RES<br />

keyword ("RES:FIXED" or "RES:FLOAT").<br />

By default, AdfinX Swaps assumes that the NetPresentValue argument stands for the net present<br />

value of the swap. To use the net present value of one of the swap legs, use the PXT keyword in<br />

SwMode.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

ZcDates : Array of zero-coupon dates<br />

ZcRates : Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors<br />

StartDate : Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such<br />

as "1Y")<br />

FixedRate : Rate of the swap fixed leg<br />

CurFloatingRate : Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period<br />

NetPresentValue : Present value of the swap or one of its legs<br />

IrsStructure : Extended argument defining the interest rate swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The fixed rate expressed as a real value (with "RES:FIXED") or the floating rate spread in basis<br />

points (with "RES:FLOAT").<br />

Notes<br />

If NetPresentValue stands for the net present value of the fixed leg ("PXT:FIXED"), only the<br />

fixed rate is calculated. Similarly, if NetPresentValue stands for the net present value of the<br />

floating leg ("PXT:FLOAT"), only the floating rate spread is calculated.<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the argument CurFloatingRate can be left to 0 to<br />

indicate that the floating rate for the current calculation period must be calculated from the zerocoupon<br />

yield curve.<br />

8.2.13. SwSwpExtend<br />

SwSwpExtend(CalcDate As Variant, StartDate As Variant, Maturity As Variant,<br />

PaidRate As Double, CurPaidArray As Variant, ReceivedRate As Double,<br />

CurReceivedArray As Variant, ZcPaidArray As Variant, ZcReceivedArray As<br />

Variant, FxArray As Variant, NetPresentValue As Double, CsStructure As String,<br />

SwMode As String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the swap point at maturity date equivalent to a spread/fixed rate and to a predefined net<br />

present value.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StartDate : Start date of the currency swap (effective date)<br />

Maturity : Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code<br />

such as "1Y")<br />

PaidRate : Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if<br />

the paid leg is floating<br />

CurPaidArray : Floating rate if the paid leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ReceivedRate : Fixed rate of the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread if the<br />

received leg is floating<br />

CurReceivedArray : Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if<br />

applicable<br />

ZcPaidArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

payment currency<br />

ZcReceivedArray : Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the<br />

received currency<br />

FxArray : Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of<br />

swap point periods<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation<br />

specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot<br />

rate for the cross-currency.<br />

The other lines contain swap point period end dates and<br />

corresponding swap point values for the cross-currency.<br />

NetPresentValue : Present value of the swap or one of its legs in discount currency<br />

CsStructure : Extended argument defining the currency swap structure<br />

SwMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of SwMode. The default value is a 2-row array containing:<br />

Date : Date<br />

SwapPoint : Swap point corresponding to NetPresentValue<br />

Notes<br />

The string value used for CsStructure cannot be empty. It must include at least the crosscurrency<br />

("CROSS") and for each leg the leg type ("LTYPE") and the leg currency ("CUR").<br />

If NetPresentValue stands for the net present value of the paid leg ("PXT:PAID"), only the<br />

fixed rate or floating rate spread of the paid leg is calculated. Similarly, if NetPresentValue<br />

stands for the net present value of the received leg ("PXT:RECEIVED"), only the fixed rate or the<br />

floating rate spread of the received leg is calculated.<br />

If the current coupon period has not begun, the arguments CurPaidRate and<br />

CurReceivedRate can be left to 0 to indicate that floating rates for the current calculation period<br />

must be calculated from the zero-coupon yield curves<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />



9.1.1. ErrorCode<br />

ErrorCode() As Long<br />

The ErrorCode property of the AdxYieldCurveModule control retrieves the last error code<br />

generated by the object.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim yc as AdxYieldCurveModule : Declares an object of type<br />

AdxYieldCurveModule<br />

Set yc = New AdxYieldCurveModule : Creates an AdxYieldCurveModule object<br />

If yc.ErrorCode 0 Then : yc.ErrorCode contains the error<br />

MsgBox (yc.ErrorCode) : Displays the error code in a message box<br />

End If<br />

9.1.2. ErrorMode<br />

ErrorMode() As AdxErrorMode<br />

The ErrorMode property of the AdxYieldCurveModule component sets the error mode. Three<br />

modes are defined:<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Note<br />

By default the error mode is set to EXCEPTION.<br />

Example<br />

Dim yc as AdxYieldCurveModule : Declares an object of type<br />

AdxYieldCurveModule<br />

Set yc = New AdxYieldCurveModule : Creates an AdxYieldCurveModule object<br />

yc.ErrorMode = NO_EXCEPTION : yc.ErrorMode is set to NO_EXCEPTION<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

9.1.3. ErrorString<br />

ErrorString() As String<br />

The ErrorString property of the AdxYieldCurveModule retrieves the last error code<br />

generated by the object with the associated error string.<br />

Arguments<br />

This property takes no argument.<br />

Example<br />

Dim yc as AdxYieldCurveModule : Declares an object of variable type<br />

AdxYieldCurveModule<br />

Set yc = New AdxYieldCurveModule : Creates an AdxYieldCurveModule object<br />

yc.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION : yc.ErrorMode must be set to EXCEPTION to use the<br />

ErrorString<br />

On Error Go To Handle : Error handler executes code after Handle when an<br />

error occurs<br />

Res = yc.AdFutDates("CLDR:CAN YB:360 CUR:CAB NBQC:8 NBMC:3", "Mo", "LAY:V")<br />

: The maturity code should be MO. The <strong>fun</strong>ction<br />

AdFutDates returns an error<br />

Exit Sub : Exits sub or <strong>fun</strong>ction before the handle or code will be<br />

executed<br />

Handle<br />

MsgBox(yc.ErrorString) : Displays the ErrorString in a message box<br />

yc.ErrorString contains the ErrorString (‘Error#4009 –<br />

Maturity code: invalid value.’)<br />


9.2.1. AdCalibrate<br />

=AdCalibrate(InputArray As Variant, ZCArray As Variant, StartOutputArray As<br />

Variant, RateStructure As String, CalcStructure As String, AdMode As<br />

String) As Variant<br />

Calculates the model parameters (dates, rates and volatility curve or dates, rates, volatility plus meanreversion<br />

curve) from an array of instruments.<br />

Arguments<br />

InputArray : Array of instruments as described later<br />

ZCArray : (Date, Zero-coupon yield) array describing the zero-coupon curve<br />

StartOutputArray : Start points of the output parameters<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

CalcStructure : Extended argument defining the calculation method<br />

AdMode:<br />

Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the rate model specified in the RateStructure and on the AdMode.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Black, Derman, and Toy model:<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The default value is a vertical array (RET:Ai) containing the<br />

following data:<br />

Dates : Zero-coupon dates<br />

Rates : Zero-coupon rates<br />

Volatilities : Short rate volatilities if VOLTYPE:SR is specified and yield volatilities of<br />

the zero-coupon maturing at this date if VOLTYPE:ZC is specified in<br />

the RateStructure.<br />

Hull and White model:<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The default value is a vertical array (RET:Ai) containing the<br />

following parameter array:<br />

Dates : Zero-coupon dates<br />

Rates : Zero-coupon rates<br />

Volatilities : Short rate volatilities<br />

Mean-Reversion : Mean-reversion curve<br />

If not already in the ZCArray, the returned value adds the dates and the rates, volatilities and<br />

mean-reversions at these dates corresponding to the dates of the StartOutputArray.<br />

If not specified, the volatility and mean-reversion is presumed constant in the case of the Hull and<br />

White model. Their start values are respectively 0.01 and 0.1 (arbitrary choice).<br />

In the case of the Black, Derman, and Toy model, the start values are the spot volatilities of the<br />

forward rates, or of the swap rates induced from the market volatilities.<br />

Notes<br />

The InputArray can contain any subset of the following groups of instruments: caps, floors, or<br />

swaptions. However, cap, floors, and swaptions cannot be mixed when calibrating the Hull and<br />

White or the Black, Derman, and Toy model. Caps and floors can be mixed in the InputArray.<br />

The maturity dates must be strictly increasing in the case of the Black, Derman, and Toy model.<br />

InputArray must contain the following data:<br />

Type StartDate Maturity Spot rate Expiry Date Market Structure1<br />

Volatilities<br />

Structure2<br />

“C” for<br />

caps<br />

Start date<br />

of the cap<br />

Maturity date<br />

or code of<br />

the cap<br />

Spot rate Not applicable Market<br />

Volatilities<br />

Not applicable<br />

CapFloorStructure<br />

“F” for<br />

floors<br />

Start date<br />

of the floor<br />

Maturity date<br />

or code of<br />

the floor<br />

Spot rate Not applicable Market<br />

Volatilities<br />

Not applicable<br />

CapFloorStructure<br />

“S” for<br />

swaptions<br />

Start date<br />

of the<br />

swap<br />

Maturity date<br />

or code of<br />

the swap<br />

Spot rate<br />

Expiry Date of<br />

the swaption<br />

Market<br />

Volatilities<br />

OptionStructure<br />

SwapStructure<br />

When using BDT, the TITER keyword in the Calcstructure should be the same to calibrate the<br />

model as the one to price instruments with this model in order to limit numeric noise.<br />

When using HW, the calculation method should be CMT:FORM as caps, floors and (European)<br />

swaptions can be computed analytically.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

9.2.2. AdFutCodes<br />

=AdFutCodes(CalcDate As Variant, StirFutStructure As String, YcMode As String)<br />

As Variant<br />

Calculates the next maturity codes for a STIR futures contract.<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date<br />

StirFutStructure : Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract<br />

YcMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of YcMode. The default value is vertical array containing the 2-<br />

character codes of contracts (e.g. "Z6") maturing after CalcDate.<br />

When the RET keyword is not specified in YcMode, the maximum number of codes returned by the<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ction is limited to 15. To return for instance 30 codes, use RET:A30.<br />

The resulting array can serve as a basis for determining instrument codes and hedging period dates.<br />

Notes<br />

The next futures contract maturity can be skipped using the keyword ROLL in YcMode.<br />

Odd contracts (i.e. contract maturities, which do not fall in either March, June, September or<br />

December) can be skipped using the keyword ODD in YcMode.<br />

9.2.3. AdFutDates<br />

=AdFutDates(StirFutStructure As String, MaturityCode, YcMode As String)<br />

Calculates the start date and the end date of a STIR futures contract hedging period.<br />

Arguments<br />

StirFutStructure : Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract<br />

MaturityCode : 2-character string defining the contract maturity (example : "Z6" , codes<br />

can be obtained using AdFutCodes)<br />

YcMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return Value<br />

The return value depends on the value of YcMode. The default value is a vertical 2-cell array<br />

containing:<br />

FutStartDate : Start date of the period (third Wednesday of the contract delivery month)<br />

FutEndDate : End date of the period (FutStartDate + 3 months)<br />

The resulting array can serve as a basis for determining a zero-coupon yield curve from futures.<br />

9.2.4. AdRate<br />

=AdRate(CalcDate As Variant, DateArray As Variant, RateArray As Variant,<br />

RateStructure As String, AdMode As String) As Variant<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

Calculates the discount factors for an array of dates, using one of the following term structure models:<br />

Vasicek-Fong model<br />

standard bootstrapping model<br />

basis-spline models<br />

Black, Derman, and Toy<br />

Hull and White yield-to-maturity model<br />

Arguments<br />

CalcDate : Calculation date of the yield curve<br />

DateArray : Input array of dates<br />

RateArray : Term structure array<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return value<br />

The return value is a vertical column array containing for each date in DateArray the discount factor<br />

computed with the model specified by the RateStructure.<br />

Notes<br />

The table below describes you the different forms of RateArray:<br />

If you specify<br />

RM:YTM<br />

RM:VF<br />


RM:YC<br />

RM:BDT<br />

RM:HW<br />

Then RateArray is<br />

a single value<br />

a 1-column array, which contains the Vasicek-Fong coefficients<br />

a 2-column array, which contains the dates and rates<br />

a 2-column array, which contains the dates and discount factors (or<br />

rates) of a zero-coupon yield curve<br />

a 3-column array, which contains the dates, rates and volatilities<br />

a 3-column array, which contains the dates, rates, volatilities and meanreversion<br />

In standard bootstrapping, Black, Derman, and Toy, and Hull and White models, the discount<br />

factors are interpolated from the dates defined in RateArray.<br />

Use the IM keyword in RateStructure to define the type of interpolation.<br />

Use the ZCTYPE keyword in RateStructure to specify the values of RateArray as rates or<br />

discount factors.<br />

If the dates in DateArray used for the interpolation are not within the range of the RateArray,<br />

the <strong>fun</strong>ction may either extrapolate or return an error message depending on value of the OBC<br />

keyword.<br />

9.2.5. AdTermStructure<br />

=AdTermStructure(InstrumentArray As Variant, RateStructure As String, AdMode<br />

As String) As Variant<br />

Depending on the model specified by the RM keyword, the <strong>fun</strong>ction calculates a zero-coupon yield<br />

curve from an array of instruments, using:<br />

Vasicek-Fong model<br />

standard Bootstrapping model<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

regression or smoothing basis-spline models<br />

Arguments<br />

InstrumentArray : Array of instruments<br />

RateStructure : Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate structure<br />

AdMode : Extended argument customizing the return value<br />

Return value<br />

The return value depends on the method used to calculate the yield curve and the AdMode structure.<br />

Bootstrapping model:<br />

The return value is a vertical 2-column array ("RET:Ai") containing the following data for each start<br />

date and end date in the input array:<br />

Date : Zero-coupon date<br />

Rate : Zero-coupon rate or discount factor depending on the ZCTYPE keyword<br />

Vasicek-Fong model:<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The default value is a vertical array containing:<br />

Yield Curve Start Date<br />

Alpha : Alpha coefficient<br />

Beta0 : Beta0 coefficient<br />

Beta1 : Beta1 coefficient<br />

Beta2 : Beta2 coefficient<br />

Beta3 : Beta3 coefficient<br />

Basis-spline model:<br />

The return value depends on AdMode. The default value is a vertical 2-column array containing:<br />

• dates of knots and fitness and smoothness parameters in the two last rows of the array<br />

• linear coefficients of the forward <strong>fun</strong>ction in the basis-sline base<br />

Notes<br />

You must specify either RM:YC keyword in RateStructure to use the bootstrapping model,<br />

RM:VF to use the Vasicek-Fong model, or RM:BSPLINE to use the basis-spline model.<br />

Bootstrapping model:<br />

The InstrumentArray can contain any subset of the following groups of instruments: deposits,<br />

bonds, STIR futures, or interest rate swaps. The rule for overlapping is that the longer-term<br />

instruments have priority. For example, deposits are used only until the first futures maturity; futures<br />

are used only until the first IRS maturity. However, it is possible to mix bonds and swaps.<br />

The InstrumentArray must contain the following data:<br />

Type StartDate Maturity Coupon Market Price<br />

& Rate<br />

Structure<br />

“D” for<br />

deposits<br />

Start date of<br />

the period (1)<br />

End date of<br />

the period (1)<br />

Not<br />

applicable<br />

Rate<br />

Currency<br />

Style<br />

“F” for STIR Start date of End date of Not Implied STIR<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

futures the period (2) the period (2) applicable forward rate Future style<br />

“S” for IRS<br />

Start date of<br />

the swap<br />

Maturity code<br />

or maturity<br />

date<br />

Current<br />

floating rate<br />

(3)<br />

Fixed swap<br />

rate<br />

Swap<br />

Structure<br />

“B” for bonds<br />

Settlement<br />

date of the<br />

bond (4)<br />

Maturity date<br />

of the bond<br />

Coupon<br />

rate of the<br />

bond<br />

Price (5)<br />

Bond Style<br />

or Structure<br />

(1) The date can be calculated using FxCalcPeriod<br />

(2) The date can be calculated using AdFutCodes and AdFutDates<br />

(3) If left at 0, the current floating rate is interpolated from the yield curve<br />

(4) The date can be calculated using BdSettle<br />

(5) Clean price or gross price according to the default setting in the BOND category<br />

The “Coupon” column must be included in the InstrumentArray even if you are not using bonds to<br />

generate the zero-coupon curve. The column must contain either “0” or no value.<br />

The size of the InstrumentArray cannot exceed 48 instruments. If the size exceeds 23<br />

instruments, use the keyword RET to display all the dates and zero-coupon rates or discount factors.<br />

Vasicek-Fong model:<br />

The InstrumentArray contains only bond instruments:<br />

Type StartDate Maturity Coupon Market Price Structure<br />

“B” for<br />

Maturity date<br />

Price<br />

Bond Style<br />

bonds<br />

of the bond<br />

or Structure<br />

Settlement<br />

date of the<br />

bond<br />

Coupon<br />

rate of the<br />

bond<br />

The instrument array does not handle callable and puttable bonds, index-linked bonds, and FRNs. The<br />

bonds sample must be homogenous. The model should have at least between 10 and 15 bonds to<br />

ensure accuracy. You can choose the value of the Vasicek-Fong coefficient Alpha using the<br />

VFALPHA keyword in RateStructureYou can also specify a model with duration using the MDWA<br />

keyword in RateStructure<br />

Basis-spline models:<br />

The InstrumentArray contains zero-coupon or fixed-coupon bonds, which have the same rating<br />

and liquidity:<br />

Type StartDate Maturity Coupon Market Price Structure<br />

“B” for<br />

Maturity date<br />

Price (2) Bond Style<br />

bonds<br />

of the bond<br />

or Structure<br />

Settlement<br />

date of the<br />

bond (1)<br />

Coupon<br />

rate of the<br />

bond<br />

(1) The date can be calculated using BdSettle<br />

(2) Clean price or gross price according to the default setting in the BOND category (expressed as a<br />

percentage of the nominal)<br />

The instrument array does not handle callable and puttable bonds, index-linked bonds, and FRNs. You<br />

choose the number of knot-points of the basis-spline <strong>fun</strong>ction using the NBKNOT keyword in<br />

RateStructure. You specify the SMOOTH keyword value in RateStructure to apply the related basisspline<br />

method. You specify the MDWA keyword value in RateStructure to choose a type of<br />

minimization of the residual errors between market and model prices.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />


10.1. ERRORMODE<br />

10.1.1. AdxErrorMode<br />

AdxErrorMode<br />

DIALOGBOX : In this mode a dialog box is displayed when an error occurs.<br />

EXCEPTION : In this mode an exception is thrown when an error occurs.<br />

NO_EXCEPTION : In this mode the user must call the property ErrorCode to know the error<br />

encountered.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />


This section explains the compatibility issues between AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library and the<br />

previous version.<br />


The new version of AdfinX Analytics Function Library is compatible with the previous ones. The<br />

<strong>fun</strong>ctions and modules that can be exposed in your VBA editor are the same.<br />

New <strong>fun</strong>ctions are available in the Bonds, Options, YieldCurves and Exotics Modules. A new module<br />

called “AdxConvBondModule” is also added.<br />


This section describes the differences between old and new AdfinX Analytics Libraries.<br />

The following table explains the naming differences.<br />

The name of Was in PowerPlus Pro 4.0 Is in Power Plus Pro 4.5<br />

The library<br />

Note:<br />









The library used in the<br />

source code<br />

A control<br />

Note:<br />

You can find the control<br />

labels in the Object…<br />

item of the Insert menu<br />

of Excel.<br />

A control used in the<br />

source code<br />

…<br />

…<br />

…<br />

…<br />

“AdfinX Analytics Bonds 1.2<br />

Library”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics Dates 1.2<br />

Library”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics Exotics 1.2<br />

Library”<br />

Bdx.dll for Bonds module<br />

Dfx.dll for Dates module<br />

Exx.dll for Exotics module<br />

“AdfinXBonds”<br />

“AdfinXDates”<br />

“AdfinXExotics”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics<br />

BondModule Control”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics DateModule<br />

Control”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics<br />

ExoticModule Control”<br />

“AdxBondModule”<br />

“AdxDateModule”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function<br />

Library”<br />

Note:<br />

All AdfinX Analytics libraries are<br />

now grouped under one name.<br />

AdXfo.dll<br />

Note:<br />

All AdfinX Analytics dlls are now<br />

grouped under one name.<br />


Note:<br />

All AdfinX Analytics libraries are<br />

now grouped under one name.<br />

…<br />

“AdfinX Analytics 1.0<br />

AdxBondModule Control”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics 1.0<br />

AdxDateModule Control”<br />

“AdfinX Analytics 1.0<br />

AdxExoticModule Control”<br />

“AdxBondModule”<br />

“AdxDateModule”<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />

“AdxExoticModule”<br />

“AdxExoticModule”<br />

Note:<br />

The other modules concerned by these changes are:<br />

Forex<br />

Options<br />

Swaps<br />

Utilities<br />

Yield Curves<br />


This section explains how to migrate your code written with the old version of the AdfinX Analytics<br />

Function Library to the new one.<br />

You must make a series of changes to reuse your old code with AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library.<br />

The table below shows you how to migrate your code.<br />

IF<br />

You use C++ samples<br />

THEN<br />

1 Import the dynamic linked library in you code:<br />


2 Replace the library names with “AdfinXAnalyticsFunctions”<br />

You use VBA code<br />

1 Remove the old controls from your spreadsheet.<br />

2 Replace the library names with “AdfinXAnalyticsFunctions”<br />

See Naming Differences.<br />

Note:<br />

The spreadsheet you use may be corrupted when<br />

removing references to the old version of AdfinX Analytics.<br />

In this case, make sure that all references are removed<br />

and save the spreadsheet with a different name.<br />

3 Insert new controls using the same names as old ones.<br />

Your VBA code then does not change.<br />


AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library – User Guide<br />


This section introduces a particular feature in AdfinX Analytics 1.0 Function Library. If you use VBA<br />

code, you must specify Variant <strong>fun</strong>ction parameters with the .Value extension. The following code<br />

is an example of how to use this extension in the OpHistVol <strong>fun</strong>ction.<br />

Example<br />

Public Function OpxHistVol(PriceArray As Variant, OpMode As String) As<br />

Variant<br />

On Error GoTo ErrHnd<br />

Dim fn As New AdfinXAnalyticsFunctions.AdxOptionModule<br />

OpxHistVol = fn.OpHistVol(PriceArray.Value, OpMode)<br />

Exit Function<br />

ErrHnd:<br />

OpxHistVol = Err.Source & " " & Err.Description<br />

End Function<br />

If you do not use the .Value extension, an error message appears:<br />

AdfinXAnalyticsFunctions.AdxOptionModule.1 ERROR #0 - Missing<br />

or invalid Resource<br />


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