Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 31<br />

38. He only spoke what was pleasant and not unprofitable; he<br />

discoursed about what was true and not ill-natured, he could not speak<br />

even to himself for very shame a false pleasant thing or a harsh truth.<br />

39. In things which required to be done, whether they were pleasant<br />

or disagreeable, he found no reason either for desire or dislike; he<br />

pursued the advantageous which could be attained without litigation;<br />

he did not so highly value sacrifice.<br />

40. When a suppliant came to him with a petition, he at once hastened<br />

to quench his thirst with the water sprinkled on his gift; and without<br />

fighting, <strong>by</strong> the battle-axe of his demeanour he smote down the<br />

arrogant armed with double pride.<br />

41. Thus he took away the one, and protected the seven; he abandoned<br />

the seven and kept the five; he obtained the set of three and learned<br />

the set of three; he understood the two and abandoned the two.<br />

42. Guilty persons, even though he had sentenced them to death, he<br />

did not cause to be killed nor even looked on them with anger; he<br />

bound them with gentle words and with the reform produced in their<br />

character, – even their release was accompanied <strong>by</strong> no inflicted<br />

injury.<br />

43. He performed great religious vows prescribed <strong>by</strong> ancient seers; he<br />

threw aside hostile feelings long cherished; he acquired glory redolent<br />

with the fragrance of virtue; he relinquished all passions involving<br />


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