Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 195<br />

75. On another he performed the drying, and another he flung up into<br />

the sky; the stone as it flew up reached the blazing city and astonished<br />

all the worlds.<br />

76. After paying their worship in many ways, Trapusha and Bhallika<br />

duly raised an excellent Caitya and they called it Silāgarbha.<br />

77. The ascetics of that neighbourhood paid their homage to the<br />

‘Three Stones’ when they were made into a Caitya, and the noble<br />

stream flowed widely known as the ‘Holy River.’<br />

78. Those who bathe and offer their worship in the holy river and<br />

reverence the Caitya of the three stones, become great-souled<br />

Bodhisattvas and obtain Nirvāṇa.<br />

79. Then seated under a palm-tree the holy one pondered: ‘The<br />

profound wisdom so hard to be understood is now known <strong>by</strong> me.<br />

80. ‘These sin-defiled worlds understand not this most excellent (Law),<br />

and the unenlightened shamelessly censure both me and my wisdom.<br />

81. ‘Shall I proclaim the Law It is only produced <strong>by</strong> knowledge;<br />

having attained it thus in my lonely pondering, do I feel strong<br />

enough to deliver the world’<br />

82. Having remembered all that he had heard before, he again<br />

pondered; and resolving, ‘I will explain it for the sake of delivering<br />

the world,’

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