Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 187<br />

16. ‘Else, in bitter repentance, thou wilt remember me hereafter, when<br />

thou art fallen.’ – But he listened not to her words, closing his eyes in<br />

deep meditation like one who is sleepy.<br />

17. Then Thirst, shameless like one distriessed with thirst, thus<br />

addressed him who was free from all thirst: ‘Fie, fie, thou hast<br />

abandoned thy family duties, thou hast fallen from all social<br />

obligations;<br />

18. ‘Without power no asceticism, sacrifice, or vow can be<br />

accomplished, – those great śiṣis Brahman and the rest, because they<br />

were endowed with power, enjoy their present triumph.<br />

19. ‘Know me to be the power called Thirst, and worship thirst<br />

accordingly; else I will clasp thee with all my might and fling away<br />

thy life.’<br />

20. Motionless as one almost dead, he continued in meditation,<br />

remembering the former Buddhas; then Delight next tried to win him<br />

who was indeed hard to be won <strong>by</strong> evil deeds.<br />

21. ‘O holy one, I am Delight <strong>by</strong> name, fostering all practicable<br />

delights, – therefore making me the female mendicant’s tutelary<br />

power, bring delight within thy reach.’<br />

22. But whether flattered or threatened, whether she uttered curses or<br />

blessings, he remained absorbed in meditation, perfectly tranquil like<br />

one who has entered Nirvāṇa.

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