Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 125<br />

13. With unrestless eyes, seeing only a yoke’s length before him, with<br />

his voice hushed, and his walk slow and measured, he, the noblest of<br />

mendicants, went begging alms, keeping his limbs and his wandering<br />

thoughts under control.<br />

14. Having received such alms as were offered, he retired to a lonely<br />

cascade of the mountain; and having eaten it there in the fitting<br />

manner, he ascended the mountain Pāṇḍava.<br />

15. In that wood, thickly filled with lodhra trees, having its thickets<br />

resonant with the notes of the peacocks, he the sun of mankind shone,<br />

wearing his red dress, like the morning sun above the eastern<br />

mountain.<br />

16. That royal attendant, having thus watched him there, related it all<br />

to the king Śreṇya; and the king, when he heard it, in his deep<br />

veneration, started himself to go thither with a modest retinue.<br />

17. He who was like the Pāṇḍavas in heroism, and like a mountain in<br />

stature, ascended Pāṇḍava, that noblest of mountains, – a crownwearer,<br />

of lion-like gait, a lion among men, as a maned lion ascends a<br />

mountain.<br />

18. There he beheld the Bodhisattva, resplendent as he sat on his<br />

hams, with subdued senses, as if the mountain were moving, and he<br />

himself were a peak thereof, – like the moon rising from the top of a<br />


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