Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 121<br />

66. ‘But having seen that this "sacred tradition" is uncertain, know<br />

that that only is right which has been uttered <strong>by</strong> the trustworthy; and<br />

know that trustworthiness means the absence of faults; he who is<br />

without faults will not utter an untruth.<br />

67. ‘And as for what thou saidst to me in regard to my returning to<br />

my home, <strong>by</strong> alleging Rāma and others as examples, they are no<br />

authority, – for in determining duty, how canst thou quote as<br />

authorities those who have broken their vows<br />

68. ‘Even the sun, therefore, may fall to the earth, even the mountain<br />

Himavat may lose its firmness; but never would I return to my home<br />

as a man of the world, with no knowledge of the truth and my senses<br />

only alert for external objects.<br />

69. ‘I would enter the blazing fire, but not my house with my purpose<br />

unfulfilled.’ Thus he proudly made his resolve, and rising up in<br />

accordance with it, full of disinterestedness, went his way.<br />

70. Then the minister and the Brāhman, both full of tears, having<br />

heard his firm determination, and having followed him awhile with<br />

despondent looks, and overcome with sorrow, slowly returned of<br />

necessity to the city.<br />

71. Through their love for the prince and their devotion to the king,<br />

they returned, and often stopped looking back; they could neither<br />

behold him on the road nor yet lose the sight of him, – shining in his<br />

own splendour and beyond the reach of all others, like the sun.

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