Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 112<br />

20. “Bali and Vajrabāhu, the two younger brothers of Dhruva,<br />

Vaibhrāja, Āṣāḍha and Antideva, and Janaka also, the king of the<br />

Videhas, and king Senajit’s son, his tree of ripe blessing;<br />

21. “Know that all these great kings who were householders were well<br />

skilled in attaining the merit which leads to final bliss, – do thou also<br />

therefore obtain both simultaneously – royal magnificence and the<br />

control over the mind.<br />

22. “I desire, – when I have once closely embraced thee after thy<br />

kingly consecration is once performed, and while thou art still wet<br />

with the sacred water, – when I behold thee with the pomp of the<br />

royal umbrella, – in the fulness of that joy to enter the forest."<br />

23. ‘Thus did the king say to thee in a speech whose words were<br />

stopped <strong>by</strong> tears, – surely having heard it, for the sake of what is so<br />

dear to him, thou wilt with all affection follow his affection.<br />

24. ‘The king of the Śākyas is drowned in a deep sea of sorrow, full<br />

of waves of trouble, springing from thee; do thou therefore deliver<br />

him helpless and protectorless like an ox drowning in the sea.<br />

25. ‘Having heard that Bhīṣma who sprang from Gaṅgā’s womb,<br />

– all did what would please their<br />

fathers; surely thou too wilt do thy father’s desire.<br />

26. ‘Consider also the queen, who brought thee up, who has not yet<br />

gone to the region inhabited <strong>by</strong> Agastya – wilt thou not take some

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