Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Buddhacarita by Ven Asvaghosa - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Buddha-carita, or Life of Buddha - 104<br />

Veda, and both destined to enjoy the same results afterwards, – he<br />

therefore grudges me a share in his merit.<br />

64. ‘Surely it must be that this fond lover of religion, knowing that<br />

my mind was secretly quarrelling even with my beloved, lightly and<br />

without fear has deserted me thus angry, in the hope to obtain<br />

heavenly nymphs in lndra’s world!<br />

65. ‘But what kind of a thought is this of mine those women even<br />

there have the attributes which belong to bodies, – for whose sake he<br />

thus practises austerities in the forest, deserting his royal<br />

magnificence and my fond devotion.<br />

66. ‘I have no such longing for the joy of heaven, nor is that hard for<br />

even common people to win if they are resolute; but my one desire is<br />

how he my beloved may never leave me either in this world or the<br />

next.<br />

67. ‘Even if I am unworthy to look on my husbands face with its long<br />

eyes and bright smile, still is this poor Rāhula never to roll about in<br />

his father’s lap<br />

68. ‘Alas! the mind of that wise hero is terribly stern, – gentle as his<br />

beauty seems, it is pitilessly cruel, – who can desert of his own accord<br />

such an infant son with his inarticulate talk, one who would charm<br />

even an enemy.

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