Military Communications and Information Technology: A Trusted ...

Military Communications and Information Technology: A Trusted ...

Military Communications and Information Technology: A Trusted ...


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modeled by a linear Gaussian central Kalman Markovian Kalman filtering transition filter. is applicable, density i.e. in case of wellseparated<br />

targets, assuming perfect detection, k|x k−1) = N xscheme <strong>and</strong> in absence k; F directly calculated:<br />

k|k−1 x k−1, Dto an arbitrary<br />

local posterior density is introduced in the following way. By<br />

p(x apply the proposed<br />

<br />

exploiting k|k−1 For the number sake<br />

x<br />

processing given that l|k = P<br />

Kalman l|k<br />

p(x apply the proposed scheme directly to an arbitrary number<br />

x l|k = P l|k P s −1<br />

l|k x s k|x k−1) = N in [2], the result is equivalent to a central<br />

l|k fil<br />

In 2008 <strong>and</strong> 2009, first T2TF the product formula for Gaussians, we replace all<br />

of of simplicity, sensors. schemeInfor we 2010, arbitrary<br />

here the assume generalized conditions solution where was . measurement<br />

x k; F<br />

derived st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

(3)<br />

k|k−1 x k−1, D k|k−1 . For the sake processing given that Kalman filter assumptions hold s=1<br />

of false measurements. For notational simplicity let us assume<br />

all sensor covariances are known.<br />

instants of time, which is equivalent local covariances by a one:<br />

Kalman presented to a<br />

filtering in Kalman [2]. filter<br />

is applicable, i.e. in the<br />

P<br />

case −1<br />

l|k<br />

S synchronized sensors produce measurements the same<br />

= S <strong>and</strong><br />

of sensors. In 2010, the generalized solution was derived <strong>and</strong><br />

s=1<br />

of simplicity, we here assume conditions where st<strong>and</strong>ard all sensor covariances are known. To this end, a globalized<br />

of wellseparated<br />

Notational center, posterior combinations<br />

P s −1<br />

l|k local Convex posterior combinations density is of (2)<br />

introduce this type<br />

Kalman presentedfiltering in [2]. is applicable, processing i.e. inallthe measurements case of wellseparated<br />

Notational targets, Preliminaries:<br />

assuming perfect Let<br />

in a fusion local Convex<br />

was density<br />

targets, Preliminaries:<br />

presented is ofintroduced this type are<br />

assuming<br />

instants of time t l, l =1,...,k denoted by Z l = {z s perfect Letin detection, all the fundamental<br />

time-varying following in<br />

s=1 way. almost<br />

<strong>and</strong> in absence S<br />

target By<br />

exploiting all data fusion<br />

l }S s=1.<br />

p(x k|Z k ) ∝ N x k; x s k|k<br />

The proposed methodology can be directly extended to asynchronous<br />

<strong>Military</strong> sensors. <strong>Communications</strong> The accumulation of <strong>and</strong> the sensor <strong>Information</strong> data Z l up <strong>Technology</strong>... same<br />

all P<br />

, the product applications formula (seefor<br />

e<br />

by Koch detection, all time-varying<br />

in [14] <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> in[15]. absence target<br />

However, exploiting all<br />

of properties data<br />

was<br />

fusion the<br />

false measurements. of notinterest product possible<br />

applications<br />

For at formula to<br />

(see<br />

anotational given for e.g.<br />

time Gaussians, [16, Chapter<br />

simplicity t l be collected we replace 12]).<br />

let us assume by all<br />

S a<br />

local Note covariances Ps that k|k this type by aofglobalized T2TF (4) requ<br />

of properties false measurements. of interest For at anotational given time o<br />

apply the simplicity t<br />

proposed l be collected letscheme us assume by a<br />

directly local<br />

Sstate to<br />

Note covariances<br />

synchronized vector an<br />

that<br />

arbitrary<br />

this type<br />

x l, sensors whose by number aofglobalized T2TF requires<br />

produce posterior one: a decentralized<br />

measurements density conditioned x l|k = Pdecorre-<br />

lation, <br />

at the s=1 l|k on<br />

288<br />

lation, s −1<br />

l|k x s l|k<br />

because .<br />

all sensors (3)<br />

observe<br />

Sstate synchronized vector x l, sensors whose produce posterior<br />

of sensors. measurements density conditioned<br />

In 2010, the the on<br />

generalized same all<br />

instants data solution<br />

because<br />

upoftotime the t<br />

to <strong>and</strong> including the time t k, typically the present l, current l =1,...,k time t k denoted is givenbyby Z<br />

time, is<br />

l<br />

the = {z Gaussian s<br />

= N x 1 S<br />

k; ˜x s<br />

a time series recursively defined by Z k = {Z k, Z k−1 k|k<br />

}. The<br />

S<br />

, 1 S <br />

l }S s=1.<br />

The N was derived<br />

all sensors<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

observe the same target. Therefore, s=1<br />

the local tracks<br />

p(x k|Z<br />

S ˜P k x s l|k are not opti<br />

instants data up to the current time t<br />

presented k is given by the Gaussian<br />

[2].<br />

) ∝ k|k , N(5)<br />

x k; x<br />

N of time t l, l =1,...,k denoted by Z the local tracks x s l = {z s S<br />

proposed x l; x l|k , Pmethodology l|k with l|k are not<br />

<br />

optimal in a local<br />

<br />

sense, if (1)<br />

l<br />

x expectation can Convex be directly vector combinations xl|k extended <strong>and</strong> covariance of to this asynchronous<br />

matrix all time-varying Psensors. l|k . The The mechanical target s=1 accumulation alldynamics dataoffusion the of sensor applications the data system Z (see<br />

type are holds. fundamental However, inif almost<br />

l; x l|k , P l|k with expectation vector xl|k <strong>and</strong> covariance<br />

}S s=1.<br />

p(x<br />

holds. However, k|Z k ) ∝ N x<br />

if all of them k; x<br />

are s k|k all of them<br />

The proposed methodology can beNotational directly extended Preliminaries: to asynchronous<br />

matrix Psensors. l|k . The The mechanical accumulation dynamics<br />

, fused Ps k|k<br />

(4)<br />

according to (2)<br />

Let s=1<br />

s=1<br />

time series produced by the measurements of an individual<br />

l up are e.g. <strong>and</strong> [16, (3), Chaptera globally 12]). optimal estim<br />

properties of the of<br />

of interest sensor the data system aZ l given up are <strong>and</strong> (3), a globally optimal estimate is obtained. As shown<br />

to<br />

time modeled <strong>and</strong><br />

t l including<br />

bebycollected a linear S<br />

filtering is appropriate sensor s ∈ {1,...,S} for tracking, only denoted the by covariance Zs k the time Gaussian t<br />

. The statistical matrices P<br />

lk<br />

can = be Ncalculated<br />

x k; ˜x s<br />

properties of an individual sensor measurement z<br />

locally for all sensors without exchanging sensor s k|k , ˜P<br />

<br />

k, typically Markovian the transition present time, density is<br />

k|k , = N (6) x 1 S<br />

ap(x k;<br />

time k|xseries k−1) = recursively N by a Note that this type<br />

<br />

of T2TF requires in a[2], decentralized the resultdecorre-<br />

lation, xby k−1, Zbecause l is described<br />

k D= k|k−1 {Zall k, . sensors Z For k−1 the }. observe The sake the processing same target. givenTherefore,<br />

k|x k−1) = N time t k, typically the present time, is in [2], the result<br />

is equivalent<br />

tomodeled <strong>and</strong> including by a linear the Gaussian Markovian transition density<br />

state vector x l, whose posterior density conditioned xon k; all<br />

p(x Fdefined k|k−1 = N<br />

equivalent<br />

x 1 S<br />

to a central measurement<br />

x k; F k|k−1 x that Kalman S fi<br />

s=1<br />

s=<br />

data k−1, D<br />

up to k|k−1 . For the sake<br />

k; ˜x s<br />

a time series recursively defined the current time t k time<br />

is of given simplicity,<br />

by a probability density function p(z data, provided the measurement<br />

s series<br />

by<br />

produced<br />

theweGaussian<br />

here by the assume measurements conditionsofwhere an individual st<strong>and</strong>ard all sensor covariances are<br />

l |xl), also called sensor<br />

S<br />

sensor s ∈ {1,...,S} only is denoted where the by Zglobalized local parameters ˜x<br />

error covariance likelihood matrices function, of which each needsindividual to be known up tosensor a constantare known, k or if they can be<br />

s known<br />

N by Z k = {Z k, Z k−1 k|k<br />

}. The processing given that Kalman S filter assumptions , 1 S ˜P k|k , (5)<br />

the local tracks x s hold <strong>and</strong><br />

s=1<br />

l|k are not optimal in a local sense, if (1)<br />

time of simplicity, series produced we here by the assume measurements conditions<br />

x l; x l|k , P ofwhere an l|k with individual st<strong>and</strong>ard all sensor covariances are known. To this end, a globalized<br />

expectation Kalman vector xl|k filtering <strong>and</strong> covariance is applicable,<br />

S holds. i.e. However, in the k|k <strong>and</strong> covariance<br />

s . The case if all statistical of of wellseparated<br />

of<br />

them are local fused posterior according density =<br />

to is (2)<br />

Nintroduc<br />

sensor Kalman s ∈ filtering {1,...,S} is applicable, only is x k; ˜x<br />

matrix denoted i.e.<br />

P by in<br />

l|k . Zthe case of wellseparatedof<br />

targets, an individual assuming sensor perfect<br />

local posterior density is introduced in the following way. By<br />

The s k . The mechanical statisticaldynamics factor only: p(z<br />

reconstructed each node s<br />

l |xl) ∝ of s l (xl; properties<br />

the zs l ). of targets, the<br />

an individual<br />

system assuming = areN<br />

x<br />

sensor perfect <strong>and</strong> k; ˜P measurement k|k<br />

(3), ˜x s detection, area given globally z<strong>and</strong> by: s l isoptimal in described absence estimate exploiting is obtained. the product As shown<br />

s=1formula fo<br />

properties modeled measurement detection,<br />

by a linear z<strong>and</strong> s k|k<br />

in absence<br />

Gaussian Markovian<br />

by of afalse probability measurements. transition<br />

density<br />

density For function notational p(z<br />

Structure: This paper is organized sensor as follows. network. The next If the locally s l |xl), simplicity also called let us<br />

produced ˜x tracks<br />

s k|k = sensor assume<br />

likelihood function, which needs to be known up to a constant ˜P<br />

local covariances by a globalized<br />

p(x k|x k−1) = N exploiting the product formula for Gaussians, , ˜P<br />

<br />

k|k , (6)<br />

we replace all<br />

l is described<br />

s=1<br />

in [2], the result is equivalent to a central measurement<br />

by of afalse probability measurements. density For function notational p(z s simplicity let us assume local covariances by a globalized one:<br />

l |xl), also called x k; Fsensor<br />

k|k P s where −1<br />

k|k xs the globalized local<br />

k|k (7) param<br />

k|k−1 x k−1, where S synchronized D k|k−1 the globalized . For sensors the sake local produce parameters processing measurements ˜x<br />

S synchronized sensors produce measurements at the same<br />

given s k|k <strong>and</strong> that covariance the Kalman same filter assumptions hold <strong>and</strong><br />

likelihood function, which needs ofsection to simplicity, be known states the we upproblem to here a constant assume addressed conditions this paper. In particular,<br />

<br />

x<br />

lk<br />

are sent at<br />

we<br />

some<br />

introduce<br />

arbitrary<br />

the productinstant representation<br />

of<br />

for<br />

time<br />

the fused<br />

to<br />

posterior<br />

a fusion node, they can be S<br />

<br />

factor instants only: ofwhere p(z time s fused −1<br />

l |xl) t l, st<strong>and</strong>ard l =1,...,k s l (xl; zs l ). denoted by Z l = {z s ˜P k|k are given by:<br />

S <br />

instants of time t<br />

all sensor covariances arel }S known. s=1. To this end, a<br />

p(x k|Z k globalized<br />

l, l =1,...,k denoted by Z ) ∝<br />

TheStructure: proposed methodology This kpaper iscan organized be directly as follows. extended ˜P<br />

according to (25), densityyielding which was the the key element density in [2] px for( exact<br />

k<br />

| Zsolution<br />

) N ( xl; xlk |<br />

, Plk<br />

|<br />

)<br />

k|k The = to Sasyn-<br />

chronous detection, sensors. <strong>and</strong> in˜x The s k|k absence accumulation of sensor data Z l up<br />

<br />

next P<br />

. According s −1<br />

k|k . ˜x (8)<br />

section states the problem addressed in this paper. In particular, s=1 to<br />

s k|k = s=1 ˜P<br />

N x<br />

Kalman filtering is l = {z s S <br />

<br />

factor only: p(z s l applicable, }S s=1.<br />

l i.e. in the case of wellseparated<br />

organizedtargets, as follows. assuming The next perfect s −1<br />

k|k<br />

k;<br />

The proposed methodology |xl) ∝ s l (xl; can zs l ).<br />

˜P k|k are given by:<br />

p(x k|Z k ) ∝ N local x k; xposterior s k|k<br />

be directly extended to asynchronous<br />

sensors. The accumulation of the sensor data Z<br />

, Ps k|kdensity is introduced (4) in the following way. By<br />

Structure: This paper is k|k P<br />

exploiting the product formula for Gaussians, we replace all<br />

of T2TF. Based on the results of the cited preliminary paper,<br />

<br />

of false measurements. For notational l up<br />

= s=1 ˜P k|k P s −1<br />

k|k<br />

S<br />

the approach of a globalized [6], it is likelihood not required<br />

we to simplicity<br />

introduce <strong>and</strong> including let us<br />

function is derived to update<br />

the product the assume time<br />

in sectionthe representation t<br />

III. Its global k, typically<br />

Note that track<br />

forthe the<br />

thepresent globalized<br />

fused<br />

at each<br />

posterior time, is<br />

covariance scan time ˜P = N x 1 <br />

to <strong>and</strong> including the time t<br />

local covariances by a globalized one:<br />

k|k does not ˜P depend on k;<br />

S k, typically the present time, is<br />

synchronized sensors produce measurements<br />

density a time which series was recursively the= same N x 1 S<br />

xs k|k <br />

(7)<br />

section states the problem addressed in this paper. In particular,<br />

S<br />

−1<br />

we introduce the product representation for the fused posterior<br />

the key defined k; ˜x<br />

elementby impact on practical implementations is discussed in section<br />

in<br />

local<br />

[2] Z k s for = {Z<br />

sensor<br />

an k, exact Z k−1<br />

index<br />

solution }. The<br />

k|k = S SP<br />

a time series recursively defined by Z s<br />

instants of time t s anymore. This two-stage prediction s=1<br />

in order to obtain an k = {Z k, Z<br />

optimal k−1 k|k<br />

}. The<br />

S<br />

, 1 S ˜P k|k , (5)<br />

˜P<br />

density which was the key element [2] for an l, exact l =1,...,k solution<br />

k|k = S P s −1<br />

denoted<br />

result. of time<br />

Furthermore, T2TF. series by Z<br />

Based produced l = {z<br />

on s l }S s=1 k|k . S (8)<br />

<br />

time series produced by the measurements of an individual<br />

s=1. by<br />

it results is<br />

thenot s=1 measurements of necessary to send the fusion<br />

result x<br />

IV. We close the with a conclusion given in section V. (globalization<br />

the cited preliminary of an individual<br />

<strong>and</strong> application<br />

paper,<br />

of the evolution model)<br />

S <br />

of T2TF. Based on the resultsThe of the proposed cited preliminary methodologypaper,<br />

can be was<br />

asensor directly<br />

globalized s extended ∈ {1,...,S} to asynchronous<br />

sensors. The accumulation tracking<br />

likelihood only<br />

S<br />

p(x k|Z k ) ∝ N x k; x s<br />

function is denoted<br />

kk<br />

<strong>and</strong> P<br />

kk<br />

to any node. Therefore,<br />

necessary<br />

is derived by Z<br />

this<br />

to<br />

ins distributed k k|k<br />

.<br />

reveal<br />

section The statistical<br />

, Ps k|k<br />

(4)<br />

sensor s ∈ {1,...,S} only is denoted by Z<br />

a general<br />

III. Its Note that the globalized = covariance N x<br />

s k . The statistical<br />

= N<br />

x k;<br />

scheme for decorrelated tracks:<br />

II. FORMULATION OF impact properties of the sensor<br />

THE PROBLEM on of practical an data individual Z<br />

implementations l up k; ˜x s sensor measurement<br />

We obtain discussed z s s=1<br />

l updates<br />

indescribed<br />

<br />

<br />

properties of an individual sensor measurement z s k|k , ˜P<br />

<br />

a globalized likelihood function is derived in section III. Its Note that the globalized covariance ˜P k|k does k|k not , depend on (6)<br />

of<br />

section the local sensor indexs=1<br />

s anymore.<br />

impact on practical implementations to <strong>and</strong> including is discussed l is<br />

the indescribed<br />

time section t local track estimates using the global<br />

scheme is well suited for applications<br />

k, typically the local<br />

IV. by We a probability the sensor presentindex s=1<br />

where<br />

close the<br />

reduced<br />

paper density time, sisanymore. This<br />

with function aor conclusion p(z<br />

covariance arbitrary s two-stage prediction<br />

l |xl), given also<br />

instead<br />

in = called<br />

communication<br />

of<br />

section N sensor x k;<br />

the local<br />

V.<br />

1 S<br />

(globalization <strong>and</strong> application of<br />

one.<br />

where ˜x s In other<br />

the<br />

words,<br />

globalized<br />

we engage<br />

local param<br />

time In series this paper, recursively we address definedthe bylikelihood problem Z k = {Zof function, k, optimal Z k−1 k|k<br />

}. which T2TF Theneeds to be known up to a constant S<br />

, 1 S ˜P k|k , (5)<br />

IV. by We a probability close the paper densitywith function a conclusion p(z s l |xl), given alsoincalled section sensor V. (globalization where the globalized <strong>and</strong> application local parameters of the evolution ˜x s k|k <strong>and</strong>model) covariance was<br />

likelihood function, which needs to be known up to a constant<br />

s=1 necessary to reveal a general schem<br />

time a modified likelihood function in order to keep the tracks<br />

rates are to be taken at arbitrary series produced<br />

into instants by<br />

account. of the time. measurements<br />

The Asfactor discussed schematic<br />

only: of<br />

II. in p(z an<br />

FORMULATION [2], s individual<br />

l |xl) idea this ∝ s can l to (xl; the zs OF l THE<br />

decorrelated. ).<br />

˜P k|k are given by:<br />

factor only: p(z s distributed PROBLEM S<br />

In this paper,<br />

Kalman We<br />

we derive<br />

filter obtain updates of local track<br />

sensor a closed formula for<br />

be achieved, s ∈ {1,...,S} if all measurement only is denoted errorby Structure: covariances Zs k . TheThis statistical are paper knownis organized as follows. = The N next<br />

x k; ˜x covariance s instead˜x of the local one.<br />

is illustrated in atFigure the sensor 3.<br />

s k|k In this paper, we address the thisproblem likelihood of function. optimal T2TF<br />

= ˜P k|k P s −<br />

k|k<br />

properties of an individual sites. To sensor this end, measurement section we states achieved z s k|k , ˜P<br />

<br />

l |xl) ∝ s l (xl; zs l ).<br />

necessary ˜P k|k are to given reveal by: a general scheme for decorrelated tracks:<br />


We obtain updates of local k|k , (6)<br />

Structure: This paper is organized as follows. The next<br />

lthe is problem described<br />

˜x s k|k<br />

a product<br />

= addressed ˜P<br />

track estimates using the global<br />

covariance instead of the local k|k Pone. s −1<br />

k|k In<br />

in xs k|k other words, we engage (7)<br />

this paper. Ins=1<br />

section<br />

In this<br />

states<br />

paper,<br />

the<br />

we<br />

problem<br />

address<br />

addressed<br />

the problem<br />

in this paper.<br />

of optimal<br />

In particular,<br />

T2TF<br />

particular, a modified likelihood function in<br />

by at arbitrary instants of time. As discussed in [2], this can<br />

S<br />

representation a probability of density the functiondensity p(z a<br />

we s modified<br />

introduce of the state the product x l,l ≤ k: representation III. forGLOBALIZED the fused posterior<br />

<br />

l |xl), alsolikelihood called sensor function <br />

we introduce the product representation for the fused posterior<br />

where S in order −1 to keep the tracks<br />

at arbitrary instants of time. As discussed in [2], this can<br />

the globalized localLIKELIHOOD parameters decorrelated. ˜x FUNCTION In this FORpaper, we de<br />

likelihood function, which needs tobe decorrelated.<br />

density beachieved, known which upifIn to was<br />

all athis measurement constant the key element<br />

error<br />

in<br />

covariances<br />

[2] for<br />

are known<br />

s k|k <strong>and</strong> covariance<br />

˜P paper, ˜P<br />

S DISTRIBUTED an exact solution<br />

k|k = S P<br />

density which was the key element in [2] for KALMAN this PROCESSING<br />

likelihood function.<br />

atthe sensor sites. To this end, we achieved a product<br />

s=1<br />

factor only: p(z s an<br />

l<br />

p(x |xl) exact<br />

l|Z k of T2TF.<br />

)=c ∝ solution<br />

k|k = S we derive P s l (xl; zs l ).<br />

˜P s −1 a closed<br />

k|k are k|k . formula for<br />

be achieved, if all measurement error covariances are known<br />

(8)<br />

this likelihood function.<br />

given by:<br />

at<br />

of<br />

the<br />

T2TF.<br />

sensor<br />

Based<br />

sites.<br />

on the<br />

To<br />

results<br />

this end,<br />

of the<br />

we<br />

cited<br />

achieved<br />

preliminary<br />

a product<br />

l|k<br />

paper, Nrepresentation x l; x s Based<br />

l|k , on the resultss=1<br />

of the cited preliminary paper,<br />

Structure: This paper is organized Ps l|k of the posterior (1)<br />

representation density Firstof ofthe all, state we xintroduce l,l ≤ k: a new notation. III. GLOBALIZED The globalized<br />

a globalized as follows. likelihood The next function is derived in ˜x section s III. Its Note that the globalized LIKELIHO<br />

k|k covarianc<br />

a globalized likelihood<br />

of the posterior<br />

function<br />

density<br />

is derived<br />

of the<br />

in<br />

state<br />

section<br />

x l,l ≤<br />

III.<br />

k:<br />

s=1 Its Note III. that GLOBALIZED the globalized LIKELIHOOD covariance<br />

section states the problem addressed local posterior ˜P for the = state ˜P k|k P s −1<br />

k|k x k at xs k|k FUNCTION does notFOR<br />

depend on k|k (7)<br />

sensor s will be denoted by<br />

impact in this paper. on practical In particular, implementations <br />

Sensor<br />


<br />

discussed in section S<br />

the local −1 sensor index s anymore<br />

impact on practical implementations S is discussed in section the local sensor DISTRIBUTED index s KALMAN anymore. This PROCESSING<br />

<br />

two-stage prediction<br />

we introduce<br />

<br />

the product<br />

<br />

representation IV. We for close the p(x fused l|Z the k paper posterior )=c l|k with Nconclusion x l; x s given l|k , <br />

Ps in section l|k (1) V. (globalization First of all, we <strong>and</strong>introduce application a new of<br />

IV. We close p(x l|Z the k paper )=c with a conclusion given in section V. (globalization <strong>and</strong> application of the evolution ˜P<br />

density which was the key element in [2] for an exact solution<br />

k|k model) = S wasP s −1<br />

l|k N x l; x s l|k , Ps l|k (1) First of all, we introduce a new notation. The globalized<br />

s=1<br />

local necessary k|k . (8)<br />

necessary to reveal a general scheme for decorrelated tracks: posterior to reveal for thea state general x k<br />

sche<br />

s=1<br />

local posterior for the state x s=1<br />

at s<br />

II.<br />

of T2TF. Based on the results of the cited preliminary II. FORMULATION paper, k at sensor s will be denoted by<br />



We obtain updates of local track We obtain updates of local track<br />

a globalized likelihood function is derived in section III. Its Note that Sensor estimates using the global<br />

Sensor<br />

the globalized covariance covariance instead of the local one<br />

In this paper, we address the problem of optimal T2TF<br />

˜P k|k does not depend on<br />

covariance instead of the local one. In other words, we engage<br />

In this paper, we addressimpact the problem on practical of optimal implementations T2TF is discussed in section the local sensor index s anymore. aThis modified two-stage likelihood prediction function i<br />

at arbitrary instants of time. at a arbitrary modified instants likelihood of function time. Asindiscussed order toin keep [2], the thistracks<br />

can<br />

IV. As Wediscussed close thein paper [2], with this acan<br />

conclusion given in section V. (globalization <strong>and</strong> application of the decorrelated. evolution In model) this paper, was we d<br />

be achieved, if all measurement error covariances are known be decorrelated. achieved, ifInallthis measurement paper, we<br />

necessary<br />

error derive covariances a closed formula<br />

to reveal a<br />

are<br />

general<br />

known for<br />

scheme thisfor likelihood decorrelated function. tracks:<br />

at the sensor sites. To this end, we II. achieved at this thelikelihood sensor sites. function. To this end, we achieved a product<br />


We obtain updates of local track estimates using the global<br />

representation of the posterior density of the state x representation Fusion of the posterior<br />

covariance<br />

density of<br />

instead<br />

the state<br />

of the<br />

x l,l<br />

local<br />

≤ k:<br />

one. In other III. words, GLOBALIZED we engageLIKELIH<br />

In this paper, we address l,l ≤ k:<br />

the problem<br />


of optimal T2TF<br />

Center<br />

S a modified DISTRIBUTED KALMA<br />


arbitrary instants of time. As discussed in [2],<br />

PROCESSING likelihood function in order to keep the tracks<br />

<br />

<br />

p(x l|Z k this can<br />

p(x )=c l|k decorrelated. N x l; x s l|k In , Ps this l|k paper, we (1) derive<br />

be achieved, if all measurement error covariances are known<br />

First a closed of all, formula we introduce for<br />

l|Z k )=c a ne<br />

l|k N x l; x s l|k , Ps l|k (1) First of all, we introduce a new notation. The globalized<br />

s=1 this likelihood function.<br />

s=1 at the sensor sites. To this end, local we achieved posterior for a product the state x local posterior for the state x k at<br />

k at sensor s will be denoted by<br />

representation Sensor of the posterior density of the state x l,l ≤ k: III. Sensor GLOBALIZED LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION FOR<br />


<br />

<br />

p(x l|Z k )=c l|k N x l; x s l|k , Ps l|k (1) First of all, we introduce a new notation. The globalized<br />

s=1<br />

local posterior for the state x k at sensor s will be denoted by<br />

Sensor<br />

Figure 3. Schematic illustration of a distributed Kalman filter. The sensor nodes process the data<br />

to local auxiliary tracking parameters. When communication is successful, these can be fused<br />

at the fusion center in order to obtain the estimated track. When applying exact Track-to-Track fusion,<br />

the result is equivalent to a central Kalman filter receiving all sensor data<br />

In the following the most common <strong>and</strong> state-of-the-art schemes for target tracking<br />

using multiple sensors are listed. The performance of all of them will be compared<br />

in the next section. These variable approaches can roughly be divided in the categories<br />

Measurement-to-Track Fusion (M2TF) <strong>and</strong> Track-to-Track Fusion (T2TF).<br />

• Central Kalman Filter (CKF): A Kalman filter at the fusion center is processing<br />

the measurements of all sensors. This scheme results in an optimal<br />

solution with respect to the mean squared error metric.<br />

• Single Kalman Filter (SKF): Each sensor node in the scenario performs M2TF<br />

using its local data. The tracking algorithm is a Kalman filter processing<br />

the linearised measurements. At each time step, the node sends its current<br />

estimate <strong>and</strong> estimation error covariance to the fusion center, which in turn

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