Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 4 [11] On January 2, 2003, the Defendant filed a Notice of Motion seeking leave to file a counterclaim. Leave was granted in that regard by Order dated February 25, 2003 and an Amended Statement of Defence and Counterclaim was filed on February 26, 2003. The Counterclaim raises claims in trespass and nuisance relative to the Plaintiffs’ continued occupation of certain lands, as well as a claim for unpaid rent in the amount of $4,060 together with Goods and Services Tax and interest. 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [12] On October 30, 2003, SYFC filed a Statement of Defence to the Counterclaim. [13] On February 16, 2004, SYFC filed a Notice of Motion seeking to join LPL as a Plaintiff, that LPL and that SYFC be appointed to represent the joint venturers operating as SYFC in this proceeding, that the style of cause be amended, and that leave be granted to file a further Amended Statement of Claim. [14] By Notice of Abandonment filed on March 17, 2004, SYFC abandoned the request set out in para. 2 of its Notice of Motion for the appointment of the intended Plaintiff LPL and the Plaintiff SYFC as the representatives of the joint venturers. [15] By letter dated May 25, 2004 and filed with the Registry of the Court at Vancouver on May 25, 2004, the Defendant objected to the partial abandonment of the Plaintiff’s motion, that is with respect to para. 2, the appointment of the intended Plaintiff LPL and of the Plaintiff SYFC to act in a representative capacity pursuant to former Rule 114 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106.

Page: 5 [16] On August 25, 2004, the Defendant filed a Notice of Motion seeking an Order for security of costs, as well as an Order that the Plaintiff produce an accurate and complete affidavit of documents and that Mr. Don Oulton be cross-examined upon the Plaintiff’s affidavit of documents. [17] Prothonotary Hargrave directed that SYFC’s motion to join LPL be heard at a special sitting 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) before the Court in Whitehorse. By Direction filed on September 13, 2004, the presiding judge directed that the Defendant’s motion for security for costs and other relief would be heard at the same time. [18] Following a hearing in Whitehorse on November 4, 2004, two Orders were issued. In the first Order, SYFC’s motion to add LPL as a Plaintiff was dismissed but the motion to advance a claim for breach of contract was allowed. [19] In the second Order, the Defendant’s motion for security for costs was granted and SYFC was ordered to post security for costs in the amount of $20,000. The sum of $20,000 was paid into Court on December 8, 2004, by SYFC in that regard. [20] SYFC filed a Notice of Appeal on December 7, 2004 relating to the Order dismissing its motion to join LPL as a Plaintiff. The appeal file is A-641-04.

Page: 5<br />

[16] On August 25, 2004, the Defendant filed a Notice of Motion seeking an Order for security<br />

of costs, as well as an Order that the Plaintiff produce an accurate and complete affidavit of<br />

documents and that Mr. Don Oulton be cross-examined upon the Plaintiff’s affidavit of documents.<br />

[17] Prothonotary Hargrave directed that SYFC’s motion to join LPL be heard at a special sitting<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

before the <strong>Court</strong> in Whitehorse. By Direction filed on September 13, 2004, the presiding judge<br />

directed that the Defendant’s motion for security for costs and other relief would be heard at the<br />

same time.<br />

[18] Following a hearing in Whitehorse on November 4, 2004, two Orders were issued. In the<br />

first Order, SYFC’s motion to add LPL as a Plaintiff was dismissed but the motion to advance a<br />

claim for breach of contract was allowed.<br />

[19] In the second Order, the Defendant’s motion for security for costs was granted and SYFC<br />

was ordered to post security for costs in the amount of $20,000. The sum of $20,000 was paid into<br />

<strong>Court</strong> on December 8, 2004, by SYFC in that regard.<br />

[20] SYFC filed a Notice of Appeal on December 7, 2004 relating to the Order dismissing its<br />

motion to join LPL as a Plaintiff. The appeal file is A-641-04.

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