Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 368 further Amended Defence and Counterclaim on February 6, 2006, there were no substantive changes to the Counterclaim and SYFC chose not to file an Amended Defence to the Counterclaim but to rely on the pleading that had been filed on October 30, 2003. [1379] In the Defence to the Counterclaim that had been filed on October 30, 2003, the Plaintiff SYFC replied to paras, 43 and 44 of the Counterclaim as follows: 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) 6. In answer to paragraph 43 of the Counterclaim, the Defendant by Counterclaim admits that Liard Plywood and Lumber Manufacturing Inc. assigned to it the Lease but says that the covenant of the Defendant by Counterclaim to pay the rent and perform the covenants, conditions and agreements contained in the Lease, was with the Assignor, Liard Plywood and Lumber Manufacturing Inc., and not the Plaintiff by Counterclaim. 7. In answer to paragraph 44 of the Counterclaim, the Defendant by Counterclaim admits that on or about July 2, 2000, the Plaintiff by Counterclaim and the Defendant by Counterclaim entered into an amendment of the Lease wherein, inter alia, the description of the land was amended as the Lands and the annual rental changed to $4,060 plus GST payable yearly in advance, but the Defendant by Counterclaim denies that there was any covenant in the said amendment that required the Defendant by Counterclaim to pay to the Plaintiff by Counterclaim the said rent. [1380] The Plaintiff’s Defence to paragraph 47 of the Counterclaim is set out in paragraph 8 of its Statement of Defence as follows: 8. In answer to paragraphs 45 and 46 of the Counterclaim, the Defendant by Counterclaim admits that it failed to deliver to the Plaintiff by Counterclaim the rental of $4,060 plus GST as alleged, but says that it was an implied term of the Lease that if the Plaintiff by Counterclaim did not grant timber harvesting rights to the Defendant by Counterclaim, as alleged in the Amended Statement of Claim, that payment of the annual rent would be waived by the Plaintiff by Counterclaim, or alternatively payment of the annual rent would be deferred until such time as the said timber harvesting rights

Page: 369 were granted by the Plaintiff by Counterclaim to the Defendant by Counterclaim. The Plaintiff by Counterclaim refused or failed to grant the said timber harvesting rights, and by reason thereof, the said annual rent of $4,060 plus GST was not due, owing and payable by The North Contracting Ltd., Liard Plywood and Lumber Manufacturing Inc, or the Defendant by Counterclaim, to the Plaintiff by Counterclaim. [1381] In the course of her closing submissions, the Defendant said that the lease had not been produced in the course of the trial, as appears from page 5929 of the transcript as follows: 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) …that we realize that the contract of tenancy was not put before the court, therefore we have no ground upon which to claim the contractual interest of three percent per annum and therefore we rely solely on the Judicature Act for any interest that the court may be please to award to Her Majesty. The evidence of Mr. Kerr, and I believe I’ve read that to the court earlier this week, where he admits that this amount is outstanding and due and owing to the Crown, that’s my submission as to what he has said. JUSTICE: Well, all I want now - - just so I am crystal clear on this, that Her Majesty the - - the defendant is withdrawing the counterclaim except for Her prayer for recovery of rent in this amount as set out in paragraph upper case B on page 12 of the defendant’s second amended Statement of defence and counterclaim. MR. WHITTLE: Yes, My Lady. JUSTICE: That’s correct Fine. MR. WHITTLE: That is correct. [1382] The references to the evidence of Mr. Alan Kerr are found at pages 5545 and 5546 of the transcript, that is on July 16, 2008. At page 5545, the Defendant referred to the evidence of Mr. Kerr found at pages 1830 and 1831 of the transcript, that is from the cross-examination of Mr. Kerr on April 14, 2008. Lines 24, page 1830 to line 21, page 1831 read as follows:

Page: 368<br />

further Amended Defence and Counterclaim on February 6, 2006, there were no substantive<br />

changes to the Counterclaim and SYFC chose not to file an Amended Defence to the Counterclaim<br />

but to rely on the pleading that had been filed on October 30, 2003.<br />

[1379] In the Defence to the Counterclaim that had been filed on October 30, 2003, the Plaintiff<br />

SYFC replied to paras, 43 and 44 of the Counterclaim as follows:<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

6. In answer to paragraph 43 of the Counterclaim, the<br />

Defendant by Counterclaim admits that Liard Plywood and Lumber<br />

Manufacturing Inc. assigned to it the Lease but says that the<br />

covenant of the Defendant by Counterclaim to pay the rent and<br />

perform the covenants, conditions and agreements contained in the<br />

Lease, was with the Assignor, Liard Plywood and Lumber<br />

Manufacturing Inc., and not the Plaintiff by Counterclaim.<br />

7. In answer to paragraph 44 of the Counterclaim, the<br />

Defendant by Counterclaim admits that on or about July 2, 2000, the<br />

Plaintiff by Counterclaim and the Defendant by Counterclaim<br />

entered into an amendment of the Lease wherein, inter alia, the<br />

description of the land was amended as the Lands and the annual<br />

rental changed to $4,060 plus GST payable yearly in advance, but<br />

the Defendant by Counterclaim denies that there was any covenant in<br />

the said amendment that required the Defendant by Counterclaim to<br />

pay to the Plaintiff by Counterclaim the said rent.<br />

[1380] The Plaintiff’s Defence to paragraph 47 of the Counterclaim is set out in paragraph 8 of its<br />

Statement of Defence as follows:<br />

8. In answer to paragraphs 45 and 46 of the Counterclaim, the<br />

Defendant by Counterclaim admits that it failed to deliver to the<br />

Plaintiff by Counterclaim the rental of $4,060 plus GST as alleged,<br />

but says that it was an implied term of the Lease that if the Plaintiff<br />

by Counterclaim did not grant timber harvesting rights to the<br />

Defendant by Counterclaim, as alleged in the Amended Statement of<br />

Claim, that payment of the annual rent would be waived by the<br />

Plaintiff by Counterclaim, or alternatively payment of the annual rent<br />

would be deferred until such time as the said timber harvesting rights

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