Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 332 [1251] Mr. Van Leeuwen testified about his familiarity with cogeneration facilities, at page 1904 of the transcript, where he said: Q. Are you familiar with the operation of cogeneration facilities A. Yes, I am. 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) Q. And are you familiar with the operation of cogeneration facilities in the context of sawmills A. Yes, I am. [1252] He was challenged in cross-examination about his expertise in assessing the value of the cogeneration facility. He acknowledged that his company did not consult on cogeneration or the construction of cogeneration plants. As mentioned above, Mr. Van Leeuwen had sought information from the Veco/Siemens Technical Report and followed up receipt of information from Veco by meeting with the manager of the Burnaby office. [1253] Mr. Van Leeuwen testified that the purpose of that meeting was to review the report that he had received, that is the Veco/Siemens Canada Technical Report, and to seek clarification. As well, according to his testimony, Mr. Van Leeuwen asked some specific questions about the power used by the mill and about the availability of excess power. He used that information in his report. [1254] In my opinion, the reliance by Mr. Van Leeuwen upon factual information obtained by knowledgeable sources, including the Yukon Power Authority in Watson Lake, does not diminish

Page: 333 the weight to be given to his evidence. He gave a factual context for his calculations of income from the cogeneration facility. His evidence in that regard was not shaken in cross-examination. In my opinion, Mr. Van Leeuwen was credible and reliable in his evidence in this regard. [1255] In any event, Mr. Van Leeuwen was introduced as an expert in the following terms: …on the projected financial operational and product marketing analysis of sawmills, including cogeneration facilities,…wood product company and sawmill business plan development; and wood product company and sawmill financial and operational analysis… 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [1256] The Defendant did not challenge Mr. Van Leeuwen’s qualification as an expert in these areas. The Court accepts Mr. Van Leeuwen as an expert in these areas. As such, I accept his evidence in respect of the expected profits of a sawmill operation with an included cogeneration facility. [1257] Although he only provided a detailed projection for the years 2001 to 2010 in his report, he said that he expected the foregone profits for the ten year period 2010 to 2020 to parallel those that he had calculated for the period 2001 to 2010, as set out in the diagrams that form part of his report, Exhibit P-15. (iv) Damages 2001 to 2010 [1258] I will first address the damages for 2001 to 2010.

Page: 332<br />

[1251] Mr. Van Leeuwen testified about his familiarity with cogeneration facilities, at page 1904 of<br />

the transcript, where he said:<br />

Q. Are you familiar with the operation of cogeneration<br />

facilities<br />

A. Yes, I am.<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

Q. And are you familiar with the operation of cogeneration<br />

facilities in the context of sawmills<br />

A. Yes, I am.<br />

[1252] He was challenged in cross-examination about his expertise in assessing the value of the<br />

cogeneration facility. He acknowledged that his company did not consult on cogeneration or the<br />

construction of cogeneration plants. As mentioned above, Mr. Van Leeuwen had sought<br />

information from the Veco/Siemens Technical Report and followed up receipt of information from<br />

Veco by meeting with the manager of the Burnaby office.<br />

[1253] Mr. Van Leeuwen testified that the purpose of that meeting was to review the report that he<br />

had received, that is the Veco/Siemens Canada Technical Report, and to seek clarification. As well,<br />

according to his testimony, Mr. Van Leeuwen asked some specific questions about the power used<br />

by the mill and about the availability of excess power. He used that information in his report.<br />

[1254] In my opinion, the reliance by Mr. Van Leeuwen upon factual information obtained by<br />

knowledgeable sources, including the Yukon Power Authority in Watson Lake, does not diminish

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