Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 196 [766] Considering the evidence presented, the Defendant has not discharged its burden on the balance of probabilities of proving that there are policy reasons why a duty of care should not be imposed. (a) Bad Faith 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [767] As I noted above, Justice Cory in Just, at para. 29, held that the policy decisions which can exempt the Government from a duty of care must be made bona fide. I have found that the conduct in question in this case was operational and not policy based. I also conclude that there was an absence of bona fides in this conduct as well. [768] Throughout the summer of 1998, the Department could not adequately permit a supply of timber to the forestry industry. I find that this inability was the result of the misconduct of DIAND’s employees. One example of dubious conduct is found in the email sent by Mr. Kennedy to Mr. Fillmore, on May 25, 1998. This email was entered as Exhibit P-79, Tab 70. Mr. Kennedy reported to Mr. Fillmore, his supervisor and Regional Manager Forest Resources, that: On May 17 a letter was sent to the districts advising them of the areas permit applications would be accepted. Since that time three new Wood Supply lists have appeared on the scene. The only way I received a copy of this moving target of Forest Practises is by receiving what is said to be the latest copy from you this afternoon. This system of information flow is not acceptable to the be responsible for accepting and approving areas for permits. The fact that the wood supply areas so drastically change in a week period causes me to believe that we really are guessing at the wood supply and at best did not prepare for the areas before my letter of May 15, 1998. I can not believe the attitude that is being taken towards the

Page: 197 industry need, promises made publicly, and total lack of involvement of key players in the process. (Emphasis added) … The latest paper shows Rancheria wood but at 1pm today we finally realized that the wood was not there – so we now have a plan along Campbell hiway. … 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) We have not kept our word to industry, we are in panic stage now selecting wood on the fly. I checked with Ken and Peter, key players in the process of wood supply and they were not aware of the latest Wood Supply Summary. We need a meeting to sort this mess out. The constantly moving wood supply areas makes it impossible to accept applications in an orderly manner and be credible. Shirley and I have now in the last week used three different official lists from Harvest Practises to accept applications. [769] Mr. Kennedy, apparently not satisfied with the result of his email of May 25 th , sent a confidential handwritten memorandum to Ms. Guscott on June 2 nd . This document was entered as Exhibit P-79, Tab 71. Mr. Kennedy in evident disquiet over the conduct of his co-workers expressed the following concerns: We, in Forest Resources, and I say we, with little pride, in the lack of team work exibited to meet our set objectives of wood supply, have not met promises made internally to yourself, or publically to industry. Our commitment to issue 1000 m 3 and under in April is two months late. The promise to have wood ready for harvest, to the TSA, for June is frankly a dream unless a co-ordinated, urgent effort is made to do so. After a wood supply briefing yesterday, and a legal briefing today on financing and pre screening, consultation obligations, it is my belief that we have not met our mandate. I have as of Satuday approved the 1000 m 3 and under applications in all districts except in Y02 & Y03, because no wood was provided until yesterday in those units. I could not provide the 20% Limit in Y04 as Harvest Practices did not do any layout in this FMU…The

Page: 197<br />

industry need, promises made publicly, and total lack of involvement<br />

of key players in the process.<br />

(Emphasis added)<br />

…<br />

The latest paper shows Rancheria wood but at 1pm today we finally<br />

realized that the wood was not there – so we now have a plan along<br />

Campbell hiway.<br />

…<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

We have not kept our word to industry, we are in panic stage now<br />

selecting wood on the fly. I checked with Ken and Peter, key players<br />

in the process of wood supply and they were not aware of the latest<br />

Wood Supply Summary. We need a meeting to sort this mess out.<br />

The constantly moving wood supply areas makes it impossible to<br />

accept applications in an orderly manner and be credible. Shirley and<br />

I have now in the last week used three different official lists from<br />

Harvest Practises to accept applications.<br />

[769] Mr. Kennedy, apparently not satisfied with the result of his email of May 25 th , sent a<br />

confidential handwritten memorandum to Ms. Guscott on June 2 nd . This document was entered as<br />

Exhibit P-79, Tab 71. Mr. Kennedy in evident disquiet over the conduct of his co-workers expressed<br />

the following concerns:<br />

We, in Forest Resources, and I say we, with little pride, in the lack of<br />

team work exibited to meet our set objectives of wood supply, have<br />

not met promises made internally to yourself, or publically to<br />

industry. Our commitment to issue 1000 m 3 and under in April is two<br />

months late. The promise to have wood ready for harvest, to the<br />

TSA, for June is frankly a dream unless a co-ordinated, urgent effort<br />

is made to do so. After a wood supply briefing yesterday, and a legal<br />

briefing today on financing and pre screening, consultation<br />

obligations, it is my belief that we have not met our mandate.<br />

I have as of Satuday approved the 1000 m 3 and under applications in<br />

all districts except in Y02 & Y03, because no wood was provided<br />

until yesterday in those units. I could not provide the 20% Limit in<br />

Y04 as Harvest Practices did not do any layout in this FMU…The

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