Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 144 assignment which, it says, was made by LPL. Whether or not, in the end, it succeeds on that issue is not a relevant consideration for us in this appeal, nor should it have been for the Motions Judge. [569] In her written closing submissions, which were filed at the hearing, the Defendant specifically raised the argument of limitations against the Plaintiff LPL, in respect of the causes of action alleged for breach of contract and for breach of fiduciary relationship. In her Second 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) Amended Statement of Defence and Counterclaim that was filed pursuant to the Order of the Federal Court of Appeal, Her Majesty advanced a limitations defence against LPL. [570] Notwithstanding the silence in the Defendant’s written submissions on the limitations issue with respect to the causes of action advanced in tort by LPL, I will consider the availability of that defence in relation to all the causes of action advanced by LPL. [571] The applicable statute of limitations in this case is Limitations of Actions Act, R.S.Y. 2002, c. 139. This is a result of subsection 39 (1) of the Federal Courts Act, which provides as follows: Prescription and limitation on proceedings 39 (1) Except as expressly provided by any other Act, the laws relating to prescription and the limitation of actions in force in a province between subject and subject apply to any proceedings in the Federal Court of Appeal or the Federal Court in respect of any cause Prescription — Fait survenu 39 (1) Sauf disposition contraire d’une autre loi, les règles de droit en matière de prescription qui, dans une province, régissent les rapports entre particuliers s’appliquent à toute instance devant la Cour d’appel fédérale ou la Cour fédérale dont le fait générateur

Page: 145 of action arising in that province. est survenu dans cette province. [572] The Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, s. 35 defines “province” as follows: “province” means a province of Canada, and includes Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut; « province » Province du Canada, ainsi que le Yukon, les Territoires du Nord-Ouest et le territoire du Nunavut. 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [573] The application of subsection 39(1), together with the definition of “province” in the Interpretation Act, means that the Limitations of Actions Act of the Yukon Territory applies here. [574] The Defendant relies upon subsection 2(1) of the Limitations of Actions Act. The applicable provisions are the following: Periods of limitations 2 (1) Subject to subsection (3), the following actions shall be commenced within and not after the times respectively hereinafter mentioned (f) actions for the recovery of money, except in respect of a debt charged on land, whether recoverable as a debt or damages or otherwise, and whether on a recognizance, bond, covenant, or other specialty or on a simple contract, express or implied, and actions for an account or for not accounting, within six years after the cause of action arose; Délais de prescription 2 (1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (3), les actions suivantes se prescrivent par les délais respectivement indiqués ci-après : f) l’action en recouvrement d’une somme, sauf l’action relative à une créance grevant un bien-fonds, que cette somme soit recouvrable notamment à titre de créance ou de dommages-intérêts, ou que cette somme découle d’un engagement, d’un cautionnement, d’un covenant ou autre contrat formaliste, ou d’un contrat nu verbal, exprès ou tacite, se prescrit par six ans

Page: 145<br />

of action arising in that<br />

province.<br />

est survenu dans cette<br />

province.<br />

[572] The Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, s. 35 defines “province” as follows:<br />

“province” means a province of<br />

Canada, and includes Yukon,<br />

the Northwest Territories and<br />

Nunavut;<br />

« province » Province du<br />

Canada, ainsi que le Yukon, les<br />

Territoires du Nord-Ouest et le<br />

territoire du Nunavut.<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

[573] The application of subsection 39(1), together with the definition of “province” in the<br />

Interpretation Act, means that the Limitations of Actions Act of the Yukon Territory applies here.<br />

[574] The Defendant relies upon subsection 2(1) of the Limitations of Actions Act. The applicable<br />

provisions are the following:<br />

Periods of limitations<br />

2 (1) Subject to subsection (3),<br />

the following actions shall be<br />

commenced within and not<br />

after the times respectively<br />

hereinafter mentioned<br />

(f) actions for the recovery of<br />

money, except in respect of a<br />

debt charged on land, whether<br />

recoverable as a debt or<br />

damages or otherwise, and<br />

whether on a recognizance,<br />

bond, covenant, or other<br />

specialty or on a simple<br />

contract, express or implied,<br />

and actions for an account or<br />

for not accounting, within six<br />

years after the cause of action<br />

arose;<br />

Délais de prescription<br />

2 (1) Sous réserve du<br />

paragraphe (3), les actions<br />

suivantes se prescrivent par les<br />

délais respectivement indiqués<br />

ci-après :<br />

f) l’action en recouvrement<br />

d’une somme, sauf l’action<br />

relative à une créance grevant<br />

un bien-fonds, que cette<br />

somme soit recouvrable<br />

notamment à titre de créance<br />

ou de dommages-intérêts, ou<br />

que cette somme découle d’un<br />

engagement, d’un<br />

cautionnement, d’un covenant<br />

ou autre contrat formaliste, ou<br />

d’un contrat nu verbal, exprès<br />

ou tacite, se prescrit par six ans

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