Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...

Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ... Federal Court - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments ...


Page: 108 [428] This agreement provides that SYFC is the operating entity for the joint venture. The joint venture parties are LPL, 18232 Yukon Inc., KFR and SYFC. Mr. Fehr testified that 18232 Yukon Ltd. was incorporated for the purpose of participating in the joint venture. Clause 2.4 of this agreement provided that the joint venture is not a partnership. 391605 B.C. Ltd. was appointed the manager. 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [429] The mill reopened on April 30, 1999; see the Response to Request to Admit. [430] On May 5 th , Ms. Guscott responded to an email, entered as Exhibit P-79, Tab 161, to Mr. Beaubier, in reference to a return call made to the ADM’s office by SYFC. In her email Ms. Guscott said: We have the matter under control and they are just a pushing company…the company thinks they received more out of the Moore letter than what Moore really said. I note that this email is one of many from the Defendant’s documents that is indicated as being a forwarded message but did not include the original message. [431] By letter dated May 11 th , SYFC replied to a letter from Mr. Moore dated April 30 th . In this letter, SYFC recounted that the mill reopened on April 30 th and pointed out that it had worked within existing policy and regulations but it was being negatively affected by delays on the part of the Regional Office in issuing cutting permits. This document is found at Exhibit D-11, Tab 19. The

Page: 109 continuing delays by DIAND would result in an indefinite shutdown of the mill, according to SYFC. [432] Throughout the month of May, Mr. Kennedy reported to Ms. Guscott the internal difficulties at DIAND that were causing the problems in getting wood; see Exhibit P-79, Tab 170, and Tab 173. Ms. Guscott acknowledged that deadlines had been missed; see Exhibit P-79, Tab 175. 2010 FC 495 (CanLII) [433] Then there was a series of emails between SYFC and DIAND, beginning on June 1, 1999. These emails addressed the supply of wood available by CTP, and DIAND advised SYFC that the estimate of wood available was 190,520 m 3 for the 1999/2000 harvest season. This volume was very close to the volume required by SYFC. Notwithstanding this communication, DIAND did not guarantee availability to SYFC. [434] On June 4 th , Brian Kerr sent an email, entered as Exhibit D-11, Tab 74, to Mr. Sewell, again expressing frustration with the timber supply situation. He asked if things were not straightened out, who was going to tell the people of Watson Lake that no work would be available. [435] By email dated June 7 th , entered as Exhibit P-79, Tab 182, Mr. Sewell responded and told Mr. Kerr that threats and harassment would not work. Mr. Sewell said that “we” have agreed to an aggressive plan. I find this to be a reference to the meeting held on April 7 th . He also stated that: We all know that there are significant challenges to meeting the wood needs of the company under the current regime. We have agreed to an aggressive plan to work towards a THA type of regime as fast as we can.

Page: 108<br />

[428] This agreement provides that SYFC is the operating entity for the joint venture. The joint<br />

venture parties are LPL, 18232 Yukon Inc., KFR and SYFC. Mr. Fehr testified that 18232 Yukon<br />

Ltd. was incorporated for the purpose of participating in the joint venture. Clause 2.4 of this<br />

agreement provided that the joint venture is not a partnership. 391605 B.C. Ltd. was appointed the<br />

manager.<br />

2010 FC 495 (CanLII)<br />

[429] The mill reopened on April 30, 1999; see the Response to Request to Admit.<br />

[430] On May 5 th , Ms. Guscott responded to an email, entered as Exhibit P-79, Tab 161, to Mr.<br />

Beaubier, in reference to a return call made to the ADM’s office by SYFC. In her email Ms. Guscott<br />

said:<br />

We have the matter under control and they are just a pushing<br />

company…the company thinks they received more out of the Moore<br />

letter than what Moore really said.<br />

I note that this email is one of many from the Defendant’s documents that is indicated as being a<br />

forwarded message but did not include the original message.<br />

[431] By letter dated May 11 th , SYFC replied to a letter from Mr. Moore dated April 30 th . In this<br />

letter, SYFC recounted that the mill reopened on April 30 th and pointed out that it had worked<br />

within existing policy and regulations but it was being negatively affected by delays on the part of<br />

the Regional Office in issuing cutting permits. This document is found at Exhibit D-11, Tab 19. The

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