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Diethylphthalate CAS 84-66-2 Assessor A: Gareth Wills Assessor B: Mat Rouge Final Review: Panel/SF<br />

Date 08/04/2009 Date 15/04/2009 Date 26/08/2009<br />

MDI<br />

Recommended Units<br />

MDIoral<br />

80.5 ug day-1<br />

Justification: relatively new (Ursel et al. 2007) study, mean exposure to 8 phthalates in 5 consumer groups.<br />

Organisation Date Media Value Units Description Reference Web link<br />

IPCS Concise International<br />

Chemical <strong>Assessment</strong> Documents<br />

2000 Surface Water 1 ug day-1 In a compilation of concentrations (1984–1997) of<br />

diethyl phthalate in North American and western<br />

Staples CA, Parkerton TF, Peterson DR (2000) A risk assessment of selected<br />

phthalate esters in North American and Western European surface waters.<br />

http://inchem.org/documents/cicads/cicads/cicad52.htm<br />

(CICADs)<br />

European surface waters (USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Chemosphere , 40:885–891<br />

Germany, Netherlands, Sweden), geometric mean<br />

concentrations ranged from about 0.01 to 0.5 μg/litre<br />

(Staples et al., 2000). Using the highest mean the<br />

average daily intake through water consumption would<br />

be 1 ug day (Using the CLEA calculation of 2 litres per<br />

day intake)<br />

2001 Food 0.35 ug day-1 In a duplicate-portion study, Tsumura et al. (2001) Tsumura Y, Ishimitsu S, Saito I, Sakai H, Kobayashi Y, Tonogai Y (2001) Eleven<br />

estimated daily intake of 11 phthalate esters, including phthalate esters and di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate in one-week duplicate diet<br />

diethyl phthalate and di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, in 1-week samples obtained from hospitals and their estimates of daily intake. Food<br />

total diet samples provided in hospitals. Portions of Additives and Contaminants , 18(5):449–460<br />

meals of breakfast, lunch, and supper were obtained<br />

from three hospitals located in three areas in Japan in<br />

October or December 1999, <strong>for</strong> a period of 7 days.<br />

Recovery of the spiked samples and quality assurance of<br />

analysis were per<strong>for</strong>med at three laboratories. Daily<br />

intakes of diethyl phthalate were 0.07–1.41 μg/person<br />

(samples in which diethyl phthalate was not detected<br />

were assumed to contain diethyl phthalate at 50% of the<br />

limit of detection, which was 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 ng/g <strong>for</strong><br />

the three participating laboratories after subtraction of<br />

the blank value). Average daily intakes in the three<br />

hospitals were estimated to be 0.10, 0.28, and 0.67 μg<br />

(overall average 0.35 μg) per day per person,<br />

respectively<br />

http://inchem.org/documents/cicads/cicads/cicad52.htm<br />

US Agency <strong>for</strong> Toxic Substances<br />

and Disease Registry (ATSDR)<br />

Toxicological Profiles and<br />

Minimal <strong>Risk</strong> Levels<br />

1976 Drinking Water 0.2 ug day-1 Diethyl phthalate was found in the finished drinking Keith et al 1976. Identification of organic compounds in drinking water from<br />

thirteen US cities.In:Keith LH,ed. Identification and analysis of organic<br />

(Seattle, Washington; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New pollutants in water. Ann Arbor, M1: Ann Arbor Press, 329-373<br />

York, New York) Based on this concentration the daily<br />

intake is calculated to be 0.2 ug day, assuming 2 litres<br />

intake a day.<br />

1991 Food 4000 ug day-1 Estimated to be 4mg day based on a consumption of 1kg<br />

of food wrapped in cellulose acetate containing diethyl<br />

phthalate at a concentration of 4 mg/kg (Karmin and<br />

Mayor, 1991)<br />

Kamrin MA, Mayor GH. 1991. Diethyl Phthalate - a perspective. J Clin<br />

Pharmacol 31(5):484-489<br />

http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp73.html<br />

http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp73.html<br />

Entrez PubMed 2003 Total Intake 1547 ug day-1 A study on the German population found that the 95th<br />

percentile of the population studied had an intake of<br />

diethylphthalate of 22.1 ug/kg bw/day. The study used<br />

excreted metabolites in urine to determine the intake<br />

concentration of the individual.<br />

Koch HM, Drexler H, Angerer J, (2003) An estimation of the daily intake of<br />

di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and other phthalates in the general<br />

population, International Journal Hyg Environmental <strong>Health</strong>. 2003<br />

Mar;206(2):77-83<br />

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi<br />

Other 2007 Total Intake 80.5 ug day-1 <br />

bodyweight day) in 5 consumer groups, mean and<br />

maximal exposure – estimations based on ambient<br />

monitoring and scenario calculations <strong>for</strong> uptake of food,<br />

air, water, consumer products, household dust, leaching<br />

from toys, etc. Adult mean daily intake of diethyl<br />

phthalate was 1.15 ug/kg bw/day with the maximum<br />

being 50.94. Using the 1.15 value a daily intake has<br />

been calculated as 80.5 ug day<br />

Ursel Heudorf, Volker Mersch-Sundermann and Jürgen Angerer (2007),<br />

Phthalates: Toxicology and exposure International Journal of Hygiene and<br />

Environmental <strong>Health</strong> Volume 210, Issue 5, 31 October 2007, Pages 623-634,<br />

Children's Environment in Central Europe - Threats and Chances - Results of<br />

an International Workshop held on November 21-24, 2006 in Osnabrück<br />

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science_ob=ArticleURL&<br />

_udi=B7GVY-4PPWMN9-<br />

3&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_d<br />

ocanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_url<br />

Version=0&_userid=10&md5=24db0bb7c2fd9a3feb87b30f<br />

3af5d14d<br />

MAFF 1996 Food 100 - 800 ug day-1 MAFF Food Surveillance In<strong>for</strong>mation Sheet 82. Total Diet<br />

Study identified between 0.1 to 0.8 mg/day exposure to<br />

total phthalates within food<br />

http://archive.food.gov.uk/maff/archive/food/infsheet/19<br />

96/no82/82phthal.htm<br />

(Page 1 of 2) (EIC pro<strong>for</strong>ma diethyl phthalate.xls 26/08/2009)

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