Soil Generic Assessment Criteria for Human Health Risk ... - ESdat

Soil Generic Assessment Criteria for Human Health Risk ... - ESdat Soil Generic Assessment Criteria for Human Health Risk ... - ESdat

21.01.2015 Views Esdat Environmental Database Management Software +61 2 8875 7948 Substance: Carbozole CAS Number: 86-74-8 Assessor A: Simon Clennell-Jones (WSP) Assessor B: Alan Wilson (ERM) Final Review Panel/SF Chemical Formula: C 12H 9N Phase at Ambient Solid Tempertaure Date: 11.04.2009 Date: 18.05.2009 Date: 28.08.2009 A B C D E F G H Property Units Calculated Value Adopted Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale References HOWARD, 1990 LIDE, 2008 MACKAY et al, 2006 MERCK, 2006 MONTGOMERY, 2007 MONTGOMERY, 1997 NIST, 2005 OECD, 2000 Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Source Units SR7 Units Ref. Temp (C) Required Parameters Relative Molecular Mass g mol -1 n/a 167.206 n/a Consistent Value g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Ref. Temp (C) g mol -1 g mol -1 Average Insert Values n/a 167.206 n/a 167.206 n/a 167.21 n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a 167.2066 n/a Insert Values n/a n/a 167.206 167.206 n/a 167.206 167.206 n/a 167.21 167.21 n/a n/a n/a 167.2066 167.2066 n/a n/a Ref. Temp (C) atm m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) KPa m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) Pa m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) n/a n/a n/a atm m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) atm m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) mol kg-1 bar-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) atm m3 mol-1 Pa m3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) Geomean Insert Values 25 Insert Values 25 1.60E+01 25 Insert Values 25 Insert Values 25 Insert Values 25 Insert Values 16 16 Henry's Law Constant (HLC) Pa m3 mol-1 n/a 16.00 25 Single Value 25 25 25 n/a n/a n/a 25 25 25 Solubility (S) 10 oC where possible. (Use unit converter if source provides different units) mg/L n/a 1.164 25 Median Value From Consistent Range mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) g/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) mg/L mg/L Ref. Temp (C) Geomean Insert Values 1.20E+00 25 1.13E+00 25 Insert Values Insert Values Insert Values Insert Values Insert Values 0.0012 1.2 1.037 1.04E+00 1.67 1.67E+00 1.03 1.03E+00 0.908 9.08E-01 25 25 o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) K K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) Chemical Boiling Point (ambient pressure) K n/a 627.99 n/a Median Value From Consistent Range Average Insert Values n/a 6.28E+02 n/a 6.28E+02 n/a 6.28E+02 n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a 6.28E+02 n/a Insert Values n/a n/a 354.69 627.84 n/a 354.69 627.84 n/a 355 628.15 n/a n/a n/a 628.2 628.20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) K K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) Chemical Melting Point (ambient pressure) K n/a 519.45 n/a Consistent Value Average Insert Values n/a 5.19E+02 n/a 5.19E+02 n/a 5.18E+02 n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a n/a 246.3 519.45 n/a 246.3 519.45 n/a 245 518.15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Dimensionless Dimensionless Ref. Temp (C) Log Octanol - Water Coefficient Dimensionless n/a 3.60 n/a Median Value From Consistent Range Average Insert Values n/a 3.72E+00 n/a 3.48E+00 n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a n/a 3.72 3.72 n/a 3.29 3.29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.01 3.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.5 3.50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.72 3.72 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.59 3.59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.84 3.84 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.47 3.47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.22 3.22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.72 3.72 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Molar Volume (Le Bas method) cm3 mol-1 n/a 192.9 n/a Single Value cm3 mol-1 cm3 mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Average 1.93E+02 n/a 192.9 192.90 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Enthalpy of Vaporisation at normal boiling point (EVNBP) J Mol-1 59950.0906 59,950 Normal Chemical Boiling Point Calculated Value KJ mol-1 J Mol-1 KJ mol-1 J Mol-1 KJ mol-1 J Mol-1 Ref. Temp (C) Average 5.86E+04 Insert Values Insert Values n/a n/a n/a 58.569 58569 Normal Normal n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Normal Boiling Boiling Boiling Point Point Point n/a n/a n/a Chemical Critical Point temperature (ambient pressure) K 898.8441 898.8 n/a Calculated Value K K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) K K Ref. Temp (C) o C K Ref. Temp (C) Average 9.02E+02 n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a Insert Values n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 901.8 901.80 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Bar Atmosph Ref. Temp (C) Bar Atmosph Ref. Temp (C) Average 3.09E+01 Insert Values 31.3 30.89069825 Critical Pressure atm 32.2214 32.22 Calculated Value n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Calcuated parameters for input to CLEA model (UPDATED FROM THE SPREADSHEET TOOL) Property Units Calculated Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale Property Units Calculated Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale Property Units Calculated Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale Property Units Calculated Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale Property Units Calculated Value Ref. Temp (C) Rationale Air-water partition coefficient at ambient soil temperature cm 3 .cm -3 0.00115 10 Estimated from parameters above using Clapyron relationship or direct calculation Vapour pressure at ambient soil temperature Pa 7.63576E-06 10 Estimated from parameters above using Grain-Watson method Diffusion coefficient in air m 2 .s -1 5.39E-06 10 Estimated from parameters above using Wilkie-Lee method Diffusion coefficient in water m 2 .s -1 4.40E-10 10 Estimated from parameters above using Hayduk and Laudie method Organic carbon-water partition coefficient Log cm 3 .g -1 2.89 n/a Estimated from parameters above using equation in Table 2.12 of SR7 Page 1 of 1 EIC proforma carbazole WSP Fin Rev 12 Aug 09.xls28/08/2009 Esdat Environmental Database Management Software +61 2 8875 7948 Chloroethane CAS Number: 75-00-3 Assessor A: Jane Thrasher (Jacobs) Assessor B: Andy Singleton (ESI) Final review: Panel/SF Date 29/04/2009 Date 30/04/2009 Date 26/08/2009 Apply TDIoral to exposure routes Apply IDoral to exposure routes Apply TDIinh to exposure routes Apply IDinh to exposure routes Oral Inhalation Dermal No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Combine Oral and Inhalation TDIs NR Justification Insufficient data with sufficient information on derivation to derive TDIoral. Route to route extrapolation to oral and dermal routes from inhalation TDI used. Carcinogenic category 3 (IARC): no strong evidence to be a human carcinogen. TDIinh applied to inhalation routes. TDI oral Recommended TDIoral Units μ d-1 Justification Insufficient data with sufficient information on derivation to derive TDIoral Organisation Web Link Last Updated Date Web Checked Health criteria type Value Initial Units CLEA units Confidence 1.d-1 rating Basis Value Units UF UF description International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Chloroethane evaluation summary last updated April 1999 20/04/2009 None presented No data International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) 20/04/2009 Links to many technical documents: no HCVs presented in limited nr documents read No data USEPA Integrated Risk Information System 20/04/2009 See Toxnet (IRIS) RBCA Toolkit chemical database N/A Model version 2.01 20/04/2009 RfD/TDSI oral 400 400 US EPA Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTV) Jul-07 21/04/2009 p-SRfD i.e. provisional subchronic RfD. 100 100 Low NOAEL: 361 mg/kg d-1 3000 x10 for inter human variability, mouse to human extrapolation and database deficiencies. x3 for adjustment from 14 day study to sub chronic RfD Jul-07 21/04/2009 RfD no data RAIS Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 06-Apr-09 20/05/2009 RfD oral 0.4 mg/kg/d 400 RfD oral 0.1 mg/kg/d 100 Provisional value 25-Mar-09 20/05/2009 RfD oral 0.4 mg/kg/d 400 Texas: Page 1 of 4 EIC proforma chloroethane.xls 26/08/2009 Esdat Environmental Database Management Software +61 2 8875 7948<br />

Chloroethane CAS Number: 75-00-3<br />

Assessor A:<br />

Jane Thrasher<br />

(Jacobs)<br />

Assessor B:<br />

Andy Singleton<br />

(ESI)<br />

Final review: Panel/SF<br />

Date 29/04/2009 Date 30/04/2009 Date 26/08/2009<br />

Apply TDIoral to exposure routes<br />

Apply IDoral to exposure routes<br />

Apply TDIinh to exposure routes<br />

Apply IDinh to exposure routes<br />

Oral<br />

Inhalation<br />

Dermal<br />

No No No<br />

No No No<br />

Yes Yes Yes<br />

No No No<br />

Combine Oral<br />

and Inhalation<br />

TDIs<br />

NR<br />

Justification<br />

Insufficient data with sufficient<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation on derivation to derive<br />

TDIoral. Route to route extrapolation to<br />

oral and dermal routes from inhalation<br />

TDI used.<br />

Carcinogenic category 3 (IARC): no strong<br />

evidence to be a human carcinogen.<br />

TDIinh applied to inhalation routes.<br />

TDI oral<br />

Recommended<br />

TDIoral<br />

Units<br />

μ d-1<br />

Justification<br />

Insufficient data with sufficient in<strong>for</strong>mation on derivation to derive TDIoral<br />

Organisation Web Link Last Updated Date Web Checked <strong>Health</strong> criteria type Value Initial Units CLEA units Confidence<br />

1.d-1<br />

rating<br />

Basis Value Units UF UF description<br />

International Agency <strong>for</strong> Research on<br />

Cancer (IARC)<br /><br />

Chloroethane<br />

evaluation summary<br />

last updated April<br />

1999<br />

20/04/2009 None presented No data<br />

International Programme on Chemical<br />

Safety (IPCS)<br /> 20/04/2009 Links to many<br />

technical<br />

documents: no HCVs<br />

presented in limited<br />

nr documents read<br />

No data<br />

USEPA Integrated <strong>Risk</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation System 20/04/2009 See Toxnet<br />

(IRIS)<br />

RBCA Toolkit chemical database N/A Model version 2.01 20/04/2009 RfD/TDSI oral 400 400<br />

US EPA Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity<br />

Values (PPRTV)<br /> Jul-07 21/04/2009 p-SRfD<br />

i.e. provisional subchronic<br />

RfD.<br />

100 100 Low NOAEL: 361 mg/kg d-1 3000 x10 <strong>for</strong> inter human variability, mouse<br />

to human extrapolation and database<br />

deficiencies. x3 <strong>for</strong> adjustment from<br />

14 day study to sub chronic RfD<br /> Jul-07 21/04/2009 RfD no data<br />

RAIS<br />

Texas Commission on Environmental<br />

Quality<br />

06-Apr-09 20/05/2009 RfD oral 0.4 mg/kg/d 400<br /><br />

RfD oral 0.1 mg/kg/d 100 Provisional<br />

value<br />

25-Mar-09 20/05/2009 RfD oral 0.4 mg/kg/d 400<br />

Texas:<br />

Page 1 of 4 EIC pro<strong>for</strong>ma chloroethane.xls 26/08/2009

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