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<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006

<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


Page<br />

REPORT OF <strong>THE</strong> BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 – 4<br />


<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

Balance sheet 7<br />

Income statement 8<br />

Statement of changes in equity 9<br />

Cash flow statement 10<br />

Notes to the financial statements 11 – 39<br />


* This Appendix does not form part of the audited financial statements

<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

1. BACKGROUND IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION<br />

1.1 GENERAL<br />

Canadia Bank <strong>Plc</strong>. was incorporated in 1991 under a joint venture between the National<br />

Bank of Cambodia ("the Central Bank") and certain overseas Cambodians. On 4 February<br />

1998, the Central Bank disposed of all its shares to private investors. On 16 December<br />

2003, the Central Bank issued a licence for the Bank to become a commercial bank for a<br />

period of three years commencing 22 December 2003. The Bank’s licence was renewed for<br />

an indefinite period on 18 October 2006.<br />

In 2001, the Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation ("OCIC"), a public limited<br />

company incorporated in the Kingdom of Cambodia, acquired 100% of the shares of the<br />

Bank and consequently became the holding company of the Bank.<br />

The principal activities of the Bank comprise the operations of core banking business and the<br />

provision of related financial services through its head office and various branches in Phnom<br />

Penh and the provinces. There have been no significant changes in the nature of these<br />

principal activities during the year under audit.<br />

The registered office of the Bank is currently located at No. 265-269 Ang Duong Street,<br />

Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.<br />

As at 31 December 2006, the Bank had 460 employees (2005: 394).<br />


The significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements<br />

are set out below. These policies have been applied to all the years presented, unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

2.1 Basis of preparation<br />

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention in<br />

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Bank and Cambodian Accounting<br />

Standards. The accompanying financial statements are prepared for the jurisdiction of<br />

Cambodia and are not intended to present the financial position, financial performance and<br />

cash flows in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practice in other<br />

countries.<br />

For the sole purpose of complying with Announcement No. B795-139-AN dated 5 December<br />

1995 of the Central Bank, a translation to Khmer Riel is provided for the balance sheet, the<br />

income statement, the statement of changes in equity, the cash flow statement and the notes<br />

to the financial statements as of and for the year ended 31 December 2006 using the official<br />

rate if exchange regulated by the Central Bank as at the reporting date, which was US$1 to<br />

Riel 4,057 (2005: US$1 to Riel 4,112). Such translation amounts are unaudited and should<br />

not be construed as representations that the US$ amounts represent, or have been or could<br />

be, converted into Khmer Riel at that or any other rate.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2.2 Foreign currency transactions<br />

a) Functional and presentation currency<br />

Items included in the financial statements of the Bank are measured using the currency of<br />

the primary economic environment in which the Bank operates (“the functional currency”).<br />

The financial statements are presented in US$, which is the Bank’s functional and<br />

presentation currency.<br />

b) Transaction and balances<br />

Transactions in currencies other than US$, the functional and presentation currency, are<br />

translated into US$ at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Foreign<br />

exchange gains and losses resulted from the settlement of such transactions and from the<br />

translation at the period end exchange rate from monetary assets and liabilities denominated<br />

in currencies other than US$, are recognised in the income statement.<br />

The principal rates used to translate monetary assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date<br />

are:<br />

31 December 2006 31 December 2005<br />

KHR 4,057 4,112<br />

EUR 1.31 1.18<br />

CAD 0.86 0.86<br />

SGD 0.65 0.60<br />

GBP 1.96 1.72<br />

HKD 0.13 0.13<br />

JPY 0.008 0.008<br />

NZD 0.70 0.68<br />

THB 0.025 0.025<br />

CNY 0.13 0.13<br />

CHF 0.81 0.76<br />

AUD 0.79 0.73<br />

2.3 Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents includes balances with less than 90 days maturity from the date<br />

of acquisition including: cash on hand, deposits and placements with the Central Bank and<br />

deposits and placements with banks and other financial institutions.<br />

2.4 Statutory deposits with the Central Bank<br />

Statutory deposits represent mandatory reserve deposits and cash maintained with the<br />

Central Bank in compliance with the Law on Banking and Financial Institutions and are not<br />

available to finance the Bank’s day-to-day operations. These statutory deposits are not<br />

considered as part of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the cash flow statement.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2.5 Loans and advances to customers<br />

All loans and advances to customers are stated in the balance sheet as the amount of<br />

principal, less any amounts written off and the provision for loan losses. Short term loans are<br />

those with a repayment date within one year of the date the loan was advanced. Long term<br />

loans are those with a final repayment date of more than one year of the date the loan was<br />

advanced.<br />

Loans are written off when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Recoveries of loans and<br />

advances previously written off or provided for decrease the amount of the provision for<br />

losses on loans and advances in the income statement.<br />

2.6 Provision for loan losses<br />

The Bank is required to follow the mandatory credit classification and provisioning as<br />

required by Prakas B7-02-145 dated 7 June 2002 issued by the Central Bank. The Prakas<br />

requires commercial banks to classify their loan portfolio into four classes and the mandatory<br />

level of specific provisioning is provided, depending on the classification concerned and<br />

regardless of the assets (except cash) pledged as collateral as follows:<br />

Overdue<br />

Rate of provision<br />

Standard 0%<br />

Substandard from 91 days to 180 days 10%<br />

Doubtful from 181 days to 360 days 30%<br />

Loss more than 360 days 100%<br />

2.7 Investment in Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia<br />

The Bank entered into a sale and purchase agreement 28 October 2005 with the<br />

Privatisation Committee (acting on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia), to acquire<br />

46% of the share capital of Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (“FTB”). This investment was<br />

initially recognised at cost and accounted for using the accounting for investments in<br />

accordance with the Cambodia Accounting Standards (“CAS”) 25. The dividend income<br />

received from the investment in FTB is credited to the income statement.<br />

2.8 Other credit related commitments<br />

In the normal course of business, the Bank enters into other credit related commitments<br />

including loan commitments, letters of credit and guarantees. The accounting policy and<br />

provision methodology are similar to those for originated loans as noted above. Specific<br />

provisions are raised against other credit related commitments when losses are considered<br />

probable.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2.9 Interest income and expenses<br />

Interest earned on loans and advances to customers, deposits with the Central Bank and<br />

other banks are recognised on a daily accruals basis, except where serious doubt exists as<br />

to the collectibility of loans and advances to customers, in which case, no interest income is<br />

recognised. The policy on the suspension of interest is in conformity with the Central Bank’s<br />

guidelines on the suspension of interest on non-performing loans and provision for bad and<br />

doubtful debts.<br />

Interest expense on the deposits of customers, settlement accounts of other banks and loans<br />

from other financial institutions are recognised on a daily accruals basis.<br />

2.10 Fee and commission income<br />

Fee and commission income is generally recognised on an accruals basis when the service<br />

has been provided. Fee and commission income comprises income received from inward<br />

and outward bank transfers, loan processing, bank guarantees, letters of credit, ATM/Visa<br />

and Mastercard charges.<br />

2.11 Property and equipment<br />

Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation, except freehold land<br />

which is not depreciated. Repairs and maintenance costs are charged to the income<br />

statement during the financial period in which they are incurred.<br />

The Bank adopted the provisions of the new Article 13 of the Law on Taxation which allows<br />

the following rates and methods of depreciation:<br />

Buildings – straight-line 5%<br />

Renovations – straight-line 5%<br />

Motor vehicles – declining 25%<br />

Office equipment and furniture – declining 25%<br />

Computers and IT equipment – declining 50%<br />

2.12 Operating leases<br />

Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by<br />

the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases are<br />

charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2.13 Income tax<br />

Income tax is calculated on the basis of taxable profit, which is calculated by adjusting the<br />

financial result for certain expense items (such as costs of representation, over/under<br />

depreciation, etc.) in accordance with Cambodian taxation regulations. Taxes other than tax<br />

on income are recorded as operating expenses.<br />

Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences<br />

arising between tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial<br />

statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future<br />

taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.<br />

2.14 Subordinated debts<br />

Subordinated debts of the Bank are in the form of subordinated loan capital. In accordance<br />

with the guidelines of the Central Bank, sub ordinated debts are included as a Tier II line item<br />

in the calculation of the Bank’s net worth. Subordinated debts are interest-free with no fixed<br />

terms of repayment.<br />

2.15 Related party transactions<br />

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or<br />

can exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating<br />

decisions.<br />

In accordance with the Law on Banking and Financial Institutions, related parties are defined<br />

as parties who hold, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of the capital or voting rights and<br />

includes any individual who participates in the administration, direction, management or<br />

internal control of the Bank.<br />

Transactions with related parties and related account balances are disclosed in note 28 to<br />

the financial statements.<br />

3. BALANCES WITH <strong>THE</strong> CENTRAL <strong>BANK</strong><br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Current accounts 7,735,124 5,708,322 31,381 23,473<br />

Deposits and placements 19,000,000 8,000,000 77,083 32,896<br />

Statutory deposit 4,054,500 2,600,000 16,449 10,691<br />

Reserve account 21,901,233 16,001,216 88,854 65,797<br />

52,690,857 32,309,538 213,767 132,857<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

3. BALANCES WITH <strong>THE</strong> CENTRAL <strong>BANK</strong> (continued)<br />

Deposits and placements with the Central Bank will mature within one month and earn<br />

interest at the following rates per annum:<br />

31 December 2006 31 December 2005<br />

Fixed deposits within one month 3.79% - 4.06% 1.80% - 3.29%<br />

Under Prakas No. B7-01-136 dated 15 October 2001; the Bank is required to maintain a<br />

statutory deposit of 10% of its registered capital. This statutory deposit is interest bearing at<br />

1/2 of the six-month period refinancing rate set by the Central Bank for statutory deposits<br />

maintained in Riel and 3/8 of the six-month SIBOR rate for statutory deposits maintained in<br />

US$.<br />

Reserve accounts represent the minimum reserve requirement, which is calculated at 8% of<br />

the total deposits from customers and settlement accounts of other banks.<br />

4. BALANCES WITH O<strong>THE</strong>R <strong>BANK</strong>S AND <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> INSTITUTIONS<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Deposits with banks:<br />

- In Cambodia 427,210 340,625 1,733 1,401<br />

- Outside Cambodia:<br />

Fixed deposits 4,656,072 22,500,000 18,890 92,520<br />

Demand deposits 50,915,586 28,779,946 206,564 118,343<br />

Analysis by maturity period:<br />

55,998,868 51,620,571 227,187 212,264<br />

Within one month 51,342,796 49,120,571 208,297 201,984<br />

One to three months 4,656,072 - 18,890 -<br />

Four to five months - - - -<br />

Six to twelve months - 2,500,000 - 10,280<br />

55,998,868 51,620,571 227,187 212,264<br />

Short-term placements with others banks earned interest at rates ranging from 2.27% to<br />

5.21% in 2006 (2005: 3.09% to 4.00%).<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


Commercial loans:<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Overdrafts 57,814,259 38,073,003 234,552 156,556<br />

Short term loans 82,428,900 57,058,006 334,414 234,623<br />

Long term loans 51,307,270 58,348,997 208,153 239,931<br />

Micro-financing loans 145,399 124,222 592 510<br />

Consumer loans:<br />

Mortgage loans 25,215,490 13,462,933 102,299 55,360<br />

Credit card facilities 530,042 520,565 2,150 2,141<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

Provisions for loan losses (12,033,815) (9,856,220) (48,822) (40,529)<br />

205,407,545 157,731,506 833,338 648,592<br />

Movements in the provision for loan losses during the year are as follows:<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

At 1 January 9,856,220 8,117,670 39,987 33,380<br />

Unrealised foreign exchange 1,962 (3,082) 7 (13)<br />

Addition during the year 8,719,679 5,351,572 35,377 22,006<br />

Amount written off (78,902) (99,803) (320) (410)<br />

Recovery during the year (6,465,144) (3,510,137) (26,229) (14,434)<br />

At 31 December 12,033,815 9,856,220 48,822 40,529<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


Further classification of loans and advances to customers is as follows:<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Standard loans:<br />

- Secured 178,366,178 153,033,879 723,632 629,275<br />

- Unsecured 557,837 1,395,164 2,263 5,737<br />

Substandard loans:<br />

- Secured 15,054,774 1,272,000 61,077 5,230<br />

- Unsecured - 5,465 - 22<br />

Doubtful loans:<br />

- Secured<br />

- Unsecured<br />

18,471,762<br />

-<br />

3,067,552<br />

7,798<br />

74,939<br />

-<br />

12,614<br />

32<br />

Loss loans:<br />

- Secured 4,990,809 8,684,058 20,249 35,709<br />

- Unsecured - 121,810 - 502<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

Further analysis of the loans and advances to customers is provided below:<br />

(a) Analysis by maturity<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

1 – 3 months 2,851,888 5,517,154 11,570 22,687<br />

4 – 6 months<br />

7 – 12 months<br />

1,728,232<br />

126,829,723<br />

12,158,833<br />

116,187,316<br />

7,011<br />

514,548<br />

49,997<br />

477,762<br />

Over 1 year but within 3 years 55,640,688 11,134,614 225,735 45,786<br />

Over 3 years but within 5 years 9,533,679 7,894,863 38,678 32,464<br />

Over 5 years 20,857,150 14,694,946 84,618 60,425<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


(b) Analysis by currency<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

US Dollar 215,609,730 166,118,363 874,729 683,079<br />

Khmer Riel 247,590 230,620 1,004 948<br />

Thai Baht 1,584,040 1,238,743 6,427 5,094<br />

(c) Analysis by industry<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Services<br />

Building and construction<br />

66,310,152<br />

56,645,481<br />

68,869,048<br />

31,070,497<br />

269,020<br />

229,811<br />

283,190<br />

127,762<br />

Wholesale and retail 33,971,257 26,993,306 137,821 110,996<br />

Mortgage 25,215,490 13,462,933 102,299 55,360<br />

Manufacturing 17,392,828 13,045,038 70,563 53,641<br />

Import and export 6,391,476 7,540,767 25,930 31,008<br />

Transportation, storage and<br />

communication 5,307,483 1,283,845 21,532 5,279<br />

Agriculture 2,192,796 2,227,766 8,896 9,161<br />

Individuals 553,237 520,565 2,245 2,141<br />

Others 3,461,160 2,573,961 14,043 10,583<br />

(d) Analysis by residence<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Residents 217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

Non-residents - - - -<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


(e) Analysis by relationship<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Non-related parties 217,441,360 128,881,828 882,160 529,962<br />

Related parties - 38,705,898 - 159,159<br />

217,441,360 167,587,726 882,160 689,121<br />

On 22 November 2004, the Bank recorded the loans given to the subsidiaries of Capital<br />

Investment Holding ("CIH"), a related party of the Bank, in the Bank's equity investment as<br />

per conditional approval from the Central Bank. On 2 February 2006, the Central Bank<br />

issued a letter to the Bank instructing the Bank to reverse all investments in CIH subsidiaries<br />

back to loan assets for further consideration and study. In September 2006, the Bank’s<br />

loans to these five companies have been restructured to reflect the change in shareholders<br />

of each of the CIH subsidiary companies resulting from CIH’s disposal of its investments in<br />

the five companies to individual investors.<br />

As at 31 December 2006, included in long term loans are loans to the five companies<br />

totalling US$29,970,000 (2005: US$38,705,898). These loans are subject to interest rates<br />

ranging from 5% to 6% per annum (2005: 4% per annum).<br />

(f) Interest rates<br />

The annual interest rates that were in operation during the year were as follows:<br />

31 December 2006 31 December 2005<br />

Commercial loans 5% - 21.6% 4% - 21.6%<br />

Consumer loans 3.6% - 21.6% 4.44% - 21.96%<br />


This represents a fixed-maturity debt security investment in Omnia Life (Bermuda) Ltd. –<br />

Trust which was intended to be held to maturity and was recognised at amortised cost. On<br />

16 January 2006, the Bank requested an early termination of the investment in Omnia Life<br />

due to unfavourable interest yields. A refund of US$2,135,534 (net of earlier termination cost<br />

and unearned interest) was transferred to the Bank on 20 January 2006.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

7. O<strong>THE</strong>R ASSETS<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Deposits with companies<br />

outside Cambodia 259,066 301,318 1,051 1,239<br />

Accrued interest receivable 729,654 592,797 2,960 2,438<br />

Prepaid expenses 46,095 34,795 187 143<br />

Advances to contractors 728,226 - 2,954 -<br />

Other advances 564,005 177,050 2,288 728<br />

Travelers cheques purchased 135,028 138,196 548 568<br />

Guarantee deposits for<br />

MasterCard and Visa<br />

Others<br />

900,878<br />

246,682<br />

872,821<br />

818,110<br />

3,655<br />

1,001<br />

3,589<br />

3,364<br />

3,609,634 2,935,087 14,644 12,069<br />

8. INVESTMENT IN <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FOR</strong>EIGN TRADE <strong>BANK</strong> OF CAMBODIA<br />

On 28 October 2005, the Bank entered into a sale and purchase agreement with the<br />

Privatisation Committee (acting on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia), to acquire<br />

46% of the share capital of Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (“FTB”) for a consideration of<br />

US$10,580,000.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

10. PROPERTIES <strong>FOR</strong>ECLOSED<br />

These represent the collaterals held for loans which are in default and have been foreclosed<br />

in the ordinary course of banking operations. These foreclosed assets are recorded at the<br />

value equal to the corresponding loan principal outstanding plus interest receivable. These<br />

assets are not held for operational purposes and will be disposed of in order to recover the<br />

outstanding amount within the maximum allowable period of twelve months as per the<br />

guidelines issued by the Central Bank. Assets realised in excess of the outstanding amount<br />

plus disposal costs will be returned to the borrower after settlement.<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Cost of acquiring MasterCard<br />

franchise/ licence 125,250 125,250 508 515<br />

Accumulated amortisation (112,725) (87,675) (457) (360)<br />

Amortisation during the year (12,525) (25,050) (51) (103)<br />

Net balance at end of year - 12,525 - 52<br />

The initial cost of acquiring the MasterCard franchise and licence was recognised as an<br />

intangible asset and amortised on a straight-line basis over a five year period.<br />

12. DEPOSITS AND BALANCES OF O<strong>THE</strong>R <strong>BANK</strong>S<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Current accounts 2,361,292 2,521,900 9,580 10,370<br />

Savings accounts 1,511,317 311,754 6,131 1,282<br />

3,872,609 2,833,654 15,711 11,652<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

13. DEPOSITS FROM NON-<strong>BANK</strong> CUSTOMERS<br />

(a) Analysis by category<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Current accounts 17,895,055 13,633,722 72,600 56,062<br />

Savings accounts 142,029,873 121,538,332 576,215 499,766<br />

Fixed deposits 128,033,027 98,300,697 519,430 404,212<br />

Margin deposits 1,500,504 1,374,065 6,088 5,650<br />

(b) Analysis by maturity<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Within 1 month 162,227805 136,546,118 658,158 561,478<br />

1 to 3 months 47,392,359 16,082,517 192,271 66,131<br />

4 to 6 months 20,830,920 22,878,024 84,511 94,074<br />

7 to 12 months 46,057,776 55,202,824 186,856 226,994<br />

Over 1 year but within 3 years 12,949,599 4,137,333 52,537 17,013<br />

(c) Analysis by resident status<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Residents 286,172,351 232,781,720 1,161,001 957,198<br />

Non-residents 3,286,108 2,065,096 13,332 8,492<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

13. DEPOSITS FROM NON-<strong>BANK</strong> CUSTOMERS (Continued)<br />

(d) Analysis by relationship<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Related parties 492,573 985,146 1,998 4,051<br />

External customers 288,965,886 233, 861,670 1,172,335 961,639<br />

(e) Analysis by currency<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

US Dollar 282,857,960 228,299,356 1,147,554 938,767<br />

Khmer Riel 4,766,953 3,879,985 19,340 15,954<br />

Thai Baht 1,614,990 2,417,406 6,552 9,940<br />

Gold 218,556 250,069 887 1,029<br />

(f) Analysis by customer<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Individuals 173,682,961 147,708,869 704,632 607,379<br />

Business enterprises 90,118,252 70,234,212 365,610 288,803<br />

Government enterprises &<br />

state enterprises 18,672,525 8,754,621 75,754 35,999<br />

Other finance institutions - 428,502 - 1,762<br />

Not-for-profit organisations 2,730,421 4,032,498 11,077 16,582<br />

Other 4,254,300 3,688,114 17,260 15,165<br />

289,458,459 234,846,816 1,174,333 965,690<br />

The savings accounts and fixed deposits bear the following interest rates per annum:<br />

2006 2005<br />

% %<br />

Saving deposits 0.75 - 2.00 0.75 - 2.00<br />

Fixed deposits 3.00 - 6.50 3.00 - 5.50<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

14. PROVISION <strong>FOR</strong> INCOME TAX<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Balance at 1 January 1,258,013 779,897 5,104 3,207<br />

Charge during the year 3,164,356 1,507,798 12,838 6,200<br />

Income tax paid during the year (1,635,851) (1,026,713) (6,637) (4,222)<br />

Over provision from prior year - (2,969) - (12)<br />

Balance as at 31 December 2,786,518 1,258,013 11,305 5,173<br />

The Bank has obtained tax clearance up to the fiscal year 2001. The remaining tax years<br />

have yet to be reassessed by the Tax Department and, accordingly, its tax for these years is<br />

not considered final.<br />

15. O<strong>THE</strong>R LIABILITIES<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Accrued interest payable 2,523,841 1,975,710 10,239 8,124<br />

Provision for L/C claim (see note 23) 862,360 1,702,969 3,499 7,003<br />

Amount due to merchants 333,059 80,692 1,351 332<br />

Suspense account remittance 192,767 1,730,213 782 7,115<br />

Staff bonus payable 185,324 61,620 752 253<br />

Tax payables 67,731 61,428 275 253<br />

Accounts payable 5,079 15,488 21 64<br />

Accrued expenses 107,516 26,576 436 109<br />

Other liabilities 246,755 26,894 1,001 110<br />

4,524,432 5,681,590 18,356 23,363<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

16. O<strong>THE</strong>R BORROWINGS<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Borrowed funds from IFC 2,500,000 2,500,000 10,143 10,280<br />

Borrowed funds from KfW through<br />

MoEF 4,806,669 2,992,001 19,500 12,303<br />

7,306,669 5,492,001 29,643 22,583<br />

The US$2,500,000 borrowed from the International Finance Corporation ("IFC") is the result<br />

of a Loan Agreement between the Bank and the IFC dated 20 September 2004 whereby IFC<br />

agreed to lend the Bank US$2,500,000 to be loaned out to eligible sub-borrowers to finance<br />

acquisition of residential property in Cambodia. On 22 January 2007, this loan was fully<br />

repaid to IFC.<br />

The US$4,806,669 borrowed from KfW through the Ministry of Economy and Finance<br />

(“MoEF”) is the result of loan and finance agreements between the Bank, KfW and MoEF<br />

dated 23 April 2003 for SME term-lending I and dated 18 October 2005 for SME term-lending<br />

II. The agreements stipulate that the funds borrowed from KfW, through MoEF shall be sublent<br />

to Small and Medium Enterprises (“SME”) to build SME capacity in Cambodia. The subloans<br />

are classified as an asset of the Bank.<br />

The interest rates during the year were as follows:<br />

31 December 2006 31 December 2005<br />

IFC 8.67% - 9.42% 7.14% - 7.62%<br />

KfW 4.34% - 5.60% 4.45% - 4.89%<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

As at 1 January 26,000,000 23,000,000 105,482 94,576<br />

Increase during the year 4,000,000 3,000,000 16,228 12,336<br />

Dividends paid and reinvested into<br />

share capital 10,545,000 - 42,781 -<br />

As at 31 December 40,545,000 26,000,000 164,491 106,912<br />

In 2005, the Bank increased its paid up capital from US$23 million to US$26 million by<br />

issuing 3 million ordinary shares at a par value of US$1 per share. A US$2 million capital<br />

increase was approved by the Central Bank Banking Supervision Department on 16<br />

December 2005, with a further US$1 million increase approved on 23 December 2005.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

17. SHARE CAPITAL (continued)<br />

On both 29 April 2006 and 26 June 2006, the Board of Director’s approved a US$2 million<br />

increase in paid up capital through the issuance of 2 million ordinary shares at a par value of<br />

US$1 per share, resulting in an overall increase in paid up capital of US$4 million.<br />

A directors’ resolution was passed on 12 June 2006 which specified that the US$10,545,000<br />

declared as a dividend was to be reinvested in the share capital of the Bank.<br />

The capital increase in aggregate of US$14,545,000 was approved by the Central Bank on<br />

21 July 2006.<br />

The total authorised amount of share capital as at 31 December 2006 was 40,545,000<br />

shares, with a par value of US$1 per share.<br />


On 28 October 2005, the Bank entered into an agreement with Mr. Pung Kheav Se (a main<br />

shareholder of the Bank through OCIC) to provide the Bank with a subordinated loan of<br />

US$7,080,000 for the purpose of acquiring shares in the Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia.<br />

This subordinated debt is interest free with no fixed terms of repayment. This subordinated<br />

debt was approved in principle by the Central Bank on 28 December 2005.<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Loans, overdraft and advances<br />

to customers 21,697,042 17,996,164 88,025 74,000<br />

Placements with banks 2,843,760 968,513 11,537 3,983<br />

Placements with the Central Bank 809,688 208,431 3,285 857<br />

Investment securities - 27,090 - 111<br />

25,350,490 19,200,198 102,847 78,951<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Deposits from customers 5,890,144 4,918,210 23,896 20,224<br />

Borrowed funds from KfW and IFC 414,674 256,999 1,683 1,056<br />

6,304,818 5,175,209 25,579 21,280<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Commissions from remittance services 1,366,507 1,136,721 5,544 4,674<br />

Loan commitment fees 745,001 497,519 3,022 2,046<br />

Fees for telex, fax and phone 592,003 541,844 2,402 2,228<br />

Other fees and commissions 528,296 604,957 2,143 2,488<br />

Income from letters of credit 221,086 174,939 897 719<br />

Miscellaneous loan fees and service<br />

charges 537,135 413,888 2,179 1,702<br />

Fees for wire transfers 104,884 193,970 426 798<br />

Fees for credit card advances and<br />

late charges 76,859 65,249 312 268<br />

ATM/Credit card annual fees and<br />

MoneyGram 231,752 67,731 940 278<br />

4,403,523 3,696,818 17,865 15,201<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Payroll and other staff costs 2,720,967 1,708,566 11,039 7,026<br />

Depreciation and amortisation expenses 654,358 614,474 2,655 2,527<br />

Loss on foreign exchange currency 504,547 838,790 2,047 3,449<br />

Charitable donations and gifts<br />

Travel, accommodation and food<br />

304,276<br />

274,478<br />

113,473<br />

178,130<br />

1,234<br />

1,114<br />

467<br />

732<br />

Advertising and public relations 217,578 256,241 883 1,054<br />

Utilities 200,568 156,597 814 644<br />

Legal and professional fees 177,933 254,198 722 1,045<br />

Taxes and duties 164,344 137,339 667 565<br />

Communication 152,791 147,429 620 606<br />

Building rental 135,440 117,730 549 484<br />

Repairs and maintenance 86,333 77,766 350 320<br />

Motor vehicles<br />

Furniture, fixture and equipment<br />

79,454 58,046 322 239<br />

expenses 5,251 47,923 21 197<br />

Stationery and supplies 71,162 106,320 289 437<br />

Printing and forms 31,758 58,026 129 239<br />

Insurance 17,808 39,780 72 164<br />

Loss on disposal of foreclosed properties 21,431 271,580 87 1,117<br />

Fraud losses by staff written off - 1,444,156 - 5,938<br />

Other operational costs 493,474 32,520 2,002 132<br />

6,313,951 6,659,084 25,616 27,382<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

23. PROVISION <strong>FOR</strong> LOSSES IN RELATION TO L/C<br />

In November 2004, the Bank became subject to a financial claim from the Foreign Trade<br />

Bank of Vietnam for non-payment of four irrevocable letters of credit issued by the Bank<br />

amounting to US$1,702,969. On 7 March 2006, the Bank entered into a settlement<br />

agreement with Foreign Trade Bank of Vietnam whereby the Bank agreed to pay<br />

US$1,702,969 to the Foreign Trade Bank of Vietnam in four installments. The first installment<br />

amounting to US$416,237 was paid on 9 March 2006 and the second installment amounting<br />

to US$424,372 was paid by the Bank on 28 June 2006. The final installments are to be paid<br />

on or before 31 December 2008.<br />


The Bank is subject to a prepayment of Tax on Profit at the rate of 1% of turnover inclusive of<br />

all taxes, to be paid on a monthly basis by the 15th day of the succeeding month. The<br />

prepayment of Tax on Profit can be offset against the annual Tax on Profit liability.<br />

Where the Bank has made a prepayment of Tax on Profit that is greater than the Tax on<br />

Profit liability, the excess can be carried forward to be offset against future prepayment of<br />

Tax on Profit and Tax on Profit liabilities.<br />

Income tax expense is calculated on the basis of the current interpretation of the tax<br />

regulations. However, these regulations are subject to periodic variation and the ultimate<br />

determination of the income tax expense will be made following inspection by the tax<br />

authorities.<br />

Reconciliation between income tax expense and accounting profit:<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Profit before income tax 15,681,051 7,538,994 63,618 31,000<br />

Expenses not deductible for tax<br />

purposes 140,730 - 571 -<br />

Taxable income 15,821,781 7,538,994 64,189 31,000<br />

Tax charge at a rate of 20% 3,164,356 1,507,798 12,838 6,200<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Cash flows from operating activities<br />

Profit before income tax 15,681,051 7,538,994 63,618 31,000<br />

Adjustments for:<br />

Provision for loan losses – net 2,254,535 1,842,599 9,146 7,577<br />

Provision for losses in relation to L/C - 1,702,969 - 7,003<br />

Depreciation and amortisation 654,358 614,474 2,655 2,527<br />

Gain on disposals of property and<br />

equipment 21,481 (23,289) 87 (96)<br />

Reclassification of property and<br />

equipment - 12,475 - 51<br />

Operating profit before changes in<br />

working capital 18,611,425 11,688,222 75,506 48,062<br />

Increase/(decrease) in cash<br />

attributable to the change<br />

in operating assets and liabilities:<br />

Payment to the Board of Directors (40,000) - (161) -<br />

Deposits and placements with<br />

banks (2,156,072) 7,535,583 (8,747) 30,986<br />

Loans and advances to customers (49,930,573) (30,585,683) (202,568) (125,768)<br />

Other assets (674,547) 1,645,533 (2,737) 6,766<br />

Investment assets - 159,004 - 654<br />

Foreclosed properties (1,391,486) 5,224 (5,645) 21<br />

Deposits and balances from banks<br />

Deposits from non-bank customers<br />

1,038,955<br />

54,611,643<br />

(2,642,386)<br />

27,821,469<br />

4,215<br />

221,559<br />

(10,865)<br />

114,402<br />

Provision for income tax 1,528,505 - 6,201 -<br />

Other liabilities (1,157,158) (610,786) (4,695) (2,512)<br />

Cash generated from operations 20,440,692 15,016,180 82,928 61,746<br />


2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Cash on hand 25,141,461 25,349,958 101,999 104,239<br />

Deposits and placements with Central<br />

Bank<br />

Deposits and placements with banks<br />

26,735,124<br />

51,342,797<br />

13,708,322<br />

49,120,571<br />

108,464<br />

208,298<br />

56,369<br />

201,984<br />

103,219,382 88,178,851 418,761 362,592<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


(i)<br />

Credit related commitments<br />

In the normal course of business, the Bank makes various commitments or incurs certain<br />

contingent liabilities with legal recourse to its customers. No material losses are anticipated<br />

as a result of these transactions. At the balance sheet date, the commitments of the Bank are<br />

as follows:<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Documentary letter of credits 4,657,767 7,336,644 18,897 30,168<br />

Performance and bankers’<br />

guarantees<br />

Tender bonds<br />

855,779<br />

51,901<br />

495,942<br />

192,994<br />

3,472<br />

211<br />

2,039<br />

794<br />

Retention guarantees - 17,217 - 71<br />

Other 102,007 89,983 414 370<br />

5,667,454 8,132,780 22,994 33,442<br />

Unused portion of approved<br />

credit facilities 25,502,232 13,558,636 103,463 55,753<br />

31,169,686 21,691,416 126,457 89,195<br />

(ii)<br />

Lease Commitments<br />

The Bank has lease commitments for the lease of its branches in Phnom Penh and provincial<br />

offices as follows:<br />

2006<br />

US$<br />

2005<br />

US$<br />

2006<br />

Riel Million<br />

2005<br />

Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Not later than one year 129,600 107,622 526 443<br />

Later than one year and not<br />

later than three years<br />

Over three years<br />

326,380<br />

2,574,372<br />

270,440<br />

2,575,750<br />

1,324<br />

10,444<br />

1,112<br />

10,591<br />

3,030,352 2,953,812 12,294 12,146<br />

(iii)<br />

Capital expenditure and other service commitments<br />

The following are the capital commitments of new office buildings, new core banking software<br />

and other related services as at 31 December 2006:<br />

31 December 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Not later than one year 1,777,650 7,212<br />

Later than one year and not later than three years 2,281,185 9,254<br />

4,058,835 16,466<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />


Significant related party balances and transactions entered into by the Bank during the period<br />

on terms negotiated and agreed between the parties were as follows:<br />

2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

US$ US$ Riel Million Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

-Loans, overdrafts and advances:<br />

Long term loans - 38,705,898 - 159,159<br />

-Deposits by customers:<br />

Other related party deposits - 536,306 - 2,205<br />

Directors’ deposit accounts 23,603 34,939 96 144<br />

Subordinated debt received 7,080,000 7,080,000 28,724 29,113<br />

-Interest income:<br />

Interest income on long term loans - 1,517,380 - 6,239<br />

-Interest expenses:<br />

Interest paid on related party deposits 1,841 20,444 7 84<br />

-Operating expenses:<br />

Salaries for directors and management 232,985 275,752 945 1,134<br />

- Rental income 1,200 1,200 5 5<br />

- Amount due to Director 165,000 - 669 -<br />

In 2006, interest paid on the long term loans is at a lower than market interest rate of 6% per<br />

annum (2005: 4% per annum).<br />

29. <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> RISK MANAGEMENT<br />

(a)<br />

Credit risk<br />

The Bank assumes exposure to credit risk which is the risk that a counterparty will be unable<br />

to pay amounts in full when due. The Bank structures the levels of credit risk it undertakes by<br />

placing limits on the amount of risk accepted in relation to one borrower, or group of<br />

borrowers, and the geographical and industry segments. Procedures of risk limit setting,<br />

monitoring, usage, and control are governed by internal regulations. Such risks are<br />

monitored on a regular basis.<br />

Exposure to credit risk is managed through regular analysis of the ability of the borrowers<br />

and potential borrowers to meet interest and capital repayment obligations and reviewing<br />

these lending limits where appropriate. Exposure to credit risk is also managed in part by<br />

obtaining collateral and corporate or personal guarantees as well as by providing for loan<br />

losses.<br />

Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of approved loans, guarantees or<br />

letters of credit. In general, all of the Bank's guarantees and letters of credit are collateralised<br />

with cash deposits or collateral pledged to the Bank, and accordingly the Bank normally<br />

assumes minimal risks.<br />


<strong>CANADIA</strong> <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006<br />

29. <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> RISK MANAGEMENT (continued)<br />

(b)<br />

(i)<br />

Market risk<br />

Interest rate risk<br />

Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that future cash flows of a financial instrument will<br />

fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. Interest margins may increase as a<br />

result of such changes but may reduce or create losses in the event that unexpected<br />

movements arise.<br />

The Bank’s interest rates are generally fixed on a short term basis. Interest rates that are<br />

contractually fixed on both assets and liabilities are often renegotiated to reflect current<br />

market conditions. The management is satisfied that the Bank's position is such that<br />

exposure to movements in interest rates is minimised.<br />

The table in note 30 summarises the Bank's exposure to interest rate risks. Included in the<br />

table are the Bank's assets and liabilities at carrying amounts, categorised by the earlier of<br />

contractual re-pricing or maturity dates.<br />

(ii)<br />

Foreign currency exchange risk<br />

Foreign currency exchange risk refers to the adverse exchange rate movements on foreign<br />

currency exchange positions taken from time to time.<br />

The Bank has no material exposure to currency risk as it transacts essentially in US$.<br />

Significant presence of US$ is the normal practice of banks operating in Cambodia.<br />

(c)<br />

Liquidity risk<br />

Liquidity risk is defined as the risk when the maturity of assets and liabilities do not match.<br />

Liquidity risk management at the Bank is performed on the basis of measuring liquidity<br />

surplus/deficit and liquidity ratios that are calculated using scenario analysis.<br />

The matching and/or controlled mismatching of the maturities and interest rates of assets<br />

and liabilities is fundamental to the management of the Bank. It is unusual for banks ever to<br />

be completely matched since business transactions are often of an uncertain term and of<br />

different types. An unmatched position potentially enhances profitability, but can also<br />

increase the risk of losses.<br />

The table in note 31 analyses the assets and liabilities of the Bank into relevant maturity<br />

based on the remaining period at the balance sheet date to the contractual or estimated<br />

maturity dates.<br />


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