Questionnaires (1) Questionnaire (for authors, reviewers, readers) In ...

Questionnaires (1) Questionnaire (for authors, reviewers, readers) In ...

Questionnaires (1) Questionnaire (for authors, reviewers, readers) In ...


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<strong><strong>Questionnaire</strong>s</strong><br />

(1) <strong>Questionnaire</strong> (<strong>for</strong> <strong>authors</strong>, <strong>reviewers</strong>, <strong>readers</strong>)<br />

<strong>In</strong> the scope of a 1 st year project of the Medical course of the Faculty of Medicine of the<br />

University of Porto, Portugal, we would like to better understand what are the most valued<br />

services provided by online scientific journals <strong>for</strong> stakeholders.<br />

This questionnaire consists of three parts: characterization, relevance of services, and<br />

personal data. All personal data will be anonymized and the answers will be strictly<br />

confidential.<br />

Part I (characterization of the stakeholder)<br />

1. What roll do you often play in a scientific journal <strong>In</strong> case of per<strong>for</strong>ming more than<br />

one role, select all the ones you play.<br />

Author<br />

Reviewer<br />

Reader<br />

2. How long have you per<strong>for</strong>med these roles<br />

Author:_____years<br />

Reviewer:____years<br />

Reader:____years<br />

3. Number of articles published by year, indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge:<br />

2 or less<br />

Between 3 and 5, including<br />

More than 5<br />

Not applied

4. How often do you access tools of scientific research (e.g., Pubmed or Scopus)<br />

Everyday<br />

Few times a week<br />

Few times a month<br />

Part II - The following questions refer only to online scientific journals<br />

1. Considering the way you are involved in an online scientific journal, are the provided<br />

services enough to help you with your needs<br />

Not at all Not quite Enough Very Completely<br />

2. The following services are often available by online scientific journals. For each one of<br />

these services, select an option according to your opinion on average quality that<br />

journals present in this topic:<br />

a. Journal's archive:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

b. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>authors</strong>:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the submission process:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

d. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>readers</strong><br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

e. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>reviewers</strong>:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

f. Subscriptions:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

g. Help on the subscription process:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

h. Connection to social networks:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

i. Contact with author (after submission):<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good

3. Now, please evaluate the previous services according to the relevance they might<br />

have on research dissemination:<br />

a. Journal's archive:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

b. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>authors</strong>:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the submission process:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

d. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>readers</strong><br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

e. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>reviewers</strong>:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

f. Subscriptions:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

g. Help on the subscription process:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

h. Connection to social networks:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

i. Contact with author (after submission):<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

4. The following services are not usual in online scientific journals. For each one of these<br />

services, select an option according to your opinion about them:<br />

a. Discussion chat:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

b. Availability of reviewer's comments:<br />

Irrelevant Low relevance Relevant High relevance Very high relevance<br />

5. <strong>In</strong> your opinion, is there any service that you consider central that has not been<br />

previously mentioned<br />

Yes<br />


5.1 If you previously answered "Yes", please indicate the service(s):<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Part III (personal data)<br />

1. Place of work (only country):<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Age<br />

Less than 20 Between 20 and 35 Between 36 and 50 More than 50<br />

3. Degree:<br />

Student Graduation Master's degree PhD<br />

4. Main occupation:<br />

Health professional Health technician Professor Researcher Student<br />

5. Time of experience in the context of scientific research (in years): ____Years<br />

Thank you <strong>for</strong> your willingness to answer this questionnaire!

(2) <strong>Questionnaire</strong> (<strong>for</strong> editors)<br />

<strong>In</strong> the scope of a 1st year project of the Medical course of the Faculty of Medicine of the<br />

University of Porto, Portugal, we would like to better understand what are the most valued<br />

services provided by online scientific journals <strong>for</strong> stakeholders.<br />

This questionnaire consists of three parts: characterization, relevance of services, and<br />

personal data. All personal data will be anonymized and the answers will be strictly<br />

confidential.<br />

Part I (characterization of the stakeholder)<br />

1. How long have you worked as an editor _______ Years<br />

2. How often do you access tools of scientific research (e.g., Pubmed or Scopus)<br />

Everyday Few times a week Few times a month<br />

Part II (The following questions refer only to online scientific journals)<br />

1. Considering the way you are involved in an online scientific journal, are the provided<br />

services enough to help you with your needs<br />

Not at all Not quite Enough Very quite Completely quite<br />

2. The following services are often available by online scientific journals. For each one of<br />

these services, select an option according to your opinion on average quality that<br />

journals present in this topic:<br />

a. Journal's archive:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

b. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>authors</strong>:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the submission process:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good

d. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>readers</strong>:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

e. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>reviewers</strong>:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

f. Subscriptions:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

g. Help on the subscription process:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

h. Connection to social networks:<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

i. Contact with author (after submission):<br />

Very bad Bad Sufficient Good Very good<br />

3. Now, please evaluate the previous services according to the relevance they might have<br />

on research dissemination:<br />

a. Journal's archive:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

b. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>authors</strong>:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the submission process:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

d. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>readers</strong>:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

e. Help <strong>for</strong> <strong>reviewers</strong>:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

f. Subscriptions:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

g. Help on the subscription process<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance

h. Connection to social networks:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

i. Contact with author (after submission):<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

4. The following services are not usual in online scientific journals. For each one of these<br />

services, select an option according to your opinion about them:<br />

a. Discussion chat:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance<br />

b. Availability of reviewer's comments:<br />

Irrelevant<br />

Low relevance<br />

Relevant<br />

High relevance<br />

Very high relevance

5. <strong>In</strong> your opinion, is there any service that you consider central that has not been<br />

previously mentioned<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

5.1 If you previously answered "Yes", please indicate the service(s):<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Part III (personal data)<br />

1. Place of work (only country):<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Age:<br />

Less than 20<br />

Between 20 and 35<br />

Between 36 and 50<br />

More than 50<br />

3. Degree:<br />

Graduation Master's degree PhD<br />

4. Main occupation:<br />

Health professional<br />

Health technician<br />

Professor<br />

Researcher<br />

Student<br />

5. Time of experience in the context of scientific research (in years): ________ Years<br />

Thank you <strong>for</strong> your willingness to answer this questionnaire!

(3) <strong>In</strong>terview (<strong>for</strong> institutions)<br />

Este questionário insere-se num conjunto de es<strong>for</strong>ços que visam a avaliação dos serviços<br />

prestados pelas revistas científicas online.<br />

Pretende-se, então, conhecer a opinião de algumas instituições sobre aspectos relacionados<br />

coma as funcionalidades disponibilizadas, de um modo geral, pela maioria das revistas<br />

online.<br />

Assim, gostariamos de pedir a colaboração de um representante da sua instituição para a<br />

avaliação dos aspectos positivos que podemos encontrar no uso de uma revista<br />

científica online e na identificação dos que poderiam ser melhorados.<br />

As seguintes perguntas referem-se unicamente a revistas científicas online:<br />

1. Tendo em conta a <strong>for</strong>ma como está envolvido numa revista científica, considera os<br />

serviços providenciados suficientes para o ajudar nas suas necessidades<br />

Não <strong>In</strong>suficiente Suficiente Muito Completamente<br />

2. Os seguintes serviços encontram-se normalmente disponíveis em revistas científicas<br />

online. Para cada um destes serviços, indique, de acordo com a sua opinião, como<br />

classificaria cada um deles: (Muito Bom; Bom; Suficiente; Mau; Muito Mau)<br />

a. Arquivo da revista:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

b. Ajuda para autores:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mações acerca do processo de submissão:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

d. Ajuda para leitores:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

e. Ajuda para revisores:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

f. Subscrições:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom

g. Ajuda no processo de subscrição:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

h. Ligação a redes sociais:<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

i. Contacto com autores (após submissão):<br />

Muito mau Mau Suficiente Bom Muito bom<br />

3. Agora, relativamente aos mesmos serviços, avalie-os quanto à relevância que podem ter<br />

em termos de disseminação científica:<br />

a. Arquivo da revista:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

b. Ajuda para autores:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

c. <strong>In</strong><strong>for</strong>mações acerca do processo de submissão:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância

d. Ajuda para leitores:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

e. Ajuda para revisores:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

f. Subscrições:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

g. Ajuda no processo de subscrição:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta

h. Ligação a redes sociais:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

i. Contato com autores (após submissão):<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

4. Os seguintes serviços não são muito usuais em revistas científicas online. Para cada um<br />

destes serviços, dê a sua opinião acerca da qualidade que em média as revistas<br />

científicas apresentam nesse serviço.<br />

a. Chat de discussão:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta

. Acesso a comentários de revisores:<br />

Irrelevante<br />

Baixa relevância<br />

Relevante<br />

Alta relevância<br />

Relevância muito alta<br />

5. Na sua opinião, há algum serviço que considere essencial e que ainda não tenha sido<br />

mencionado previamente<br />

Sim<br />

Não<br />

5.1. Se sim, por favor, indique qual(ais) o(s) serviço(s) :<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Perguntas de resposta aberta:<br />

1. Tendo em conta o fim prosseguido por essa instituição, refira que vantagens vê na<br />

consulta regular de revistas científicas online<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. <strong>In</strong>dique quais dos serviços prestados pelas revistas científicas online que, na sua<br />

opinião, tem mais utilidade para a sua instituição Porquê<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />


3. Considera que existem aspectos nestas funcionalidades disponibilizadas pelas revistas<br />

científicas que podem ser melhorados Quais<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

4. Fazendo apelo à sua experiência de leitura de artigos científicos no âmbito da profissão<br />

que exerce, refira a importância da existência de fóruns nestas revistas para melhorar a<br />

actividade da sua instituição<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Muito obrigado pela sua disponibilidade para participar neste estudo!

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