2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University


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82<br />

drop shapes is also available for<br />

the purpose of polymer surface and<br />

interfacial tension measurements as<br />

well as contact angle analysis. An X-ray<br />

reflectometer that can perform X-ray<br />

standing wave–induced fluorescence<br />

measurements is also housed in the<br />

new shared equipment laboratory, along<br />

with instrumentation for characterizing<br />

the friction and wear properties of<br />

polymeric surfaces. The laboratory<br />

also houses an infrared spectrometer<br />

(Nicolet Magna 560, MCT detector)<br />

with a variable angle grazing incidence,<br />

temperature-controlled attenuatedtotal-reflectance,<br />

transmission, and<br />

liquid cell accessories. These facilities<br />

are suitable for mid-IR, spectroscopic<br />

investigations of bulk materials as well<br />

as thin films. The laboratory also has<br />

a UV-Vis spectrometer (a Cary 50), an<br />

SLM Aminco 8000 spectrofluorimeter,<br />

and a high-purity water system<br />

(Millipore Biocel) used for preparation<br />

of biological buffers and solutions.<br />

Facilities are available for cell tissue<br />

culture and for experiments involving<br />

biocompatibilization of materials or<br />

cellular engineering. In addition, gel<br />

electrophoresis apparatus is available for<br />

the molecular weight characterization of<br />

nucleic acids. A total-internal-reflectionfluorescence<br />

(TIRF) instrument with<br />

an automated, temperature-controlled<br />

flow cell has been built for dedicated<br />

investigations of surface processes<br />

involving fluorescently tagged biological<br />

and synthetic molecules. The instrument<br />

can operate at different excitation<br />

wavelengths (typically HeNe laser,<br />

633 nm, using Cy5 labeled nucleic<br />

acids). Fluorescence is collected by<br />

a highly sensitive photomultiplier tube<br />

and logged to a personal computer.<br />

Because fluorescence is only excited<br />

in the evanescent wave region near an<br />

interface, signals from surface-bound<br />

fluorescent species can be determined<br />

with minimal background interference<br />

from fluorophores in bulk solution.<br />

Chemistry Department. Access to<br />

NMR and mass spectrometry facilities is<br />

possible through interactions with faculty<br />

members who also hold appointments<br />

in the Chemistry Department. The NMR<br />

facility consists of a 500 MHz, a 400<br />

MHz, and two 300 MHz instruments that<br />

are operated by students and postdocs<br />

after training. The mass spectrometry<br />

facility is run by students for routine<br />

samples and by a professional mass<br />

spectrometrist for more difficult<br />

samples. The Chemistry Department<br />

also provides access to the services of<br />

a glass blower and machine shop and<br />

to photochemical and spectroscopic<br />

facilities. These facilities consist of (1)<br />

two nanosecond laser flash photolysis<br />

instruments equipped with UV-VIS,<br />

infrared, EPR, and NMR detection;<br />

(2) three EPR spectrometers; (3) two<br />

fluorescence spectrometers; (4) a single<br />

photon counter for analysis of the<br />

lifetimes and polarization of fluorescence<br />

and phosphorescence; and (5) a highperformance<br />

liquid chromatographic<br />

instrument for analysis of polymer<br />

molecular weight and dispersity.<br />

<strong>Columbia</strong> Genome Center. Because of<br />

its affiliation with the <strong>Columbia</strong> Genome<br />

Center (CGC), the Department of<br />

Chemical Engineering also has access<br />

to more than 3,000 sq. ft. of space<br />

equipped with a high-throughput DNA<br />

sequencer (Amersham Pharmacia<br />

Biotech Mega-Bace1000), a nucleic<br />

acid synthesizer (PE Biosystems 8909<br />

Expedite Nucleic Acid/Peptide Synthesis<br />

System), an UV/VIS spectrophotometer<br />

(Perkin-Elmer Lambda 40), a<br />

fluorescence spectrophotometer (Jobin<br />

Yvon, Inc. Fluorolog-3), Waters HPLC,<br />

and a sequencing gel electrophoresis<br />

apparatus (Life Technologies Model<br />

S2), as well as the facilities required<br />

for state-of-the-art synthetic chemistry.<br />

The division of DNA sequencing and<br />

chemical biology at the <strong>Columbia</strong><br />

Genome Center consists of 6,000 sq.<br />

ft. of laboratory space and equipment<br />

necessary for carrying out the state-ofthe-art<br />

DNA analysis. The laboratory<br />

has one Amersham Pharmacia Biotech<br />

MegaBace1000 sequencer, three ABI<br />

377 sequencers with complete 96 land<br />

upgrades, a Qiagen 9600 Biorobot, a<br />

Hydra 96 microdispenser robot, and<br />

standard molecular biology equipment.<br />

Undergraduate Program<br />

Chemical Engineering<br />

The undergraduate program in chemical<br />

engineering at <strong>Columbia</strong> has five formal<br />

educational objectives:<br />

1. Prepare students for careers in<br />

industries that require technical<br />

expertise in chemical engineering.<br />

2. Prepare students to assume<br />

leadership positions in industries<br />

that require technical expertise in<br />

chemical engineering.<br />

3. Enable students to pursue<br />

graduate-level studies in chemical<br />

engineering and related technical or<br />

scientific fields (e.g., biomedical or<br />

environmental engineering, materials<br />

science).<br />

4. Provide a strong foundation for<br />

students to pursue alternative career<br />

paths, especially careers in business,<br />

management, finance, law, medicine,<br />

or education.<br />

5. Establish in students a commitment<br />

to life-long learning and service<br />

within their chosen profession and<br />

society.<br />

The expertise of chemical engineers<br />

is essential to production, marketing,<br />

and application in such areas as<br />

pharmaceuticals, high performance<br />

materials as in the automotive and<br />

aerospace industries, semiconductors<br />

in the electronics industry, paints and<br />

plastics, consumer products such as<br />

food and cosmetics, petroleum refining,<br />

industrial chemicals, synthetic fibers,<br />

and just about every bioengineering and<br />

biotechnology area from artificial organs<br />

to biosensors. Increasingly, chemical<br />

engineers are involved in exciting new<br />

technologies employing highly novel<br />

materials, whose unusual response at<br />

the molecular level endows them with<br />

unique properties. Examples include<br />

controlled release drugs, materials<br />

with designed interaction with in vivo<br />

environments, “nanomaterials” for<br />

electronic and optical applications,<br />

agricultural products, and a host of<br />

others. This requires a depth and<br />

breadth of understanding of physical<br />

and chemical aspects of materials and<br />

their production that is without parallel.<br />

The chemical engineering degree<br />

also serves as a passport to exciting<br />

careers in directly related industries as<br />

diverse as biochemical engineering,<br />

environmental management, and<br />

pharmaceuticals. Because the deep<br />

engineering <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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