2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University


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permission. Critical discussion of current<br />

research topics and publications in the area<br />

of flotation, flocculation, and other mineral<br />

processing techniques, particularly mechanisms<br />

of adsorption, interactions of particles in<br />

solution, thinning of liquid films, and optimization<br />

techniques.<br />

EAEE E8231y Selected topics in hydro- and<br />

electrometallurgy<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3.<br />

Prerequisites: EAEE E4003 and CHEE<br />

E4050, or instructor’s permission. Review<br />

of current research and literature in the<br />

field of hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy,<br />

and corrosion. Topics will be selected by<br />

the instructor to illustrate the application of<br />

thermodynamics and rate phenomena to<br />

the design and control of electrochemical<br />

engineering processes.<br />

EAEE E8233x and y Research topics in<br />

particle processing<br />

0–1 pt. Professor Somasundaran.<br />

Emergent findings in the interactions of<br />

particles with reagents and solutions, especially<br />

inorganics, surfactants, and polymers in<br />

solution, and their role in grinding, flotation,<br />

agglomeration, filtration, enhanced oil recovery,<br />

and other mineral processing operations.<br />

EAEE E8273x-E8274y Mining engineering<br />

reports<br />

0–4 pts. Professor Yegulalp.<br />

May substitiute for formal thesis, EAEE E9271,<br />

upon recommendation of the student’s adviser.<br />

EAEE E9271x and y–S9271 Earth and<br />

environmental engineering thesis<br />

0–6 pts. Members of the faculty.<br />

Research work culminating in a creditable<br />

dissertation on a problem of a fundamental<br />

nature selected in conference between student<br />

and adviser. Wide latitude is permitted in choice<br />

of a subject, but independent work of distinctly<br />

graduate character is required in its handling.<br />

EAEE E9273x-E9274y Earth and<br />

environmental engineering reports<br />

0–4 pts.<br />

May substitute for the formal master’s thesis,<br />

EAEE E9271, upon recommendation of the<br />

department.<br />

EAEE E9280x and y Earth and environmental<br />

engineering colloquium<br />

0–1 pt. Lect: 1.5. Professor Park.<br />

All graduate students are required to attend the<br />

departmental colloquium as long as they are<br />

in residence. Advanced doctoral students may<br />

be excused after three years of residence. No<br />

degree credit is granted.<br />

EAEE E9281x Prospects for nuclear energy–<br />

earth and environmental engineering seminar<br />

0–1 pt. Lect: 1.5. Professors Gazze and Lackner.<br />

This seminar course examines the prospects<br />

for nuclear energy as a source of safe, secure,<br />

and environmentally sustainable energy both<br />

in the U.S. and internationally. In particular, it<br />

analyzes the four key issues that limit the expansion<br />

of nuclear energy: cost, safety, proliferation<br />

concerns, and long-term disposal of radioactive<br />

wastes. Through readings, research, and class<br />

discussions, it engages students to critically<br />

evaluate arguments both for and against nuclear<br />

power. The course builds basic literacy in<br />

nuclear technology and is open to students with<br />

technical, policy, or economic backgrounds.<br />

EAEE E9302x and y Mining engineering<br />

research<br />

0–4 pts. Professor Yegulalp.<br />

Graduate research directed toward solution of<br />

technicoscientific problems in mining.<br />

EAEE E9305x and y–S9305 Earth and<br />

environmental engineering research<br />

0–12 pts. Members of the faculty.<br />

Graduate research directed toward solution of<br />

a problem in mineral processing or chemical<br />

metallurgy.<br />

EAEE E9800x and y–S9800 Doctoral research<br />

instruction<br />

3, 6, 9, or 12 pts. Members of the faculty.<br />

A candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree in mineral<br />

engineering must register for 12 points of doctoral<br />

research instruction. Registration in EAEE<br />

E9800 may not be used to satisfy the minimum<br />

residence requirement for the degree.<br />

EAEE E9900x and y–S9900 Doctoral<br />

dissertation<br />

0 pts. Members of the faculty.<br />

A candidate for the doctorate may be required<br />

to register for this course every term after the<br />

student’s course work has been completed, and<br />

until the dissertation has been accepted.<br />

133<br />

engineering <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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