2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University

2011-2012 Bulletin – PDF - SEAS Bulletin - Columbia University


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CIEN E6246y Advanced soil mechanics<br />

3 pts. Lect: 2.5. Professor Ling.<br />

Prerequisite: CIEN E3141. Stress-dilatancy of<br />

sand; failure criteria; critical state soil mechanics;<br />

limit analysis; finite element method and case<br />

histories of consolidation analysis.<br />

CIEN E6248x Experimental soil mechanics<br />

3 pts. Lect: 2.5. Not offered in <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Prerequisite: CIEN E3141. Advanced soil testing,<br />

including triaxial and plane strain compression<br />

tests; small-strain measurement. Model testing;<br />

application (of test results) to design.<br />

CIEN E9101x and y–S9101 Civil engineering<br />

research<br />

1–4 pts. Members of the faculty.<br />

Advanced study in a specialized field under the<br />

supervision of a member of the department staff.<br />

Before registering, the student must submit an<br />

outline of the proposed work for approval of the<br />

supervisor and the department chair.<br />

CIEN E9120x and y–S9120 Independent<br />

studies in flight sciences<br />

3 pts. By conference.<br />

Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. This course<br />

is geared toward students interested in flight<br />

sciences and flight structures. Topics related<br />

to aerodynamics, propulsion, noise, structural<br />

dynamics, aeroelasticity, and structures may be<br />

selected for supervised study. A term paper is<br />

required.<br />

CIEN E9130x and y–S9130 Independent<br />

studies in construction<br />

3 pts. By conference.<br />

Prerequisites: Permission by department chair and<br />

instructor. Independent study of engineering and<br />

construction industry problems. Topics related to<br />

capital planning and financing, project management,<br />

contracting strategies and risk allocation, dispute<br />

mitigation and resolution, and infrastructure<br />

assessment and management may be selected for<br />

supervised study. A term paper is required.<br />

CIEN E9165x and y–S9165 Independent<br />

studies in environmental engineering<br />

4 pts. By conference.<br />

Prerequisite: CIEN E4252 or the equivalent.<br />

Emphasizes a one-on-one study approach to<br />

specific environmental engineering problems.<br />

Students develop papers or work on design<br />

problems pertaining to the treatment of solid<br />

and liquid waste, contaminant migration,<br />

and monitoring and sampling programs for<br />

remediation design.<br />

CIEN E9201x and y–S9201 Civil engineering<br />

reports<br />

1–4 pts. By conference.<br />

A project on some civil engineering subject<br />

approved by department chair.<br />

CIEN E9800x and y–S9800 Doctoral research<br />

instruction<br />

3–12 pts. May be taken for 3, 6, 9, or 12 points,<br />

dependent on instructor’s permission.<br />

A candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree in civil<br />

engineering must register for 12 points of<br />

doctoral research instruction. Registration in<br />

CIEN E9800 may not be used to satisfy the<br />

minimum residence requirement for the degree.<br />

CIEN E9900x and y–S9900 Doctoral<br />

dissertation<br />

Members of the faculty.<br />

A candidate for the doctorate may be required<br />

to register for this course every term after the<br />

student’s coursework has been completed and<br />

until the dissertation has been accepted.<br />

Courses in Engineering<br />

Mechanics<br />

See also Civil Engineering.<br />

ENME E3105x or y Mechanics<br />

4 pts. Lect: 4. Professors Hone and Testa.<br />

Prerequisites: PHYS C1406 and MATH<br />

V1101-V1102 and V1201. Elements of statics;<br />

dynamics of a particle and systems of particles;<br />

dynamics of rigid bodies.<br />

ENME E3106x Dynamics and vibrations<br />

3 pts. Lect: 2. Professor Smyth.<br />

Prerequisite: Math E1201. Corequisite: ENME<br />

E3105. Kinematics of rigid bodies; momentum<br />

and energy methods; vibrations of discrete<br />

and continuous systems; eigenvalue problems,<br />

natural frequencies and modes. Basics of<br />

computer simulation of dynamics problems using<br />

MATLAB or Mathematica.<br />

ENME E3113x Mechanics of solids<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Deodatis.<br />

Pre- or corequisite: ENME E3105 or equivalent.<br />

Stress and strain. Mechanical properties of<br />

materials. Axial load, bending, shear, and<br />

torsion. Stress transformation. Deflection of<br />

beams. Buckling of columns. Combined loadings.<br />

Thermal stresses.<br />

ENME E3114y Experimental mechanics of<br />

materials<br />

4 pts. Lect: 2. Lab: 3. Professor Yin.<br />

Prerequisite: ENME E3113. Material behavior<br />

and constitutive relations. Mechanical properties<br />

of metals and cement composites. Structural<br />

materials. Modern construction materials.<br />

Experimental investigation of material properties<br />

and behavior of structural elements including<br />

fracture, fatigue, bending, torsion, buckling.<br />

ENME E3161x Fluid mechanics<br />

4 pts. Lect: 3. Lab: 3. Professor Waisman.<br />

Prerequisites: ENME E3105 and ordinary<br />

differential equations. Fluid statics. Fundamental<br />

principles and concepts of flow analysis.<br />

Differential and finite control volume approach to<br />

flow analysis. Dimensional analysis. Application<br />

of flow analysis: flow in pipes, external flow, flow<br />

in open channels.<br />

ENME E4113x Advanced mechanics of solids<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Yin.<br />

Stress and deformation formulation in two-and<br />

three-dimensional solids; viscoelastic and plastic<br />

material in one and two dimension energy methods.<br />

ENME E4114y Mechanics of fracture<br />

and fatigue<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Testa.<br />

Prerequisite: Undergraduate mechanics of solids<br />

course. Elastic stresses at a crack; energy<br />

and stress intensity criteria for crack growth;<br />

effect of plastic zone at the crack; fracture<br />

testing applications. Fatigue characterization by<br />

stress-life and strain-life; damage index; crack<br />

propagation; fail safe and safe life analysis.<br />

EMME E4115y Micromechanics of composite<br />

materials<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Yin.<br />

Prerequisite: ENME E4113 or instructor’s<br />

approval. An introduction to the constitutive<br />

modeling of composite materials: Green’s<br />

functions in heterogenous media, Eshelby’s<br />

equivalent inclusion methods, eigenstrains,<br />

spherical and ellipsoidal inclusions, dislocations,<br />

homogenization of elastic fields, elastic,<br />

viscoelastic and elasto-plastic constitutive<br />

modeling, micromechanics-based models.<br />

ENME E4202y Advanced mechanics<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Smyth.<br />

Prerequisite: ENME E3105 or equivalent.<br />

Differentiation of vector functions. Review<br />

of kinematics. Generalized coordinates and<br />

constraint equations. Generalized forces.<br />

Lagrange’s equations. Impulsive forces.<br />

Collisions. Hamiltonian. Hamilton’s principle.<br />

ENME E4214y Theory of plates and shells<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Not offered in <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Prerequisite: ENME E3113. Static flexural<br />

response of thin, elastic, rectangular, and<br />

circular plates. Exact (series) and approximate<br />

(Ritz) solutions. Circular cylindrical shells.<br />

Axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric membrane<br />

theory. Shells of arbitrary shape.<br />

ENME E4215x Theory of vibrations<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Betti.<br />

Frequencies and modes of discrete and<br />

continuous elastic systems. Forced vibrationssteady-state<br />

and transient motion. Effect of<br />

damping. Exact and approximate methods.<br />

Applications.<br />

ENME E4332x Finite element analysis, I<br />

3 pts. Lect: 3. Professor Waisman.<br />

Prerequisites: Mechanics of solids, structural<br />

analysis, elementary computer programming<br />

(MATLAB) is recommended, linear algebra<br />

and ordinary differential equations. Direct<br />

stiffness approach for trusses. Strong and<br />

weak forms for one-dimensional problems.<br />

Galerkin finite element formulation, shape<br />

functions, Gauss quadrature, convergence.<br />

Multidimensional scalar field problems (heat<br />

conduction), triangular and rectangular elements,<br />

Isoparametric formulation. Multidimensional<br />

vector field problems (linear elasticity). Practical<br />

FE modeling with commercial software<br />

(ABAQUS). Computer implementation of the<br />

finite element method. Advanced topics.<br />

engineering <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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