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used ancillary to the respective mobile homes – once mobile homes stationed on site). Use stable block as utility block – Planning and enforcement appeals withdrawn 26/04/2005 – Approximate cost £14,000. Hearing (Enforcement) – ENF/04/415 – Farmstead Barn, Bookham, Alton Pancras – Convert existing barn into 2No units of holiday accommodation and modify existing vehicular access – Appeal allowed and enforcement notice quashed 21/04/2005 award of costs failed – Approximate cost £250.00. Written representations (Enforcement) – ENF/04/122 – Buddens Bridge, Charminster – Without planning permission, change of use of land for the siting and stationing of caravans for residential occupation, together with associated vehicles – Appeal by Mr K Lewis – Appeal succeeds in part, but otherwise fails 13/04/2005 – Appeal by Mr J Stephenson – withdrawn 14/03/2005 – Approximate cost £300.00. Written representations – 1/E/04/1458 – The Sawmills, Huish, Sydling St Nicholas – Retain use of land for stationing of a residential mobile home for a temporary two year period – withdrawn 05/05/2005 - Approximate cost £100.00. Inquiry – 1/E/04/415 – Chimneys and the Recluse, Culliford Road, Dorchester – Erect 46No sheltered housing apartments together with Managers accommodation. Modify existing vehicular and pedestrian access, formation of parking area and carry out landscaping – Appeal withdrawn 09/05/2005 – Approximate cost £6,000. DELEGATED APPLICATIONS: Pages 5 - 10 12 Members received and noted a list of applications delegated for determination by the Development Services Manager. APPLICATIONS – CATEGORY ‘A’: Pages 11 - 46 13 Planning applications, details of which are set out in appendix 1 to these minutes, were submitted, together with parish councils’ observations and the recommendations of the Development Services Manager. All representations received in respect of those applications were reported. RESOLVED 14 That the decision of the committee, in pursuance of the Town and Country Planning Act and the Town and County Planning General Development Orders, be as indicated in column (ii) of that appendix and the applications determined accordingly, provided that, where the decision cannot be accepted by the Director of Planning and Environment, the application be referred to Council and, subject to referral to the Secretary of State where appropriate. QUESTIONS 15 There were no questions. DATE OF SITE VISIT 16 Monday 6 th June 2005. The meeting closed at 4.30 p.m.

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL WEST COMMITTEE – 26 th May 2005 Category ‘A’ – Applications determined by committee APPENDIX 1 Page 1 Application no Applicant and description of development Resolution Oral representations were received from Mary Gibson of CPRE and Mr N Flight, Mr R Britton and Mrs R Britton as objectors to the following application. 1/W/2004/001971 Grays Farm, Clift Lane, Toller Porcorum, Dorchester DT2 0EJ – Change of use of agricultural lane to use as rearing, keeping, and breeding of agricultural and non-agricultural livestock (retrospective permission) – Mr and Mrs R Pitcher Approve That the permission be personal to the applicant and temporary for a 4 year period and subject to the following conditions: (i) the use being operated only on that area of land to the north of the access track. (ii) the removal of the housing pens from the land when they are no longer required for the use applied for; (iii) a detailed landscaping and planting scheme being submitted within 2 months of the date of any permission to be provided between the site and the neighbouring Grays Farm, Grays Cottage and Boar Cottage properties and being planted in the next planting season (Autumn 2005) and maintained for 5 years. (iv) no more than 15000 young birds are present on the application site at any one time between 14 th May and 14 th August (v) no more than 1800 young or adult birds are present on the application site at any one time between 14th August and 14th November (vi) no more than 1800 adult birds are present on the application site at any one time between 14 th November and 31 st May (vii) Litter is removed from the huts every 6 weeks and disposed off site within 3 days in accordance with details to be submitted and approved (viii) No manure is stored or spread on the site (ix) Plastic sheeting is placed on the floor of each hut, and housing is waterproof and drink systems are managed to avoid overflow and spillage to ensure litter within the huts is kept dry (x) Additional storage for LPG cylinders

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL <strong>WEST</strong> COMMITTEE – 26 th May 2005<br />

Category ‘A’ – Applications determined by <strong>com</strong>mittee<br />

APPENDIX 1<br />

Page 1<br />

Application no<br />

Applicant and description of development<br />

Resolution<br />

Oral representations were received from Mary Gibson of CPRE and Mr N Flight, Mr R Britton and Mrs<br />

R Britton as objectors to the following application.<br />

1/W/2004/001971<br />

Grays Farm, Clift Lane, Toller Porcorum,<br />

Dorchester DT2 0EJ – Change of use of<br />

agricultural lane to use as rearing, keeping, and<br />

breeding of agricultural and non-agricultural<br />

livestock (retrospective permission) – Mr and<br />

Mrs R Pitcher<br />

Approve<br />

That the permission be personal to the applicant<br />

and temporary for a 4 year period and subject to<br />

the following conditions:<br />

(i) the use being operated only on that area of<br />

land to the north of the access track.<br />

(ii) the removal of the housing pens from the<br />

land when they are no longer required for the use<br />

applied for;<br />

(iii) a detailed landscaping and planting scheme<br />

being submitted within 2 months of the date of<br />

any permission to be provided between the site<br />

and the neighbouring Grays Farm, Grays Cottage<br />

and Boar Cottage properties and being planted in<br />

the next planting season (Autumn 2005) and<br />

maintained for 5 years.<br />

(iv) no more than 15000 young birds are present<br />

on the application site at any one time between<br />

14 th May and 14 th August<br />

(v) no more than 1800 young or adult birds are<br />

present on the application site at any one time<br />

between 14th August and 14th November<br />

(vi) no more than 1800 adult birds are present<br />

on the application site at any one time between<br />

14 th November and 31 st May<br />

(vii) Litter is removed from the huts every 6<br />

weeks and disposed off site within 3 days in<br />

accordance with details to be submitted and<br />

approved<br />

(viii) No manure is stored or spread on the site<br />

(ix) Plastic sheeting is placed on the floor of<br />

each hut, and housing is waterproof and drink<br />

systems are managed to avoid overflow and<br />

spillage to ensure litter within the huts is kept dry<br />

(x) Additional storage for LPG cylinders

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