Papel de las actividades superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en la ...

Papel de las actividades superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en la ...

Papel de las actividades superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en la ...


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separated at the interface were collected, c<strong>en</strong>trifuged for 15 min at 500 × g and<br />

resusp<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>d in L-15 medium supplem<strong>en</strong>ted with P/S/G. The viable cell conc<strong>en</strong>tration<br />

was <strong>de</strong>termined after staining with trypan blue and microscope counting. Aliquots of<br />

100 μl containing 1x10 7 cells ml -1 in L-15 medium supplem<strong>en</strong>ted with P/S/G were<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d to 96-well microtitre p<strong>la</strong>tes. After 3 h incubation at 22 ºC, non-adher<strong>en</strong>t cells<br />

were removed and medium was substituted by L-15 and P/S/G supplem<strong>en</strong>ted with<br />

2%FCS. Mono<strong>la</strong>yers were incubated overnight at 22 ºC.<br />

2.4. Respiratory burst activity<br />

Fish of the four experim<strong>en</strong>tal groups, fed with diets A, B, C or D, were assayed<br />

for respiratory burst activity.<br />

The g<strong>en</strong>eration of intracellu<strong>la</strong>r superoxi<strong>de</strong> radicals by sole phagocytes was<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined by the reduction of nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) according to the technique<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed by Secombes [45] and Boes<strong>en</strong> et al. [46]. Phagocyte mono<strong>la</strong>yers were washed<br />

with L-15 medium and HBSS (Hank´s Ba<strong>la</strong>nced Salt Solution) to remove any trace of<br />

antibiotic. Th<strong>en</strong>, NBT (100 μl) dissolved at 1 mg ml -1 in HBSS was ad<strong>de</strong>d to the wells<br />

and the phagocytes incubated at 22 ºC for 30 min. Wells containing phagocytes were<br />

infected with P. damse<strong>la</strong>e subsp. piscicida (10 8 bacterias ml -1 ) and used to <strong>de</strong>termine the<br />

response of the phagocytes to the fish pathog<strong>en</strong>. As a positive control phorbol myristate<br />

acetate (PMA, Sigma) (1 μg ml -1 ), an activating ag<strong>en</strong>t of the respiratory burst, was used<br />

to stimu<strong>la</strong>te the respiratory burst of non-infected phagocytes. The specificity of the<br />

reaction was tested by adding superoxi<strong>de</strong> dismutase (SOD) (300 I.U. per well) to some<br />

wells containing PMA-stimu<strong>la</strong>ted phagocytes (data not shown).<br />

After incubation, cells were fixed in 70% methanol and reduced formazan within<br />

phagocytes was solubilised by adding 120 μl 2M KOH and 140 μl dimethyl sulfoxi<strong>de</strong><br />

(DMSO, Sigma). Finally, absorbance was read at 630 nm in a multiscan<br />

spectrophotometer (UV-1601 Spectrophotometer, Whitakker Bioproducts).<br />


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