Vlerick Leuven Gent Working Paper Series 2007/03 ... - Vlerick Public

Vlerick Leuven Gent Working Paper Series 2007/03 ... - Vlerick Public

Vlerick Leuven Gent Working Paper Series 2007/03 ... - Vlerick Public


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Daily C.M., Johnson J.L., Dalton D.R. (1999). On the measurement of board composition:<br />

poor consistency and a serious mismatch of theory and operationalization. Decision Sciences.<br />

30(1): 83-106.<br />

Dalton D.R., Daily C.M., Ellstrand A.E., Johnson J.L. (1998). Meta-analytic reviews of board<br />

composition leadership structure and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal.<br />

19(3): 269-290.<br />

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shareholder returns Australian. Journal of Management. 16: 49-64.<br />

Eisenberg T., Sundgren S., Wells M.T. (1998). Larger board size and decreasing firm value in<br />

small firms. Journal of Financial Economics. 48: 35-54.<br />

Eisenhardt K.M., Kahwajy J.L., Bourgeois III L.J. (1997). Conflict and strategic choice: how<br />

top management teams disagree. California Management Review. 39(2): 42-62.<br />

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Economics. 26(2): 327-349.<br />

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assigned different decision rules. Human Relations. 35: 1123-1138.<br />

Finkelstein S., Hambrick D.C. (1996). Strategic leadership: top executives and their effects on<br />

organizations. Minneapolis: West Publishing.<br />

Finkelstein S., Mooney A.C. (20<strong>03</strong>). Not the usual suspects: how to use board process to<br />

make boards better. Academy of Management Executive. 17(2): 101-113.<br />

Forbes D.P., Milliken F. (1999). Cognition and corporate governance: understanding board of<br />

directors as strategic decision-making groups. Academy of Management Review. 24(3): 489-<br />

505.<br />


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