Science 30 January 2000 Diploma Examination

Science 30 January 2000 Diploma Examination

Science 30 January 2000 Diploma Examination


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<strong>January</strong> <strong>2000</strong> LA 1 - Sample Answer<br />

a. I would cross the untreated males with resistant females. The offspring would be treated with the<br />

pesticide to see how many are resistant. The following cross would occur if the untreated moths were<br />

heterozygous and the resistant moths were homozygous recessive.<br />

About half of the offspring would be resistant.<br />

b. An insecticide should not kill organisms it is not intended to kill. Beneficial insects and birds should be<br />

protected. This will minimize the damage to the ecosystem.<br />

The insecticide should break down quickly in the environment so that it does not accumulate in the<br />

tissue of other animals.<br />

Also the insecticide should not move easily to areas away from where it is being used. This will protect<br />

other organisms from its effects.<br />

The insecticide should not be toxic to humans and it would also be desirable that it be inexpensive and<br />

easy to apply.<br />

<strong>January</strong> <strong>2000</strong> LA 1 - Scoring Guide<br />

SCORE<br />

4<br />

Standard of<br />

Excellence<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Acceptable<br />

Standard<br />

1<br />

0<br />

NR<br />


The response is complete, well organized, and reflects thorough understanding and<br />

logical consistency of thought. The description of the experiment is logical and<br />

realistic. The expected results closely match the design of the experiment. Two or<br />

three desirable characteristics of an insecticide are accurately and completely<br />

described.<br />

The response is mostly complete, organized, and reflects correct understanding.<br />

The description of the experiment is logical. The expected results mostly match the<br />

design of the experiment. Two or three desirable characteristics of an insecticide are<br />

accurately described.<br />

The response is organized, and is generally logical and consistent. The description of<br />

the experiment is adequate. The expected results generally match the design of the<br />

experiment. One or two desirable characteristics of an insecticide are described.<br />

The response is incomplete, disorganized, and reflects poor understanding. The<br />

description of the experiment is not adequate. The expected results don't match the<br />

design of the experiment. Desirable characteristics of an insecticide are lacking.<br />

The response does not address any of the major points of the question at an appropriate<br />

level for a <strong>30</strong>-level course.<br />

No response.<br />


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