njit-etd2003-081 - New Jersey Institute of Technology

njit-etd2003-081 - New Jersey Institute of Technology

njit-etd2003-081 - New Jersey Institute of Technology


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262<br />

This program provides the STFT and the bilinear time-frequency analysis (Wigner,<br />

Smoothed Wigner, Choi-William, Born-Jordan-Cohen and Rihaczek-Margenau) with 3D<br />

power spectra versus time and frequency, contour plots and activity plots using the<br />

selected time-frequency distribution as outputs.<br />

% This program is a modified version <strong>of</strong> the original work <strong>of</strong> Adib Mansour (1994)<br />

% by Rindala Saliba (1996)<br />

% Modified by Douglas <strong>New</strong>andee 7/14/2001 for better 3D Graphs and to work with<br />

% MATLAB 6.0 and later.<br />

clear<br />

clc<br />

choose=menu('SELECT YOUR DISTRIBUTION', 'Short Time Fourier Transform',...<br />

`Wigner','Smoothed Wigner',...<br />

`Choi Williams',...<br />

`Born_Jordan_Cohen (RID)','Rihaczek_Margenau');<br />

clc<br />

disp(")<br />

disp([blanks(30) 'WELLCOME TO'])<br />

disp([blanks(21) 'TIME FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION'])<br />

disp([blanks(33) 'WORLD'])<br />

disp(")<br />

disp(")<br />

SIGNAL=input('Please enter name <strong>of</strong> datafile with no extension --> ','s');<br />

filename=[SIGNAL,'.asc'];<br />

eval(['load ' filename]);<br />

original_rawdata=eval(SIGNAL)';clear SIGNAL;<br />

Question 1=input('Which column do you want to analyze [1 2 3] --> ','s');<br />

if Question_1=='1'<br />

rawdata=original_rawdata(1,:);<br />

elseif Question_1=='2'<br />

rawdata=original_rawdata(2,:);<br />

elseif Question_1=='3'<br />

rawdata=original_rawdata(3,:);<br />

end<br />

Signa=rawdata;<br />

Lwin=input('Please enter the length <strong>of</strong> analysis window --> ');<br />

fftlen=input('Please enter the length <strong>of</strong> FFT analysis --> ');<br />

skip=input('Please enter the number <strong>of</strong> the skip points --> ');<br />

sample=input('Please enter the sample rate <strong>of</strong> the data --> ');<br />

Question_2=input('Do you want to detrend the input signal [y/n] --> ','s');

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