April Morning, Kaikoura - William Menzies Gibb - Christchurch Art ...

April Morning, Kaikoura - William Menzies Gibb - Christchurch Art ... April Morning, Kaikoura - William Menzies Gibb - Christchurch Art ...

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Ka i ko u ra i s a b o u t a t w o - h o u r d ri v e n o r t h of C h ri s t churc h . These days it is a popular destination for visitors wanting to go whale watc hing but in William Menzies Gibb’s time it wa s par ticularly popular with Canterbury ar tists, who w ere a t t ra c t e d by t h e re gi o n’s ra n ge of s c e n e r y. A s w e l l a s i t s c o a s t a l splendours, it has tw o mountain ranges, the Seawa rd and Inland Kaikouras. Travellers usually got there by coastal s t e a m e r, a s t h e ro a d s b e t w e e n C h ri s t c hurc h a n d Ka i ko u ra w e re s t i l l b e i n g b u i lt . I n A p r i l M o r n i n g , K a i ko u r a G i b b h a s r e p r o d u c e d t h e l a n d s c a p e w i t h a n a c c u ra c y l e a r n t f ro m h i s s t u d i e s w i t h h i s f a t h e r a n d i n M e l b o u r n e , w h e r e a n a c a d e m i c a p p r o a c h wa s f a v o u r e d . Re c o r d i n g t h e p r o g r e s s o f e a r l y E u r o p e a n s e t t l e m e n t , t h e p a i n t i n g h a s m u c h i n c o m m o n w i t h t h e w o r k s o f G i b b ’s f a t h e r, J o h n . There is a general air of peace and prosperity, with the farmland laid out before the spectacular snow-covered m o u n t a i n ra n ge i n t h e d i s t a n c e . T h e ro m a n t i c e l e m e n t i n t h i s idyllic picture sug gests that settlement and prosperity have now tamed the aw e -inspiring forces o f the natural world. This is in line with the 19th century reverence for nature and for what was seen as man’s God-given role to tend and care for it . The composition follows the well-established conventions of 19th century landscape painting , with the va rious features set www.c hristc hurchar tgallery.org .nz Phone at carefully staged and zigzag ged intervals into the illusionary picture space. The eye is led smoothly into the far distance. The cows drinking from the stream in the fore g round i m m e d i a t e ly c a p t u re a t t e n t i o n , a s d o e s t h e b u l l o c k wa go n hauling logs near the bridge. The wa gon has a sense of implied mo vement , drawing the eye along the diagonal unsealed road and across the composition. Another sign of habitation and human activity is created by the smoke r ising from the homestead and farm building sheltered in the trees in the mid distance. Gibb has used the diminishing scale of the buildings and the blue shades o f aerial perspective to establish the altitude and grandeur of the snow-covered peaks. H e h a s a l s o c a re f u l ly o rc h e s t ra t e d t h e c o l o u rs. A l i g h t e r t h a n u s u a l p a l e t t e o f s of t g re e n s a n d y e l l o w s s u g ge s t s t h e wa r m t h of the early morning sunlight . The feeling of warmth is heightened b y the colour contrast with the cool blues of the m o u n t a i n b a c k g ro u n d a n d b ro ke n c l o u d . This carefully finished landscape, with its obvious truth to nature and attention to detail , was influenced by the w orks of the Barbizon realists of the 1840s and 1850s. Centred on the village of Barbizon near Pa ris, this group of painters aimed to present the rural landscape and farm work ers in a direct and unglamourised manner. The images on this page are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced without the written permission of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu. William Menzies Gibb Scottish / New Zealander, 1859 -1931 Worcester Boulevard, PO Box 2626, Christchurch, New Zealand (03) 941 7300 April Morning, Kaikoura 1892, oil on canvas, 59.5x90.5 cm Gift of Mrs M.S. Hunter and Mrs R. Bailey in memory of their parents Mr & Mrs Frank 1964 About the work

Ka i ko u ra i s a b o u t a t w o - h o u r d ri v e n o r t h of C h ri s t churc h .<br />

These days it is a popular destination for visitors wanting to<br />

go whale watc hing but in <strong>William</strong> <strong>Menzies</strong> <strong>Gibb</strong>’s time it wa s<br />

par ticularly popular with Canterbury ar tists, who w ere<br />

a t t ra c t e d by t h e re gi o n’s ra n ge of s c e n e r y. A s w e l l a s i t s c o a s t a l<br />

splendours, it has tw o mountain ranges, the Seawa rd and<br />

Inland <strong>Kaikoura</strong>s. Travellers usually got there by coastal<br />

s t e a m e r, a s t h e ro a d s b e t w e e n C h ri s t c hurc h a n d Ka i ko u ra w e re<br />

s t i l l b e i n g b u i lt .<br />

I n A p r i l M o r n i n g , K a i ko u r a G i b b h a s r e p r o d u c e d t h e<br />

l a n d s c a p e w i t h a n a c c u ra c y l e a r n t f ro m h i s s t u d i e s w i t h h i s<br />

f a t h e r a n d i n M e l b o u r n e , w h e r e a n a c a d e m i c a p p r o a c h wa s<br />

f a v o u r e d . Re c o r d i n g t h e p r o g r e s s o f e a r l y E u r o p e a n<br />

s e t t l e m e n t , t h e p a i n t i n g h a s m u c h i n c o m m o n w i t h t h e<br />

w o r k s o f G i b b ’s f a t h e r, J o h n .<br />

There is a general air of peace and prosperity, with the<br />

farmland laid out before the spectacular snow-covered<br />

m o u n t a i n ra n ge i n t h e d i s t a n c e . T h e ro m a n t i c e l e m e n t i n t h i s<br />

idyllic picture sug gests that settlement and prosperity have<br />

now tamed the aw e -inspiring forces o f the natural world. This<br />

is in line with the 19th century reverence for nature and for<br />

what was seen as man’s God-given role to tend and care for it .<br />

The composition follows the well-established conventions of<br />

19th century landscape painting , with the va rious features set<br />

www.c hristc hurchar tgallery.org .nz Phone<br />

at carefully staged and zigzag ged intervals into the illusionary<br />

picture space. The eye is led smoothly into the far distance.<br />

The cows drinking from the stream in the fore g round<br />

i m m e d i a t e ly c a p t u re a t t e n t i o n , a s d o e s t h e b u l l o c k wa go n<br />

hauling logs near the bridge. The wa gon has a sense of implied<br />

mo vement , drawing the eye along the diagonal unsealed road<br />

and across the composition. Another sign of habitation and<br />

human activity is created by the smoke r ising from the<br />

homestead and farm building sheltered in the trees in the mid<br />

distance. <strong>Gibb</strong> has used the diminishing scale of the buildings<br />

and the blue shades o f aerial perspective to establish the<br />

altitude and grandeur of the snow-covered peaks.<br />

H e h a s a l s o c a re f u l ly o rc h e s t ra t e d t h e c o l o u rs. A l i g h t e r t h a n<br />

u s u a l p a l e t t e o f s of t g re e n s a n d y e l l o w s s u g ge s t s t h e wa r m t h<br />

of the early morning sunlight . The feeling of warmth is<br />

heightened b y the colour contrast with the cool blues of the<br />

m o u n t a i n b a c k g ro u n d a n d b ro ke n c l o u d .<br />

This carefully finished landscape, with its obvious truth to<br />

nature and attention to detail , was influenced by the w orks of<br />

the Barbizon realists of the 1840s and 1850s. Centred on the<br />

village of Barbizon near Pa ris, this group of painters aimed to<br />

present the rural landscape and farm work ers in a direct and<br />

unglamourised<br />

manner.<br />

The images on this page are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced<br />

without the written permission of <strong>Christchurch</strong> <strong>Art</strong> Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu.<br />

<strong>William</strong> <strong>Menzies</strong> <strong>Gibb</strong><br />

Scottish / New Zealander, 1859 -1931<br />

Worcester Boulevard, PO Box 2626, <strong>Christchurch</strong>, New Zealand<br />

(03) 941 7300<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>Morning</strong>, <strong>Kaikoura</strong><br />

1892, oil on canvas, 59.5x90.5 cm<br />

Gift of Mrs M.S. Hunter and Mrs R. Bailey in memory of their parents Mr &<br />

Mrs Frank 1964<br />

About the work

<strong>William</strong> <strong>Menzies</strong> <strong>Gibb</strong> was born in Innellan, Scotland, in 1859,<br />

the s on of the painter John <strong>Gibb</strong>. He was aged 17 when he<br />

arrived in the Canterbury por t of Lyttelton with his parents in<br />

1876. His early ar t training was with his father but in 1880 -<br />

1881 he w ent on to study at the National Gallery Sc hool in<br />

Melbourne. He als o exhibited at the ‘Melbourne International<br />

Exhibition’ of 188 0 -1881 and the ‘Centennial Exhibition’,<br />

Melbourne, in 1888 -1889.<br />

In 1881, while he was still in Melbourne, <strong>Gibb</strong> had painted a<br />

por trait of Sir Julius Vogel who had been Prime Minister of New<br />

Zealand during the 1870s. When he returned to Christchurc h, in<br />

1882, he first established himself as a por trait painter but later<br />

specialised in landscapes. <strong>Gibb</strong> exhibited at the first Canterbury<br />

Society of Ar ts exhibition in 1881 and continued to be actively<br />

involved on the council of the Society throughout his career,<br />

including serving as President in 1916. He exhibited at the<br />

‘International Exhibition’ in Christchurc h in 1882 and in the<br />

‘Indian and Colonial Exhibition’ in London in 1886.<br />

G i b b wa s a m e m b e r of C h ri s t c hurc h’s Pa l e t t e C l u b, wh i c h wa s<br />

formed in 1890 to encourage plein air painting and in reaction<br />

to the more conservative and traditional styles favoured by<br />

t h e C a n t e r b u r y S o c i e t y of A r t s . A s w e l l , t h e Pa l e t t e C l u b<br />

prov i d e d a n a lt e r n a t i v e e x h i b i t i o n foru m t o t h a t of t h e C S A . In<br />

1905 <strong>Gibb</strong> als o became a member of the Christc hurc h A r tists<br />

Sketc h Club, a group of ar tists who gathered in Sydney Lough<br />

Thomps on’s (1877-1973) studio in Cambridge Terrace.<br />

<strong>Gibb</strong> travelled to Britain in 1910 and there visited St Ives,<br />

Glasgow, France and other areas of Europe, bringing bac k<br />

many fine examples of his w ork that found a ready sale in<br />

Ne w Zealand. He held a large r etrospective exhibition at the<br />

Canterbury Society of Ar ts in 1927, the first exhibition at the<br />

Society devoted to the work of just one ar tist . He also<br />

exhibited at the ‘Imperial Ar t Exhibition’ in London in 1928.<br />

<strong>Gibb</strong> died in Christc hurc h in 1931.<br />

Throughout much of his early career <strong>Gibb</strong> worked in an<br />

Academic manner, w orking up in his studio ske t c hes and studies<br />

made out of doors. In his studio more detailed and highly<br />

finished w orks could be completed. How ever, he als o favoured<br />

painting directly from nature, particularly when working in<br />

watercolours. His paintings w ere very popular in the late 19th<br />

and early 20th centuries because of their representation of the<br />

Ne w Zealand landscape in its ‘happiest moods’.<br />

www.c hristc hurchar tgallery.org .nz Phone<br />

T h e re a re 1 8 wo r k s by t h e a r t i s t i n t h e Co l l e c t i o n , i n c l u d i n g :<br />

Edge of the Bush, Pigeon B ay<br />

O n t h e Ro ad t o Pe e l Fo r e s t<br />

A Valle y by the Sea, Karikari, Nor th Island<br />

A Canterbur y Pasto ral<br />

The images on this page are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced<br />

without the written permission of <strong>Christchurch</strong> <strong>Art</strong> Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu.<br />

<strong>William</strong> <strong>Menzies</strong> <strong>Gibb</strong><br />

Scottish / New Zealander, 1859 -1931<br />

Worcester Boulevard, PO Box 2626, <strong>Christchurch</strong>, New Zealand<br />

(03) 941 7300<br />

About the artist<br />

Other works by the artist in the Collection<br />

1886, watercolour<br />

Presented by Mrs E. Britton 1960<br />

c. 1906, oil on canvas<br />

Presented by the Canterbury Society of <strong>Art</strong>s 1932<br />

c. 1914, oil on canvas<br />

Presented by the Canterbury Society of <strong>Art</strong>s 1932<br />

c. 1925, oil on canvas<br />

Presented by the Canterbury Society of <strong>Art</strong>s 1932

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