Written Answers

Written Answers Written Answers

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Questions— 4 May 2011. Written Answers Written Answers ———————— The following are questions tabled by Members for written response and the ministerial replies as received on the day from the Departments [unrevised]. ———————— Questions Nos. 1 to 17, inclusive, answered orally. Educational Disadvantage 18. Deputy Seán Crowe asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of additional staff that have been allocated for Traveller pupils under DEIS for the 2011/2012 school year; and the number of teachers that have been allocated for this purpose for each of the past three years. [9830/11] Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Sean Sherlock): No additional posts were allocated for Traveller pupils under DEIS in each of the past three years because Traveller pupils in all schools, including those in the DEIS programme, were supported under the Resource Teacher for Travellers scheme, which, the Deputy will be aware was discontinued by the previous Government. However, up to this year, Traveller pupils were not included in the valid enrolment for the purposes of implementing the more favourable Pupil Teacher Ratios in DEIS schools. As I indicated in my response to his question of 24 March, Traveller pupils have been included in the valid enrolment for the purpose of allocating additional staffing under DEIS from the 2011/12 school year. I can now advise the Deputy that 81 posts have been provided for this purpose. School Management 19. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will outline the powers of a school patron to authorise the dismissal of a teacher; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9842/11] Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Responsibility for running schools on a day-to-day basis is devolved from the patron to the board of management and this was statutorily underpinned by Section 14 of the Education Act 1998. Section 24 of the Education Act 1998 provides that the appointment, suspension and dismissal of teachers are the responsibility of boards of management. In the case of VEC schools, 475

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

<strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

————————<br />

The following are questions tabled by Members for written response and the<br />

ministerial replies as received on the day from the Departments [unrevised].<br />

————————<br />

Questions Nos. 1 to 17, inclusive, answered orally.<br />

Educational Disadvantage<br />

18. Deputy Seán Crowe asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of additional<br />

staff that have been allocated for Traveller pupils under DEIS for the 2011/2012 school year;<br />

and the number of teachers that have been allocated for this purpose for each of the past three<br />

years. [9830/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Sean Sherlock): No<br />

additional posts were allocated for Traveller pupils under DEIS in each of the past three years<br />

because Traveller pupils in all schools, including those in the DEIS programme, were supported<br />

under the Resource Teacher for Travellers scheme, which, the Deputy will be aware was discontinued<br />

by the previous Government.<br />

However, up to this year, Traveller pupils were not included in the valid enrolment for the<br />

purposes of implementing the more favourable Pupil Teacher Ratios in DEIS schools. As I<br />

indicated in my response to his question of 24 March, Traveller pupils have been included in<br />

the valid enrolment for the purpose of allocating additional staffing under DEIS from the<br />

2011/12 school year. I can now advise the Deputy that 81 posts have been provided for this<br />

purpose.<br />

School Management<br />

19. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will<br />

outline the powers of a school patron to authorise the dismissal of a teacher; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [9842/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Responsibility for running schools<br />

on a day-to-day basis is devolved from the patron to the board of management and this was<br />

statutorily underpinned by Section 14 of the Education Act 1998.<br />

Section 24 of the Education Act 1998 provides that the appointment, suspension and dismissal<br />

of teachers are the responsibility of boards of management. In the case of VEC schools,<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

section 20 of the Vocational Education (Amendment) Act 2001 provides that the appointment<br />

of teachers and other staff are a matter for each VEC. Removal from office of a VEC officeholder<br />

is provided for by section 8 of the Vocational Education (Amendment) Act 2001 and<br />

requires a decision of the Minister.<br />

Under Circulars 59/2009 (VEC schools) and 60/2009 (all other schools) procedures were<br />

agreed relating to both professional competence issues and procedures relating to work, conduct<br />

and matters other than professional competence. This agreement was made under the<br />

terms of Towards 2016 and the procedures were issued in September 2009.<br />

The procedures serve a dual purpose in that they provide a framework which enables schools<br />

to maintain satisfactory standards, and for teachers and principals to have access to procedures<br />

whereby alleged failures to comply with these standards may be fairly and sensitively addressed.<br />

Matters of professional competence are dealt with through a process which allows for informal<br />

counselling and the use of internal and external supports such as the Employee Assistance<br />

Service and relevant educational support services. Only when the informal procedures are<br />

unsuccessful in addressing professional competence issues are the formal stages invoked which<br />

may at the end of the process have recourse to disciplinary action (up to and including<br />

dismissal).<br />

Matters of conduct follow a similarly staged procedure. However, in the cases of serious<br />

misconduct at work or a threat to health and safety to children or other personnel in the school<br />

the stages outlined above do not normally apply and a teacher may be dismissed without<br />

recourse to the previous stages. A teacher may also be placed on administrative leave on full<br />

pay pending an investigation and the conclusion of any appeal process.<br />

As is the norm with any profession it is a matter for the individual teacher, in the first<br />

instance, to maintain appropriate standards of work and conduct, and to personally address<br />

such issues if and when they arise. Furthermore it is a teacher’s responsibility and obligation<br />

to ensure that he or she avails fully of all opportunities of assistance towards remediation of<br />

such issues.<br />

Training and Work Experience Programmes<br />

20. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to provide<br />

30,000 additional training places across the education and training system; and the location of<br />

same. [9837/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Programme for Government<br />

contains a commitment that the Government will provide 30,000 additional training places<br />

across the education and training system.<br />

The Programme for Government also outlines that, within the first 100 days of taking office,<br />

the Government will provide a Jobs Initiative which will contain some 15,000 of those places<br />

in training, work experience and educational opportunities for those who are out of work.<br />

Details of these additional activation places will be contained in the forthcoming Jobs Initiative,<br />

which is due to be published later this month.<br />

Once the Jobs Initiative has been launched my Department will work to deliver the<br />

additional education and training places on top of my Department’s existing wide range of<br />

training and education supports for the unemployed.<br />

School Accommodation<br />

21. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to phase<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

out the inefficient renting of school prefabs; the number and cost of prefab rental contracts to<br />

which the State is currently tied; and the dates on which they cease. [9848/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): My Department is currently<br />

developing new procedures and systems for the provision of temporary accommodation with a<br />

view to achieving best value for money. These include the development of standard specifications<br />

for temporary accommodation, the development of new contractual terms to incorporate<br />

buy-out and relocation options to cater for individual local circumstances and appropriately<br />

protect the interests of my Department and school authorities.<br />

A change in policy implemented by my Department is to provide devolved grant aid for the<br />

purchase (rather than rental) of additional accommodation where the need for such accommodation<br />

is likely to exist for more than 3 years. Furthermore, since July 2008, it is also policy<br />

to offer schools being approved for devolved grant aid for additional accommodation the option<br />

to use their capital grant aid to build a permanent classroom(s) rather than purchase a prefab.<br />

These policies will reduce the usage of prefabricated accommodation and, particularly, the<br />

incidence of long term rental of prefabs.<br />

In September 2009, 2,037 prefab units were been rented by Primary and Post-Primary schools<br />

and this number has been reduced to 1,707. It should be noted that a prefab unit may consist<br />

of one or more classrooms and/or ancillary accommodation and that expenditure incurred on<br />

the maintenance or upkeep of rented prefab units is generally included in the rental contract<br />

between the prefab provider and the school authorities. €29.2m has been allocated in 2011 to<br />

cover the rental cost of accommodation at primary and post-primary levels including an allocation<br />

of €25m to cover the rental cost of prefabs.<br />

Prefab rental contracts generally range from six months to three years with an option to<br />

renew at the end of each contract period. The following list provides the detailed information<br />

on the contract periods for the prefab rentals currently on hands.<br />

Rented Prefab Units as at 3rd May 2011<br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20370V Saplings School Carlow Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

01415K Scoil Phadraig Rathoe Carlow Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 01/09/11<br />

04077I St Brigids NS Grange Tullow Carlow Pre-fab 01/08/05 30/06/12<br />

11135K St Mary’s NS Bagenalstown Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

16080N St Phadraig Naofa Tullow Carlow Pre-fab 14/12/07 30/06/12<br />

16080N St Phadraig Naofa Tullow Carlow Pre-fab 14/12/07 30/06/12<br />

17501Q Bennekerry NS Bennekerry Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/09/11<br />

17501Q Bennekerry NS Bennekerry Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/09/11<br />

17514C Clonegal NS Clonegal Carlow Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17994T SN Fhoirtcheim Muinebeag Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

17994T SN Fhoirtcheim Muinebeag Carlow Pre-fab 19/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19477J Holy Family BNS Askea Tullow Rd Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

19477J Holy Family BNS Askea Tullow Rd Carlow Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/11<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

61140K St. Leo’s College Dublin Road Carlow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

08453H Crubany NS Crubany Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

08453H Crubany NS Crubany Cavan Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/11<br />

08490N St Clare’s PS Ardmhuire Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

08490N St. Clare’s PS Ardmhuire Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

08490N St. Clare’s PS Ardmhuire Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16057S Convent of Mercy NS Belturbet Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 01/09/12<br />

16057S Convent of Mercy NS Belturbet Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 01/09/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

16083T St Mary’s NS Bailieboro Road Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16959M Curravagh NS Curravagh Glangevlin Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

17326B St Felim’s NS Farnham St Cavan Pre-fab 17/11/04 30/06/12<br />

17625L Knocktemple NS Virginia Virginia Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18857O Carrigabruise NS Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/11<br />

19608V St Kilian’s NS Mullagh Cavan Pre-fab 01/08/10 01/08/11<br />

19871N Scoil Naomh Padraig Killinagh Blacklion Cavan Pre-fab 06/10/01 30/06/12<br />

70390L Virginia College Keadue Cavan Pre-fab 01/08/09 31/07/12<br />

70390L Virginia College Keadue Cavan Pre-fab 13/07/10 30/06/11<br />

70390L Virginia College Keadue Cavan Pre-fab 13/07/10 30/06/11<br />

70390L Virginia College Keadue Cavan Pre-fab 13/07/10 30/06/11<br />

04919H St John’s NS Cratloe Clare Pre-fab 16/10/06 30/06/12<br />

04919H St John’s NS Cratloe Clare Pre-fab 16/10/06 30/06/12<br />

13870E Kilkishen NS Ennis Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

14111L Cross NS Kilrush Kilrush Clare Pre-fab 01/06/07 31/12/12<br />

14757N Scoil na Mainstreach Quin Clare Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

15301V Kildysart NS Ennis road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15301V Kildysart NS Ennis road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16186G Inch NS Ennis Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

16677C CBS Bunscoil Inis Senior Ennis Clare Pre-fab 04/12/08 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

16677C CBS Bunscoil Inis Senior Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/09/99 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

16677C CBS Bunscoil Inis Senior Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/09/99 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

16677C CBS Bunscoil Inis Senior Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

16677C CBS Bunscoil Inis Senior Ennis Clare Pre-fab 25/08/10 30/06/13<br />

School<br />

16908S Sixmilebridge NS Sixmilebridge Clare Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

16908S Sixmilebridge NS Sixmilebridge Clare Pre-fab 28/08/06 30/06/12<br />

16908S Sixmilebridge NS Sixmilebridge Clare Pre-fab 28/08/06 30/06/12<br />

16908S Sixmilebridge NS Sixmilebridge Clare Pre-fab 28/08/06 30/06/12<br />

16946D Parteen NS Parteen Clare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16946D Parteen NS Parteen Clare Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

17583V Knockanean NS Knockanean Clare Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

17583V Knockanean NS Knockanean Clare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

17583V Knockanean NS Knockanean Clare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17583V Knockanean NS Knockanean Clare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

17583V Knockanean NS Knockanean Clare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

18639E Ballynacally NS Ennis Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 31/01/11<br />

19274S St. Conaire’s NS Shannon Clare Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

19274S St. Conaire’s NS Shannon Clare Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

19274S St. Conaire’s NS Shannon Clare Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

19849U GS Donncha Rua Bóthar Linne Sionna Clare Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19849U GS Donncha Rua Bóthar Linne Sionna Clare Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19849U GS Donncha Rua Bóthar Linne Sionna Clare Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19849U GS Donncha Rua Bóthar Linne Sionna Clare Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

20041C St. Senan’s Conv Kilrush Clare Pre-fab 24/05/07 30/06/12<br />

20041C St. Senan’s Conv Kilrush Clare Pre-fab 24/05/07 30/06/12<br />

20041C St. Senan’s Conv Kilrush Clare Pre-fab 24/05/07 30/06/12<br />

20075T St. Mochulla’s NS Tulla Clare Pre-fab 24/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20086B Ennis Educate Together NS Gort Road Ennis Clare Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20245S Scoil Mhainchin, Ennistymon Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/11<br />

NS<br />

20245S Scoil Mhainchin, Ennistymon Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/11<br />

NS<br />

20245S Scoil Mhainchin, Ennistymon Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/11<br />

NS<br />

20245S Scoil Mhainchin, Ennistymon Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/11<br />

NS<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 31/08/10 30/06/11<br />

20313J Mol an Oige NS Ennistymon Clare Pre-fab 28/12/09 30/06/11<br />

01272O Glandore NS Glandore Cork Pre-fab 09/05/01 30/06/12<br />

02114B Ballygiblin NS Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 06/11/06 30/06/12<br />

04118T Bishop Ahern NS Leamlara Cork Pre-fab 18/12/06 30/06/12<br />

07242M Cloghroe NS Cloghroe Cork Pre-fab 15/11/05 30/06/12<br />

07242M Cloghroe NS Cloghroe Cork Pre-fab 07/01/03 30/06/12<br />

07242M Cloghroe NS Cloghroe Cork Pre-fab 01/03/06 30/06/12<br />

07242M Cloghroe NS Cloghroe Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

10047I Macroom Convent NS (St Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

Joseph’s)<br />

10047I Macroom Convent NS (St Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

Joseph’s)<br />

10047I Macroom Convent NS (St Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

Joseph’s)<br />

10047I Macroom Convent NS (St Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

Joseph’s)<br />

10047I Macroom Convent NS (St Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/06/08 30/06/12<br />

Joseph’s)<br />

10523O Fermoy Adair NS Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

11992I Whitegate Mixed NS Whitegate Midleton Cork Pre-fab 31/08/07 30/06/12<br />

11992I Whitegate Mixed NS Whitegate Midleton Cork Pre-fab 31/08/07 30/06/12<br />

12004A Mallon No. 1 NS Shortcastle St Mallow Cork Pre-fab 30/07/08 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

12041G St. John the Baptist, Midleton Dungourney Road Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

12041G St. John the Baptist, Midleton Dungourney Road Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

12446J Glenahulla NS Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

12447L Baltydaniel NS Newtwopothouse Mallow Cork Pre-fab 03/09/01 30/06/11<br />

12473M Scoil Mhuire na nGrós Green Street Cork Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

(Greenmount Monastery NS)<br />

12473M Scoil Mhuire na nGrós Green Street Cork Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

(Greenmount Monastery NS)<br />

12473M Scoil Mhuire na nGrós Green Street Cork Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

(Greenmount Monastery NS)<br />

12473M Scoil Mhuire na nGrós Green Street Cork Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/12<br />

(Greenmount Monastery NS)<br />

12473M Scoil Mhuire na nGrós Green Street Cork Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/12<br />

(Greenmount Monastery NS)<br />

12505W Kilbarry NS Kilbarry Macroom Cork Pre-fab 03/09/01 30/06/12<br />

13031I St Joseph’s Convent NS Smith’s Rd Rathluirc Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

13031I St Joseph’s Convent NS Smith’s Rd Rathluirc Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

13234W Cloughduv NS Cloughduv Crookstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

13234W Cloughduv NS Cloughduv Crookstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

13375R Scoil Bhríde Cros Mhathúna Bandon Cork Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

13375R Scoil Bhríde Cros Mhathúna Bandon Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

13375R Scoil Bhríde Cros Mhathúna Bandon Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

13450F Rushbrooke NS Rushbrooke Cobh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13450F Rushbrooke NS Rushbrooke Cobh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13450F Rushbrooke NS Rushbrooke Cobh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13450F Rushbrooke NS Rushbrooke Cobh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13512B Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/10/06 30/06/12<br />

13512B Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

13512B Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

13512B Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

13728B Castletownshend NS Castletownshend Skibbereen Cork Pre-fab 02/10/05 30/06/12<br />

13728B Castletownshend NS Castletownshend Skibbereen Cork Pre-fab 06/09/05 30/06/12<br />

13728B Castletownshend NS Castletownshend Skibbereen Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13779S Dromahane NS Dromahane Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

13779S Dromahane NS Dromahane Mallow Cork Pre-fab 05/06/07 30/06/12<br />

13976U St Matthias National School Ballydehob Cork Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

14052V St Colmans BNS Percival St Kanturk Cork Pre-fab 13/10/06 30/06/12<br />

14839P Clondrohid NS Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

14839P Clondrohid NS Macroom Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/09/12<br />

15165Q Ballintotas NS Ballintotas Castlemartyr Cork Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/04/12<br />

15165Q Ballintotas NS Ballintotas Castlemartyr Cork Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/04/12<br />

15380U Dromagh NS Dromagh Mallow Cork Pre-fab 26/10/06 30/06/12<br />

15484J SN an Chroí Naofa Glounthaune Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05<br />

15484J SN an Chroí Naofa Glounthaune Cork Pre-fab 25/11/03 30/06/12<br />

15484J SN an Chroí Naofa Glounthaune Cork Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

15484J SN an Chroí Naofa Glounthaune Cork Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

15484J SN an Chroí Naofa Glounthaune Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

15594Q Grange NS Grange Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

15594Q Grange NS Grange Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 05/09/01 30/06/12<br />

15594Q Grange NS Grange Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 05/09/01 30/06/12<br />

15646J Coomhala NS Bantry Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15701O Bartlemy NS Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15781P Ballintemple NS Crab Lane Ballintemple Cork Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

15792U SN Naomh Micheál Upper Glanmire White’s Cross Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

16087E Kealkil NS Bantry Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 01/09/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

16087E Kealkil NS Bantry Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 01/09/11<br />

16271U Watergrasshill NS Watergrasshill Cork Pre-fab 30/08/05 30/06/12<br />

16271U Watergrasshill NS Watergrasshill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16271U Watergrasshill NS Watergrasshill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16339F St Joseph’s NS The Mardyke Cork Pre-fab 12/02/07 30/06/12<br />

16339F St Joseph’s NS The Mardyke Cork Pre-fab 12/02/07 30/06/12<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16746S Ballygarvan NS Ballygarvan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

17011W St Mochomóg’s NS Cappabue, Kealkill Bantry Cork Pre-fab 23/08/05 30/06/12<br />

17103E Scoil Chlochair Mhuire Carrigtwohill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17103E Scoil Chlochair Mhuire Carrigtwohill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17112F Ballyhea NS Ballyhea Charleville Cork Pre-fab 01/06/05 30/05/11<br />

17112F Ballyhea NS Ballyhea Charleville Cork Pre-fab 22/08/06 30/05/11<br />

17152R Knockskeagh NS Clonakilty Cork Pre-fab 07/01/08 06/01/11<br />

17168J SN Inis Eoghain Innishannon Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

17281F Togher NS Dunmanway Cork Pre-fab 19/04/01 30/06/12<br />

17297U St Fergal’s NS Killeagh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17297U St Fergal’s NS Killeagh Cork Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/12<br />

17360B SN Mhuire Rathpeacon Mallow Rd Cork Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

17360B SN Mhuire Rathpeacon Mallow Rd Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17505B Brooklodge NS Glanmire Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17533G Rahan NS Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

17533G Rahan NS Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

17533G Rahan NS Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

17533G Rahan NS Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

17600S Scartleigh NS Saleen Midleton Cork Pre-fab 05/11/06 30/06/12<br />

17600S Scartleigh NS Saleen Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17600S Scartleigh NS Saleen Midleton Cork Pre-fab 22/10/07 30/06/12<br />

17600S Scartleigh NS Saleen Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17600S Scartleigh NS Saleen Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17639W CBS PS Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 14/04/07 30/06/12<br />

17639W CBS PS Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17639W CBS PS Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 05/11/07 30/06/12<br />

17667E Whitechurch NS Whitechurch Cork Pre-fab 01/12/03 30/06/11<br />

17667E Whitechurch NS Whitechurch Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

17804L SN Cnoc Na Manach Minane Bridge Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/13<br />

17823P Glantane NS Glantane Mallow Cork Pre-fab 04/09/06 31/08/12<br />

17972J Killmurry NS Ballymichael Lissarda Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

17993R Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál (B) School Avenue Glasheen Cork Pre-fab 17/09/07 01/09/12<br />

(Glasheen BNS)<br />

18000W Scoil Mhuire Naofa Carrigtwohill Cork Pre-fab 07/02/07 30/06/12<br />

17993R Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál (B) School Avenue Glasheen Cork Pre-fab 17/09/07 01/09/12<br />

(Glasheen BNS)<br />

17993R Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál (B) School Avenue Glasheen Cork Pre-fab 17/09/07 01/09/12<br />

(Glasheen BNS)<br />

18000W Scoil Mhuire Naofa Carrigtwohill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18000W Scoil Mhuire Naofa Carrigtwohill Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18128C Scoil Mhuire NS Kiskeam Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18217B Scoil Padre Pio Churchfield Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18217B Scoil Padre Pio Churchfield Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18246I Ballymoney NS Ballineen Cork Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

18279A Carrigaline No. 3 NS Waterpark Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

18279A Carrigaline No3 NS Waterpark Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18377A St Joseph’s NS Oliver Plunkett Hill Fermoy Cork Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/10/12<br />

18428O Bailenóra NS Bailenóra Tobar an Iarla Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18428O Bailenóra NS Bailenóra Tobar an Iarla Cork Pre-fab 01/05/01 30/06/12<br />

18428O Bailenóra NS Bailenóra Tobar an Iarla Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18468D St Mary’s NS Castledonovan Drimoleague Cork Pre-fab 01/12/05 30/06/12<br />

18483W School of the Divine Child Lavanagh Centre Ballintemple Cork Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/12<br />

18483W School of the Divine Child Lavanagh Centre Ballintemple Cork Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/12<br />

18497K Scoil Inse Ratha Little Island Cork Pre-fab 05/02/07 30/06/11<br />

18497K Scoil Inse Ratha Little Island Cork Pre-fab 16/04/07 30/06/11<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 24/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18535P St John’s GNS Ballea Rd Carrigaline Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18713N SN Fionán Reanna Belgooly Cork Pre-fab 24/03/08 23/03/11<br />

19256Q Scoil Ghobnatan Mallow Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19351K Cill Chriodain Kilcredan Ladysbridge Cork Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

19351K Cill Chriodain Kilcredan Ladysbridge Cork Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19351K Cill Chriodain Kilcredan Ladysbridge Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19381T Rathmore NS Baltimore Skibereen Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19404F Scoil Mhuire SN Ballyhooly Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

19404F Scoil Mhuire SN Ballyhooly Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19415K Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carraig na bhFear Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19415K Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carraig na bhFear Cork Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19415K Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carraig na bhFear Cork Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19415K Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carraig na bhFear Cork Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

19415K Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carraig na bhFear Cork Pre-fab 02/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19557H Caheragh NS Caheragh Drimoleague Cork Pre-fab 01/08/00 30/06/12<br />

19637F Scoil Fhionnbarra Béal Athan Cork Pre-fab 31/08/01 30/06/11<br />

Ghaorthaidh<br />

19637F Scoil Fhionnbarra Béal Athan Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

Ghaorthaidh<br />

19760E Scoil Triest Lota Glanmire Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/07/16<br />

19760E Scoil Triest Lota Glanmire Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/07/16<br />

19760E Scoil Triest Lota Glanmire Cork Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/11<br />

19761G St Peter’s NS Dungourney Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

19801P Drimoleague Junior School Drimoleague Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19801P Drimoleague Junior School Drimoleague Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19839R GS Uí Ríordáin Cúl Rua Baile an Chollaigh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

19839R GS Ui Riordain Cul Rua Baile an Chollaigh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19839R GS Ui Riordain Cul Rua Baile an Chollaigh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19839R GS Ui Riordain Cul Rua Baile an Chollaigh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

19839R GS Ui Riordain Cul Rua Baile an Chollaigh Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19881Q GS Charraig Uí Leighin Carraig Uí Leighin Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19906G Cork School Project NS Grattan St Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/12/10<br />

19978I Maulatrahane Central NS Leas Skibereen Cork Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

20025E GS Droichead na Banndan Palún CLG Droichead na Cork Pre-fab 01/09/97 30/06/11<br />

Banndan<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20025E GS Droichead na Banndan Palún CLG Droichead na Cork Pre-fab 01/09/97 30/06/11<br />

Banndan<br />

20025E GS Droichead na Banndan Palún CLG Droichead na Cork Pre-fab 01/09/97 30/06/11<br />

Banndan<br />

20025E GS Droichead na Banndan Palún CLG Droichead na Cork Pre-fab 01/09/97 30/06/11<br />

Banndan<br />

20049S Ringaskiddy Lower Harbour Loughbeg Ringaskiddy Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

20049S Ringaskiddy Lower Harbour Loughbeg Ringaskiddy Cork Pre-fab 31/05/01 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

20049S Ringaskiddy Lower Harbour Loughbeg Ringaskiddy Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

20088F Scoil Mhuire NS Meenvane Schull Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20088F Scoil Mhuire NS Meenvane Schull Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20088F Scoil Mhuire NS Meenvane Schull Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 30/06/11<br />

20088F Scoil Mhuire NS Meenvane Schull Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 30/06/11<br />

20088F Scoil Mhuire NS Meenvane Schull Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 30/06/11<br />

20105C Star of the Sea Passsage West Cork Pre-fab 15/01/08 30/06/11<br />

20105C Star of the Sea Passsage West Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20105C Star of the Sea Passsage West Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20105C Star of the Sea Passsage West Cork Pre-fab 12/04/10 11/04/12<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 29/08/07 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 26/08/08 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 24/08/09 23/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 24/08/09 23/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 26/08/08 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 26/08/08 25/08/11<br />

20106E Scoil Niocláis Frankfield Grange Cork Cork Pre-fab 26/08/08 25/08/11<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann Ionad an Phobail Mainistir na Corann Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20182U St Enda’s NS Kilnadur Dunmanway Cork Pre-fab 29/11/10 30/06/11<br />

20222G Scoil Chuil-Aodha/Barr dInse Ciul-Aosha Maghcromtha Cork Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

20239A Gaelscoil Ui Drisceoil Ionad Rugbai na Rathchuanna, Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

Seancriostaithe Gleann Maglair<br />

20239A Gaelscoil Ui Drisceoil Ionad Rugbai na Rathchuanna, Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

Seancriostaithe Gleann Maglair<br />

20239A Gaelscoil Ui Drisceoil Ionad Rugbai na Rathchuanna, Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

Seancriostaithe Gleann Maglair<br />

20265B Gaelscoil Chionn tSaile Cappagh, Cionn Kinsale Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

tSaile<br />

20265B Gaelscoil Chionn tSaile Cappagh, Cionn Kinsale Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

tSaile<br />

20265B Gaelscoil Chionn tSaile Cappagh, Cionn Kinsale Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

tSaile<br />

20336V Midleton Educate Together NS Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20336V Midleton Educate Together NS Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20336V Midleton Educate Together NS Midleton Cork Pre-fab 27/08/09 30/06/11<br />

20336V Midleton Educate Together NS Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20336V Midleton Educate Together NS Midleton Cork Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

62170B Sacred Heart Sec School Clonakilty Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

62421A Presentation Sec School Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/12/12<br />

62421A Presentation Sec School Mitchelstown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/12/12<br />

62460K St Francis College Rochestown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

62460K St Francis College Rochestown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

62460K St Francis College Rochestown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

62460K St Francis College Rochestown Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

62730N St Patricks College Gardiners Hill Cork Pre-fab 12/11/07 30/06/12<br />

91499E Kinsale Community School Kinsale Cork Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

07143K Monreagh NS Carrigans Lifford Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

11843O Niall Mor NS Killybegs Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

12077E Scoil Naomh Fiachra Illistrin Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

12077E Scoil Naomh Fiachra Illistrin Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

12077E Scoil Naomh Fiachra Illistrin Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

12077E Scoil Naomh Fiachra Illistrin Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13755E Gartan NS Chruchill Donegal Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/06/12<br />

16138S Raphoe Central NS Raphoe Lifford Donegal Pre-fab 22/08/01 30/06/12<br />

16242N Scoil Padraig Naofa Port an tSallainn Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 02/10/06 01/09/11<br />

16821G St Patricks GNS Convent Rd Carndonagh Donegal Pre-fab 07/11/01 30/06/12<br />

16821G St Patricks GNS Convent Rd Carndonagh Donegal Pre-fab 07/11/01 30/06/12<br />

16821G St Patricks GNS Convent Rd Carndonagh Donegal Pre-fab 18/02/08 18/02/11<br />

16836T St Brigid’s NS Glenmakee Carndonagh Donegal Pre-fab 17/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16836T St Brigid’s NS Glenmakee Carndonagh Donegal Pre-fab 17/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17057A Scoil Phadraig Dromcaoin Beal Atha Feidh Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

17721H Scoil Treasa Naofa Lifford Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17728V SN Talamh na Coitle Roughpark Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18052S Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Cnoc na Faire Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

18520C Scoil Phadraig Rasheeny Clonmany Donegal Pre-fab 20/08/07 30/06/12<br />

18625Q Scoil Cholmcille Convent Rd Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18625Q Scoil Cholmcille Convent Rd Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18737E Scoil Bhride Conmhaigh Leifear Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19310T St. Ernan’s NS Ballintra Donegal Pre-fab 01/05/08 01/05/11<br />

19313C Glenswilly NS Newmills Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

19313C Glenswilly NS Newmills Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

19313C Glenswilly NS Newmills Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19343L SN Dhubhthaigh Annagry Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19491D Scoil Mhuire Ramelton Donegal Pre-fab 30/04/07 31/12/12<br />

19724A Little Angels Special School Knocknamona Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/11<br />

19724A Little Angels Special School Knocknamona Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/11<br />

19724A Little Angels Special School Knocknamona Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/11<br />

19927O Scoil Mhuire Stranorlar Donegal Pre-fab 09/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19927O Scoil Mhuire Stranorlar Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 29/08/12<br />

19927O Scoil Mhuire Stranorlar Donegal Pre-fab 02/10/06 31/08/12<br />

19927O Scoil Mhuire Stranorlar Donegal Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/09/12<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19971R Gaelscoil Adhamhnain Gleann Cearra Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19971R Gaelscoil Adhamhnain Gleann Cearra Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 30/08/06 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/11<br />

20235P Letterkenny Educate Together Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

62830R St. Eunan’s College Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 27/08/10 26/08/13<br />

62830R St. Eunan’s College Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 27/08/10 26/08/13<br />

62830R St. Eunan’s College Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 27/08/10 26/08/13<br />

62830R St. Eunan’s College Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 27/08/10 26/08/13<br />

71140Q Crana College Buncrana Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

71140Q Crana College Buncrana Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

71140Q Crana College Buncrana Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

76081F Coláiste Ailigh Bóthar Ard Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/12<br />

76081F Coláiste Ailigh Bóthar Ard Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/12<br />

76081F Colaiste Ailigh Bothar Ard Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/09/13<br />

76081F Colaiste Ailigh Bothar Ard Letterkenny Donegal Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/09/13<br />

00697S St Brigids Mixed NS Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

00697S St Brigids Mixed NS Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

00697S St Brigids Mixed NS Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

00697S St Brigids Mixed NS Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

00752A Central Model Senior Mixed Marlborough St Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

01170G Naul National School Naul Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 01/09/12<br />

01170G Naul National School Naul Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 01/09/12<br />

01170G Naul National School Naul Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 01/09/12<br />

01795A Central Model Infants School Marlborough St Dublin Pre-fab 20/07/06 30/06/12<br />

06200O St Mary’s BNS Grotto Place Boosterstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07546J Our Lady of Lourdes NS Goldenbridge Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

09492W Balscadden School Balscadden Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/12<br />

09492W Balscadden School Balscadden Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/12<br />

09932B Stanhope St Convent Stanhope St Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

12014D St Andrew’s NS Chapel Hill Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 16/04/07 16/04/12<br />

12014D St Andrew’s NS Chapel Hill Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 16/04/07 16/04/12<br />

12014D St Andrew’s NS Chapel Hill Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 16/04/07 16/04/12<br />

14180H Holmpatrick NS Convent Lane Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16333Q St. Patricks JNS Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/08 30/06/12<br />

16333Q St. Patricks JNS Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/08 30/06/12<br />

16461C St Finian’s NS Newcastle Lyons Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16461C St Finian’s NS Newcastle Lyons Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16461C St Finian’s NS Newcastle Lyons Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16461C St Finian’s NS Newcastle Lyons Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16461C St Finian’s NS Newcastle Lyons Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

16675V Mulhuddart NS Powerstown Road Tyrrelstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

16860Q Corpus Christi NS Home Farm Rd Drumcondra Dublin Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16972E SS Peter & Paul JNS Chapel Street Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

16972E SS Peter & Paul JNS Chapel Street Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

16972E SS Peter & Paul JNS Chapel Street Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17055T Scoil Naomh Mhuire Saggart Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17083B Scoil Mhuire gan Smal Dublin 8 Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

17472M Hedgestown NS Hedgestown Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 22/03/07 21/03/11<br />

17559B St. Mary’s NS Garristown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17569E St Oliver Plunkett NS Balrothery Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 04/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17569E St Oliver Plunkett NS Balrothery Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17691E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/12<br />

17912O St John Boscos SBS Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/02 30/06/12<br />

17912O St John Boscos SBS Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/02 30/06/12<br />

17912O St John Boscos SBS Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

17912O St John Boscos SBS Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

17912O St John Boscos SBS Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/11<br />

17953F Edmondstown NS Edmondstown Rathfarnham Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17961E Lusk NS Chapel Rd Lusk Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/12<br />

17977T Scoil Aine Raheny Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

17978V Naiscoil Ide All Saints Drive Raheny Dublin Pre-fab 02/11/00 30/06/12<br />

17978V Naiscoil Ide All Saints Drive Raheny Dublin Pre-fab 02/11/00 30/06/12<br />

18046A Scoil Bhríde BNS Church Ave Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/01 30/06/12<br />

18046A Scoil Bhríde BNS Church Ave Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18046A Scoil Bhride BNS Church Ave Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18046A Scoil Bhride BNS Church Ave Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18047C Scoil Bhride GNS Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 31/08/06 30/06/12<br />

18047C Scoil Bhride GNS Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 16/10/07 30/06/12<br />

18047C Scoil Bhride GNS Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 16/10/07 30/06/12<br />

18047C Scoil Bhride GNS Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18210K St Michaels House Special College St Baldoyle Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18386B Marist NS Crumlin Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

18386B Marist NS Crumlin Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

18411U St Marys NS Bancroft Ave Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 29/11/01 30/06/12<br />

18411U St Marys NS Bancroft Ave Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 29/11/01 30/06/12<br />

18411U St Marys NS Bancroft Ave Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18412W Scoil Phadraic C Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18632N SN Eoin Bosco Navan Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18671A St Michaels House 16/17 Grosvenor Rd Rathgar Dublin Pre-fab 12/11/07 30/06/11<br />

18763F St Michaels Special NS Ballymun Rd Dublin Pre-fab 10/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18763F St Michaels Special NS Ballymun Rd Dublin Pre-fab 30/06/12<br />

18763F St Michaels Special NS Ballymun Rd Dublin Pre-fab 30/06/12<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18778S St. Mochta’s NS Porterstown Road Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18815V Our Lady of Lourdes Rochestown Ave Dun Laogharie Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

18817C Scoil Bhride Ranelagh Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/10<br />

18976W St Colmcilles BNS Chapel Lane Swords Dublin Pre-fab 12/10/01 30/06/12<br />

18976W St Colmcilles BNS Chapel Lane Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18977B St Colmcilles GNS Chapel Lane Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/03/01 30/06/12<br />

18977B St Colmcilles GNS Chapel Lane Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/03/01 30/06/12<br />

18977B St Colmcilles GNS Chapel Lane Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/06/07 30/06/12<br />

19066L Loreto Primary Dalkey Dublin Pre-fab 29/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19220S Scoil Ide New Rd Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19220S Scoil Ide New Rd Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19221U Scoil Aine New Rd Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/04/00 30/06/12<br />

19221U Scoil Aine New Rd Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19221U Scoil Aine New Rd Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19259W St. Patricks GNS Foxrock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

19319O St Olafs NS Balally Drive Dundrum Dublin Pre-fab 11/08/06 30/06/12<br />

19319O St Olafs NS Balally Drive Dundrum Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19319O St Olafs NS Balally Drive Dundrum Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19374W Our Lady’s Grove NS Goatstown Rd Goatstown Dublin Pre-fab 12/06/07 30/06/12<br />

19374W Our Lady’s Grove NS Goatstown Rd Goatstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19374W Our Lady’s Grove NS Goatstown Rd Goatstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19374W Our Lady’s Grove NS Goatstown Rd Goatstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/12<br />

19390U St. Marks SNS Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

19435Q St Francis Xavier JNS Roselawn Rd Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19435Q St Francis Xavier JNS Roselawn Rd Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 16/10/06 30/06/12<br />

19435Q St Francis Xavier JNS Roselawn Rd Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19435Q St Francis Xavier JNS Roselawn Rd Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

19470S St Francis Xavier JNS Coolmine Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19472W St Marks JNS Springfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/06 30/11/11<br />

19472W St Marks JNS Springfield Tallagh Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/06 30/11/11<br />

19472W St Marks JNS Springfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19472W St Marks JNS Springfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19472W St Marks JNS Springfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19515O St. Teresa’s NS Balbriggan Rd Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/07 01/06/12<br />

19515O St. Teresa’s NS Balbriggan Rd Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/07 01/06/12<br />

19515O St. Teresa’s NS Balbriggan Rd Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/07 01/06/12<br />

19515O St. Teresa’s NS Balbriggan Rd Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/07 01/06/12<br />

19535U St Cronan’s SNS Brackenstown Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

19535U St Cronan’s SNS Brackenstown Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

19535U St Cronan’s SNS Brackenstown Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19535U St Cronan’s SNS Brackenstown Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

19535U St Cronan’s SNS Brackenstown Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

19545A St Patricks JNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 09/01/06 30/06/12<br />

19574H Divine Word NS Marley Grange Rathfarnham Dublin Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19574H Divine Word NS Marley Grange Rathfarnham Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19589U Gaelscoil Inchicore South Circular Rd Islandbridge Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/04/11<br />

19601H St Philip the Apostle JNS Mountview Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 16/04/07 30/06/12<br />

19605P Scoil Mhuire JNS Blakestown Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/02 30/06/12<br />

19624T St Catherine’s NS Kenure Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/08 01/10/11<br />

19624T St Catherine’s NS Kenure Rush Dublin Pre-fab 06/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19624T St Catherine’s NS Kenure Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/06 30/06/12<br />

19625V Scoil Realt na Mara Balbriggan Rd Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19625V Scoil Realt na Mara Balbriggan Rd Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19625V Scoil Realt na Mara Balbriggan Rd Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19628E St Fiachras SNS Montrose Park Beaumount Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19628E St Fiachras SNS Montrose Park Beaumount Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19628E St Fiachras SNS Montrose Park Beaumount Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19636D St Patricks SNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19636D St Patricks SNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19636D St Patricks SNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19636D St Patricks SNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19636D St Patricks SNS Corduff Blanchardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19643A St Philips SNS Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/07 01/07/11<br />

19643A St Philips SNS Clonsilla Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/07 01/07/11<br />

19652B Sacred Heart NS Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 10/12/07 30/06/12<br />

19660A Rush NS Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/03/01 30/06/12<br />

19660A Rush NS Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/03/01 30/06/12<br />

19660A Rush NS Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/10/11<br />

19660A Rush NS Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19662E St Michael’s Primary School Dominican Campus Ballyfermot Dublin Pre-fab 21/12/08 30/06/11<br />

19676P Scoil Aine Naofa Esker Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19676P Scoil Aine Naofa Esker Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19757P St Michaels Special NS Skerries Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

19782O St Brigids JNS Brookfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 10/12/06 31/08/11<br />

19782O St Brigids JNS Brookfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 10/12/06 31/08/11<br />

19782O St Brigids JNS Brookfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/11<br />

19782O St Brigids JNS Brookfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/11<br />

19782O St Brigids JNS Brookfield Tallaght Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/11<br />

19785U St Bernadettes SNS Quarryvale Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19785U St Bernadettes SNS Quarryvale Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19785U St Bernadettes SNS Quarryvale Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19785U St Bernadettes SNS Quarryvale Clondalkin Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

19817H Scoil Mhuire Woodview Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19817H Scoil Mhuire Woodview Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19817H Scoil Mhuire Woodview Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

19817H Scoil Mhuire Woodview Lucan Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

19834H St Aidans NS Brookfield Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19834H St Aidans NS Brookfield Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19834H St Aidans NS Brookfield Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19834H St Aidans NS Brookfield Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

19877C Holy Family SNS River Valley Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 11/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 11/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19878E Holy Rosary PS Old Court Avenue Firhouse Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

19898K Scoil an Duinninigh Draighnean Feltrim,Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/08/10 13/04/11<br />

19898K Scoil an Duinninigh Draighnean Feltrim,Swords Dublin Pre-fab 17/02/01 30/06/11<br />

19907I Gaelscoil Mologa Charleville Road Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 01/09/12<br />

19949B Muslim NS 19 Roebuck Rd Clonskeagh Dublin Pre-fab 01/08/08 31/08/11<br />

20012S Griffith Barracks Multi D The Old Guard South Circular Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 20/06/12<br />

School<br />

House<br />

20012S Griffith Barracks Multi D The Old Guard South Circular Rd Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 20/06/12<br />

School<br />

House<br />

20028K Setanta Special School Stillorgan Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

20028K Setanta Special School Stillorgan Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

20028K Setanta Special School Stillorgan Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

20028K Setanta Special School Stillorgan Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/12<br />

20035H St. Gabriels NS Cowper St Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

20043G Gaelscoil Chnoc liamhna Sean Bhothar Chnoc Cnoc Liamhna Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

Liamhna<br />

20047O Gaelscoil Bharra Ascal an Fhasaigh Cabra Dublin Pre-fab 01/06/97 30/06/12<br />

20047O Gaelscoil Bharra Ascal an Fhasaigh Cabra Dublin Pre-fab 01/06/97 30/06/12<br />

20095C Gaelscoil Bhrian Bhoroimhe Applewood Village Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/03/11<br />

20139T Inchicore NS Sarsfield Road Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/12<br />

20139T Inchicore NS Sarsfield Road Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/12<br />

20139T Inchicore NS Sarsfield Road Inchicore Dublin Pre-fab 05/08/09 30/06/12<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/04 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 29/08/06 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 29/08/06 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 29/08/06 30/06/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20161M Donabate/Portrane Educate Portrane Rd Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

Tog NS<br />

20168D Glasnevin Educate Together NS Church Ave Glasnevin Dublin Pre-fab 31/08/09 30/06/12<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holly Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/10/08 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/09 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/09 30/06/12<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/10 15/08/11<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/10 15/08/11<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/10 15/08/11<br />

Gallops<br />

20190T Holy Trinity NS Glencairn Drive, The Leopardstown Dublin Pre-fab 15/08/10 15/08/11<br />

Gallops<br />

20304I St. Francis of Assisi Belmayne Dublin Pre-fab 13/08/08 13/08/11<br />

20308Q Belmayne ETNS Belmayne Dublin Pre-fab 13/08/08 13/08/11<br />

20334R Gaelscoil Ros Eo Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

20334R Gaelscoil Ros Eo Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/12<br />

20334R Gaelscoil Ros Eo Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20348F Hollywell ETNS Swords Dublin Pre-fab 30/08/10 30/06/11<br />

20348F Hollywell ETNS Swords Dublin Pre-fab 30/08/10 30/06/11<br />

20348F Hollywell ETNS Swords Dublin Pre-fab 30/08/10 30/06/11<br />

60092U Clonkeen College Clonkeen Rd Blackrock Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

60092U Clonkeen College Clonkeen Rd Blackrock Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

60092U Clonkeen College Clonkeen Rd Blackrock Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

60343T St Josephs Sec School Convent Lane Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

60343T St Josephs Sec School Convent Lane Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

60343T St Josephs Sec School Convent Lane Rush Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

60370W St Fintan’s High School Sutton Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/12<br />

70010V Balbriggan Community College Chapel Street Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/06 01/11/11<br />

70010V Balbriggan Community College Chapel Street Balbriggan Dublin Pre-fab 01/11/06 01/11/11<br />

70230M Killester College Collins Avenue Dublin Pre-fab 01/01/09 31/12/11<br />

76062B Castleknock Community Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/06 01/12/11<br />

College<br />

76062B Castleknock Community Castleknock Dublin Pre-fab 01/12/06 01/12/11<br />

College<br />

76085N Gaelcholaiste Reachrann Grange Abbey Rd Donaghmede Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

76085N Gaelcholaiste Reachrann Grange Abbey Rd Donaghmede Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

76085N Gaelcholaiste Reachrann Grange Abbey Rd Donaghmede Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

76085N Gaelcholaiste Reachrann Grange Abbey Rd Donaghmede Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

76104O Donabate Community College Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/11<br />

76104O Donabate Community College Donabate Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

76130P Luttrellstown Community Luttrellstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/11<br />

College<br />

76130P Luttrellstown Community Luttrellstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

College<br />

76130P Luttrellstown Community Luttrellstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

College<br />

76130P Luttrellstown Community Luttrellstown Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

College<br />

81002K Mount Temple Comprehensive Malahide Road Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/12<br />

School<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

81002K Mount Temple Comprehensive Malahide Road Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

81002K Mount Temple Comprehensive Malahide Road Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

01795A Central Model Infants School Marlborough St Dublin Pre-fab 20/07/06 30/06/12<br />

03359N Ballyroan Boys NS Ballyroan Road Rathfarnham Dublin Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/12<br />

19877C Holy Family SNS River Valley Swords Dublin Pre-fab 01/02/00 30/06/12<br />

01328P St Patricks NS Kiltormer Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/01/07 30/06/12<br />

03607G Leitrim NS Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 01/05/08 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/07 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/07 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/07 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/07 30/06/12<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/08 15/08/11<br />

04506F Oranmore BNS Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 15/08/08 15/08/11<br />

05754G SN Chreachmhaoil Craughwell Galway Pre-fab 23/10/06 30/06/12<br />

05754G SN Chreachmhaoil Craughwell Galway Pre-fab 23/10/06 30/06/12<br />

05754G SN Chreachmhaoil Craughwell Galway Pre-fab 16/01/04 30/06/12<br />

07551C Ballinderreen NS Ballinderreen Kilcolgan Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

07551C Ballinderreen NS Ballinderreen Kilcolgan Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

09833W Lettergesh NS Lettergesh Renvyle Galway Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/12<br />

10095T Scoil Naomh Treasa Ahascragh Galway Pre-fab 01/03/06 30/06/12<br />

11675T Annagh BNS Ballyglunin Tuam Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

11675T Annagh BNS Ballyglunin Tuam Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

12954F Scoil Bhride Lackagh Turloughmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

12954F Scoil Bhride Lackagh Turloughmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13208V Convent Primary School Gort Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13208V Convent Primary School Gort Galway Pre-fab 01/12/05 30/06/12<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 27/11/06 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 27/11/06 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/08/11<br />

13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/08/11<br />

13856K St James’ NS Bushypark Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13856K St James’ NS Bushypark Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

13856K St James’ NS Bushypark Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

13856K St James’ NS Bushypark Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

13914V SN Sheosaimh Buaile Beag Bearna Galway Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/12<br />

14377D St Gabriels NS Kilconnell Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 28/02/11<br />

14394D Kilbeacanty NS Kilbeacanty Gort Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

15071H Kilnadeema NS Kilnadeema Loughna Galway Pre-fab 20/11/07 30/06/11<br />

15228O Corgary NS Mountbellew Galway Pre-fab 25/02/02 30/06/12<br />

15331H SN Baile Nua Maigh Chulinn Moycullen Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

16293H Kilrickle NS Kilrickle Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 29/11/01 30/06/12<br />

16804G SN Chlair na Gaillimhe Baile Clar na Galway Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/11<br />

Gaillimhe<br />

16804G SN Chlair na Gaillimhe Baile Clar na Galway Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/11<br />

Gaillimhe<br />

17444H Scoil Seosaimh NS Carrabane Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17444H Scoil Seosaimh NS Carrabane Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17613E Scoil Chaitriona Naofa Eachroim Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

17613E Scoil Chaitriona Naofa Eachroim Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17668G Scoil na bhForbacha Na Forbacha Spiddal Galway Pre-fab 08/09/06 30/06/11<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17759J Scoil Bhride Mionlach Castlebar Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/06/12<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

17782E Scoil Bhride Shantalla Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

17807R Cahergal NS Tuam Galway Pre-fab 14/10/05 30/06/12<br />

17807R Cahergal NS Tuam Galway Pre-fab 29/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18089S Scoil Mhuire an Gharran Maree Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/01/02 30/06/12<br />

18112K Scoil Eanna Bullaun Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18112K Scoil Eanna Bullaun Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18514H Scoil Cholmcille An Tulach Baile an Abhainn Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18514H Scoil Cholmcille An Tulach Baile an Abhainn Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19241D Scoil Rois Rosary Lane Taylor’s Hill Galway Pre-fab 01/03/02 30/06/11<br />

19449E St Oliver Plunkett NS Newcastle Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19506N St. Michael’s NS Cappatagle Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 10/08/99 30/06/11<br />

19544V Kilchreest NS Kilchreest Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19544V Kilchreest NS Kilchreest Loughrea Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19803T Scoil Sheamais Naofa Bearna Galway Pre-fab 01/12/04 30/06/12<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 27/03/06 30/04/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/04/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 31/08/11<br />

19858V GS Dara Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/04 31/08/11<br />

19965W Scoil Mhuire Clarinbridge Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19965W Scoil Mhuire Clarinbridge Galway Pre-fab 01/10/06 30/06/12<br />

19994G GS Mhic Amhlaigh An Coimin Mor Bothar na gCeapach, Galway Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/11<br />

Cnoc na Cathrach<br />

19994G GS Mhic Amhlaigh An Coimin Mor Bothar na gCeapach, Galway Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/11<br />

Cnoc na Cathrach<br />

19994G GS Mhic Amhlaigh An Coimin Mor Bothar na gCeapach, Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

Cnoc na Cathrach<br />

19996K St Brendan’s NS Portumna Galway Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

19996K St Brendan’s NS Portumna Galway Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothan an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19998O GS De hIde Bothar an Phortaigh Oranmore Galway Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

20000L Galway Educate Together Tomas Hynes Rd Newcastle Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20000L Galway Educate Together Tomas Hynes Rd Newcastle Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/09/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20042E Scoil an Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/06/12<br />

Ballinasloe<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 11/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/11/04 30/06/12<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/11/04 30/06/12<br />

20070J Rosedale School Woodlands Centre Renmore Galway Pre-fab 01/03/10 30/04/11<br />

20123E Gaelscoil Riabhach Baile Locha Riach Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/10/13<br />

20123E Gaelscoil Riabhach Baile Locha Riach Galway Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/10/13<br />

20123E Gaelscoil Riabhach Baile Locha Riach Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 01/09/11<br />

20123E Gaelscoil Riabhach Baile Locha Riach Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 31/08/12<br />

201990O Oughterard NS Oughterard Galway Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

20211B Claregalway ETNS Cloonbiggen Rd Claregalway Galway Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/11<br />

20211B Claregalway ETNS Clonbiggen Rd Claregalway Galway Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

20237T Gaelscoil Riada Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 02/08/05 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 02/08/05 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 02/08/05 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 02/08/05 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

62870G Presentation College Athenry Galway Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

62880J St Joseph’s College Garbally Park Ballinasloe Galway Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

71330V Colaiste na Coirbe Bothar Thuama Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

71330V Colaiste na Coirbe Bothar Thuama Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

71330V Colaiste na Coirbe Bothar Thuama Galway Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

02849C Kenmare BNS Kenmare Kerry Pre-fab 10/01/11 09/01/12<br />

03132I Sliabh A’Mhadra NS Slievadara Ballyduff Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

04062S Listowel Convent PS Listowel Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

06227L Scoil Mhaolcheadair Baile na nGall Tra Li Kerry Pre-fab 24/10/05 30/06/11<br />

07841L Kilgobnet NS Kilgobnet Kilarney Kerry Pre-fab 16/04/07 15/04/17<br />

08320L St Clare’s GNS Kenmare Convent, Kenmare Kerry Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

Railway Rd<br />

13615L Scoil Eoin Ballonagh Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

15592M Scoil Cheann Tra Ceann Tra Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 31/08/06 30/08/11<br />

16217O Scoil Bhreac Chluain Annascaul Kerry Pre-fab 30/03/07 30/06/12<br />

16898S SN Breandan Naofa Blennerville Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17915U Freastogail Mhuire Mixed NS Killahan Abbeydorney Kerry Pre-fab 24/10/06 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18247K CBS Tralee Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18702I Spa NS Fenit Tralee Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18832V St Josephs NS Castlemaine Kerry Pre-fab 04/01/11 03/07/12<br />

19448C Scoil Realt na Mara Ardea Tuosist Kerry Pre-fab 01/10/05 30/06/12<br />

19487M Holy Cross Mercy NS New Road Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19512I St Oliver’s NS Ballycasheen Killarney Kerry Pre-fab 01/04/07 30/06/12<br />

19547E St Francis Spec School Beaufort Kerry Pre-fab 01/11/05 30/08/15<br />

20013U GS Lios Tuathail Bothar na Listowel Kerry Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

Leabhaelainne<br />

08099P St. Laurences NS Sallins Kildare Pre-fab 24/08/01 30/06/12<br />

08099P St. Laurences NS Sallins Kildare Pre-fab 13/08/02 30/06/12<br />

09414C St Laurence’s NS Crootown Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

09414C St Laurence’s NS Crootown Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

11976K Scoil Choca Naofa Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

11976K Scoil Choca Naofa Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

11976K Scoil Choca Naofa Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

12747A Scoil na Mainistream De La Bride Street Kildare Kildare Pre-fab 01/02/07 30/06/12<br />

Salle<br />

17108O St Johns Junior NS Michael St Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/02/02 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/12/01 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/01/03 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 27/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 27/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Sallins Road Naas Kildare Pre-fab 27/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15599D St. Brigid’s Primary School Kildare Town Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15957D St. Patrick’s Boys Primary Rathangan Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

16706G St Joseph B.N.S Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16706G St Joseph B.N.S Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16706G St Josephs BNS Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16706G St Josephs BNS Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16706G St Joseph B.N.S Kilcock Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16707I St Peter’s BNS Drogheda St Monasterevin Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

16707I St Peter’s BNS Drogheda St Monasterevin Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

16707I St Peter’s BNS Drogheda St Monasterevin Kildare Pre-fab 14/03/05 30/06/12<br />

16845U St Mochuo’s NS Rathcoffey Naas Kildare Pre-fab 31/07/03 30/06/12<br />

16845U St Mochuo’s NS Rathcoffey Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

16845U St Mochuo’s NS Rathcoffey Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16845U St Mochuo’s NS Rathcoffey Naas Kildare Pre-fab 15/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17254C St Corbans Fairgreen Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/11<br />

17254C St Corbans Fairgreen Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

17254C St Corbans Fairgreen Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

17254C St Corbans Fairgreen Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

17662R Scoil Bhride Kill Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

17674B St Anne’s NS Kill Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

17968S Two Mile House NS Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17968S Two Mile House NS Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17968S Two Mile House NS Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/11/00 30/06/12<br />

18018S Scoil Bhride NS Rathangan Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18018S Scoil Bhride NS Rathangan Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18018S Scoil Bhride NS Rathangan Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18018S Scoil Bhride NS Rathangan Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18130M St Patricks NS Johnstown Bridge Enfiled Kildare Pre-fab 01/04/06 30/06/09<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18449W St. Conleth’s NS Derrinturn Carbury Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18515J Scoil an Lenbh Iosa Prosperous Naas Kildare Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

18644U Straffan NS Straffan Kildare Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

18988G St. Raphaels SS Celbridge Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18988G St. Raphaels SS Celbridge Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18988G St. Raphaels SS Celbridge Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19597T Scoil an Lenbh Iosa Ballycane Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/11/00 30/06/12<br />

19597T Scoil an Lenbh Iosa Ballycane Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/11/00 30/06/12<br />

19597T Scoil an Lenbh Iosa Ballycane Naas Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19675N Scoil Bhride Kilcullen Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19675N Scoil Bhride Kilcullen Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19675N Scoil Bhride Kilcullen Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19675N Scoil Bhride Kilcullen Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19796C Scoil Phadraig Prosperous Rd Clane Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 01/09/11<br />

19796C Scoil Phadraig Prosperous Rd Clane Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/01/08 30/06/11<br />

20058T Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich Chill Droichid Maigh Nuad Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20292E Maynooth ET Celbridge Road Maynooth Kildare Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

00788V Lisdowney NS Lisdowney Ballyragget Kilkenny Pre-fab 10/08/07 30/06/12<br />

01300Q St Michael’s NS Danesfort Kilkenny Pre-fab 13/09/06 30/06/12<br />

01300Q St Michael’s NS Danesfort Kilkenny Pre-fab 13/09/06 30/06/12<br />

15160G Marymount NS The Rower Thomastown Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

15632V St Joseph’s GNS Kilmacow Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16140F Skeaghvasteen NS Skeaghvasteen Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

16875G St Patricks NS Strangsmills Kilmacow Kilkenny Pre-fab 19/06/06 30/06/13<br />

17093E St Brendans NS Muckalee Ballyfoyle Kilkenny Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17108O St Johns Junior NS Michael St Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/02/02 30/06/12<br />

17589K SN Chiarain Naofa Stonyford Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18660S St Nicholas NS Windgap Kilkenny Pre-fab 10/08/05 30/06/12<br />

19344N St Aidans NS Kilmanagh Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19856R Gaelscoil Osraí Loch Buí Kilkenny Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19856R Gaelscoil Osraí Loch Buí Kilkenny Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19856R Gaelscoil Osraí Loch Buí Kilkenny Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19856R Gaelscoil Osraí Loch Buí Kilkenny Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19856R Gaelscoil Osraí Loch Buí Kilkenny Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19930D Scoil an Chroi Naofa Urlingford Urlingford Via Thurles Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

NS<br />

01556F Scoil Bhride NS Ballyroan Laois Pre-fab 12/02/07 30/06/12<br />

07183W St Josephs GNS Davitt Road Mountmellick Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

07183W St Josephs GNS Davitt Road Mountmellick Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

07636K St Fintan BNS New Line Road Mountrath Laois Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

12231L Rushall NS Pike of Rushall Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/11/00 30/06/12<br />

12692B Kiladooley NS Ballybrophy Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/12<br />

13741Q Rath NS Ballybrittas Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

14260F South NS Ballacolla Road Abbeyleix Laois Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

14838N Maryboro NS Stradbally Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

15446B Gaelscoil Thromaire Trumera Mountrath Laois Pre-fab 23/04/07 30/06/12<br />

15556I Presentation Convent Primary Patrick Street Portarlington Laois Pre-fab 17/09/07 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

17064U St Patrick’s NS Ballylinan Laois Pre-fab 27/11/00 30/06/12<br />

17064U St Patrick’s NS Ballylinan Laois Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17557U St Abbans NS Killeen Mageney Laois Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/12<br />

17557U St Abbans NS Kileen Mageney Laois Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17617M Scoil Chomhghain Naofa Killeshin Laois Pre-fab 01/11/04 30/06/11<br />

17617M Scoil Chomhghain Naofa Killeshin Laois Pre-fab 01/07/10 01/07/12<br />

18150S Scoil an Fraoich Mhoir The Heath Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18150S Scoil an Fraoich Mhoir The Heath Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18150S Scoil an Fraoich Mhoir The Heath Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18547W Faolan Naofa NS Baile Ui Ruain Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18828H St Pauls Primary Borris Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18828H St Pauls Primary Borris Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18828H St Pauls Primary Borris Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18828H St Pauls Primary Borris Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18828H St Pauls Primary Borris Road Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 19/02/08 30/06/11<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 19/02/08 30/06/11<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 19/02/08 30/06/11<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 11/12/06 30/06/11<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 28/08/08 30/06/11<br />

19747M Scoil Bhride NS Knockmay Portlaoise Laois Pre-fab 19/02/08 30/06/11<br />

20224K Gaelscoil an tSli Dala An Bealach Mór Buirios Mor Osrai Laois Pre-fab 01/02/07 30/06/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20224K Gaelscoil an tSli Dala An Bealach Mór Buirios Mor Osrai Laois Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/11<br />

16474L St. Mary’s NS Carrigallen Leitrim Pre-fab 23/05/07 30/06/12<br />

17233R St Clare’s NS Station Road Manorhamilton Leitrim Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/11<br />

17233R St Clare’s NS Station Road Manorhamilton Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

19423J St. Patrick’s NS Drumshambo Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19423J St Patrick’s NS Drumshambo Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma Attifinlay Cora Droma Ruisc Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma Attifinlay Cora Droma Ruisc Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma Attifinlay Cora Droma Ruisc Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma Attifinlay Cora Droma Ruisc Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma Attifinlay Cora Droma Ruisc Leitrim Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

02007A Cronagh National School Croagh Rathkeale Limerick Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

Rathleale<br />

06539H Knockea NS Knockea Ballyneety Limerick Pre-fab 04/09/06 30/06/12<br />

07857D Killinure NS Killinure Brittas, Boher Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

09296W Our Ladys Abbey NS Adare Limerick Pre-fab 21/01/08 30/06/12<br />

11422N Mahoonagh Castlemahon Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/06 14/08/11<br />

16264A St Marys Boys National School Church Street Abbeyfeale Limerick Pre-fab 15/07/02 30/06/12<br />

16264A St Marys Boys National School Church Street Abbeyfeale Limerick Pre-fab 15/07/02 30/06/12<br />

16264A St Marys Boys National School Church Street Abbeyfeale Limerick Pre-fab 15/07/02 30/06/12<br />

16443A Scoil Phádraig Naofa Buachaillí Dublin Road Limerick Pre-fab 12/11/07 30/06/12<br />

16508C Ahane NS Laught Lisnagry Limerick Pre-fab 26/08/05 30/06/12<br />

16712B Scoil Naomh Iosaf Adare Limerick Pre-fab 01/06/07 30/06/12<br />

17937H Monaleen NS Monaleen Road Castletroy Limerick Pre-fab 01/02/07 30/06/12<br />

18161A Castleconnell NS Castleconnell Limerick Pre-fab 19/11/07 30/06/12<br />

18161A Castleconnell NS Castleconnell Limerick Pre-fab 19/11/07 30/06/12<br />

18177P St Annes Primary Rathkeale Limerick Pre-fab 01/04/00 31/03/11<br />

18177P St Annes Primary Rathkeale Limerick Pre-fab 01/04/00 31/03/11<br />

18177P St Annes Primary Rathkeale Limerick Pre-fab 01/04/00 31/03/11<br />

18367U Tineteriffe NS Cappamore Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

18426K Scoil Ide Naofa Raheenagh Ballagh Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

18653V St Josephs BNS Rathkeale Limerick Pre-fab 29/09/99 31/03/11<br />

18692I Catherine McAuley School. Asbourne Ave Limerick Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

(SS)<br />

18991S John F. Kennedy Memorial Ennis Road Limerick Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

18991S John F. Kennedy Memorial Ennis Road Limerick Pre-fab 01/01/01 30/06/11<br />

School<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

19336O St Pauls NS Dooradoyle Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/11<br />

19475F St Brigids NS Singland Limerick Pre-fab 31/08/06 30/06/11<br />

19475F St Brigids NS Singland Limerick Pre-fab 31/08/06 30/06/11<br />

19931F Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy Teach an Choic Cnoc Theas Limerick Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

Theas<br />

19931F Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy Teach an Choic Cnoc Theas Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

Theas<br />

19931F Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy Teach an Choic Cnoc Theas Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Theas<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/05 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/05 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/11/08 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 25/08/07 31/12/10<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Br. Mhoin a Lin Moin a Lin Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

20175A Limerick East Educate Mungret College Mungret Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/12<br />

Together NS<br />

20181S Gaelscoil an Raithin Cumann Rugbai Tuar an Daill Limerick Pre-fab 30/08/04 30/06/12<br />

Gharrai Eoin<br />

20181S Gaelscoil an Raithin Cumann Rugbai Tuar an Daill Limerick Pre-fab 30/08/05 30/06/12<br />

Gharrai Eoin<br />

20181S Gaelscoil an Raithin Cumann Rugbai Tuar an Daill Limerick Pre-fab 28/08/06 30/06/12<br />

Gharrai Eoin<br />

20181S Gaelscoil an Raithin Cumann Rugbai Tuar an Daill Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

Gharrai Eoin<br />

20181S Gaelscoil an Raithin Cumann Rugbai Tuar an Daill Limerick Pre-fab 29/08/08 30/06/12<br />

Gharrai Eoin<br />

20185D St Marys Boys National School Island Road Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

20185D St Marys Boys National School Island Road Limerick Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

20311F Redhills NS Redhills Patrickswell Limerick Pre-fab 09/02/09 31/08/12<br />

20311F Redhills NS Redhills Patrickswell Limerick Pre-fab 09/02/09 31/08/12<br />

20311F Redhills NS Redhills Patrickswell Limerick Pre-fab 09/02/09 31/08/12<br />

20311F Redhills NS Redhills Patrickswell Limerick Pre-fab 09/02/09 31/08/12<br />

07518E Melview NS Melview Longford Pre-fab 29/08/00 30/06/10<br />

07518E Melview NS Melview Longford Pre-fab 01/11/02 30/06/10<br />

20124G St Marys NS Granard Road Edgeworthstown Longford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20124G St Marys NS Granard Road Edgeworthstown Longford Pre-fab 15/10/07 30/06/12<br />

20124G St Marys NS Granard Road Edgeworthstown Longford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20124G St Marys NS Granard Road Edgeworthstown Longford Pre-fab 15/02/08 30/06/12<br />

20124G St Marys NS Granard Road Edgeworthstown Longford Pre-fab 15/02/08 30/06/12<br />

20128O St Matthews NS Mainstreet Ballynmahon Longford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

20128O St Matthews NS Mainstreet Ballymahon Longford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20128O St Matthews NS Mainstreet Ballymahon Longford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20128O St Matthews NS Mainstreet Ballymahon Longford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/05/12<br />

00851C Presentation Primary School Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

01434O St Colmcilles NS Tullydonnell Togher Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/10<br />

01434O St Colmcilles NS Tullydonnell Togher Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

01553W Louth NS Louth village Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/03/09 30/06/12<br />

01554B Ballapousta NS Smarmore Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

01554B Ballapousta NS Smarmore Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

01554B Ballapousta NS Smarmore Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/04/07 30/06/12<br />

08052M Scoil Mhuire Fatima Dublin Road Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 13/08/10 12/08/12<br />

08052M Scoil Mhuire Fatima Dublin Road Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 13/08/10 12/08/12<br />

14069P Dun Dealgan NS Jocelyn Street Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

14207B Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Kilsaran Castlebrllingham Louth Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/11<br />

14651U Castletown GNS Castletown Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/03/08 30/06/11<br />

15259C St Malachys Girls Sch Anne St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/03/06 30/06/12<br />

15259C St Malachys Girls Sch Anne St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/03/06 30/06/12<br />

15259C St Malachys Girls Sch Anne St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/12<br />

16208N Termonfeckin Mixed NS Termonfeckin Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16208N Termonfeckin Mixed NS Termonfeckin Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17059E Iosaif na mBraithre Geata an Domhnaigh Droich Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17195M CBS Primary Dundalk Chapel St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17195M CBS Primary Dundalk Chapel St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17195M CBS Primary Dundalk Chapel St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 22/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17865I St Mary’s BNS Congress Ave Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 24/08/08 23/08/11<br />

17865I St Mary’s BNS Congress Ave Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 16/07/10 15/07/11<br />

17949D SN Padraig Naofa Bothar Brugha Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/10/07 23/08/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17949D SN Padraig Naofa Bothar Brugha Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 24/08/08 23/08/11<br />

17949D SN Padraig Naofa Bothar Brugha Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 24/08/08 23/08/11<br />

17965M SN Bhride Ardaghy Omeath Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18069M St Josephs NS Mell Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 08/12/99 30/06/11<br />

18069M St Josephs NS Mell Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 08/12/99 30/06/11<br />

18069M St Josephs NS Mell Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

18069M St Josephs NS Mell Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

18098T Scoil N Bhride C Bothar Brugha Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18098T Scoil N Bhride C Bothar Brugha Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18101F Rampark NS Jenkinstown Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18148I Scoil Bhride Lann Leire Ardee Rd Dunleer Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18148I Scoil Bhride Lann Leire Ardee Rd Dunleer Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18504E St Malachys Boys Anne St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 24/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18504E St Malachys Boys Anne St. Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 24/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18635T St Buite’s NS Tenure Dunleer Louth Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/12<br />

18635T St Buite’s NS Tenure Dunleer Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 19/10/05 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 19/10/05 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 19/10/05 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19215C SN Ard Mhuire Ballsgrove Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19223B SN Padraig Naofa Monasterboice Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19223B SN Padraig Naofa Monasterboice Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 21/02/02 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 21/02/02 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/05/07 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/08/09 20/08/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/08 20/08/12<br />

19479N Rathmullen NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/08 20/08/12<br />

19598V Scoil Mhuire na nGael Bay Estate Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 15/04/11<br />

19598V Scoil Mhuire na nGael Bay Estate Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 15/04/11<br />

19598V Scoil Mhuire na nGael Bay Estate Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 15/04/11<br />

19598V Scoil Mhuire na nGael Bay Estate Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 15/04/11<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19673J St Josephs NS Avenue Rd Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

19678T St Pauls Senior NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/11<br />

19678T St Pauls Senior NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/11<br />

19678T St Pauls Senior NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/11/07 30/06/11<br />

19678T St Pauls Senior NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

19678T St Pauls Senior NS Rathmullen Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/11<br />

20171P Ardee Educate Together NS Dundalk Rd Ardee Louth Pre-fab 16/10/03 30/06/12<br />

20171P Ardee Educate Together NS Dundalk Rd Ardee Louth Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20171P Ardee Educate Together NS Dundalk Rd Ardee Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20259G St Francis NS Blackrock Louth Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

20259G St Francis NS Blackrock Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20259G St Francis NS Blackrock Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20259G St Francis NS Blackrock Louth Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20339E Realt na Mara School Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

20349H Scoil Oilibheir Naofa Ballymakenny Road Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

20349H Scoil Oilibheir Naofa Ballymakenny Road Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

20349H Scoil Oilibheir Naofa Ballymakenny Road Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Drogheda Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/07/10 30/06/12<br />

63900R St Vincents Secondary School Seatown Place Dundalk Louth Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17856H Scoil Naomh Mhuire Donore Louth (see Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

Meath<br />

for file)<br />

04796R Brackloon NS Brackloon Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

04796R Brackloon NS Brackloon Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Mornington Rd Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/10 30/06/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Mornington Rd Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/10 30/06/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Mornington Rd Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/10 30/06/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Mornington Rd Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/10 30/06/11<br />

63870L Drogheda Grammar School Mornington Rd Drogheda Louth Pre-fab 01/01/10 30/06/11<br />

04796R Brackloon NS Brackloon Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

07054L Scoil Naomh Bríd Culleens, Killalla Rd Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

07054L Scoil Naomh Bríd Culleens, Killalla Rd Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/11<br />

07054L Scoil Naomh Bríd Culleens, Killalla Rd Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

07054L Scoil Naomh Bríd Culleens, Killalla Rd Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

11725I Behymore NS Behymore NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/04/00 30/06/12<br />

11725I Behymore NS Behymore NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

11725I Behymore NS Behymore NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

11725I Behymore NS Behymore NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

12206M SN Padraig Corrabheagain Knockmore, Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

13659I Bekan NS Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 26/08/08 25/08/11<br />

13667H St. Josephs NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

13667H St. Josephs NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

13758K Templemary NS Carbed Killala Mayo Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/15<br />

13945J Eskeragh NS Eskeragh Bellalorick, Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

14400S Richmond NS Crossmolina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

15539I St Johns NS Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

15555G Breaffy NS Breaffy Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16122D Scoil Mhuire Knock Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 20/07/00 30/06/12<br />

16170O Cloghans NS Cloghans Knockmore, Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

16173U Kinaffe Ns Swinford Mayo Pre-fab 03/12/07 30/06/12<br />

16283E Pullathomas National School Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/10/01 30/06/12<br />

16832L St Augustine’s NS Murrisk Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16904K Lankill NS Liscarney Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16911H Lahardane NS Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 01/05/08 30/06/12<br />

17082W SN Chomain Naofa Roundfort Mayo Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

17209U Caoneal NS Caoneal Ballina Mayo Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18070U Muire Gan Smal Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18070U Muire Gan Smal Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18070U Muire Gan Smal Claremorris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18145C St Tiernans NS Ballyhaunis Mayo Pre-fab 01/02/08 30/06/12<br />

18542M St. Patrick’s NS Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

19375B St Brid’s Spec NS Pavilion Road Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19375B St Brid’s Spec NS Pavilion Road Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 17/01/08 16/01/11<br />

19375B St Brid’s Spec NS Pavilion Road Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 18/12/06 30/06/12<br />

19402B Ballyvary Central NS Ballyvary Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 04/10/07 23/09/12<br />

19402B Ballyvary Central NS Ballyvary Castlebar Mayo Pre-fab 04/10/07 23/09/12<br />

19451O Holy Family NS Newport Mayo Pre-fab 11/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/96 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 10/01/96 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 28/09/00 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

19972T GS Uileog de Burca Lochan na mBan, Mhuiris Mayo Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/11<br />

Clar Chlainne<br />

20142I Scoil Iosa Abbeyquarter Ballyhaunis Mayo Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/11<br />

20142I Scoil Iosa Abbeyquarter Ballyhaunis Mayo Pre-fab 01/11/01 30/06/11<br />

20230F Scoil Phadraig Altamount St Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20230F Scoil Phadraig Altamount St Westport Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

64570E Our Lady’s Sec School Belmullet Mayo Pre-fab 11/01/06 30/06/11<br />

64570E Our Lady’s Sec School Belmullet Mayo Pre-fab 11/01/06 30/06/11<br />

64570E Our Lady’s Sec School Belmullet Mayo Pre-fab 11/01/06 30/06/11<br />

64570E Our Lady’s Sec School Belmullet Mayo Pre-fab 11/01/06 30/06/11<br />

72070D McHale College Achill Mayo Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

00883P St Annes Fairgreen Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/03/04 30/06/12<br />

01309L St Patricks NS Stackallen Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

02905J SN Naomh Padraig Baconstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

04210H St Josephs NS (Kilmessan Mxd Kilmessan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

NS)<br />

04210H St Josephs NS (Kilmessan Mxd Kilmessan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

NS)<br />

05630L St Michaels NS Trim Patrick Street Trim Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

11039O Kilbeg NS Kilbeg Carlonstown, Kells Meath Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

12488C Gilson NS Chapel Street Oldcastle Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

12488C Gilson NS Chapel Street Oldcastle Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

15104T Scoil Bhride Canninstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/01/00 31/12/10<br />

15104T Scoil Bhride Canninstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/01/00 31/12/10<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/07/06 30/06/12<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16100Q St Josephs Mercy P.S Railway Street Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16549Q Scoil Naoimh Pio Knockcommon Beauparc Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17203I Scoil Ultain Naofa Baile Ghib Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

17520U Robinstown NS Robinstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17520U Robinstown NS Robinstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 30/08/07 30/06/12<br />

17623H O’Growney NS O’Growney Street Athboy Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17623H O’Growney NS O’Growney Street Athboy Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

17623H O’Growney NS O’Growney Street Athboy Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

17623H O’Growney NS O’Growney Street Athboy Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17705J Whitecross Primary School Julianstown Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/12<br />

17821L St Marys, Enfield Johnstown Enfield Meath Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

17839H Duleek BNS Duleek Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17839H Duleek BNS Duleek Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17840P Scoil Bhainin Naofa/Duleek Duleek Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

GNS<br />

17840P Scoil Bhainin Naofa/Duleek Duleek Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

GNS<br />

18106P Lismullen NS Garlow Cross Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18106P Lismullen NS Garlow Cross Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

18106P Lismullen NS Garlow Cross Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

18132Q Scoil Mhuire Carlanstown Kells Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18448U Rathbeggan NS Dunshaughlin Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18762D Realt na Mara BNS Donacarney Meath Pre-fab 01/11/99 30/06/12<br />

18762D Realt na Mara BNS Donacarney Meath Pre-fab 01/11/99 30/06/12<br />

18762D Realt na Mara BNS Donacarney Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18767N Realt na Mara GNS Donacarney Mornington Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

19560T Saint Marys Special School Johnstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19560T Saint Marys Special School Johnstown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/05/06 30/06/12<br />

19768U St Marys NS Asbourne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20032B Dunboyne Junior School Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20032B Dunboyne Junior School Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20033D Dunboyne Senior Primary Main Street Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

20033D Dunboyne Senior Primary Main Street Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 20/03/07 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

20033D Dunboyne Senior Primary Main Street Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

School<br />

20082Q Gaelscoil Thulach na nOg Br. Ruisc Dun Buinne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20164S Navan Educate Together NS Carriage Road Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20164S Navan Educate Together NS Carriage Road Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20164S Navan Educate Together NS Carriage Road Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20164S Navan Educate Together NS Carriage Road Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Windtown Navan Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 03/10/07 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20191V St Peters National School, Maynooth Road Dunboyne Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

Church Of Ireland<br />

20200T Ratoath Senior NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20200T Ratoath Senior NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 15/09/05 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/08/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/08/09 20/08/12<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/08/09 20/08/12<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/08/09 20/08/12<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/08/09 20/08/12<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/10/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/10/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/10/11<br />

20215J St Pauls NS Ratoath Meath Pre-fab 01/09/10 01/10/11<br />

91508C Boyne Community School Trim Meath Pre-fab 07/01/08 30/06/11<br />

15142E Donaghmoyne NS Donaghmoyne Carrickmacross Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16769H Latnamard NS Latnamard Smithboro Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16923O SN iorball Sionnaigh An Bhoth Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

16954C St Michaels NS Rackwallace Castlehare Monaghan Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

17099Q St. Josephs NS Carrickmacross Monaghan Pre-fab 07/04/08 06/04/11<br />

17099Q St. Josephs NS Carrickmacross Monaghan Pre-fab 01/04/08 06/04/11<br />

17099Q St. Josephs NS Carrickmacross Monaghan Pre-fab 01/04/08 06/04/11<br />

17686I Scoil Mhuire BNS Carrick Rd Castleblaney Monaghan Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17686I Scoil Mhuire BNS Carrick Rd Castleblaney Monaghan Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18028V Scoil Naomh Padraig Corracra Enquale Monaghan Pre-fab 01/08/05 30/06/11<br />

19162H St Mary’s NS Threemilehouse Monaghan Pre-fab 27/04/09 26/04/11<br />

19936P Gaelscoil Ultain An Cnoc Monaghan Pre-fab 28/08/06 30/06/12<br />

19936P Gaelscoil Ultain An Cnoc Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/12<br />

72170H Ballybay Community School Ballybay Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

72170H Ballybay Community School Ballybay Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

72170H Ballybay Community School Ballybay Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

72170H Ballybay Community School Ballybay Monaghan Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

07949I Oxmantown NS Birr Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

10353P Charleville NS Church View Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 04/07/07 30/06/11<br />

17523D Scoil Chronain Naofa Dromakeenan Roscrea Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/03/11<br />

17637S St Joseph’s NS Ballinagar Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17827A St Patrick’s NS Patrick St Portarlington Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17827A St Patrick’s NS Patrick St Portarlington Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17827A St Patrick’s NS Patrick St Portarlington Offaly Pre-fab 03/09/07 31/08/11<br />

17827A St Patrick’s NS Patrick St Portarlington Offaly Pre-fab 03/09/07 31/08/11<br />

18057F Scoil Mhuire NS Kilcruttin Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

18364O Scoil Muire Banrion Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 10/08/07 30/06/12<br />

18406E St Francis BNS Clara Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18797W SN Naomh Iosef Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

18797W SN Naomh Iosef Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

20267F Scoil Bhride PS Carrick Rd Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 19/10/07 18/10/12<br />

20267F Scoil Bhride PS Carrick Rd Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

20267F Scoil Bhride PS Carrick Rd Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

65582Q St. Mary’s Secondary School Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/12/10<br />

65582Q St. Mary’s Secondary School Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/12/10<br />

65582Q St. Mary’s Secondary School Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/12/10<br />

65582Q St. Mary’s Secondary School Edenderry Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/12/10<br />

65620V Sacred Heart School Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

65620V Sacred Heart School Tullamore Offaly Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

12964I Ballymurray NS Ballymurray Roscommon Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

14356S Lisaniskey NS Ballydooley PO Donamon Roscommon Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

15557K Cloonfad NS Cloonfad Ballyhaunis Roscommon Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

16816N Attyrory NS Ballinaloe Roscommon Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

17266J St. Mary’s NS Ballinagore Roscommon Pre-fab 01/09/02 30/06/12<br />

18395C Cloonakilla NS Athlone Roscommon Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/11<br />

65100S Scoil Mhuire Strokestown Roscommon Pre-fab 03/10/05 30/06/11<br />

65100S Scoil Mhuire Strokestown Roscommon Pre-fab 25/05/09 24/05/11<br />

04487E Achonry NS Achonry Tubbercurry Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

13242V Castlerock NS Castlerock Adare Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

14636B Scoil Naomh Eanna Carraroe Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/99 30/06/12<br />

15571E Kilglass NS Kilglass Enniscrone Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

16492N Rathlee NS Rathlee Easkey Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18053U Sooey NS via Boyle Sligo Pre-fab 01/01/08 31/12/12<br />

18298E Culfadda NS Ballymote Sligo Pre-fab 01/06/08 31/05/11<br />

18334F Knockminna Ballymote Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/08/12<br />

18575E Scoil Naomh Molaise Grange Sligo Pre-fab 01/12/07 30/06/12<br />

18575E Scoil Naomh Molaise Grange Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18575E Scoil Naomh Molaise Grange Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18575E Scoil Naomh Molaise Grange Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18979F Scoil Ursula Strandhill Rd Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18979F Scoil Ursula Strandhill Rd Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19495L Carbury NS The Mall Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

19495L Carbury NS The Mall Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Baile Ui Dhugain Sligo Pre-fab 01/09/09 30/06/12<br />

00590A Borrisoleigh BNS Borrisoleigh Thurles Tipperary Pre-fab 04/10/06 30/06/12<br />

01594N Scoil Eoin Naofa Golden Grove Road Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

01594N Scoil Eoin Naofa Golden Grove Road Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

09190G Boher NS Boher Ballina Tipperary Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

10120P Our Lady of Mercy NS Cahir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

10120P Our Lady of Mercy NS Cahir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

11872V Presentation Primary School Greenside Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

11872V Presentation Primary School Greenside Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

11872V Presentation Primary School Greenside Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

12540B Clonmore NS Templemore Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

16077B Ardfinnan NS Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16211C Scoil Mochaomhog Naofa Two-Mile-Borris Thurles Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16276H Carrig NS Ballycommon Nenagh Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16276H Carrig NS Ballycommon Nenagh Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17779P Powerstown NS Powerstown Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 31/08/06 30/06/11<br />

17779P Powerstown NS Powerstown Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 21/09/01 30/06/11<br />

17779P Powerstown NS Powerstown Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/11<br />

17779P Powerstown NS Powerstown Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/12/08 30/06/11<br />

18062V Grange NS Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/11/11<br />

18062V Grange NS Clonmel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/11<br />

18345K Scoil Iosef Naofa Corville Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18345K Scoil Iosef Naofa Corville Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

18345K Scoil Iosef Naofa Corville Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 30/03/07 30/06/12<br />

18345K Scoil Iosef Naofa Corville Roscrea Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18716T Cahir BNS Cahir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/03/00 30/06/12<br />

18716T Cahir BNS Cahir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/10/12<br />

18716T Cahir BNS Cahir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/10/12<br />

19230V Scoil Chormaic Golden Rd Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19230V Scoil Chormaic Golden Rd Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19230V Scoil Chormaic Golden Rd Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19230V Scoil Chormaic Golden Rd Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19230V Scoil Chormaic Golden Rd Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 27/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19615S Scoil Aonghusa Cahir Road Cashel Tipperary Pre-fab 01/03/08 30/06/12<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/03 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/98 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/04 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/05 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/11/05 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085W GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/11/06 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

20085w GS Charraig Na Siuire Bothar Cul na Muc, Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary Pre-fab 01/09/07 31/12/10<br />

Carraig Beag<br />

01395H Aglish National School Aglish Cappoquin Waterford Pre-fab 20/08/07 30/06/12<br />

12007G Our Lady of Good Counsel Ferrybank Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

GNS<br />

12007G Our Lady of Good Counsel Ferrybank Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

GNS<br />

15046I St Stephens 25 Patrick Street Waterford Waterford Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

15046I St Stephens 26 Patrick Street Waterford Waterford Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

17159I Garranbane NS Dungarvan Waterford Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

17525H Light of Christ School Dunmore East Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17535K S.N. Fionnabhair (Fenor NS) Fenor Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/08/12<br />

17535K S.N. Fionnabhair (Fenor NS) Fenor Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/08/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

17535K S.N. Fionnabhair (Fenor NS) Fenor Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/08/12<br />

17535K S.N. Fionnabhair (Fenor NS) Fenor Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/08/12<br />

18094L Scoil Mhuire Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

18094L Scoil Mhuire Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Pre-fab 15/08/07 30/06/12<br />

18167M St Annes National School Seafield Kilmacthomas Waterford Pre-fab 03/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18235D St Marys BNS Ferrybank Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/07 30/06/12<br />

18235D St Marys BNS Ferrybank Waterford Pre-fab 01/12/06 30/06/12<br />

18235D St Marys BNS Ferrybank Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19108B St Martins Special School Ballytrunkle Road Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19108B St Martins Special School Ballytrunkle Road Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 16/08/05 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 16/08/05 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 31/08/99 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19885B Gaelscoil Philib Barun Cruabhaile Tra Mhor Waterford Pre-fab 10/01/05 30/06/11<br />

Uachtarach<br />

19885B Gaelscoil Philib Barun Cruabhaile Tra Mhor Waterford Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/12<br />

Uachtarach<br />

19885B Gaelscoil Philib Barun Cruabhaile Tra Mhor Waterford Pre-fab 01/01/06 30/06/12<br />

Uachtarach<br />

19885B Gaelscoil Philib Barun Cruabhaile Tra Mhor Waterford Pre-fab 21/05/08 30/06/13<br />

Uachtarach<br />

20143K Waterpark National School Park Road Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20170N Bunscoil Chill Mhic Thomaisin Kilmacthomas Waterford Pre-fab 24/03/04 30/06/12<br />

20170N Bunscoil Chill Mhic Thomaisin Kilmacthomas Waterford Pre-fab 24/03/04 30/06/12<br />

20170N Bunscoil Chill Mhic Thomaisin Kilmacthomas Waterford Pre-fab 24/03/04 30/06/12<br />

20170N Bunscoil Chill Mhic Thomaisin Kilmacthomas Waterford Pre-fab 24/03/04 30/06/12<br />

64922J Stella Maris Sec School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/07/13<br />

64922J Stella Maris Sec School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/07/13<br />

64922J Stella Maris Sec School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/07/13<br />

64922J Stella Maris Sec School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/07/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64923L CBS Secondary School Tramore Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

64970U Presentation Secondary School Cannon Street Waterford Pre-fab 21/11/05 30/06/12<br />

64970U Presentation Secondary School Cannon Street Waterford Pre-fab 21/11/05 30/06/12<br />

64970U Presentation Secondary School Cannon Street Waterford Pre-fab 21/11/05 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

64970U Presentation Secondary School Cannon Street Waterford Pre-fab 21/11/05 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 08/02/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

68078U Gaelcholaiste Phort Lairge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

68078U Gaelcholaiste Phort Lairge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

68078U Gaelcholaiste Phort Lairge Bothar Kilbarry Waterford Pre-fab 01/09/10 31/08/13<br />

91509E Blackwater Community School Lismore Waterford Pre-fab 27/08/08 30/06/12<br />

05916G St Annes Ns Tyrrellspass Tyrrellspass Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

14603J Convent Primary School Rochfortbridge Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

14603J Convent Primary School Rochfortbridge Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17025K The Downs NS The Downs Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 24/10/07 30/06/12<br />

17102C Cluain Buinne Clonbonny Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 05/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 27/02/01 30/06/12<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 27/09/10 26/09/13<br />

17327D Curraghmore NS Curraghmore Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 27/09/10 26/09/13<br />

17903N Cornamaddy NS Cornamaddy Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/12/99 30/06/11<br />

18262G SN Lochan a’Bhealaigh Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

18405C St Paul’s NS Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/04/07 01/04/12<br />

18505G St Clares NS Tubberclare Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/10/01 30/06/12<br />

18505G St Clares NS Tubberclare Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/12<br />

18640M St Josephs NS Rathwire Killucan Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

18640M St Josephs NS Rathwire Killucan Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/11<br />

18640M St Josephs NS Rathwire Killucan Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

18864L Coosan NS Castlequarter Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/08/01 30/06/12<br />

18864L Coosan NS Castlequarter Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

18864L Coosan NS Castlequarter Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19848S St Etchens NS Kinnegad NS Westmeath Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/12<br />

19848S St Etchens NS Kinnegad NS Westmeath Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/12<br />

19848S St Etchens NS Kinnegad NS Westmeath Pre-fab 01/07/08 30/06/12<br />

20063M Scoil an Chlochair Kilbeggan Westmeath Pre-fab 11/12/06 30/06/12<br />

20063M Scoil an Chlochair Kilbeggan Westmeath Pre-fab 11/12/06 30/06/12<br />

20073P St Marys NS Grace Pk Rd Athlone Westmeath Pre-fab 06/10/07 05/10/12<br />

20238V GS an Choillin An Coillin Mor Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

20238V GS an Choillin An Coillin Mor Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 17/12/07 30/06/12<br />

20238V GS an Choillin An Coillin Mor Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 17/12/07 30/06/12<br />

20238V GS an Choillin An Coillin Mor Mullingar Westmeath Pre-fab 28/09/10 27/08/13<br />

03633H Our Lady of Lourdes NS Hospital Hill Bunclody Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/99 30/06/11<br />

03633H Our Lady of Lourdes NS Hospital Hill Bunclody Wexford Pre-fab 01/06/01 30/06/11<br />

03633H Our Lady of Lourdes NS Hospital Hill Bunclody Wexford Pre-fab 01/01/09 30/06/11<br />

05070W Scoil Chroi Ro Naofa Ballymurn Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 29/08/07 30/06/12<br />

05070W Scoil Chroi Ro Naofa Ballymurn Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 21/08/07 30/06/12<br />

05070W Scoil Chroi Ro Naofa Ballymurn Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 21/08/07 30/06/12<br />

05070W Scoil Chroi Ro Naofa Ballymurn Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 21/08/07 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 21/08/01 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 19/11/01 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 15/10/02 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 15/10/02 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/05 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/03/07 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/04/07 30/06/12<br />

08221J St Senans Primary Templeshannon Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/05/08 30/04/11<br />

11986N Mercy National School Kennedy Park Wexford Pre-fab 19/11/07 30/06/12<br />

11986N Mercy National School Kennedy Park Wexford Pre-fab 19/11/07 30/06/12<br />

11986N Mercy National School Kennedy Park Wexford Pre-fab 19/11/07 30/06/12<br />

15420G Ballycanew NS Ballycanew Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/11/10<br />

16409A St Marys NS Ballygarrett Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

16605A Kilrane NS Kilrane Rosslare Harbour Wexford Pre-fab 17/08/07 30/06/12<br />

16605A Kilrane NS Kilrane Rosslare Harbour Wexford Pre-fab 17/08/07 30/06/12<br />

16828U Oylegate NS Oylegate Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16828U Oylegate NS Oylegate Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17017L St Patricks NS Sion Crossabeg Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/00 30/06/12<br />

17017L St Patricks NS Sion Crossabeg Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

17017L St Patricks NS Sion Crossabeg Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/12<br />

17610V Scoil Baile Fada Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/11<br />

17768K Castletown NS Castletown Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

17768K Castletown NS Castletown Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

17769M Scoil Mhuire Tagoat Wexford Pre-fab 20/08/06 31/12/10<br />

17769M Scoil Mhuire Tagoat Wexford Pre-fab 23/07/07 31/12/10<br />

17800D Bree NS Bree Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

17800D Bree NS Bree Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

17841R Scoil Mhuire Ballyhogue Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/11/06 30/06/12<br />

17913Q Our Lady of Fatima NS Barntown Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17913Q Our Lady of Fatima NS Barntown Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

17913Q Our Lady of Fatima NS Barntown Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

18280I St Josephs Boys Primary Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 17/06/05 30/06/11<br />

18280I St Josephs Boys Primary Gorey Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/08 31/08/11<br />

18336J Boolavogue NS Ferns Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 20/04/07 30/06/12<br />

18558E Piercestown NS Piercestown Drinagh Wexford Pre-fab 01/07/04 30/06/12<br />

18558E Piercestown NS Piercestown Drinagh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

18707S St Ibars NS Castlebridge Wexford Pre-fab 01/03/02 31/01/11<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19240B St. Patrick’s Special School Bohreen Hill Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/12/10<br />

19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/03 30/06/12<br />

19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/08 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 08/10/05 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 08/10/05 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 08/10/05 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 08/10/05 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20003R St Aidans Primary Convent Road Enniscorthy Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

20057R GS Inis Córthaidh Bothar Ros Mhic Inis Corthaidh Wexford Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

Thriuin<br />

63640R CBS Wexford Wexford Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

01782O SN Padraig Bearna Chle Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

11372B Scoil Mhuire Realt Na Mara Brittas Bay Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/06 31/08/11<br />

11649S Nun’s Cross Ashford Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

12529N St Saviour’s NS Station Rd Rathdrum Wicklow Pre-fab 31/10/07 30/06/12<br />

13932A St Michaels GNS St. Mary’s Road Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 03/11/08 30/06/12<br />

14045B Carysfort NS Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/01/07 30/06/12<br />

14045B Carysfort NS Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

14398L Glebe NS Church Hill Wicklow Town Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/10 30/06/12<br />

14398L Glebe NS Church Hill Wicklow Town Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

14398L Glebe NS Church Hill Wicklow Town Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16573N St Brigid’s NS Trafalgar Rd Greystones Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

16573N St Brigid’s NS Trafalgar Rd Greystones Wicklow Pre-fab 01/07/07 30/06/12<br />

16573N St Brigid’s NS Trafalgar Rd Greystones Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/12<br />

16573N St Brigid’s NS Trafalgar Rd Greystones Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/08 01/09/12<br />

16634H St Laurence O’Toole’s NS Roundwood Wicklow Pre-fab 01/01/07 30/06/12<br />

16874E St Joseph’s GNS Rathnew Wicklow Pre-fab 11/07/03 30/06/12<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/98 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/98 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/01 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 10/10/07 30/06/11<br />

17181B St Joseph’s NS Templerainey Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/08/07 30/06/11<br />

17826V Na Coroine Mhuire Mixed Ashford Wicklow Pre-fab 01/08/06 30/06/12<br />

17826V Na Coroine Mhuire Mixed Ashford Wicklow Pre-fab 01/08/07 31/07/12<br />

18365Q Kilmacanogue NS Kilmacanogue NS Bray Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/11<br />

18502A Talbotstown NS Kiltegan Wicklow Pre-fab 01/01/09 30/06/12<br />

18502A Talbotstown NS Kiltegan Wicklow Pre-fab 01/01/09 30/06/12<br />

18962L St Ernan’s BNS Rathnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/06 30/06/12<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 18/02/05 30/06/12<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/04 30/06/12<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 13/10/03 30/06/12<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Roll No. School Name Address Town/ Townland County Desc. of Start Date Approx.<br />

rental<br />

End Date<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 27/03/03 30/16/12<br />

19522L St Catherine’s Spec School Kilmullen Lane Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 01/12/01 30/06/12<br />

19573F St Laurences NS Greystones Wicklow Pre-fab 01/10/07 30/06/12<br />

19734D St Francis’s NS Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 01/08/06 31/07/11<br />

19734D St Francis’s NS Newcastle Wicklow Pre-fab 01/08/06 31/07/11<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain An Casadh Rath Naoi Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/05 30/06/12<br />

Moidhreach<br />

61850S De La Salle College Wicklow Town Wicklow Town Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/09 31/08/11<br />

70740M Arklow Community College Coolgreaney Rd Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

70740M Arklow Community College Coolgreaney Rd Arklow Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/07 30/06/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/11/07 31/08/12<br />

70790E Colaiste Bhride Carnew Wicklow Pre-fab 01/09/10 28/02/11<br />

19626A St Canices Co-Ed NS Granges Road Kilkenny Pre-fab 10/10/06 30/06/12<br />

19626A St Canices Co-Ed NS Granges Road Kilkenny Pre-fab 01/10/06 30/06/12<br />

School Patronage<br />

22. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he has consulted<br />

or commissioned any research concerning the educational outcomes of different forms of<br />

patronage for primary schools. [9880/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): There has not been any specific<br />

research commissioned (or consultations sought) by my Department which compare the educational<br />

outcomes of the different forms of patronage for primary schools.<br />

Schools Building Projects<br />

23. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to prioritise<br />

school building projects; the number of school building projects that will be started during each<br />

of the next five years; and the locations of same. [9847/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The 2011 school building work<br />

programme, which was announced in January, is outlined on my Department’s website at<br />

www.education.ie. In addition, the current status of all projects on the school building prog-<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

ramme is published on my Department’s web-site and this programme will be regularly updated<br />

throughout the year.<br />

My Department’s most recent projections indicate that enrolments at post-primary level will<br />

rise from current levels of circa 312,200 pupils to about 336,600 pupils by the year 2017 and at<br />

primary level enrolments are expected to increase from the current total enrolment of circa<br />

505,600 pupils to an expected enrolment circa 567,300 pupils by the year 2017.<br />

It is within this context that the Forward Planning Section of my Department is finalising its<br />

analysis of all areas in the country in order to determine the level of additional school provision<br />

which will be required at both primary and post primary level up to 2017. This analysis will<br />

inform the development of a multi-annual plan for capital investment in schools.<br />

Higher Education Sector<br />

24. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to<br />

explore the establishment of a multi-campus technical university in the south east. [9856/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The National Strategy for Higher<br />

Education to 2030, otherwise known as the Hunt report, lays out a clear possible development<br />

pathway for amalgamated institutes of technology which meet specified performance criteria<br />

to seek re-designation as technological universities. A small number of new technological universities,<br />

with their own legislative framework and a distinct mission that is faithful to the ethos<br />

of the technological sector, working with existing universities, institutes of technology and other<br />

education providers, can enrich the diversity and quality of the Irish higher education<br />

landscape.<br />

The establishment of any technological university will require the enactment of legislation.<br />

More immediately, it will also be necessary to publish the detailed performance criteria for a<br />

re-designation process and initial work is under way in developing these. I am committed to<br />

publishing these criteria at an early stage. I will consider the scope and timeframe for legislative<br />

proposals as part of my wider consideration of implementation priorities.<br />

Adult Literacy<br />

25. Deputy Tom Barry asked the Minister for Education and Skills if adult literacy programmes<br />

are restricted by staff embargos and funding restrictions from answering the mushrooming<br />

demand for their services. [9754/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Ciarán Cannon):<br />

1Teachers or teacher equivalents that are directly providing tuition to pupils in schools, in<br />

special programmes or in adult or further education settings are exempt from the moratorium<br />

on public sector recruitment. This includes adult literacy tutors.<br />

Funding for adult literacy services has increased significantly over recent years to €30 million<br />

in 2011. The number of adult literacy participants was 54,000 in 2010.<br />

I am aware that there is significant demand across the range of part-time and full-time further<br />

education and training programmes, including adult literacy. As part of its Labour Market<br />

Policy, the Government will make literacy and basic workplace skills a national priority, with<br />

literacy training incorporated into a wider variety of further education and training programmes.<br />

The Government will also address the widespread and persistent problem of adult<br />

literacy through the integration of literacy in vocational training and through community education<br />

under its lifelong learning policy.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Schools Building Projects<br />

26. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will devolve an<br />

annual capital budget to schools this year to allow schools to plan for capital projects. [9849/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Government’s Programme for<br />

National Recovery 2011-2016 includes a commitment that administrative functions relating to<br />

maintenance and school building projects currently carried out by school principals will be<br />

devolved locally and that the devolution of an annual capital budget to schools will be piloted<br />

to allow schools to plan for capital projects. In order to expedite the process of delivering<br />

projects and to maximise the output from within existing resources, my Department has been<br />

exploring alternative methods of delivering major projects. As well as the public private partnership<br />

method of delivery, my Department has also initiated a process whereby a local authority<br />

and a number of VECs have been given responsibility for managing the delivery of major<br />

projects. This process has the potential to offer the Department of Education and Skills another<br />

mechanism within which school buildings could be delivered in the future. In addition to the<br />

major capital projects funded by my Department, there are grant schemes in which responsibility<br />

for project managing and overseeing the delivery of these projects within budget is<br />

devolved to the school authority. Schemes such as the Summer Works Scheme, the Permanent<br />

Accommodation Scheme and the Emergency Works Scheme operate on this basis. The further<br />

implementation of the commitments in the Programme for National Recovery 2011-2016 will<br />

be informed by progress in the new devolution arrangements under way.<br />

Psychological Service<br />

27. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to<br />

reverse the cut to the number of psychologists in the National Education Psychological Service<br />

in budget 2011. [9853/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The implementation of the various<br />

commitments in the programme for Government will be addressed by the Government over<br />

its period in office. I will consult my Government colleagues on this matter and other commitments<br />

in the programme for Government with a view to the timing of the implementation<br />

thereof at which stage I will make my Department’s intentions in this regard public.<br />

Higher Education Grants<br />

28. Deputy Brian Stanley asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to develop<br />

initiatives to increase access to further higher level education for the unemployed; and if he<br />

will make a statement on the matter. [9833/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): All full-time higher education<br />

programmes covered by the free fees scheme are open to unemployed people. Unemployed<br />

people on full-time third level programmes may also be eligible for support under the Department’s<br />

student grant schemes. The provision of grants is subject to a means test and other<br />

eligibility criteria. Further information on how to apply for a student grant is available on the<br />

student finance website, www.studentfinance.ie. A competitive call for proposals for €5 million<br />

was issued by the HEA at the end of January under Springboard, a new multi-annual higher<br />

education labour market fund to enable unemployed people to access innovative part-time<br />

higher education opportunities from certificate to postgraduate levels (Levels 6 to 9 on NQF).<br />

The closing date for applications from providers for funding was 18 March 2011. It is expected<br />

that full details of the part-time programmes to be provided under Springboard will be available<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

by the end of this month. Springboard has been designed to help unemployed people who hold<br />

awards at NFQ Level 5 or 6 or equivalent with a previous history of employment in construction,<br />

manufacturing or other sectors of the economy in which employment levels are unlikely<br />

to recover to pre-recession levels. The fund also targets those with a previous history of employment<br />

with higher levels of qualifications who may also require additional upskilling or reskilling<br />

to enable them to re-enter employment.<br />

Third Level Remuneration<br />

29. Deputy Martin Ferris asked the Minister for Education and Skills the steps he has taken<br />

to ensure that unauthorised allowances are not paid to senior staff of third level institutions in<br />

the future. [9839/11]<br />

39. Deputy Martin Ferris asked the Minister for Education and Skills the third level institutions<br />

in the State who paid senior staff unauthorised allowances and from whom the Higher<br />

Education Authority is seeking refunds; and the amount of unauthorised allowances paid to<br />

each person in each institution. [9838/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I propose to take Questions Nos.<br />

29 and 39 together.<br />

In the light of the payment of unauthorised allowances in the university sector, referred to<br />

in Special Report No. 75 of the Comptroller and Auditor General and subsequently considered<br />

at hearings of the Committee of Public Accounts, the Higher Education Authority is conducting<br />

an exercise to determine definitively the amount of unauthorised allowances paid to individual<br />

senior staff in each of the universities since 2005. The Comptroller and Auditor General will<br />

assist the authority by testing the completeness and correctness of the information supplied by<br />

each university and the accuracy of any calculations of excess payment amounts produced. I<br />

will inform the Committee of Public Accounts of the outcome of this exercise as soon as it<br />

becomes available. My Department has sought and received unequivocal commitments from<br />

each university where unapproved allowances were paid that in future it will adhere to the<br />

provisions of the Universities Act. In the context of annual reporting arrangements provided<br />

for in the code of governance of Irish universities, each university is required to submit an<br />

annual statement to the Higher Education Authority affirming that Government policy on pay<br />

is being complied with.<br />

30. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to cap the pay<br />

of senior managers in third level institutions at €100,000. [9841/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Government pay policy is not<br />

determined on a sectoral basis in isolation. In general, pay policy is determined by the Government<br />

on the advice of the Ministers for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform and<br />

having regard to the provisions of the Croke Park agreement as appropriate.<br />

Colleges Recognition<br />

31. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Education and Skills the procurement<br />

procedures followed in the granting of ministerial approval to a college (details supplied)<br />

to operate in the field of primary teacher education; the reason this college has no cap on<br />

teacher training places; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9892/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): In 2003, the then Minister for<br />

Education and Science was the designated authority for recognition of qualifications for the<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

purposes of employment for the regulated profession of primary teacher. Applications for<br />

recognition of qualifications were received by the Department from time to time, either from<br />

individual graduates or from institutions. The Qualifications (Education and Training Act) 1999<br />

provided for the establishment of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and the<br />

Further and Higher Education and Training Awards Council for the accreditation of nonuniversity<br />

education and training awards at further and higher levels.<br />

In 2003, Hibernia College made an application to HETAC for validation of its Graduate<br />

Diploma in Primary Education in the format prescribed, setting out the programme objectives<br />

and outcomes, structure and outline content, assessment arrangements for learners, and facilities<br />

and staff expertise available. A panel of assessors examined the documentation and visited<br />

the college. The Programme Accreditation Committee of HETAC considered their report and<br />

accredited the programme. A certificate of course approval was issued in July 2003. As the<br />

Minister for Education and Science was the designated authority for recognition of qualifications<br />

for purposes of employment for the regulated profession of primary teacher, Hibernia<br />

College contacted the Department to ascertain whether this qualification would be recognised<br />

for the purpose of employment as a primary teacher. The Department considered the course<br />

proposal and the decision of the then Minister was that he would recognise the qualification<br />

of Graduate Diploma in Primary Education of Hibernia College for the purpose of employment<br />

as a primary teacher provided all of the conditions set by HETAC were met, including those<br />

relating to quality assurance. The Department did not procure the delivery of the course<br />

referred to by the Deputy but was approached by the college with its proposal. The college<br />

has not received any funding from the Department to run the course.<br />

Hibernia College is a privately owned institution providing a privately run course. Neither<br />

my Department nor any other State body has a role in regulating the number of students<br />

enrolled by this privately run college. Section 38 of the Teaching Council Act has since come<br />

into force and the Teaching Council is now empowered to review and professionally accredit<br />

programmes of initial teacher education. It is open to any other providers to make an application<br />

for recognition if they so wish and any such application will be considered by the Teaching<br />

Council.<br />

Bullying in Schools<br />

32. Deputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to ensure<br />

that all schools develop anti-bullying policies and strategies to combat homophobic bullying in<br />

their schools. [9854/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I take the issue of bullying in<br />

schools very seriously. I am committed to ensuring schools tackle bullying in all its forms,<br />

including homophobic bullying. Under the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, all schools are<br />

required to have in place a code of behaviour and this code must be drawn up in accordance<br />

with the guidelines of the National Educational Welfare Board. The board’s guidelines, which<br />

were issued to schools in 2008, make it clear that each school must have policies to prevent or<br />

address bullying and harassment and that schools must make clear in their code of behaviour<br />

that bullying is unacceptable. The guidelines further state that as well as making explicit that<br />

bullying is prohibited in the school and having an anti-bullying policy, the code of behaviour<br />

should indicate what action the school will take on foot of alleged breaches of the school’s<br />

bullying policy. Every school must have in place a policy which includes specific measures to<br />

deal with bullying behaviour, within the framework of the school’s overall school code of<br />

behaviour. Such a code, developed through consultation with the whole school community and<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

properly implemented, can be the most influential measure in countering bullying behaviour<br />

in schools. Responsibility for tackling bullying falls to the level of the individual school, as it is<br />

at local level that an effective anti-bullying climate must be established and at that level that<br />

actions should be taken to address allegations of bullying.<br />

My Department has also issued Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour as an aid to<br />

schools in devising measures to prevent and deal with instances of bullying behaviour. These<br />

guidelines were drawn up following consultation with representatives of school management,<br />

teachers and parents, and are sufficiently flexible to allow each school authority to adapt them<br />

to suit the particular needs of a school. As a further aid to post-primary schools, my Department<br />

has published a template that can be used by post-primary schools in developing antibullying<br />

policies. The anti-bullying policy template is based primarily on the key document<br />

Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour. However, it also takes account of more recent<br />

legislative and regulatory changes. It refers to issues of contemporary concern, such as the need<br />

to tackle text bullying, cyber-bullying and homophobic bullying. The education of students in<br />

primary and post-primary schools in relation to anti-bullying behaviour is part of the Social,<br />

Personal and Health Education curriculum. Social, Personal and Health Education is now a<br />

compulsory subject at primary level and in the junior cycle of post-primary schools.<br />

Special Educational Needs<br />

33. Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to Questions<br />

No. 207 of 24 March 2010, Nos. 640 and 641 of 2 February 2010 and No. 1123 of 19 January<br />

2010, the current status of the Special Education Appeals Board; and if he will make a statement<br />

on the matter. [9756/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Programme for Government<br />

states that education will be a priority for this Government and that we will endeavour to<br />

protect and enhance the educational experience of children, young people and students. To<br />

that end, we are committing during the tenure of this Government to the publication of a plan<br />

for the implementation of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004<br />

(EPSEN) to prioritise access for children with special needs to an individual education plan.<br />

The Deputy will be aware that a number of sections of the EPSEN Act have already been<br />

commenced, principally those establishing the National Council for Special Education and<br />

those promoting an inclusive approach to the education of children with special educational<br />

needs.<br />

The EPSEN Act also provides for the establishment of the Special Education Appeals Board<br />

to hear and determine appeals under the Act. The appellant sections of the Act have not yet<br />

commenced. Three members were appointed to the board for a three-year term in April 2007<br />

in advance of the then expected full implementation of the EPSEN Act. Board members<br />

developed the processes and procedures which would be required to allow for a smooth appellant<br />

system once the relevant sections of the Act, which would allow appeals to be undertaken,<br />

are commenced. Once the sections in question are commenced, the board will have specific<br />

statutory functions and responsibilities under the EPSEN Act. In the interim there are no<br />

grounds for any appeals to be made to the Special Education Appeals Board. Accordingly,<br />

once the initial period of office of the members of the board elapsed, the previous Minister for<br />

Education and Skills decided not to make new appointments for a further term.<br />

34. Deputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to<br />

provide supports for gifted students. [9855/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I wish to advise the Deputy that<br />

the 1998 Education Act requires boards of management of each school to publish the policy<br />

of the school relating to participation by students with special educational needs, including<br />

students who are exceptionally able. The measures schools take in this regard are required to<br />

be stated in the school plan. It is the duty of the board of management to ensure that appropriate<br />

education services are made available to such students. Primary and secondary schools<br />

level use strategies such as curriculum differentiation, curriculum enrichment and acceleration<br />

to facilitate the development of pupils who are exceptionally able. Syllabi and curricula for<br />

second level schools have been designed in such a way to enable teachers cater for the wide<br />

range of pupil ability.<br />

The revised primary curriculum, which has been supplied to every primary teacher, recognises<br />

the importance of developing the full potential of the child and caters for pupil diversity,<br />

including meeting the needs of exceptionally able pupils. Content is outlined in the curricula<br />

at both levels and process is also heavily emphasised. Enabling children to learn how to learn<br />

is stressed and facilitated. The development of language skills, investigatory and problem- solving<br />

skills, higher-order thinking skills and working individually, and as a member of a group,<br />

are all encouraged at both levels. While the use of information and communication technologies<br />

and the use of class and school libraries are of benefit in project work with all pupils, they have<br />

a special importance for pupils who are exceptionally able.<br />

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), in collaboration with its<br />

counterpart in Northern Ireland, the Council for Curriculum Examination and Assessment<br />

(CCEA), has produced draft guidelines for teachers of exceptionally able students. These<br />

guidelines issued to all Primary and Post Primary schools in November 2007 along with a<br />

questionnaire for feedback. The NCCA/CCEA guidelines are designed to raise awareness of<br />

the social, emotional and academic needs of exceptionally able students and to assist teachers<br />

in planning their teaching and learning. The guidelines provide advice to schools on identification<br />

of gifted children, set out profiles of students, and whole school and classroom strategies<br />

and case studies which demonstrate how schools can best meet the needs of such students. The<br />

general strategies include differentiated teaching, acceleration and enrichment approaches in<br />

the context of participation in mainstream schools.<br />

The Special Education Support Service is a service under the management of my Department<br />

which provides support for teachers to assist them in meeting the needs of all pupils with<br />

special educational needs, including those pupils who are exceptionally able. The service is<br />

available to schools who may be seeking advice or support relating to a specific special education<br />

issue in the school. More information on the range of programmes offered by the Special<br />

Education Support Service is available on www.sess.ie. In addition, the professional development<br />

service for teachers provides training in differentiation, in terms of differentiating for all<br />

pupils, whether less or more able. Issues around exceptional ability and giftedness are<br />

addressed as part of the school planning process which is facilitated by the professional development<br />

service. Finally, the programme for Government sets out this Government’s commitment<br />

to examining supports in place for gifted students and specifically to the creation of improved<br />

links with third level institutions on a regional basis, to provide gifted students with access to<br />

new programmes or educational resources.<br />

FÁS Training Programmes<br />

35. Deputy Michael Colreavy asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his attention has<br />

been drawn to the South Dublin County Council scheme that allows persons to complete<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

apprenticeships; and his plans to replicate this in other local authorities throughout the<br />

State. [9835/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Issues relating to local authorities<br />

are a matter in the first instance for my colleague, the Minister for Environment, Community<br />

and Local Government. The Redundant Apprentice Placement Scheme 2011 is funded by my<br />

Department and administered by FÁS. It is a national scheme introduced earlier this year<br />

which aims to facilitate up to 1,000 eligible redundant apprentices to complete the on-the-job<br />

training phases 3, 5 and 7 of their apprenticeships with FÁS approved employers in either the<br />

private sector or, for the first time, the public sector. FÁS has met the County and City Managers<br />

Association to draw its attention to and provide information on the Redundant Apprentice<br />

Scheme 2011.<br />

In the public sector, the placement of redundant apprentices is co-ordinated between FÁS<br />

regional offices and the relevant local authority with support from the Office for Local Authority<br />

Management. As at 22 April 2011, 103 redundant apprentices had been placed with local<br />

authorities under this scheme. Other initiatives taken by FÁS to assist redundant apprentices<br />

to progress in their apprenticeships include Changes in Progression Rules, whereby redundant<br />

apprentices unable to complete their relevant on-the-job training phases are now permitted to<br />

progress to the next Off-the-Job training phase. Under the Phase 7 Equivalent Assessments<br />

Scheme, redundant construction trade apprentices unable to complete on-the-job Phase 7<br />

assessments at an employer undertaken Phase 7 Equivalent Assessments at a FÁS training<br />

centre. The Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme allows redundant apprentices who have<br />

successfully completed all apprenticeship training Phases 1 to 7 but who have not completed<br />

the statutory four years in employment as an apprentice, to validate their competence by submitting<br />

a portfolio of evidence of trade related work experience gained at home and/or abroad<br />

and/or trade related training and education. Under the Fee Waiver Scheme, FÁS day and/or<br />

evening courses fees are waived for redundant apprentices.<br />

National Literacy Strategy<br />

36. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Education and Skills the date on which he<br />

will publish a national literacy strategy for children and young persons. [9846/11]<br />

46. Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Education and Skills when he expects<br />

to conclude the public consultation process on the development of a National Literacy and<br />

Numeracy Strategy; and when he expects to publish and implement this strategy. [9882/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I propose to take Questions Nos.<br />

36 and 46 together.<br />

My Department received over 460 submissions as part of the public consultation process on<br />

literacy and numeracy in schools. These submissions are being examined and oral consultations<br />

with stakeholder groups are ongoing. I expect that the National Literacy and Numeracy<br />

Strategy will be drafted by the end of June 2011. The strategy will contain a series of specific<br />

short-term and longer-term actions to improve the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy<br />

in our schools. The implementation of these actions will be overseen by a National Literacy<br />

and Numeracy Implementation Group supported by a National Literacy and Numeracy Forum.<br />

The implementation group will benefit from the participation of national and international<br />

experts on literacy and numeracy acquisition and assessment while the wider National Literacy<br />

Forum will facilitate ongoing inputs from the education partners.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Further Education<br />

37. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Education and Skills the mechanisms<br />

which will be in place to ensure the co-ordination of further education services following<br />

the completion of the reorganisation of Government Departments. [9884/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Ciarán Cannon): Since<br />

2010, my Department has had overall responsibility for the funding and training functions of<br />

FÁS as well as the funding and further education activities of Vocational Education Committees<br />

(VECs). I am currently reviewing options regarding the provision of further education and<br />

training and the structures to support it.<br />

Schools Building Projects<br />

38. Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he has received<br />

representations in relation to a new primary school at a location (details supplied) in County<br />

Cork; the progress made in relation to same; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[9757/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): My Department has received representations<br />

in relation to the provision of a new primary school building in the Co Cork area<br />

to which the Deputy refers.<br />

A major capital application has been made to the Department for the provision of a new<br />

school building for the proposed school. In accordance with the published criteria for large<br />

scale building projects, the project for this school has been assigned a Band 1.4 rating. The<br />

progression of all large scale building projects will be considered in the context of my Department’s<br />

School Building and Modernisation Programme. Information in respect of the current<br />

school building programme along with all assessed applications for major capital works, including<br />

this project, is available on my Department’s website at www.education.ie.<br />

As the Deputy is aware, the Forward Planning Section of my Department is continuing its<br />

analysis of all areas in the country in order to determine the level of additional school provision<br />

which will be required at both primary and post primary level up to 2017. Overall primary<br />

requirements in the area referred to by the Deputy will also be fully considered in this context.<br />

However, in light of current competing demands on the Department’s capital budget, it is not<br />

possible to give an indicative timeframe for the progression of a project for the school in<br />

question at this time.<br />

Question No. 39 answered with Question No. 29.<br />

Third Level Remuneration<br />

40. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Education and Skills the salaries of each of<br />

the heads or Provosts of third level institutions here for this coming academic year and for<br />

each of the past nine years; the additional benefits that each person accrued including any<br />

relocation costs, rent allowance, refunds on stamp duty on any new house loan purchases, and<br />

mortgage loan guarantees underwritten by the institution. [9840/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Salaries for the heads of Irish<br />

third-level institutions in the current academic year and for each of the past nine years are<br />

supplied in the attached table.<br />

The total includes basic salary, allowances and all other benefits in cash or in kind. The<br />

Higher Education Authority is currently conducting an exercise to determine definitively the<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

amount of any additional unauthorised payments or benefits made to individual senior staff in<br />

each of the universities, including heads since 2005. The Comptroller and Auditor General will<br />

assist the Authority by testing the completeness and correctness of the information supplied<br />

by each university and the accuracy of any calculations of excess payment amounts produced.<br />

I will be informing the Public Accounts Committee of the outcome of this exercise as soon as<br />

it becomes available.<br />


520<br />

Third Level Institutions under the remit of the Higher Education Authority providing Degree courses<br />

Approved Salary levels for Heads<br />

Date from TCD, UCD, NUIG DCU, UL, DIT IOT IOT Mary St. Angela’s College of NCAD<br />

which salary UCC NUIM Directors Directors Immaculate& Home Economics, Sligo<br />

applied Level I Level II St. Patrick’s<br />

Colleges of Min. Max.<br />

Education<br />

01/04/2002 €170,706 €155,533 €155,533 €155,533 €121,391 €113,804 €107,733 €61,338 €81,544 €107,733<br />

01/10/2002 €177,535 €161,754 €161,754 €161,754 €126,247 €118,356 €112,042 €63,792 €84,806 €112,042<br />

01/01/2004 €182,861 €166,607 €166,607 €166,607 €130,034 €121,907 €115,404 €69,440 €92,315 €115,404<br />

01/07/2004 €186,518 €169,939 €169,939 €169,939 €132,635 €124,345 €117,712 €70,829 €94,161 €117,712<br />

01/12/2004 €190,248 €173,338 €173,338 €173,338 €135,287 €126,832 €120,066 €72,246 €96,044 €120,066<br />

01/06/2005 €193,102 €175,938 €175,938 €175,938 €137,317 €128,734 €121,867 €75,302 €100,106 €121,867<br />

01/07/2005 €200,343 €182,536 €182,536 €182,536 €142,466 €133,562 €126,437 €75,302 €100,106 €126,437<br />

01/12/2005 €203,348 €185,274 €185,274 €185,274 €144,603 €135,565 €128,333 €76,432 €101,608 €128,333<br />

01/01/2006 €210,699 €191,969 €191,969 €191,969 €149,829 €140,465 €132,972 €76,432 €101,608 €132,972<br />

01/06/2006 €215,966 €196,768 €196,768 €196,768 €153,575 €143,977 €136,296 €78,343 €104,148 €136,296<br />

01/12/2006 €222,445 €202,671 €202,671 €202,671 €158,182 €148,296 €140,385 €80,693 €107,272 €140,385<br />

01/06/2007 €226,894 €206,725 €206,725 €206,725 €161,346 €151,262 €143,193 €82,307 €109,417 €143,193<br />

14/09/2007 €238,239 €238,239 €217,061 €217,061 €169,413 €158,825 €150,353 €82,307 €109,417 €151,000<br />

01/03/2008 €244,195 €244,195 €222,488 €222,488 €173,648 €162,796 €154,112 €84,365 €112,152 €154,775<br />

01/09/2008 €250,300 €250,300 €228,050 €228,050 €177,989 €166,866 €157,965 €86,474 €114,956 €158,644<br />

01/01/2010 €212,755 €212,755 €193,843 €193,843 €156,630 €151,800 €145,328 €80,327 €105,960 €145,952<br />

Note: With the exception of St. Angela’s College, Sligo, the rates shown above relate to persons who make an employee contribution in respect of personal superannuation<br />

benefits.<br />

[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong>

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

School Patronage<br />

41. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he envisages the<br />

vocational education committees having a greater role in the provision of primary education;<br />

and if he supports the community national school model. [9878/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The role of Vocational Education<br />

Committees in the provision of primary education and the future of the community national<br />

school model are matters for consideration in the context of the wider patronage agenda at<br />

primary level.<br />

As the Deputy will be aware, I recently officially launched the Forum on Patronage and<br />

Pluralism in the Primary Sector and its work is now underway. This process is a key objective<br />

of the Programme for Government for the education sector and a personal priority which I am<br />

pleased to have been to convene it so quickly.<br />

The terms of reference of the Forum are to advise me on:<br />

• how it can best be ensured that the education system can provide a sufficiently diverse<br />

number and range of primary schools catering for all religions and none;<br />

• the practicalities of how transfer/divesting of patronage should operate for individual<br />

primary schools in communities where it is appropriate and necessary;<br />

• how such transfer/divesting can be advanced to ensure that demands for diversity of<br />

patronage (including from an Irish language perspective) can be identified and met on<br />

a widespread basis nationally.<br />

The Advisory Group which I have appointed to conduct the Forum will receive and assess the<br />

various views and perspectives of participants and to then provide me with policy advice having<br />

regard to the Terms of Reference.<br />

The outcome of this process will inform future thinking and policy making on a range of<br />

issues, including the matters raised by the Deputy. In the meantime, I have deferred the introduction<br />

of legislation to enable VEC patronage at primary level. The Community National<br />

Schools, of which I am Patron, will continue to be managed by my Department.<br />

School Evaluations<br />

42. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his plans<br />

to give parents access to more information regarding schools as a result of the proposed school<br />

evaluation system amounts to the introduction of a form of league table for primary<br />

schools. [9845/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I would like to clarify for the<br />

Deputy that my plans to give parents access to more information regarding schools relates to<br />

how each individual school communicates with the parents of children attending or about to<br />

attend that school about that school’s operation and performance. It is not about the construction<br />

of national league tables for primary schools.<br />

There is no room for complacency about educational standards and self evaluation by schools<br />

is important in identifying what is being done well and where there is a need for improvement.<br />

As a system of self evaluation develops I am anxious that in all cases work done by a school<br />

in that respect is shared with parents locally so that parents can be enabled to have a clear<br />

insight into the teaching and learning experience in the school.<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

In fact the parental role as part of a school’s ongoing quality assurance and improvement is<br />

recognised in the 1998 Education Act, through the requirement for boards of management to<br />

establish procedures for informing the parents of students in the school of matters relating to<br />

the operation and performance of the school. My plans essentially involve ensuring that all<br />

schools deliver in a consistent and structured manner on that statutory intent.<br />

Teacher Training<br />

43. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he still has concerns<br />

around the fact that the five primary schools colleges are controlled by religious orders; and if<br />

he has any plans to address this issue following the setting up of a forum on patronage and<br />

pluralism. [9879/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): It is the aim of my Department to<br />

ensure that there is an adequate supply of suitably qualified primary teachers to meet demand.<br />

Four of the five providers funded by my Department do not use religious affiliation as an entry<br />

requirement. St. Patrick’s College, Mary Immaculate College, Froebel College and Coláiste<br />

Mhuire Marino were established as Catholic Colleges of Education. However, they each now<br />

have links with universities and accept students of all faiths and none. Entry to the Bachelor<br />

of Education is based on points achieved in the Leaving Certificate examination. The situation<br />

with the Church of Ireland College of Education is somewhat different as its remit is to provide<br />

an adequate supply of primary teachers capable of upholding and maintaining the distinctive<br />

ethos and spirit of Protestant national schools. Entry is based on points achieved in the Leaving<br />

Certificate Examination and appropriate numbers of places on the Bachelor of Education<br />

Degree programme are reserved for students who are members of recognised Churches in the<br />

Protestant tradition. Remaining places can be made available to other candidates.<br />

The content of the Bachelor of Education programme is, currently, a matter for the individual<br />

Colleges of Education. In accordance with Section 38 of the Teaching Council Act 2001,<br />

the Teaching Council is empowered to review and professionally accredit programmes of initial<br />

teacher education. The Teaching Council has initiated reviews of a range of initial teacher<br />

education programmes and will consider course content in this context.<br />

The Bachelor of Education courses provided by the Colleges of Education include compulsory<br />

modules on religious education. The content of these courses varies between the different<br />

institutions and, in general, has a strong focus on methodology. They aim to ensure that student<br />

teachers understand the spiritual and religious development of the primary school child in a<br />

general sense and that they are aware of the content and methodologies of the programmes<br />

developed by the Catholic Church, the Board of Education of the General Synod of the Church<br />

of Ireland and Educate Together. They also aim to ensure that the student teachers are enabled<br />

to plan an RE programme which can be applied in schools of varying traditions and ethos. As<br />

with all elements of the programme this area evolves and is reviewed by the Colleges in accordance<br />

with the changing educational landscape.<br />

The recently established Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector offers a<br />

platform for consideration of the very many issues that arise in the context of divesting of<br />

patronage by the Catholic Church and transfer of patronage generally.<br />

The Forum will take a multi-dimensional approach involving consultations with the key education<br />

stakeholders, including parents and other interested parties in order to ensure the widest<br />

possible consultation on this important issue. I would hope that the work of the Forum will<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

deliver clear agreed specific modalities for the transfer of patronage which will allow for progress<br />

to be made on actual transfers during 2012.<br />

I am confident that the Colleges of Education and the Teaching Council will respond to the<br />

outcomes of the Forum in reviewing course content and the requirements for same,<br />

respectively.<br />

Early Childhood Education<br />

44. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the level of<br />

funds that will be invested in a targeted early childhood education programme for disadvantaged<br />

children. [9844/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): My Department is already<br />

investing in a targeted early childhood education programme for children at risk of educational<br />

disadvantage. The Early Start programme aims to provide an educational programme for children<br />

aged 3-4 which would enhance their overall development and offset the effects of social<br />

disadvantage. The specific objectives of the programme are:<br />

To enhance the children’s language, cognitive and social/emotional development by engaging<br />

them in structured play activities which are characterised by high quality adult/child<br />

interaction.<br />

To assess the strengths and needs of each child in relation to language, cognition and<br />

social/emotional development and to plan and deliver a programme of learning to meet the<br />

identified needs in these key areas of learning.<br />

To devise strategies which actively engage parents in the education of their children.<br />

In 2010, just over €6 million was expended on this programme. In recent years, the State along<br />

with Atlantic Philanthropies have funded Prevention and Early Intervention Programmes in<br />

areas of disadvantage. These include YoungBallymun, Tallaght’s Childhood Development<br />

Initiative and the Preparing for Life Programme in Darndale. The evidence accruing from<br />

these intervention programmes as to what works most effectively for young children at risk of<br />

educational disadvantage will inform further targeted interventions.<br />

Education Schemes<br />

45. Deputy Sandra McLellan asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to help<br />

teen parents complete their second level education. [9851/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Ciarán Cannon): While<br />

current figures on the number of teen parents in second level are not readily available, the<br />

most recent statistics available indicate 2,223 teen births in 2009. Of these, 1201 were to mothers<br />

aged 18 years or younger.<br />

For young parents of school-going age, the most pressing issues are considered to be a<br />

sensitive response to their needs, appropriate counselling/ mentoring and medical assistance,<br />

minimal disruption of tuition, and appropriate access to childcare. Individual circumstances will<br />

differ and accordingly, school management practice will vary from case to case. Generally,<br />

when it comes to the attention of the school that a pupil is pregnant, the school authorities<br />

check to ensure that the pupil is receiving appropriate medical assistance and counselling<br />

advice. Schools endeavour to be sensitive and understanding to the pupil’s needs while trying<br />

to ensure that her education is not neglected.<br />


[Deputy Ciarán Cannon.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Home tuition is provided to pregnant schoolgirls who are absent from school during the<br />

latter stages of pregnancy or immediately following the birth of a baby when attendance may<br />

be impractical. In 2009/10, home tuition was approved for 63 pregnant girls attending post<br />

primary schools.<br />

Funding was been provided by my Department in 2010/11 for the educational element of 8<br />

Teenage Parenting Support projects as a specific gender element of the School Completion<br />

Programme under DEIS in preventing early school leaving among teenage mothers and fathers.<br />

These are as follows:<br />

1. Carlow Teen Parenting Programme<br />

2. Cork Teen Parenting Programme<br />

3. Donegal Teen Parenting Programme<br />

4. Barnardos Teen Parenting Programme<br />

5. Coolock Teen Parenting Programme<br />

6. Galway Teen Parenting Programme<br />

7. Limerick Teen Parenting Programme<br />

8. Louth Teen Parenting Programme<br />

Funding was also provided to Waterford Student Mothers Project in 2010/11.<br />

In 2009, 485 young parents were referred to the Teen Parenting Support Programme (TPSP).<br />

This included 441 young mothers. It also includes 35 young fathers who are supported independently<br />

from the mother of the child.<br />

Each Teenage Parenting Support project has made links with a School Completion Programme<br />

in their area, assisted by the SCP National Coordination Team and the Teenage<br />

Parenting Support Initiative Coordinators. The young parents supported by the Teenage<br />

Parenting Projects are given the opportunity to reach their full potential through continued<br />

participation in education and training. This will improve their life opportunities and reduce<br />

the likelihood of the young family experiencing poverty and social exclusion and being longterm<br />

dependants on state support. Furthermore, my Department is represented on the National<br />

Advisory Committee-Teen Parents Support Initiative which meets twice a year.<br />

An analysis by the Teen Parents Support Programme of 1349 young mothers who engaged<br />

with TPSP between mid 2005 and 2008 shows that, at the time of referral, 46% (623) were in<br />

education/training. Of these, 65% were in second level schools. A further 339 were early school<br />

leavers. Data on the relationship between pregnancy and early school leaving was collected on<br />

217 of the above 339 early school leavers. It showed that 50% of the young women were still<br />

in school at the beginning of their pregnancy. Of these, 98 left during the pregnancy and 10<br />

left after the birth of their children. This demonstrates the importance of supporting pregnant<br />

and/ or parenting teens to remain within the school system.<br />

Between 2005 and 2008, 61% of all mothers who had not completed their Leaving Certificate<br />

received education-related supports from TPSP staff. This refers to mothers both in and out of<br />

education and includes 294 young mothers who received financial support through the School<br />

Completion Programme.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Data collected on 262 of the 339 early school leavers shows that during 30 months of engagement<br />

with TPSP, 21% (56) returned to education or training and 19 of these 56 young mothers<br />

received financial support from the School Completion Programme. Under the Community<br />

Childcare Subvention Scheme administered by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs,<br />

there is a tiered system of payments in place for parents in receipt of Social Welfare. The<br />

scheme allows eligible parents, including teenagers completing their second level education, to<br />

access reduced childcare costs at community childcare services participating in the scheme.<br />

Parents who are secondary school students are granted Band A status which means that the<br />

childcare provider will get a maximum subsidy of €100 per child (€130 for a baby) for a full<br />

time place.<br />

Question No. 46 answered with Question No. 36.<br />

Higher Education Strategy<br />

47. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Education and Skills when he<br />

expects to begin the review of the recommendations in the Hunt report. [9883/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): As I have indicated to the House<br />

previously, the process to develop the proposals for a new higher education strategy under the<br />

chairmanship of Colin Hunt was a lengthy one and provided for a comprehensive examination<br />

of the challenges facing the sector with a wide range of inputs from different stakeholders as<br />

well as national and international expertise. While I would not necessarily be bound by the<br />

specifics of every recommendation in the report, and in particular the specific issue of future<br />

financing will be the subject of further consideration as set out in the Programme for Government,<br />

I believe that, taken in the round, the strategy represents the broad basis on which higher<br />

education policy should be developed over the coming decades. The overall implementation<br />

effort will require strong partnership and involvement across the system in delivering on the<br />

various detailed actions required. Having considered overall implementation priorities, it is my<br />

intention to make a comprehensive statement over the coming weeks in relation to my agenda<br />

for delivery on priority strategy actions and the overall development of our higher education<br />

system.<br />

Educational Disadvantage<br />

48. Deputy Seán Crowe asked the Minister for Education and Skills the date on which he<br />

will publish the Educational Research Centre evaluation and report of the DEIS scheme; the<br />

date on which he will publish the evaluation by his Department’s inspectorate of the implementation<br />

of DEIS; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9831/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): In 2006, my Department commissioned<br />

the Educational Research Centre (ERC) to commence a comprehensive evaluation<br />

of DEIS, the action plan for educational inclusion. The aim of the evaluation is to monitor the<br />

implementation of the programme and assess its impact on students, families, schools, and<br />

communities at primary and post-primary levels. The evaluation has involved the testing of<br />

pupils together with attitudinal studies focusing on pupils, teachers and a wide group of other<br />

stakeholders. An advisory group was established to support the evaluation.<br />

The forthcoming report, which is expected shortly, is the second in a series of reports and<br />

deals with the evaluation of DEIS at primary level with a particular focus on change in English<br />

reading and mathematics between 2007 and 2010. A previous report on DEIS focusing on<br />

rural disadvantage is available for download from the Educational Research Centre website<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

(www.erc.ie). I envisage that the forthcoming report will also be made available following consideration<br />

within my Department and by the Advisory Group.<br />

In parallel with the ERC’s research on pupil attainment in DEIS schools, the Inspectorate<br />

of my Department conducted evaluations of planning in a sample of 36 DEIS schools. Evaluations<br />

were completed in 18 primary schools in spring 2010 and in 18 post-primary schools in<br />

the period September to December 2010. Reports on the effectiveness of planning and target<br />

setting in each of the schools have been provided to the board of management of each school.<br />

A national composite report on the effectiveness of DEIS planning in the primary schools has<br />

been completed and is expected to be published by June 2011. A composite report on the<br />

effectiveness of DEIS planning in the sample of post-primary schools is under preparation and<br />

is expected to be available by August 2011.<br />

Special Educational Needs<br />

49. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Education and Skills in view of the<br />

fact that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was ratified by Ireland in 1992,<br />

clearly states that Ireland’s children are entitled to a minimum standard of education, the<br />

reason there are parents involved in the CITCAAT campaign seeking these same rights.<br />

[9125/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Deputy will be aware of my<br />

Department’s commitment to ensuring that all children, including those with autism, can have<br />

access to an education appropriate to their needs in school settings. This facilitates access to<br />

individualised education programmes, fully qualified professional teachers, special needs assistants<br />

and the appropriate school curriculum with the option, in line with each child’s ability, of<br />

full/partial integration and interaction with other pupils.<br />

My Department’s policy is to provide for children with special educational needs, including<br />

autism, to be included in mainstream schools unless such a placement would not be in their<br />

best interests or the interests of the children with whom they are to be educated. Some children<br />

may be supported in a special class attached to a mainstream school. These students have the<br />

option, where appropriate, of full/partial integration and interaction with other pupils. Other<br />

children may have such complex needs that they are best placed in a special school. Students<br />

with special educational needs have access to a range of support services including additional<br />

teaching and/or care supports. In special schools and special classes, students are supported<br />

through lower pupil teacher ratios. Special needs assistants may also be recruited specifically<br />

where pupils with disabilities and significant care needs are enrolled.<br />

The Deputy will be aware that the establishment of a network of autism-specific special<br />

classes in schools across the country to cater for children with autism has been a key educational<br />

priority in recent years. In excess of 430 classes have now been approved around the country<br />

at primary and post primary level, including many in special schools. My Department has put<br />

in place a training programme for teachers in autism-specific interventions including Treatment<br />

and Education of Autistic Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Picture<br />

Exchange Communications System (PECS) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) through<br />

the Special Education Support Service.<br />

The Deputy will be aware that the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible,<br />

through its network of local Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs), for allocating<br />

special needs resources to schools to support children with special educational needs. The<br />

NCSE operates within my Department’s criteria in allocating such support. The NCSE will<br />

continue to support schools, parents, children and teachers and special needs assistants will<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

continue to be deployed to schools to meet children’s needs in line with my Department’s<br />

policy. SENOs with their local knowledge and expertise are a valuable resource to parents in<br />

sourcing an educational placement. The Deputy will also be aware that my Department provides<br />

grant aid under the Home Tuition Scheme to provide early education intervention for<br />

pre-school children with a confirmed diagnosis of autism or to parents of children with autism<br />

who are awaiting an educational placement.<br />

The Deputy may wish to contact my colleague, the Minister for Health and Children or the<br />

HSE directly in relation to the reference to children awaiting assessments, diagnosis and Early<br />

Intervention services in the details provided with his question. Similarly the Deputy may also<br />

wish to contact the Minister for Social Protection regarding the reference to issues surrounding<br />

the Domiciliary Care Allowance and the Carer’s Allowance.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

50. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Taoiseach the level of State grants and-or other<br />

supports given to the Institute of International and European Affairs during the two decades<br />

up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10222/11]<br />

The Taoiseach: My Department does not provide grants or other such supports to the<br />

Institute of International and European Affairs (known as the Institute of European Affairs<br />

up to July 2008). It has, however, been a corporate member of the Institute since 1993 and<br />

pays an annual membership fee in this regard.<br />

The sums involved are set out in the following tables (in Irish Punts up to 2001, Euros<br />

thereafter).<br />

Year<br />

Amount Paid<br />

IR£<br />

1993 1,000<br />

1994 1,000<br />

1995 1,000<br />

1996 1,000<br />

1997 1,000<br />

1998 1,000<br />

1999 1,000<br />

2000 1,000<br />

2001 1,000<br />

Total 9000<br />

Year<br />

Amount Paid<br />

€<br />

2002 2,000.00<br />

2003 2,000.00<br />

2004 2,000.00<br />

2005 2,000.00<br />

2006 5,000.00<br />

2007 5,000.00<br />

2008 6,000.00<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

[The Taoiseach.]<br />

Year<br />

Amount Paid<br />

€<br />

2009 6,000.00<br />

2010 6,000.00<br />

2011 6,000.00<br />

Total 42,000.00<br />

51. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the<br />

level of State grants and-or other supports given to the Institute of International and European<br />

Affairs during the two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10219/11]<br />

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Deputy Eamon Gilmore): Between 2000 and 27<br />

January 2011, my Department has given €259,048.68 to the Institute of International and European<br />

Affairs and its predecessor, the Institute for European Affairs. This funding included fees<br />

for annual corporate membership for the Department, payments for the production and printing<br />

of publications on European matters, and payments for organising lecture series and participation<br />

in international meetings.<br />

It has not been possible in the time available to determine the exact figures for funding given<br />

in the period 1991 to 1999. However, should the Deputy wish for further information on this<br />

my officials will endeavour to obtain it for him.<br />

Tax Code<br />

52. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Finance if he will review the imposition<br />

of a carbon tax on Dublin Bus which, along with the abolition of the fuel rebate, cost the<br />

company €14.1 million last year, in view of the critical role that Dublin Bus and other public<br />

transport services play in reducing carbon emissions by encouraging the modal switch from<br />

private cars; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9596/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): It must be recognised that emissions from<br />

the transport sector remain significant. The carbon tax is about sending price signals to the<br />

sector as a whole. The carbon tax does not differentiate between private and public transport<br />

per se, however, the impact on public transport will be far less than on private transport by<br />

virtue of the fact that the carbon tax is dispersed amongst more people, for example, using a<br />

bus compared to an individual in a car.<br />

Consequently, the carbon tax will be proportionately less for users of public transport which<br />

should be an incentive for its use. In addition, the carbon tax provides an incentive for both<br />

private motorists and providers of public transport to invest in fuel efficient cars and buses<br />

when they are making future purchasing decisions. In relation to the fuel rebate scheme, a<br />

derogation under EU Directive 2003/96 on Energy Taxation allowed the application of a<br />

reduced rate of Mineral Oil Tax to fuel used for the purposes of certain road passenger services.<br />

Arising from an EU Commission decision, that derogation has expired and the arrangement<br />

was, therefore, terminated by the Finance Act 2008. It would not be possible, having regard to<br />

the relevant provisions of EU law, to re-introduce a scheme of that nature for those services.<br />

Revenue Commissioners Staff<br />

53. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Finance the number of full-time customs<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

and excise officials working in the Border, midlands and west region for the years 2006, 2007,<br />

2008, 2009 and 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9906/11]<br />

54. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Finance the number of part-time customs<br />

officials working in the Border, midlands and west region for the years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009<br />

and 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9907/11]<br />

55. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Finance the number of staff engaged<br />

full-time in the detection of drugs in the Border, midlands and west region of the Revenue<br />

Commissioners; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9908/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 53 to 55,<br />

inclusive, together.<br />

I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that Revenue is an integrated Tax and Customs<br />

administration, and all Revenue staff are available for assignment to any required functions in<br />

accordance with currently identified priorities and risks. Currently (30 April) the Revenue<br />

Commissioners have 881 staff serving in the Border, Midlands, West region. The corresponding<br />

figures for staff employed at the same point in each of the previous years requested are as<br />

follows (all full-time equivalents): 2006, 885; 2007, 945; 2008, 972; 2009, 962; 2010, 888.<br />

These staff play an important part in ensuring compliance with all taxes and duties including<br />

customs obligations and excise duties and are supplemented by staff from other Revenue<br />

Regions and Revenue’s Investigation and Prosecution Division as required for specific planned<br />

operations, particularly in relation to excises and smuggling. Revenue is aware that it plays a<br />

frontline role in protecting society from the importation of illicit drugs. As a stakeholder in the<br />

Government’s National Drugs Strategy, Revenue plays an important role in implementing the<br />

Supply Reduction Pillar.<br />

Strategic and Operation Plans, which are managed on a national basis, have been put in<br />

place to ensure Revenue meets its commitments under the strategy. This ongoing commitment<br />

is bolstered by the deployment of the two Revenue Customs Cutters, the RCC Suirbhéir and<br />

the RCC Faire, two X-Ray scanners and 13 detector dog teams, coupled with the management<br />

of the Customs Drugs Watch programme.<br />

Revenue works proactively with an Garda Síochána and the Naval Service as part of the Joint<br />

Task Force on Drugs Interdiction. Along with effective operational interventions, Revenue has<br />

also used its contacts within international law enforcement agencies to proactively profile drug<br />

trafficking networks.<br />

Customs Searches<br />

56. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Finance the number of private aircraft<br />

searched for drugs at Ireland West Airport Knock in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010; and if he<br />

will make a statement on the matter. [9909/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners<br />

that all private aircraft arrivals at Ireland West Airport Knock are monitored on an ongoing<br />

basis, and based on risk analysis, profiling, review of intelligence etc., a decision is made on<br />

whether or not to search a private aircraft. While private aircraft are boarded from time to<br />

time at Ireland West Airport Knock, to check for drugs and other contraband, it is not the<br />

policy of the Revenue Commissioners to publish precise details of such enforcement activities,<br />

as this could prejudice current or future operations. The Commissioners further advise me that<br />

passengers and crew from private aircraft who enter the State are subject to the same checks<br />


[Deputy Michael Noonan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

as other arrivals, including individual profiling, and are liable to be checked by Revenue staff<br />

and screened by the drug detector dog.<br />

In line with best practice in customs administration worldwide, Revenue regards the development<br />

of information and intelligence as critical to the detection of evasion and smuggling,<br />

including drug smuggling. This is very important in the case of Ireland and other EU Member<br />

States where the operating environment for Customs has been shaped to a significant degree<br />

by the introduction of the Internal Market and the related principles of freedom of movement<br />

within the EU. Of specific relevance are the abolition of routine and systematic Customs checks<br />

on goods and passengers moving within any part of the EU. The approach has of necessity<br />

been to balance the freedom of movement principle in regard to people and goods with the<br />

need to control smuggling.<br />

Motor Vehicle Registration<br />

57. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Finance the reason the cost of registering<br />

a classic or vintage car increased from €50 to €200 last month; and whether there is any<br />

discretion for cars which are used solely for charity fund-raising events. [9916/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The Deputy may be aware that the rate of<br />

€50 for Category C vehicles had not been increased since its introduction in 1993 (when it was<br />

set at £40 and converted to €50 in 2002). Given that the rate hardly covered the administration<br />

costs of registering a vehicle, in particular when the pre-registration examination cost from 1<br />

September 2010 is deducted from the VRT rate, it was decided in the 2011 Budget to increase<br />

the rate to €200. There is no discretion for cars that are used solely for charity fund-raising<br />

events.<br />

Financial Services Regulation<br />

58. Deputy Eric Byrne asked the Minister for Finance in relation to special purposes vehicles<br />

set up to take advantage of the provisions of section 110 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997,<br />

as amended, if he will provide the number of such SPVs known to the Revenue Commissioners;<br />

the number of forms S.110 received by the Revenue Commissioners in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010<br />

and as of 31 March 2011; the numbers of such vehicles audited by Revenue in 2007, 2008, 2009,<br />

2010 and as of 31 March 2011; the estimates of the tax yield arising under each tax head for<br />

2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010; the total value of the underlying assets held in these vehicles which<br />

have been securitised; the total number of Revenue staff engaged in the monitoring of securitisation;<br />

their grades, the proportion of their time allocated to the work; the Revenue divisions<br />

in which they are located and the number of meetings held between Revenue staff and staff in<br />

the Financial Regulator’s office regarding policing compliance levels with Irish law by these<br />

companies. [9954/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners<br />

that the information requested by the Deputy, insofar as it is available, is as follows:<br />

Total No. of SPVs<br />

Section 110 companies have been obliged to submit Form S110 notifications since 6<br />

February 2003. The number of notifications received from that date is 1694. It is likely that<br />

a number of these companies have ceased business in the interim.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

No of Forms S 110 received<br />

Year<br />

Number of Form S110<br />

2007 444<br />

2008 245<br />

2009 144<br />

2010 140<br />

1 Jan-31 Mar 2011 50<br />

No. of audits carried out on section 110 vehicles<br />

It is not possible to provide this information. No specific statistical code exists for companies<br />

that avail of section 110 TCA 1997. Consequently, it is not possible to separate audits of<br />

section 110 companies from other audits carried out by Revenue auditors.<br />

Tax yield from section 110 companies<br />

It is not possible to provide this information. No specific statistical code exists for companies<br />

that avail of section 110 TCA 1997.<br />

Value of underlying assets held by qualifying companies<br />

This information is not available.<br />

No. of Revenue Staff engaged in monitoring securitisation companies<br />

A Financial Services Unit in Revenue’s Large Cases Division is responsible for<br />

monitoring/auditing section 110 companies. While it is not possible to identify a specific<br />

resource or time allocation, section 110 companies are overseen by an Assistant Principal<br />

and a Higher Executive Officer in that Unit.<br />

Meetings held between Revenue and the Financial Regulator<br />

There have been no meetings between the Revenue Commissioners and the Financial<br />

Regulator specifically on the issue of policing compliance levels with Irish law by section 110<br />

companies. The Revenue Commissioners and the Financial Regulator police compliance levels<br />

with separate facets of Irish law but there is provision for exchange of information in<br />

certain defined circumstances under the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of<br />

Ireland Act 2003. Compliance with tax law is a matter for the Revenue Commissioners only.<br />

Insurance Industry<br />

59. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Finance if he will report on the<br />

proposed introduction of a new industry-wide levy on all non-life insurance policy holders of<br />

between 1% and 2%; his views on this proposed new levy in view of the severe financial<br />

pressure that many households already are under and the high insurance costs; if he also will<br />

indicate if the old ICI levy is still being charged on insurance; and if he will make a statement<br />

on the matter. [9968/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The purpose of the Insurance Compensation<br />

Fund (ICF) is to protect policy holders in the event of their insurer becoming insolvent. As the<br />

Deputy is aware, the Joint Administrators of QIL (in administration) last week announced the<br />

sale of certain QIL assets and liabilities to Liberty Mutual Direct Insurance Company Ltd,<br />

representing the best option for policy holders of QIL. The Joint Administrators also identified<br />

solvency breaches in QIL for which they have to seek assistance from the ICF. They indicated<br />


[Deputy Michael Noonan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

that the reason for this is the fact that QIL recorded a total loss of €706 million for the year<br />

ending December 2009, due mainly to operating losses in the UK market and a write-down in<br />

the value of assets, particularly in relation to the company’s investment in Quinn Property<br />

Holdings.<br />

In addition, they estimate that losses in 2010 will amount to €160 million, mainly reflecting<br />

UK business written immediately prior to their appointment. These losses have been incurred<br />

due to the policies and strategies pursued by the previous management. These losses are<br />

expected to lead to a call on the Insurance Compensation Fund (ICF) in the region of approximately<br />

€600m, however the approval of the High Court will first have to be obtained.<br />

At present the ICF has reserves of €30m. Additional money can be raised by the Central<br />

Bank through the placing of a levy of up to 2% of an insurance company’s aggregate income<br />

under Section 6 of the 1964 Insurance Act. In addition, under Section 5 of the same Act, I, as<br />

Minister for Finance, can if recommended by the Central Bank, advance moneys to the Fund<br />

to enable payments to be made expeditiously. These advances must be repaid to the Exchequer<br />

by the ICF. To date no request for funding has been made to me.<br />

The Insurance Corporation of Ireland, a subsidiary of Allied Irish Bank, collapsed in 1985.<br />

It should be noted that no levy was placed on the industry after the ICI collapse as compensation<br />

to meet the company’s liabilities was provided by a combination of AIB funding, commercial<br />

loans and State loans which have since been repaid.<br />

However, a levy of 2% of gross premium income was introduced on 1 January 1984 following<br />

the collapse of PMPA in October of the preceding year. The levy was paid by all non-life<br />

insurers at this rate until 31 December 1991 and a reduced levy of 1% applied for the period<br />

1 January 1992 to 31 December 1992, when it was discontinued as sufficient moneys had been<br />

collected to successfully complete the administration of the former PMPA.<br />

Banking Sector Regulation<br />

60. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Finance if he will confirm that the<br />

Irish bank stress tests carried out by BlackRock Inc., Boston Consulting Group and Barclays<br />

plc cost up to €30 million; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9969/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The Central Bank of Ireland is not<br />

Exchequer funded. This matter is the responsibility of the Central Bank Commission and the<br />

Minister for Finance had no role in the matter. However, the Central Bank has informed me<br />

that the final consultancy cost is expected to be in the region of €30m, including VAT.<br />

It is important to note that the costs relate to the three firms and third party sub-contractors.<br />

These costs also cover additional work that is being carried out during the second quarter of<br />

2011 in relation to the assessment of INBS loan losses and review of Anglo loan loss methodologies.<br />

Details of all firms, including third party sub-contractors are available in the Central Bank’s<br />

Financial Measures Programme Report, which is available at: http://www.financialregulator.ie/<br />

industry-sectors/credit-institutions/Documents/The%20Financial%20Measures%<br />

20Programme%20Report.pdf<br />

The Central Bank has also informed me that in light of the requirement under the EU-IMF<br />

programme to use consultants under a very tight deadline for urgent financial stability purposes,<br />

it was not possible to apply normal tender processes. However expert firms were selected from<br />

a larger list. The Central Bank invited those firms to tender and those able to provide submissions<br />

at short notice were reviewed. A selection panel (including a Central Bank appointed<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

risk adviser) was used to assess presentations from firms. Firms were also asked to provide fee<br />

estimation and were then selected.<br />

Firms were chosen on the basis of their expertise and knowledge, with each having a specific<br />

role in specified areas. BlackRock is a leading global provider of investment and risk advisory<br />

services to public and private clients and was commissioned to leverage their extensive expertise<br />

to provide a bottom-up loan loss forecast for the Irish banks in both a base case and a stress<br />

scenario over the next three years and lifetime. Barclays Capital provided expert advice on<br />

banking sector reorganisation and deleveraging issues. The Boston Consulting Group provided<br />

project management resources across the Financial Measures Programme, an assessment of the<br />

loan loss forecasting exercise and it also contributed to expert advice for the PCAR and PLAR.<br />

Proposed Legislation<br />

61. Deputy Peter Mathews asked the Minister for Finance the protection in place for whistleblowers<br />

who expose wrongdoing in financial institutions; his plans to introduce legislation to<br />

further protect them; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9975/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): Legislative provision for the protection of<br />

whistleblowers in the financial services sector will be considered in the context of the commitment<br />

in the Programme for Government for the introduction of whistleblowers’ legislation.<br />

Local Authority Funding<br />

62. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Finance his views of rateable valuations;<br />

if he will reform the system and update the legislation to ease the cost burden of local authority<br />

rates on the small and medium enterprise sector; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9995/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The Valuation Act 2001 which came into<br />

effect on 2 May, 2002, provides that all buildings used or developed for any purpose including<br />

constructions affixed thereto are rateable unless expressly exempted under Schedule 4 of the<br />

Act. Such exempt buildings would principally include those used for public worship, education<br />

and health care provided on a not-for-profit basis, and charitable purposes. The basis of valuation<br />

for all commercial property, inclusive of premises occupied by small and medium size<br />

enterprises, is net annual value, i.e. the rental value of the property and, in the interests of<br />

equity, all such valuation revisions are determined by reference to the values of comparable<br />

properties on the same valuation list.<br />

The legislation also provides for the revaluation of all commercial and industrial property in<br />

the State and the Commissioner of Valuation who has sole responsibility for all valuation<br />

matters under the Act is implementing the revaluation programme on a nationwide basis. The<br />

purpose of revaluation is to bring more equity, fairness and transparency into the local authority<br />

rating system and following completion of the initial revaluation programme, I am satisfied<br />

that there will be a much closer and uniform relationship between rental values of property<br />

and their commercial rates liability and that this relationship will thereafter be maintained by<br />

means of recurring revaluations provided for in the Act.<br />

Under the Valuation Act 2001 the commercial rates income of the local authority will be<br />

capped in the year following a revaluation. Any increase will be limited to the rate of inflation.<br />

The purpose of revaluation is to redistribute the commercial rates liability more equitably<br />

between ratepayers rather than to increase the total amount of commercial rates collected by<br />

a local authority.<br />


[Deputy Michael Noonan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

The revaluation programme began in November 2005 in the South Dublin County Council<br />

area and has since been rolled out to the areas covered by Fingal and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown<br />

County Councils. The revaluation of South Dublin was completed in December 2007, Fingal<br />

was completed in 2009 and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown was completed in 2010. In the next<br />

phase, the revaluation of the Dublin City Council area will commence with the signing of the<br />

valuation order on 5th May, 2011. This will entail the valuation of circa 25,000 properties and<br />

the new list will be published in December 2013. It is intended to roll out the programme to<br />

further local authority areas later in 2011 and the necessary process of consultation, as provided<br />

for under the Act, is underway with the local authorities of Waterford, i.e. Waterford City and<br />

County Council and Dungarvan Town Council. Preliminary work is also underway on the<br />

revaluation of Limerick City.<br />

The Commissioner is actively reviewing options which might hold potential for accelerating<br />

the delivery of the revaluation programme within a shorter timeframe. While I have no immediate<br />

plans to amend the Valuation Act 2001, my officials are reviewing various provisions of the<br />

Act to achieve greater efficiencies, including streamlining the appeals process. I should point<br />

out that while the lists of rateable valuations produced and maintained by the Valuation Office<br />

are the basis on which rates are levied, the amount of rates to be collected is a matter for each<br />

local authority to decide.<br />

State Property<br />

63. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Finance if he will confirm the area<br />

known as the Moat, Fiddown, County Kilkenny is owned by the State; his plans to develop the<br />

area as a local amenity; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9999/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of Finance (Deputy Brian Hayes): The property in<br />

question is neither owned by nor in the care of the Commissioners of Public Works.<br />

Tax Code<br />

64. Deputy Seán Kenny asked the Minister for Finance when the 2011 budget changes for<br />

deducting the universal social charge from medical cardholders will be implemented and when<br />

refunds due will issue. [10028/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The universal social charge (USC) was introduced<br />

with effect from 1 January 2011. There is an exempt annual threshold of €4,004 (€77 per<br />

week). However, where this threshold is exceeded, the entire amount is chargeable. The standard<br />

rates of charge are:<br />

— 2% on the first €10,036,<br />

— 4% on the next €5,980, and<br />

— 7% on the balance.<br />

As the Deputy is aware, the Finance Act 2011 introduced a concession which applies from 1<br />

January 2011 for individuals in possession of a medical card or a Health Amendment Act card.<br />

Accordingly, the maximum rate of charge of USC for individuals in receipt of<br />

employment/pension income and in possession of a full medical card or a Health Amendment<br />

Act card is 4% irrespective of the level of their income.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Employers and payroll operators have been advised by Revenue that where an employee or<br />

pensioner makes them aware that he or she is the holder of a full medical card or a Health<br />

Amendment Act card the employer should immediately apply the lower rate of USC to salary<br />

or pension payments already made in respect of the period since 1 January and to make a<br />

repayment of any overpayment of USC at the earliest possible date.<br />

Where an employee does not make the employer or payroll operator aware of the fact that<br />

he or she has a medical or Health Amendment Act card during the year, Revenue will, on<br />

receipt of an appropriate claim after the end of the tax year, process the repayment arising in<br />

a timely manner.<br />

A comprehensive publication of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) in relation to the<br />

USC has been posted on the Revenue website and is updated at regular intervals. These FAQs<br />

are intended to guide employers and payroll operators in addressing all issues related to the<br />

operation of USC.<br />

Tax Collection<br />

65. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Finance the number of instances in<br />

which the Revenue Commissioners have taken legal action against taxpayers in each of the<br />

past five years to date in 2011, whether against individuals or small medium enterprises; and if<br />

he will make a statement on the matter. [10045/11]<br />

66. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Finance the number of court cases<br />

taken by the Revenue Commissioners against persons deemed to have a liability in each of the<br />

past five years to date in 2011; the amounts recovered outstanding or otherwise; the number<br />

of prison sentences served arising therefrom; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10046/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 65 and<br />

66 together.<br />

I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that they initiate legal action in a broad range<br />

of circumstances as part of their debt management, compliance, investigations and prosecution<br />

programmes, and the results since 2006 are set out in the following tables. The numbers are<br />

small, having regard to the size of the taxpayer base, but these programmes are an important<br />

part of Revenue’s compliance strategy, and are essential in maintaining public confidence in<br />

the tax system.<br />

Revenue does not maintain records that would allow for compilation of data by reference to<br />

actions taken against individuals or small and medium enterprises. However data is available<br />

on the number of judgements and their value, obtained for each of the years requested, broken<br />

down between individuals and companies and, by definition, all liquidation cases are companies.<br />

It is understood that the Deputy is not seeking data in relation to legal proceedings for<br />

excise offences or customs criminal investigations.<br />

Revenue employs the services of six firms of external solicitors to effect recovery proceedings<br />

on its behalf. The following table summarises the number of cases referred by Revenue to its<br />

solicitors, the value of debt in those cases and the debt recovered for each of the years<br />

requested. It should be noted that recovery may be effected by the firms concerned without<br />

the need to initiate formal legal proceedings before the courts.<br />


[Deputy Michael Noonan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Year No. of Cases Subject of Value of Debt Referred Debt Recovered<br />

referral to External<br />

Solicitors<br />

€m €m<br />

2006 7,018 205.2 70.9<br />

2007 6,143 165.1 75.2<br />

2008 6,578 237.2 65.1<br />

2009 6,832 297.5 46.2<br />

2010 6,668 261.1 43<br />

2011 (Q1) 1,690 62.4 8.2<br />

Judgments obtained by Revenue 2006-2011<br />

Individuals<br />

Companies<br />

Year Number Total amount inc. Number Total amount inc.<br />

costs:<br />

costs:<br />

€m €m<br />

2006 580 18.9 171 10.1<br />

2007 708 30 164 7.4<br />

2008 791 25 221 6.9<br />

2009 1,089 43 330 13.4<br />

2010 1,507 64.2 489 20.8<br />

(Q1) 2011 103 4.1 339 17<br />

As part of the process of enforcing judgements obtained by Revenue, further legal action may<br />

be taken through the courts where the debt remains unpaid. A summary of such measures is<br />

set out in the table below.<br />

Pursuit of debt by Revenue 2006-2011<br />

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011(Q1)<br />

Forced Sale Completed 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Adjudicated Bankrupt 2 1 3 4 6 0<br />

Committal Order 2 4 4 2 0 0<br />

Committal Order<br />

Executed 0 0 1 1 0 0<br />

Mareva Injunction 0 1 0 1 0 0<br />

Garnishee Orders 0 0 0 3 0 0<br />

Receiver by Way of<br />

Equitable Execution 0 0 0 1 1 0<br />

As part of its collection recovery procedures, Revenue also petitions the courts in appropriate<br />

cases for the appointment of a liquidator in accordance with Section 214 of the Companies<br />

Acts. The number of such orders secured for each of the years requested is set out in the<br />

table below.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Petition for the appointment of a liquidator 2006-2011<br />

Type of prosecution 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total<br />

Prosecutions on 3 10 15 6 7 41<br />

indictment for serious<br />

tax evasion<br />

Prosecutions for the non- 1,295 1,263 1,181 1,164 1,320 6,223<br />

filing of tax returns<br />

Summary prosecutions n/a n/a 2 13 10 25<br />

for single-issue tax<br />

cases<br />

Tax Prosecutions 2006-2010<br />

The following table outlines convictions obtained in the past five years. The single-issue tax<br />

initiative, which includes for example failure to furnish books and records, began in 2007 and<br />

consequently there were no convictions under this programme prior to 2008.<br />

Year<br />

Number of Companies<br />

2006 27<br />

2007 19<br />

2008 28<br />

2009 39<br />

2010 63<br />

2011 (to 29/04/2011) 19<br />

In the majority of successful prosecutions, the Courts impose fines. However, since 2006 16<br />

terms of imprisonment have been imposed by the courts, 13 of which were suspended. In 5<br />

cases, periods of imprisonment have been served, including one in default of fines and one who<br />

went to prison on remand.<br />

Banking Sector Regulation<br />

67. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Finance the position regarding action<br />

taken or proposed by the relevant authorities against banks or others deemed to have failed<br />

to take action to protect the national interest; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10047/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): The Deputy will appreciate that the concerns<br />

raised by him — which are indeed shared by this Government and the citizens of the<br />

country — are subject to various on-going investigations. Bodies such as the Director of Public<br />

Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement, Central Bank and Garda<br />

Síochána are statutorily independent in the exercise of their executive functions. Consequently,<br />

I feel it would be inappropriate of me to make further comment, at this stage, which might<br />

prejudice the outcome of any such investigations.<br />

State Banking Sector<br />

68. Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Finance the role and salary grades of<br />

the 200 additional staff taken on recently by Anglo Irish Bank. [10062/11]<br />

Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): As the Deputy may be aware, responsibility<br />

for the normal ongoing business of the bank, which includes staffing levels and the pay and<br />


[Deputy Michael Noonan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

conditions of the bank’s staff, is a matter for the Board of Anglo. Significant progress has been<br />

made by the Board in reducing staffing levels in the bank. Anglo Irish Bank publishes information<br />

on its staffing levels and costs in its annual report and accounts. The accounts for the<br />

financial year ended 31 December 2010 indicated that average staff levels in that year were<br />

1,332 compared to 1,681 for the fifteen month period to end 2009, a reduction of 349. Note 9<br />

to those accounts also sets out the costs associate with these staff as well as other administrative<br />

expenses of the bank over these periods.<br />

The bank has also further informed my Department that the total headcount as at end<br />

December 2010 was 1,296 and that this has been further reduced in 2011 due to the fact that<br />

in February 2011, 210 staff transferred to AIB when the deposit books of the bank transferred<br />

to AIB.<br />

These are aggregate staffing levels in the bank and the turnover of staff has been even<br />

greater. The bank has informed me that, since 2009, around 410 employees have joined the<br />

bank but that the number leaving over the same period has been even greater, at in excess of<br />

1,000. The bank also stated that where staff have been added, these were primarily to address<br />

turnover and resource requirements in the areas of asset recovery, risk management and control<br />

functions which are critical to the efficient work out of the bank’s assets and the achievement<br />

of the maximum return for the shareholder.<br />

As regards future staffing requirements, a joint restructuring and work out plan for both<br />

Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide Building Society was submitted to the European Commission<br />

on 31 January. Once a final decision is reached on this plan the number of staff and<br />

the required skill sets for the merged entity, will have to be considered by the Board of the<br />

new merged entity in conjunction with the NTMA.<br />

FÁS Training Programmes<br />

69. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the numbers<br />

of FÁS training places lost in the cuts of budget 2011; the actions he may now be considering<br />

to remedy this deficiency in coming weeks; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[9948/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): FÁS will deliver at least 90,000<br />

training places for the unemployed in 2011. When compared to the number of FÁS training<br />

places delivered in 2010 this is a reduction of 24,000 places. This reduction occurred because<br />

of the following reasons:<br />

— FÁS budget for training the unemployed was reduced by €37 million in Budget 2011,<br />

— FÁS will be providing more courses of longer duration in 2011 thereby reducing capacity,<br />

— FÁS must invest more resources into ensuring the quality of its courses and,<br />

— There have been significant reductions in FÁS staff due to the Employment Control<br />

Framework.<br />

The Programme for Government contains a commitment that the Government within the first<br />

100 days of taking office will provide a Jobs Initiative. The Jobs Initiative will deliver a minimum<br />

of an additional 15,000 places in training, work experience and educational opportunities<br />

for those who are out of work as committed to in the Programme for Government. Details of<br />

these additional activation places will be contained in the forthcoming Jobs Initiative, which is<br />

due to be announced later this month.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Redundancy Payments<br />

70. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding<br />

entitlement to redundancy by special needs assistants who were employed by his Department<br />

and have recently been made redundant; the position regarding a person (details supplied) in<br />

County Cork who was made redundant in August 2010 and who has not yet received a redundancy<br />

payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10063/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Redundancy arrangements for<br />

Special Needs Assistants and the selection criteria for redundancy are set out in circular<br />

58/2006. A redundancy situation may arise in a school when the special needs allocation is<br />

reduced by the NCSE. It is then the responsibility of the Management Authority of the school,<br />

who is the employer of Special Needs Assistants in the school, to ensure that the special needs<br />

allocation in the school is adjusted in line with the NCSE allocation.<br />

I can confirm that an application for redundancy has been received by my Department from<br />

the person referred to by the Deputy.<br />

Applications for redundancy are being received on an ongoing basis and are processed in<br />

date order of receipt. The application in question will be dealt with as soon as possible.<br />

FÁS Training Programmes<br />

71. Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Education and Skills the reason the cost of<br />

the safe pass refresher day course is more than €1,700; his views on this fee for one day; if he<br />

will reduce same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10074/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): This is an operational matter for<br />

FÁS and as such, I have no function in this matter.<br />

School Staffing<br />

72. Deputy Seán Crowe asked the Minister for Education and Skills the alleviation measures<br />

being provided to assist schools who have had their resource teachers for Travellers withdrawn<br />

under circular 0017/2011. [9930/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): In recognition that the withdrawal<br />

of Resource Teacher for Traveller posts/teaching hours may have an initial impact on schools,<br />

limited adjustment or alleviation measures are being provided to assist schools that have high<br />

concentrations of Traveller pupils who were previously supported by Resource Teachers for<br />

Travellers.<br />

In respect of DEIS, (Developing Equality of Opportunity in Schools), Traveller enrolments<br />

have been included in the valid enrolment for the purpose of allocating additional staffing<br />

under DEIS from the 2011/12 school year. The schools involved have already received their<br />

staffing allocations for next year.<br />

For schools other than DEIS schools in receipt of enhanced pupil teacher ratios, alleviation<br />

measures are being provided to assist schools with high concentrations of Traveller pupils who<br />

were previously supported by RTT posts. Any proposed alleviation measures must be considered<br />

in the context of the limited resources which are available to my Department. As such,<br />

alleviation measures are being concentrated on schools which have 33 or more pupils supported<br />

by RTT posts.<br />

The decision to withdraw Resource Teacher for Travellers was taken by the previous<br />

Government in the last Budget. The Deputy will understand that the economic situation means<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

very difficult decisions have had to be taken. The requirement to make expenditure savings<br />

and to ensure that staffing numbers remain within the Public Service Employment Control<br />

Framework prevent me from re-visiting this decision.<br />

Departmental Bodies<br />

73. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Education and Skills in view of commitments<br />

in the programme for Government to cut the number of State bodies substantially, the<br />

State bodies or agencies in the education sector he believes could be abolished and the timeframe<br />

envisaged for same. [9933/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): My Department is currently working<br />

with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel to prepare legislation which will give effect<br />

to the previous Government’s decision to amalgamate the National Qualifications Authority<br />

of Ireland (NQAI), the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) and the<br />

Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC). Drafting of the legislation is at an<br />

advanced stage and it is hoped to publish the Bill in the near future, with the new amalgamated<br />

body to be established before the end of the year.<br />

The previous Government decided to reduce the number of VECs from 33 to 16, and on the<br />

merger of particular VECs. I am anxious to ensure that progress continues to be made in the<br />

work on bringing about a reduction in the number of VECs. I extended an invitation to the<br />

Irish Vocational Education Association (IVEA) to submit alternative rationalisation proposals,<br />

as they had expressed concerns regarding the configuration of the proposed new entities. The<br />

IVEA has indicated to me that it will be responding shortly. I have made clear to the IVEA<br />

that while I am open to considering proposals on alternative configurations, the invitation does<br />

not mean that the process of rationalisation will be slowed or diminished in any way. In considering<br />

the submission from IVEA regarding particular mergers, I will be seeking savings and<br />

ensuring that the new structure will involve a substantial reduction in the number of individual<br />

bodies but with each one of greater scale than is the case at present. I am confident that this<br />

merger will ensure an even higher quality educational service for students and the public alike.<br />

Regardless of the final shape of the re-configuration, there will still be a requirement for cooperation<br />

and joint endeavour between all of the new local bodies. The current work on arriving<br />

at a single grant awarding body for the student support schemes is a good example of<br />

avoiding duplication and achieving improved public service delivery. The rationalised new<br />

bodies will position the VEC sector to turn these challenges into opportunities.<br />

The new National Strategy for Higher Education provides a clear policy direction for the<br />

future development of roles and relationships between higher education institutions. It<br />

reaffirms the importance of having a coherent network of institutions with a diversity of missions<br />

and a strong emphasis on consolidation and collaboration on a regional basis within both<br />

the university and Institutes of Technology sectors, to underpin quality, offer wider choice,<br />

more flexible learning opportunities and a high quality research system. A clear development<br />

pathway has also been laid out in the Strategy for amalgamated Institutes of Technology which<br />

meet specified performance criteria to seek re-designation as technological universities. A small<br />

number of new technological universities, with their own legislative framework and a distinct<br />

mission that is faithful to the ethos of the technological sector, working with existing universities,<br />

institutes of technology and other education providers, can enrich the diversity and quality<br />

of the Irish higher education landscape. It is my intention to publish the detailed performance<br />

criteria for a re-designation process at an early stage.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

The scope for further rationalisation of State bodies or agencies in the education sector will<br />

be examined in the context of the Comprehensive Spending Review announced recently by<br />

Government. The Review is scheduled to be concluded by end September 2011 and the results<br />

will be brought before Government for consideration and decision in the annual Budget and<br />

Estimates process.<br />

School Staffing<br />

74. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to<br />

Parliamentary Question 108 of 29 March 2011, the reason he has not contacted the person or<br />

the school as outlined in his reply; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9904/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Officials from my Department<br />

wrote directly to the principal of the school on 19th April 2011 in order to address the issues<br />

raised in parliamentary question 108 of 29 March 2011.<br />

A copy of the correspondence will be sent to the Deputy for information.<br />

Schools Building Projects<br />

75. Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Education and Skills when a decision will<br />

issue in respect of an appeal for a school (details supplied) in County Mayo; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [9917/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I wish to advise the Deputy that<br />

in light of the current competing demands on the capital budget and due to the scale of demand<br />

for funding under the 2011 Summer Works scheme, unfortunately it was not possible to grant<br />

aid all applications. Applications for works in the higher categories of eligible works were<br />

prioritised and on this occasion, only applications for works in Categories, 1, 2 and 3 have been<br />

approved i.e. Gas, Electrical and Mechanical works.<br />

A letter of appeal has been received in the School Capital Appraisal section of my Department<br />

on the 20th April, 2011. A full examination of the appeal will be carried out and the Board<br />

of Management of the school will be notified of the outcome once a decision has been reached.<br />

Teaching Qualifications<br />

76. Deputy Shane Ross asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding the<br />

status of a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9957/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): As the Deputy may be aware, the<br />

recognition of qualifications for teacher registration is now a matter for the Teaching Council,<br />

the body with statutory responsibility for establishing and maintaining standards in the teaching<br />

profession in the State.<br />

Accordingly, I am sure you will appreciate that it would not be appropriate for me to intervene<br />

in individual cases.<br />

Departmental Circular CL 0040/2010 states “In the case of an appointee who has applied to<br />

the Teaching Council, remuneration will be at the rate for unqualified persons pending the<br />

decision of the Council.” It further states “When registration for the sector and recognition of<br />

qualifications for the purpose of the post is achieved then incremental salary will be allowed<br />

from the date of registration.”<br />

It is my understanding that the person referred to by the Deputy is in dispute with the<br />

Teaching Council regarding the receipt of her application for registration and has requested<br />


[Deputy Ruairí Quinn.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

that her registration be backdated. The Teaching Council have investigated the matter and<br />

decided that backdating her registration is not appropriate in this instance.<br />

Special Educational Needs<br />

77. Deputy Tom Hayes asked the Minister for Education and Skills when a person (details<br />

supplied) in County Tipperary will be assessed for eligibility for a special needs assistant.<br />

[9958/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I wish to advise the Deputy that<br />

the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible, through its network of local<br />

Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) for allocating resource teachers and SNAs to<br />

schools to support children with special educational needs. The NCSE operates within my<br />

Department’s criteria in allocating such support. This now includes a requirement for the NCSE<br />

to have regard to an overall cap on the number of SNA posts.<br />

This number is 10,575 whole time equivalent (WTE) posts. This is a significant number of<br />

posts and unlike other areas of the public sector vacancies are being filled up to this number.<br />

It also represents continual increases in the number of SNAs over recent years. For example,<br />

there were 10,543 WTE SNA posts in place at the end of 2010 and 10,342 at end 2009.<br />

It is considered that with equitable and careful management and distribution of these<br />

resources that there should be sufficient posts to provide access to SNA support for all children<br />

who require such care support to attend school, in accordance with Departmental criteria.<br />

The NCSE has issued a circular to all schools advising of the allocation process for the<br />

2011/2012 school year. A key feature of the amended scheme will be to provide for an annual<br />

allocation of Special Needs Assistant support to eligible schools.<br />

The NCSE asked schools to submit all applications for SNA support to them by 18th March,<br />

2011 and intend to inform schools of their annual SNA allocation as soon as possible, in<br />

advance of the coming school year.<br />

My Department and I will be glad to consider any suggestions from school management or<br />

parent representative organisations as to how the allocation of SNA resources can best be<br />

managed within the context of the overall limit on SNA numbers established. In this regard I<br />

am committed to making whatever improvements are possible to the resource allocation<br />

system.<br />

78. Deputy Áine Collins asked the Minister for Education and Skills when and if a special<br />

needs assistant will be appointed to a school (details supplied) [9966/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I wish to advise the Deputy that<br />

the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible, through its network of local<br />

Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) for allocating resource teachers and SNAs to<br />

schools to support children with special educational needs. The NCSE operates within my<br />

Department’s criteria in allocating such support. This now includes a requirement for the NCSE<br />

to have regard to an overall cap on the number of SNA posts.<br />

This number is 10,575 whole time equivalent (WTE) posts. This is a significant number of<br />

posts and unlike other areas of the public sector vacancies are being filled up to this number.<br />

It also represents continual increases in the number of SNAs over recent years. For example,<br />

there were 10,543 WTE SNA posts in place at the end of 2010 and 10,342 at end 2009.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

It is considered that with equitable and careful management and distribution of these<br />

resources that there should be sufficient posts to provide access to SNA support for all children<br />

who require such care support to attend school, in accordance with Departmental criteria.<br />

The NCSE has issued a circular to all schools advising of the allocation process for the<br />

2011/2012 school year. A key feature of the amended scheme will be to provide for an annual<br />

allocation of Special Needs Assistant support to eligible schools.<br />

The NCSE asked schools to submit all applications for SNA support to them by 18th March,<br />

2011 and intend to inform schools of their annual SNA allocation as soon as possible, in<br />

advance of the coming school year.<br />

My Department and I will be glad to consider any suggestions from school management or<br />

parent representative organisations as to how the allocation of SNA resources can best be<br />

managed within the context of the overall limit on SNA numbers established. In this regard I<br />

am committed to making whatever improvements are possible to the resource allocation<br />

system.<br />

Schools Recognition<br />

79. Deputy Dara Murphy asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will issue a<br />

response on a matter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[9972/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): It is open to the patron of the<br />

centre referred to by the Deputy to make application under Section 10 of the Education Act<br />

1998 seeking formal recognition as a school. Such an application would have to be considered<br />

under the terms of the provisions of Section 10 of the Act.<br />

Schools Amalgamation<br />

80. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Education and Skills the progress made<br />

in respect of a school amalgamation (details supplied); if the design team is advanced in its<br />

work; when the final plan is likely to emerge; the timeframe to construction phase; and if he<br />

will make a statement on the matter. [9984/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The building project for the school<br />

referred to by the Deputy is currently at an early stage of architectural planning.<br />

Officials from the Planning Building Unit of my Department met with the school and it’s<br />

Design Team in March, following which, the Stage 1 submission which incorporates Preliminary<br />

Design is now awaited.<br />

The next stages for the project will be the completion of stage 2(a) — Developed Sketch<br />

Design and stage 2(b) which will include applications for planning permission and other statutory<br />

approvals.<br />

Until planning permission has been secured and stage 2(b) of architectural planning has been<br />

completed, it will not be possible to give an indication of the timeframe for completion of the<br />

subsequent tender and construction stages.<br />

Skills Development<br />

81. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills his proposals to<br />

facilitate an upgrade of skills to meet the needs of the public and private sectors in the future;<br />

the degree to which he expects to meet the needs of the higher skill educational needs of major<br />

international corporations here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10027/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The main policy framework within<br />

which the upskilling agenda takes place is the National Skills Strategy published by the Expert<br />

Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) in 2007. The National Skills Strategy proposes a vision<br />

of Ireland in 2020 in which a well-educated and highly skilled population contributes optimally<br />

to a competitive, innovation-driven, knowledge-based, participative and inclusive economy.<br />

The drivers of change that result in higher levels of skill requirements for enterprise identified<br />

in the National Skills Strategy remain valid today as increasing globalisation and the<br />

proliferation of new and emerging technologies require continued responsiveness to capitalise<br />

on our human capital resources. Under the strategy, by 2020 an additional 70,000 persons<br />

within the workforce require to upskill from levels 1 and 2 on the National Framework of<br />

Qualifications (NFQ) to level 3, 260,000 persons to progress to levels 4 and 5 and 170,000<br />

persons to progress to levels 6-10.<br />

Significant progress has been made to date towards under the strategy despite the need to<br />

refocus significantly on the unemployment activation agenda. For example, the percentage of<br />

the labour force with higher education qualifications at NFQ levels 6-10 rose from 33% in 2005<br />

to 41% by the end of 2010 while the percentage at NFQ Levels 1-3 fell from 27% to 20% and<br />

the percentage at NFQ Levels 4 and 5 remained at 40%. However, significant challenges remain<br />

in attaining the 2020 strategy targets in full.<br />

The EGFSN advises the Government on current and future skills needs of the economy and<br />

on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth. The<br />

EGFSN works directly in consultation with enterprises to identify specific current and future<br />

skills needs. Higher education institutions are represented on the EGFSN and as a standard<br />

practice, engage with employers in the review and development of higher education programmes.<br />

This analytical approach enables education and training providers to adapt their provision<br />

to address skills needs. It is also used to underpin labour market activation programmes<br />

such as the recent Higher Education Authority’s “Springboard” initiative which is a competitive<br />

call for proposals for the provision of part-time higher education places for unemployed<br />

persons.<br />

The EGFSN produces sectoral reports with the objective of quantifying skills and labour<br />

requirements in sectors in the medium term as well as making recommendations to Government<br />

and education and training providers as to how skills needs can be met. This can entail,<br />

for example, developing new modules that build on existing qualifications of graduates; introducing<br />

work placement programmes to enhance graduate employability; conversion courses; or<br />

new programmes to upskill existing employees where new technologies, higher productivity<br />

requirements, new work practices or regulations are impacting significantly on skills and qualifications<br />

requirements.<br />

Special Educational Needs<br />

82. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Education and Skills the role of the special<br />

needs assistant within the education system; the criteria on which special needs assistants are<br />

appointed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10041/11]<br />

83. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of special<br />

needs assistants currently employed; when the pause in recruitment will be removed; and if he<br />

will make a statement on the matter. [10042/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I propose to take Questions Nos.<br />

82 and 83 together.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

I wish to advise the Deputy that Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) are allocated to schools<br />

to enable them support pupils with an assessed special educational need who also have a<br />

significant medical need or a significant impairment of physical or sensory impairment. Students<br />

with an assessed special educational need who present with significantly challenging behaviour<br />

may also qualify for some SNA support. The qualifying criteria for the allocation of SNA<br />

support is outlined in my Department’s Circular 07/02.<br />

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible, through its network of<br />

local Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) for allocating resource teachers and<br />

SNAs to schools to support children with special educational needs. The NCSE operates within<br />

my Department’s criteria in allocating such support, which now includes a requirement for the<br />

NCSE to have regard to an overall cap on the number of SNA posts. This number is 10,575<br />

whole time equivalent (WTE) posts. This is a significant number of posts and unlike other<br />

areas of the public sector vacancies are being filled up to this number. It also represents continual<br />

increases in the number of SNAs over recent years. For example, there were 10,543 WTE<br />

SNA posts in place at the end of 2010 and 10,342 at end 2009.<br />

It is considered that with equitable and careful management and distribution of these<br />

resources that there should be sufficient posts to provide access to SNA support for all children<br />

who require such care support to attend school, in accordance with Departmental criteria. The<br />

NCSE has issued a circular to all schools advising of the allocation process for the 2011/2012<br />

school year. A key feature of the amended scheme will be to provide for an annual allocation<br />

of Special Needs Assistant support to eligible schools. The NCSE asked schools to submit all<br />

applications for SNA support to them by 18th March, 2011 and intend to inform schools of<br />

their annual SNA allocation as soon as possible, in advance of the coming school year.<br />

My Department and I will be glad to consider any suggestions from school management or<br />

parent representative organisations as to how the allocation of SNA resources can best be<br />

managed within the context of the overall limit on SNA numbers established. In this regard I<br />

am committed to making whatever improvements are possible to the resource allocation<br />

system.<br />

Higher Education Grants<br />

84. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Education and Skills the reasons there<br />

has been a delay in processing a student grant application in respect of a person (details<br />

supplied). [10054/11]<br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): While the decision on eligibility<br />

for a student grant is a matter for a student’s local grant awarding body, my Department<br />

understands that a delay has arisen in processing the grant application from the student to<br />

which the Deputy refers for two reasons. First, the application was submitted late and, second,<br />

the application was incomplete as it was not accompanied by any of the necessary supporting<br />

documentation. The grant awarding body has advised that the student has now regularised<br />

matters and that it will be in a position to issue a decision on her application shortly.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

85. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the level of<br />

State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for International and European Affairs<br />

during the past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10216/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Institute of International &<br />

European Affairs (IIEA) was founded in 1991. It is a policy research think-tank and forum on<br />

EU affairs based in Dublin. It provides members with information on impending EU policy<br />

developments and in-depth analysis of their implications for Ireland and Europe. My Department<br />

is a corporate member, as are several Departments. The only financial supports given to<br />

the institute by my Department have been the annual membership subscriptions. These<br />

amounted to some €70,000, from 1998 to 2011.<br />

Consumer Protection<br />

86. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation<br />

when he will be bringing forward proposals to end restrictions on competition in the legal,<br />

medical, accountancy and other sheltered sectors of the economy; and if he will make a statement<br />

on the matter. [9945/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): The Competition<br />

Authority has published a number of reports resulting from studies it carried out on various<br />

sectors or professions since 2004. The reports usually contain a suite of recommendations aimed<br />

at improving competition in the relevant area and are addressed to the responsible Department<br />

or body. Such reports have included the medical and legal professions.<br />

Given the responsibility of my Department for competition policy in general, I will be<br />

reporting to Government shortly on the progress achieved by a number of Departments in the<br />

implementation of these recommendations. However, it should be noted that responsibility for<br />

any proposals aimed at ending apparent restrictions on competition in a particular sector rests<br />

with the Minister with responsibility for that particular policy area. For example, policy proposals<br />

concerning the legal and medical sectors are matters for my colleagues, the Ministers<br />

for Justice and Equality and Health and Children, respectively.<br />

I am not aware of any restrictions on competition in the accountancy profession. There is<br />

however a strong preference in the market for the services of the big four audit firms. This is<br />

a feature worldwide and arises from the range and depth of their skills. The European Commission’s<br />

Green Paper on Audit proposes various ways to address the issue, including mandatory<br />

collaboration between Tier 1 and Tier 2 audit practices. My Department will participate<br />

in any negotiations on these issues at EU level and will implement any regulations or directives,<br />

as appropriate, consequent on the Green Paper.<br />

Departmental Staff<br />

87. Deputy Shane Ross asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation his intentions<br />

regarding retired civil servants applying for Civil Service positions. [9955/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): The moratorium<br />

on recruitment directed that from 27th March 2009,no public service post, however arising,<br />

may be filled by recruitment, promotion, nor payment of an allowance for the performance of<br />

duties at a higher grade. Where vacancies arise Departments must reallocate or reorganise<br />

work or staff accordingly. Any exceptions to this principle, occurring in very limited circumstances<br />

only, require the prior sanction of the Minister for Finance.<br />

Former Civil Servants who retired under the Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement are<br />

ineligible for re-employment in the Civil Service. Where, exceptionally, a business need exists<br />

to re-engage an individual with specialised skills who has availed of the scheme, this may only<br />

be done with prior Department of Finance sanction and for a limited period. Pension abatement<br />

will apply to any such appointment. In all cases the final public service employer should<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

ensure that total superannuation benefits paid to a person who benefits under this Scheme<br />

should not exceed 40 years.<br />

Music Industry<br />

88. Deputy Sandra McLellan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation the<br />

steps he will take to address the difficulties facing the Irish music industry. [6336/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): I understand that<br />

the Deputy is referring to difficulties being experienced by rights holders in the Irish music<br />

industry as a result of the downloading of copyright material on the Internet.<br />

Under existing legislation, any person who illegally uploads or downloads unlicensed music<br />

is liable for copyright infringement under the terms of the Copyright and Related Rights Act<br />

2000. Under Section 127 of the Act any such infringement is actionable by the copyright owner<br />

and in any such action, all relief by way of damages, injunction, account of profits or otherwise,<br />

is available to the plaintiff as it is available in respect of the infringement of any other property<br />

right. Such a person, whose Internet Protocol address may be identified through various detection<br />

methods, may be pursued by the copyright holder following a judicial process (the<br />

obtaining of a so-called “Norwich Pharamacal” Order) from the courts. Under this procedure,<br />

a court may order an Internet service provider to disclose the names of the alleged infringers<br />

through their IP addresses, subject to certain safeguards.<br />

The Deputy may also have in mind the recent ruling by Justice Charleton in a High Court<br />

case where the major record companies took an action, seeking injunctions pursuant to Sections<br />

37 and 40 of the Copyright Act , against an internet service provider. In that case the Justice<br />

refused the application. The implications of this judgement, and of consequent legislative<br />

change(s), is currently being considered by my Department in consultation with the Attorney<br />

General’s Office and the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.<br />

County Enterprise Boards<br />

89. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation his<br />

view on the proposal to transfer the county enterprise board operations to the Department of<br />

Environment, Community and Local Government; the consultation that has taken place<br />

between the boards, both Departments and Enterprise Ireland; the time frame envisaged for<br />

such a transfer; if the County Managers Association has been consulted; if the end user of the<br />

service, that is the entrepreneur, has been given the opportunity to make a submission on the<br />

proposal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9996/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): As Minister for<br />

Enterprise, Trade and Innvovation one of my main priorities is to ensure that the manner in<br />

which State support for enterprise activity, entrepreneurship stimulation and job creation is<br />

delivered, is properly targeted and is effective and coherent. I want to ensure that it is cost<br />

effective and that the resources available to the State are used to maximise business activity<br />

and sustainability across all sectors in order to drive economic recovery.<br />

The County and City Enterprise Boards have been the principal deliverers of State support<br />

to the micro-enterprise sector since their establishment in 1993. The role of the CEBs is to<br />

support micro-enterprises employing up to 10 people in the start-up and expansion phases and<br />

to stimulate and promote economic activity and entrepreneurship at local level. The CEBs<br />

deliver a series of Programmes to underpin this role and they can provide both financial and<br />

non-financial assistance to an eligible micro-enterprise. This sector is a key component of the<br />

indigenous small business sector. The micro-enterprise sector will be key to our economic<br />


[Deputy Richard Bruton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

recovery. Parallel to the work of the CEBs is, of course, the work of Enterprise Ireland, whose<br />

remit includes the support of start-ups that have the potential to employ more than 10 and to<br />

achieve €1m in exports. These are start-ups that are typically highly innovative and are in a<br />

position to sell globally from their earliest stage.<br />

The Programme for Government recognises that there is a multiplicity of enterprise and job<br />

support functions being carried out by local, regional and national agencies. The Programme<br />

also recognises the need to streamline such functions, to increase shared knowledge capability<br />

and resources while saving on administration costs. However, a critical focus in achieving any<br />

such streamlining, is to ensure that we do not compromise on service delivery to the end<br />

user. While unnecessary overlap or duplication between agencies and organisations must be<br />

eliminated, as Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, it is my priority to ensure that<br />

above all else there is a coherent and cohesive delivery of State support to the indigenous<br />

business sector based on clear enterprise policy principles laid down by my Department.<br />

In relation to the CEBs, I think that their current structure is, in any event, in need of review<br />

and reform to move away from their current set up of 35 separate, legal entities with the<br />

resultant administrative overhead costs and inflexible staff deployment that this entails.<br />

However, any changes to the CEB structure must not compromise the State’s engagement with<br />

and support for our important micro-enterprise sector.<br />

As the Deputy is aware, the restructuring of the CEBs has been an issue in the public domain<br />

since the publication of the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and<br />

Expenditure Programmes (the “McCarthy Report”) in July 2009. Subsequent to the publication<br />

of the McCarthy Report, Ministers of the last Government and their Departmental officials<br />

have had a variety of consultations and discussions with the main stakeholders involved, including<br />

CEB senior staff and Boards, Enterprise Ireland and the Department of the Environment,<br />

Community and Local Government. I understand that some discussions also took place with<br />

the County Managers Association at Ministerial level. I am now actively considering the future<br />

structure of the CEBs and, in seeking to finalise any decision on their future, I can assure the<br />

Deputy that all points of view and, in particular, the needs of the end-user of the services of<br />

the CEBs will be fully taken into account.<br />

90. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation the<br />

funding allocated to each county enterprise board for each of past the four years; if each board<br />

used its allocation; the number of new jobs created by each board in the same period; and if<br />

he will increase the allocation as part of the 2012 budget. [9997/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): An Exchequer<br />

allocation is provided each year under the Estimates process for the funding of the County and<br />

City Enterprise Boards (CEBs). Allocation of funding to individual CEBs is carried out each<br />

year by the Central Coordination Unit (CCU) within Enterprise Ireland. The CCU remit is to<br />

provide operational, technical and administrative support to the CEB Network. In determining<br />

these allocations a systematic approach is adopted by the CCU to ensure the maximum degree<br />

of objectivity and equity of treatment. This approach involves the provision of funding on the<br />

basis of a standard allocation to each CEB as well as an extra allocation that is determined<br />

mainly by population but which also takes account of issues such as local unemployment trends,<br />

capacity to spend, existing commitments and regional spread.<br />

The CCU works closely with the CEBs throughout the year to ensure that the CEBs allocated<br />

funding is utilised to the maximum extent possible. Should it arise during the year that<br />

some Boards are not in a position to spend all of their annual allocation it is reallocated by the<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

CCU to any Boards that are in a position to spend additional funds within the year, subject to<br />

assessment of the rationale and the justification for the level of funding being requested. This<br />

general approach has been in place for the last few years and represents good management of<br />

the funding available for support of the micro-enterprise sector, particularly in the current<br />

difficult economic climate.<br />

Information on the Exchequer allocations for the 35 CEBs over the last four years is below.<br />

In general most Boards have fully used these allocations apart from where small amounts have<br />

been returned to the Exchequer at year end, or in the circumstances outlined above where<br />

monies were redistributed within the network. Job creation statistics are also included. Final<br />

Exchequer allocations for 2012 will be determined as part of the 2012 Budget process and will<br />

be subject to the overall demands on the public finances.<br />


550<br />

County and City Enterprise Boards Exchequer Allocations<br />

2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

CEB Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total<br />

Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Initial<br />

Allocation Allocation Allocation Exchequer<br />

Allocation<br />

€ € € € € € € € € € € €<br />

Carlow 415,012 496,838 911,850 410,840 513,612 924,452 352,808 439,655 792,463 348,881 344,532 693,412<br />

Cavan 415,719 615,918 1,031,637 412,011 507,688 919,699 403,455 469,606 873,061 398,290 358,658 756,948<br />

Clare 389,623 537,717 927,340 336,909 546,516 883,425 287,130 414,531 701,662 295,577 407,230 702,807<br />

Cork City 411,245 537,500 948,745 392,983 480,764 873,747 392,470 525,159 917,629 382,732 415,991 798,723<br />

Cork North 240,375 102,197 342,572 236,448 298,194 534,642 156,781 300,918 457,699 176,998 376,032 553,029<br />

Cork South 457,067 838,769 1,295,836 443,712 904,396 1,348,108 423,015 763,368 1,186,384 444,889 518,371 963,261<br />

Cork West 380,917 544,032 924,949 388,006 423,763 811,769 358,427 417,191 775,618 381,355 357,320 738,674<br />

Donegal 417,514 911,093 1,328,607 438,269 831,651 1,269,921 430,007 726,196 1,156,203 424,451 444,801 869,252<br />

Dublin City 517,178 1,220,228 1,737,406 496,263 1,138,362 1,634,624 445,469 1,146,082 1,591,551 443,597 816,172 1,259,769<br />

Dublin South 406,221 790,550 1,196,771 407,448 639,557 1,047,005 364,820 730,637 1,095,457 335,679 547,922 883,601<br />

Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown 450,700 906,658 1,357,358 432,719 755,292 1,188,011 445,222 799,957 1,245,179 440,489 493,194 933,683<br />

Fingal 408,835 799,081 1,207,916 393,819 683,242 1,077,061 372,033 681,709 1,053,742 366,028 540,739 906,767<br />

Galway 384,049 642,243 1,026,292 388,133 779,661 1,167,794 323,208 743,667 1,066,875 264,682 532,129 796,810<br />

Kerry 349,295 656,500 1,005,795 377,767 722,003 1,099,770 360,892 666,432 1,027,324 345,829 437,115 782,944<br />

Kildare 382,615 603,998 986,613 379,141 498,235 877,376 354,601 427,345 781,946 360,629 485,225 845,853<br />

Kilkenny 334,437 587,985 922,422 363,817 561,921 925,737 345,745 432,923 778,668 350,394 383,029 733,423<br />

Laois 339,996 460,000 799,996 343,789 427,054 770,844 298,659 329,459 628,118 288,322 361,820 650,142<br />

Leitrim 413,643 417,028 830,671 399,158 417,957 817,116 346,516 350,030 696,546 324,211 322,392 646,603<br />

Limerick City 414,833 450,983 865,816 403,816 462,110 865,926 369,846 412,209 782,055 365,488 346,798 712,286<br />

Limerick County 346,477 509,640 856,117 344,833 623,519 968,352 323,599 536,845 860,444 336,571 428,508 765,079<br />

Longford 344,225 418,789 763,014 371,795 369,886 741,680 283,591 365,909 649,500 277,743 328,021 605,764<br />

Louth 453,016 587,500 1,040,516 456,683 561,741 1,018,424 437,985 445,220 883,205 429,700 407,558 837,259<br />

Mayo 334,812 633,125 967,937 301,501 592,885 894,386 275,136 437,596 712,731 198,803 420,565 619,368<br />

Meath 421,710 611,040 1,032,750 391,852 572,765 964,617 397,755 500,777 898,532 406,973 460,907 867,880<br />

Monaghan 410,442 462,849 873,291 389,347 439,541 828,887 305,280 356,738 662,018 305,674 350,375 656,049<br />

[Deputy Richard Bruton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong>

551<br />

2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

CEB Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total Final Current Capital Total<br />

Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Exchequer Allocation Allocation Initial<br />

Allocation Allocation Allocation Exchequer<br />

Allocation<br />

€ € € € € € € € € € € €<br />

Offaly 398,978 505,289 904,267 368,685 450,097 818,782 363,904 362,809 726,713 354,870 365,761 720,631<br />

Roscommon 366,509 447,690 814,199 353,859 462,733 816,592 261,248 343,042 604,290 199,479 353,242 552,721<br />

Sligo 422,846 544,424 967,270 362,336 559,482 921,818 360,728 448,085 808,813 364,979 355,442 720,421<br />

Tipperary North 354,626 477,778 832,404 376,956 491,125 868,082 352,593 356,423 709,016 353,844 360,748 714,592<br />

Tipperary South 366,008 490,000 856,008 371,947 526,294 898,241 346,901 424,840 771,741 348,451 378,541 726,992<br />

Waterford City 314,268 468,000 782,268 330,718 466,048 796,765 224,108 461,190 685,298 216,561 339,771 556,333<br />

Waterford County 290,808 679,743 970,551 297,725 473,374 771,099 284,013 445,647 729,659 179,272 356,806 536,079<br />

Westmeath 388,901 602,062 990,963 415,217 625,957 1,041,174 377,172 509,116 886,288 381,995 374,532 756,527<br />

Wexford 433,473 686,400 1,119,873 412,886 637,490 1,050,376 300,452 557,362 857,815 299,985 428,749 728,734<br />

Wicklow 412,363 672,732 1,085,095 425,195 618,751 1,043,946 402,286 551,842 954,127 413,743 423,002 836,745<br />

Total 13,588,736 20,916,379 34,505,115 13,416,585 20,063,664 33,480,248 12,127,855 17,880,515 30,008,370 11,807,162 14,622,000 26,429,162<br />

NB: Figures for 2008, 2009 and 2010 are final allocations for each year (I.e. by year end, after any additional funding or reallocations within the Network have been conducted). Figure for 2011<br />

is the initial allocation for the year.<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong>

552<br />

2010 CEB Annual Employment Survey* Net Effect (Gains — Losses)<br />

CEB Full Time Jobs Other Time Full Time Jobs Full Time Job Other Time Other Time Full Time Other Time Net Job<br />

existing in Jobs existing in Gains Losses Jobs Gains Job Losses Equivalent (2<br />

CEB supported CEB supported Other Time = 1<br />

Clients Clients Full Time)<br />

Carlow 1,046.0 397.0 160.0 -56.0 83.0 -79.0 104.0 4.0 106.0<br />

Cavan 1,063.0 414.0 205.0 -185.0 195.0 -84.0 20.0 111.0 75.5<br />

Clare 1,150.0 637.0 69.0 -62.0 77.0 -16.0 7.0 61.0 37.5<br />

Cork City 856.0 100.0 63.0 -133.0 0.0 -10.0 -70.0 -10.0 -75.0<br />

Cork North 419.0 84.0 24.0 -128.0 39.0 -8.0 -104.0 31.0 -88.5<br />

Cork South 993.0 193.0 102.0 -83.0 41.0 -43.0 19.0 -2.0 18.0<br />

Cork West 649.0 306.0 65.0 -49.0 66.0 -49.0 16.0 17.0 24.5<br />

Donegal 1,676.0 610.0 188.0 -232.0 146.0 -88.0 -44.0 58.0 -15.0<br />

Dublin City 1,975.0 510.0 468.0 -780.0 333.0 -181.0 -312.0 152.0 -236.0<br />

Dublin Dun 1,021.0 518.0 318.0 -158.0 118.0 -77.0 160.0 41.0 180.5<br />

Laoghaire/Rathdown<br />

Dublin Fingal 1,102.0 349.0 33.0 -160.0 40.0 -80.0 -127.0 -40.0 -147.0<br />

Dublin South 966.0 379.0 136.0 -84.0 92.0 -76.0 52.0 16.0 60.0<br />

Galway County/City 2,056.0 150.0 149.0 -311.0 25.0 -62.0 -162.0 -37.0 -180.5<br />

Kerry 1,301.0 824.0 287.0 -224.0 190.0 -196.0 63.0 -6.0 60.0<br />

Kildare 932.0 298.0 169.0 -130.0 108.0 -74.0 39.0 34.0 56.0<br />

Kilkenny 842.0 207.0 72.0 -69.0 28.0 -44.0 3.0 -16.0 -5.0<br />

Laois 654.0 199.0 80.0 -165.0 69.0 -93.0 -85.0 -24.0 -97.0<br />

Leitrim 392.0 150.0 42.0 -44.0 19.0 -47.0 -2.0 -28.0 -16.0<br />

Limerick City 699.0 253.0 105.0 -122.0 101.0 -48.0 -17.0 53.0 9.5<br />

Limerick County 976.0 141.0 75.0 -47.0 29.0 -7.0 28.0 22.0 39.0<br />

Longford 863.0 247.0 111.0 -135.0 52.0 -31.0 -24.0 21.0 -13.5<br />

Louth 894.0 375.0 87.0 -50.0 33.0 -60.0 37.0 -27.0 23.5<br />

Mayo 1,137.0 423.0 212.0 -157.0 86.0 -116.0 55.0 -30.0 40.0<br />

Meath 766.0 234.0 80.0 -228.0 66.0 -80.0 -148.0 -14.0 -155.0<br />

Monaghan 946.0 333.0 106.0 -55.0 49.0 -58.0 51.0 -9.0 46.5<br />

Offaly 630.0 318.0 56.0 -84.0 83.0 -26.0 -28.0 57.0 0.5<br />

[Deputy Richard Bruton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong>

553<br />

2010 CEB Annual Employment Survey* Net Effect (Gains — Losses)<br />

CEB Full Time Jobs Other Time Full Time Jobs Full Time Job Other Time Other Time Full Time Other Time Net Job<br />

existing in Jobs existing in Gains Losses Jobs Gains Job Losses Equivalent (2<br />

CEB supported CEB supported Other Time = 1<br />

Clients Clients Full Time)<br />

Roscommon 634.0 279.0 43.0 -135.0 96.0 -60.0 -92.0 36.0 -74.0<br />

Sligo 767.0 346.0 125.0 -91.0 103.0 -128.0 34.0 -25.0 21.5<br />

Tipperary(NR) 409.0 165.0 66.0 -161.0 29.0 -47.0 -95.0 -18.0 -104.0<br />

Tipperary(SR) 854.0 381.0 96.0 -11.0 39.0 -6.0 85.0 33.0 101.5<br />

Waterford City 569.0 205.0 82.0 -128.0 16.0 -41.0 -46.0 -25.0 -58.5<br />

Waterford County 612.0 156.0 96.0 -116.0 17.0 -52.0 -20.0 -35.0 -37.5<br />

WestMeath 1,126.0 320.0 166.0 -144.0 58.0 -98.0 22.0 -40.0 2.0<br />

Wexford 1,174.0 432.0 151.0 -150.0 125.0 -77.0 1.0 48.0 25.0<br />

Wicklow 761.0 529.0 146.0 -94.0 285.0 -52.0 52.0 233.0 168.5<br />

Grand Total 32,910.0 11,462.0 4,433.0 -4,961.0 2,936.0 -2,294.0 -528.0 642.0 -207.0<br />

*Overhaul and enhancements to the CEB client database reporting system have enabled more detailed reporting of CEB data for 2010 and going forward. It is not possible to provide this<br />

information retrospectively for any earlier year.<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong>

[Deputy Richard Bruton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

County and City Enterprise Boards Job Creation<br />

2007 2008 2009<br />

CEB Jobs Existing in Jobs Existing in Jobs Existing in<br />

CEB-supported CEB-supported CEB-supported<br />

Clients Clients Clients<br />

Carlow 920.00 924.0 843.0<br />

Cavan 1,067.00 1,075.5 947.0<br />

Clare 1,555.00 1,496.5 1,417.5<br />

Cork City 916.00 892.0 770.5<br />

Cork North 461.50 462.0 387.0<br />

Cork South 996.50 942.5 916.0<br />

Cork West 689.50 643.5 571.0<br />

Donegal 1,629.50 1,816.5 1,688.0<br />

Dublin City 1,548.00 1,811.0 1,873.0<br />

Dublin South 991.50 1,061.0 1,050.0<br />

Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown 990.50 954.0 855.5<br />

Fingal 776.50 851.0 807.0<br />

Galway 1,716.00 1,688.0 1,743.0<br />

Kerry 981.00 1,089.0 1,170.5<br />

Kildare 1,004.50 975.0 897.5<br />

Kilkenny 784.50 782.5 664.0<br />

Laois 953.00 848.5 656.0<br />

Leitrim 396.00 368.5 300.5<br />

Limerick City 946.00 682.5 590.5<br />

Limerick County 922.50 890.0 842.0<br />

Longford 788.50 787.0 745.0<br />

Louth 1,198.00 1,212.5 973.5<br />

Mayo 1,295.00 1,314.5 1,223.0<br />

Meath 1,064.50 1,026.0 908.0<br />

Monaghan 1,061.50 912.0 873.5<br />

Offaly 930.50 792.0 593.5<br />

Roscommon 895.00 853.5 620.0<br />

Sligo 756.50 788.0 735.0<br />

Tipperary North 574.50 519.5 413.0<br />

Tipperary South 809.50 783.5 655.5<br />

Waterford City 832.00 809.5 662.0<br />

Waterford County 665.50 587.5 547.0<br />

Westmeath 1,220.00 1,131.0 1,004.5<br />

Wexford 1,405.50 1,252.0 1,076.0<br />

Wicklow 804.00 789.0 707.5<br />

Total 34,545.50 33,811.0 30,726.5<br />

Increase/Decrease on previous year 2,266.50 -734.5 -3,084.5<br />

91. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation the<br />

number of staff employed in the section of his Department who administer the county<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

enterprise boards; the year on year cost of operating that section; and if he will make a statement<br />

on the matter. [9998/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): There are six staff<br />

employed in the Micro-Enterprise Policy Unit of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and<br />

Innovation of whom four are full-time. The basic salary costs involved (including Employers<br />

PRSI) in 2010 was just over €340,000. It should be noted, however, that the staff member at<br />

Principal Officer level, whose full salary costs are included in the figure cited, is not exclusively<br />

assigned to the Micro-Enterprise Policy Unit but has responsibility for two other Business<br />

Units within the Department. One other staff member works part-time.<br />

Copyright Law<br />

92. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation the<br />

discussions he has had at an EU level regarding proposals for a copyright term extension; and<br />

if he will make a statement on the matter. [10065/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): In 2008 the European<br />

Commission put forward a proposal to amend the Directive of the European Parliament<br />

and of the Council on the term of protection of copyright and related rights (2006/116/EC).<br />

Following first reading and examination in the European Parliament, a revised proposal was<br />

agreed in the Parliament in 2009. This proposal was then discussed by the Committee of Permanent<br />

Representatives in Brussels but there was not a sufficient majority amongst Member States<br />

to allow it to proceed to European Council level.<br />

In March of this year we received notification that Denmark, who had previously had a<br />

reserved position on the proposal, had carried out national consultations and was now ready<br />

to consider the European Parliament’s first reading as an acceptable compromise. Accordingly,<br />

the Danish Government have now invited the Hungarian Presidency to consider the proposal<br />

to amend the Directive concerned as an item on the agenda for the Council.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

93. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation<br />

the State grants or other supports given to the Institute for International and European Affairs<br />

during the past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10217/11]<br />

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Deputy Richard Bruton): The Secretary<br />

General of my Department is traditionally an affiliate member of the Institute for International<br />

and European Affairs. The annual membership fee is currently €6,000. A small number of<br />

books have been purchased from the Institute over the past number of years for business<br />

purposes by the Department. Other than the above, my Department has not provided any<br />

State grants or other supports to the Institute for International and European Affairs in the<br />

past two decades.<br />

Social Welfare Benefits<br />

94. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Social Protection the reason persons<br />

(details supplied) in County Kerry were refused mortgage interest relief even though one of<br />

the persons works for less than 30 hours a week; and if she will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9918/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): Under the supplementary welfare<br />

allowance scheme, mortgage interest supplement is not payable where one of a couple in a<br />

household is engaged in full-time employment. The Health Service Executive (HSE) has<br />

advised that in January 2011 it refused a mortgage interest supplement in this case on the<br />

grounds that the spouse of the person concerned was engaged in full time employment.<br />

The HSE has further advised that this decision was subsequently appealed to and upheld by<br />

the HSE’s designated Appeals Officer.<br />

Social Welfare Appeals<br />

95. Deputy Dara Murphy asked the Minister for Social Protection the position regarding an<br />

appeal for supplementary welfare allowance and payment of pension in respect of a person<br />

(details supplied) in County Cork; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9920/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): Under the supplementary welfare<br />

allowance scheme, an exceptional needs payment (ENP) may be made by the Health Service<br />

Executive (HSE) to help meet an essential once-off cost which the applicant is unable to meet<br />

out of his or her own resources. There is no automatic entitlement to this payment. Each<br />

application is determined by the HSE based on the particular circumstances of the case. Eligible<br />

people would normally be in receipt of a social welfare or HSE payment.<br />

The HSE has advised that an application for assistance under the ENP scheme from the<br />

person concerned was refused in January 2010 and that this decision was subsequently upheld<br />

by the HSE Appeals Officer. The person concerned applied for an ENP on 22 March 2011.<br />

This ENP application was also refused and the person concerned was notified of the decision<br />

and of his right to appeal to the HSE appeals office. To date no appeal has been submitted to<br />

the HSE.<br />

The person concerned is currently in receipt of Invalidity Pension a personal rate of €193.50<br />

per week. He is also in receipt of a Fuel Allowance of €23.90 per week.<br />

96. Deputy Jack Wall asked the Minister for Social Protection if a person (details supplied)<br />

in County Kildare has an entitlement to a seek an oral hearing for their disability allowance<br />

appeal; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9922/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): I am advised by the Social Welfare<br />

Appeals Office that an Appeals Officer, having fully considered all the evidence, disallowed<br />

the appeal of the person concerned by way of summary decision. The person concerned has<br />

been notified of the decision.<br />

The legislation provides that an Appeals Officer may decide a case before him/her on the<br />

basis of the documentary evidence. This course of action was taken in this case as it was<br />

considered that an oral hearing was not warranted.<br />

The Social Welfare Appeals Office functions independently of the Minister for Social Protection<br />

and of the Department and is responsible for determining appeals against decisions on<br />

social welfare entitlements.<br />

Social Insurance<br />

97. Deputy Eric Byrne asked the Minister for Social Protection the likely additional yield if<br />

PRSI was calculated on the same basis of assessment as the universal social charge. [9923/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): PRSI differs substantially from the<br />

Universal Social Charge in that the Universal Social Charge is a tax on gross income whereas<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

PRSI represents a contribution by, and in respect of, workers, which allows those workers to<br />

establish entitlement to a range of short and long term social insurance benefits.<br />

The basis and rationale for charging PRSI and the Universal Social Charge also differ significantly.<br />

PRSI in respect of employees is payable by both the employee and the employer,<br />

whereas liability for the Universal Social Charge falls solely on the individual taxpayer. The<br />

rate of PRSI contribution for employees and the self-employed differs substantially (14.75% is<br />

payable in respect of Class A employees, while 4% is payable by self-employed contributors).<br />

This is reflected in the range of different benefits to which entitlement may be established.<br />

The Universal Charge is applied to gross annual income (whether from employment or selfemployment)<br />

where it exceeds €4,004 (€77 per week).<br />

The calculation of the likely additional yield if PRSI were charged on the same basis of<br />

assessment as the Universal Social Charge is not possible at this stage as it would involve<br />

estimation of additional income for the Social Insurance Fund as well as the costs attached to<br />

social insurance entitlements which are likely to arise. Difficulty with the estimate is compounded<br />

by whether the rate of employer contribution would also change and whether, and at<br />

what level, a floor would apply.<br />

Departmental Schemes<br />

98. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Social Protection the number of<br />

citizens seeking work who are supported by the various work support schemes administered<br />

by her at present; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9947/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): The Department of Social Protection<br />

operates a range of employment support measures designed to encourage and support social<br />

welfare recipients of working age to reduce their dependency on welfare payments. Supports<br />

available include the back to work schemes, community initiatives and the part time job incentive<br />

scheme. The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) is designed to provide a<br />

monetary incentive for people who are long term dependant on social welfare payments to<br />

make engagement in self-employment financially attractive and viable, while allowing them to<br />

retain a reducing proportion of their qualifying social welfare payment over two years (100%<br />

in year 1 and 75% in year 2). The Short Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA) is payable to a<br />

person who qualifies for Jobseeker’s Benefit and who wishes to commence in self employment<br />

and is payable for the duration of their Jobseeker’s Benefit entitlement. At the end of March<br />

2011, there were 8,789 participants in the BTWEA scheme, 632 people availing of the back to<br />

work employee strand, which is closed to new applications since 1 May 2009, and 1,206 participants<br />

in the STEA.<br />

The Rural Social Scheme (RSS), Community Services Programme (CSP) and Tús are community<br />

initiatives administered by the Department that provide income support and employment<br />

opportunities through the delivery of services to the community. There are 2,600 participants<br />

engaged in the RSS, which provides income support for farmers and fishermen/women<br />

who are currently in receipt of specified Social Welfare payments, to provide certain services<br />

of benefit to rural communities. There are 2,700 people engaged in the CSP, which supports<br />

the delivery of good quality local services in areas such as management of community facilities,<br />

operating community enterprises and operating community services that address disadvantage,<br />

while providing funding to employ people with limited work opportunities.<br />

Tús is a new initiative, announced in the Budget of December 2010, which will be an<br />

important element in the delivery of employment and community services and which aims to<br />

provide short-term, quality work opportunities for those who are unemployed and provide<br />


[Deputy Joan Burton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

certain services of benefit to communities. The scheme aims to provide for the phased placement<br />

of 5,000 people in the community and voluntary sector.<br />

A part-time job incentive scheme is also available which allows persons who are long-term<br />

unemployed to take up part-time employment for less than 24 hours per week and receive a<br />

weekly income supplement. There were 161 participants on this scheme at the end of March<br />

2011.<br />

FÁS also operates a range of training and employment programmes in co-operation with<br />

community, voluntary and statutory organisations, including, principally, the Community<br />

Employment (CE) programme and the Work Placement Programme (WPP). The CE programme<br />

is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed and other disadvantaged<br />

people to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based<br />

within local communities. There are 23,300 places available in 2011.<br />

The WPP was established to provide an opportunity for people who are unemployed to take<br />

up voluntary, unpaid work experience placements within companies. Following a Government<br />

Decision in November 2010, an enhanced work placement programme involving 5,000 placements<br />

in the public sector and an additional 500 placements for graduates in the private sector<br />

was approved. As of 31 March 2011, FÁS recorded a total of 1,804 participants on the WPP.<br />

In addition, FÁS were advertising 1,321 opportunities for the WPP waiting to be filled.<br />

99. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Social Protection the number of<br />

training places to be filled under the present activation programme; her plans to change or<br />

develop this programme in the coming months; and if she will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9949/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): The National Employment Action Plan<br />

is the main activation measure for jobseekers and provides for a systematic engagement of the<br />

employment services with unemployed people. Under the Plan, all persons between the ages<br />

of 18 and 65 years who are approaching three months on the Live Register are identified by<br />

the Department of Social Protection and referred to FÁS for interview with the aim of assisting<br />

them to enter/re-enter the labour market.<br />

The Employment Action plan process is a key element in addressing the progression needs<br />

of those on the Live Register. It provides a stimulus to job search and affords an opportunity<br />

to explore, under professional guidance, the full range of employment and training services<br />

offered by FÁS. In this context, FÁS will deliver at least 90,000 training places for the unemployed<br />

in 2011.<br />

The Department of Social Protection also operates a range of employment support measures<br />

designed to encourage and support social welfare recipients of working age to reduce their<br />

dependency on welfare payments. These include the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance<br />

(BTWEA) and the Short Term Enterprise Allowance. In addition, the Back to Education<br />

Allowance scheme (BTEA) encourages and facilitates people on certain social welfare payments<br />

to improve their skills and qualifications and, therefore, their prospects of returning to<br />

the active work force.<br />

The Programme for Government states that a new National Employment and Entitlements<br />

Service will be established under the management of the Department of Social Protection. The<br />

objective is to integrate the employment support services currently provided directly by the<br />

Department of Social Protection with those currently provided by FÁS into a single service.<br />

This service will also process payments in respect of employment related benefits and other<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

benefits payable by the Department of Social Protection. The integration of employment<br />

services and related benefit payment services within the Department of Social Protection will<br />

provide a ‘one stop shop’ for people wishing to establish their benefit entitlements, seek<br />

employment and / or seek advice about their training options. The focus will be very much on<br />

the individual, his/her rights to a payment, his/her access to an opportunity to engage in employment,<br />

training or upskilling, as appropriate and his/her responsibility to engage with such<br />

opportunities as they are provided.<br />

A key objective of the Government in relation to the new service is that it will offer users a<br />

high level of personalised employment support and prioritise the provision of more intensive<br />

support for those on the live register who are identified as being most at risk of long-term<br />

unemployment. This will be achieved through the use of proactive approaches and modern<br />

case management systems. A number of pilot projects have already commenced in relation to<br />

the development of case management, the identification of those who are most at risk of falling<br />

into long-term unemployment, and the provision of appropriately tailored responses to their<br />

needs. These pilot projects will be completed and evaluated in the coming months after which<br />

approaches will be developed for their roll-out nationwide as part of the National Employment<br />

and Entitlements Service.<br />

Departmental Bodies<br />

100. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Social Protection when she will<br />

introduce legislation to establish the National Employment and Entitlements Service; the<br />

elements of departmental or agency staff that will be included in the new agency; the mission<br />

statement or aims of the new body; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9950/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): The Programme for Government states<br />

that a new National Employment and Entitlements Service will be established under the management<br />

of the Department of Social Protection. The objective is to integrate the employment<br />

support services currently provided directly by the Department of Social Protection with those<br />

currently provided by FÁS into a single service. This service will also process payments in<br />

respect of employment related benefits and other benefits payable by the Department of Social<br />

Protection. The integration of employment services and related benefit payment services within<br />

the Department of Social Protection will provide a ‘one stop shop’ for people wishing to establish<br />

their benefit entitlements, seek employment and/or seek advice about their training<br />

options. The focus will be very much on the individual, his/her rights to a payment, his/her<br />

access to an opportunity to engage in employment, training or upskilling, as appropriate and<br />

his/her responsibility to engage with such opportunities as they are provided. This should<br />

improve a person’s life chances.<br />

It should be noted that responsibility for skills training undertaken by FÁS currently resides<br />

with the Department of Education and Skills. The future development of the training and skills<br />

services of FÁS is a matter for the Minister for Education and Skills.<br />

With regard to the timeline for the development of the National Employment and Entitlements<br />

Service, I am determined that this will be completed in the most expeditious manner<br />

possible and my officials are already actively engaged in a programme of work towards this<br />

end. While this will be a multi-annual programme of work requiring the development of the<br />

new service, the assignment of functions to the Service and the development of its organisational<br />

processes and operational systems, many aspects of the new service will be delivered<br />

within the coming 12 months.<br />


[Deputy Joan Burton.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

The administration of the supplementary welfare allowance scheme has already been transferred<br />

to the Department of Social Protection with the secondment of the Community Welfare<br />

Service from the Health Service Executive at the beginning of this year. The intention is to<br />

have the staff fully transferred into the Department by the end of September this year. This<br />

will enable us to integrate the payment of all benefits into one organisation simplifying customer<br />

processes.<br />

Planning for the transfer and integration of the Employment Services and Community<br />

Employment Services of FÁS to the Department has already commenced and it is envisaged<br />

that the transfer of staff will commence later this year. Again this will enable us to simplify<br />

and integrate the delivery of employment support services to customers.<br />

A key objective of the Government in relation to the new service is that it will offer users a<br />

high level of personalised employment support and prioritise the provision of more intensive<br />

support for those on the live register who are identified as being most at risk of long-term<br />

unemployment. This will be achieved through the use of proactive approaches and modern<br />

case management systems. A number of pilot projects have already commenced in relation to<br />

the development of case management, the identification of those who are most at risk of falling<br />

into long-term unemployment, and the provision of appropriately tailored responses to their<br />

needs. These pilot projects will be completed and evaluated in the coming months after which<br />

approaches will be developed for their roll-out nationwide as part of the National Employment<br />

and Entitlements Service.<br />

Social Welfare Appeals<br />

101. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will examine<br />

the appeal for increased rent allowance and financial assistance in respect of a person (details<br />

supplied) in County Kilkenny; and if she will expedite a reply. [9990/11]<br />

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): The Health Service Executive has<br />

acknowledged receipt of an appeal from the person concerned and has advised that a decision<br />

on the matter will be made in due course.<br />

Compulsory Purchase Orders<br />

102. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport the reason a<br />

person (details supplied) has received no settlement in respect of lands that were compulsorily<br />

acquired by Waterways Ireland in 2005 under powers conferred on it by sections 2 and 5 of<br />

the Schedule to the Shannon Navigation Act 1990; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10051/11]<br />

Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport (Deputy Jimmy Deenihan): I am informed by<br />

Waterways Ireland that a claim for compensation in the case referred to by the Deputy was<br />

received in March 2007. Negotiations have been held between Waterways Ireland and the<br />

individual’s representatives regarding this matter. I am advised that, on receipt of an itemised<br />

claim, Waterways Ireland will deal with the matter expeditiously.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

103. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport the<br />

level of State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for International and European<br />

Affairs during the past two decades, up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10223/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport (Deputy Jimmy Deenihan): Details of payments<br />

made to the Institute for International and European Affairs since 2002, when my Department<br />

was established as the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism, are provided in the attached<br />

table. My Department was a corporate member of the Institute for International and European<br />

Affairs up to the end of January 2008. As part of an effort to reduce administrative costs,<br />

membership was not renewed after that date.<br />

I am advised that there is no record of any other payment being made to the Institute.<br />

Date of payment Amount Purpose of payment<br />

€<br />

20 Feb 2003 5,000.00 Corporate membership renewal for year commencing Feb 03<br />

12 Feb 2004 5,000.00 Corporate membership renewal for year commencing Feb 04<br />

10 Feb 2005 5,000.00 Corporate membership renewal for year commencing Feb 05<br />

2 May 2006 5,000.00 Corporate membership renewal for year commencing Feb 06<br />

31 Jan 2007 6,000.00 Corporate membership renewal for year commencing Feb 07<br />

Telecommunications Services<br />

104. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural<br />

Resources the position regarding the plan to roll out the provision of Wifi availability in all<br />

public buildings in an area (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10039/11]<br />

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Deputy Pat Rabbitte): The<br />

provision of electronic communications service, including broadband, is, in the first instance, a<br />

matter for private sector service providers. Broadband services may be provided over various<br />

platforms including DSL (i.e. over telephone lines), co-axial cable, mobile, fixed wireless, fibre<br />

and satellite. WiFi technologies can be used in conjunction with these platforms to provide<br />

wireless access to broadband services.<br />

The matter of WiFi availability in public buildings in the area referred to by the Deputy is<br />

one for the authorities responsible for the buildings in question.<br />

Electricity Transmission Network<br />

105. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural<br />

Resources his policy regarding the undergrounding of electricity cables by EirGrid; if he has<br />

conducted any independent assessment of the health risk posed by overhead cables; if he has<br />

conducted any comparative costs analysis of undergrounding cables as opposed to pylon construction;<br />

if he will indicate his exact policy role in these matters in view of the fact that his<br />

Department is a shareholder in EirGrid; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10068/11]<br />

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Deputy Pat Rabbitte): As<br />

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, I have a broad policy role in<br />

energy matters.<br />

The planning, development and routing of transmission line infrastructure is a matter for<br />

EirGrid, which is the State body responsible for operating the electricity transmission system<br />

in Ireland and I, as Minister, have no statutory function regarding the laying of power lines. In<br />

recognition however of the strategic national importance of transmission infrastructure and<br />


[Deputy Pat Rabbitte.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

noting the concerns expressed in the context of the North-South project, my predecessor commissioned<br />

an independent study on Comparative Merits of Overhead Electricity Transmission<br />

Lines versus Underground Cables. The study was conducted by international consultants Ecofys,<br />

in partnership with an expert in underground cable technology, Professor Dr Heinrich<br />

Brakelmann of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, and with Golder Associates, a<br />

global group specialising in ground engineering and environmental services. This study is available<br />

on my Department’s website at the following address: http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/Energy/<br />

Electricity+Transmission+Grid/<br />

The study was completed on a national basis and is not project specific.<br />

In addition, I will shortly appoint an independent international expert commission to review<br />

and report on a case for, and a cost of, undergrounding (all or part of) the Meath-Tyrone<br />

400KV power lines, as outlined in the Programme for Government.<br />

The health effects of electromagnetic fields are a matter in the first instance for the Minister<br />

for Environment, Heritage and Local Government.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

106. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and<br />

Natural Resources the level of State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for<br />

International and European Affairs during the past two decades, up to 2011; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [10214/11]<br />

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Deputy Pat Rabbitte): Since<br />

the establishment of my Department in 2007, a total of €24,000 (€6,000 per annum) was paid<br />

by the Department for corporate membership of the Institute for International and European<br />

Affairs.<br />

107. Deputy Peter Mathews asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local<br />

Government the grants or funding from Pobal available to a group of unemployed persons<br />

who have established a networking group in the community in an attempt to find employment;<br />

the way they should go about applying for this funding; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9953/11]<br />

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (Deputy Phil Hogan):<br />

Pobal administers the Local Community Development Programme (LCDP) on behalf of my<br />

Department and I propose to respond to the question in this context.<br />

The LCDP aims to tackle poverty and social exclusion through partnership and constructive<br />

engagement between Government and its agencies and people in disadvantaged communities.<br />

Among other things, it seeks to increase peoples’ work readiness and employment prospects<br />

through the development of a range of services to support, prepare and assist people enter the<br />

labour market, the development of strategies with local enterprises to increase local employment<br />

prospects and the development of strategies to increase self employment prospects.<br />

While Pobal administers the LCDP on behalf of my Department, the programme is delivered<br />

locally through 52 Local Development Companies. In the normal course of events, applicant<br />

groups should apply directly to these companies who are the principal decision-makers regarding<br />

the delivery of actions and allocation of funding under the programme. Neither my Department<br />

nor Pobal have any role in this regard. However, if the Deputy wishes to provide me<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

with the details of the network group in question, I would be happy to put the group in contact<br />

with the appropriate Local Development Company.<br />

Pobal also delivers a range of publicly funded programmes for other Government Departments<br />

and agencies and questions in relation to these programmes may be directed to the<br />

relevant Minister.<br />

Departmental Schemes<br />

108. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local<br />

Government the position regarding works carried out under the energy retrofitting scheme<br />

2010 and the compliance status of a local authority, as pertaining to EU and Irish law regarding<br />

building energy rating, in respect of proposed works to be carried out under the auspices of<br />

the local authority on a number of houses as per the scheme; and if he will make a statement<br />

on the matter. [10049/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government<br />

(Deputy Willie Penrose): Under my Department’s Social Housing Improvement Programme,<br />

funding of up to 90% of the approved cost is provided to Housing Authorities to undertake<br />

improvement works to occupied and vacant social housing units, including works to improve<br />

the energy efficiency and general standard of the houses concerned. In the case of works to<br />

improve the energy efficiency of a dwelling, authorities are required to undertake a pre-works<br />

and a post-works Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment. The amount of grant paid to<br />

housing authorities is proportional to the level of energy savings achieved. Where an overall<br />

energy saving of more than 300 kWh per M 2 /year is achieved, a grant of up to 90% of cost or<br />

€18,000, whichever is the lesser, is recouped to the authority, reducing to 50% or €6,000, whichever<br />

is the lesser, in cases where an energy saving of between 50 and 100 kWh per M 2 /year<br />

is achieved.<br />

Longford County Council received an allocation of €425,000 in respect of improvement<br />

works to their social housing stock in 2011. It is a matter for the Council to select the properties<br />

to be upgraded and to determine the nature and the scale of the works to be undertaken in<br />

each case. In 2010, Longford County Council advised my Department of their intention to<br />

carry out improvement works to six houses in McHugh Park. So far, a total of €6,300 has been<br />

recouped to the Council in respect of insulation and damproofing works carried out at these<br />

houses. The Council envisage that the energy savings in each of the six properties will be<br />

around 55 kWh per M 2 /year.<br />

Planning Issues<br />

109. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and<br />

Local Government if he will respond to constituents’ requests to hold a commission of investigation<br />

or other public inquiry into the planning and construction of an estate (details supplied)<br />

in Dublin 13; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9943/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government<br />

(Deputy Willie Penrose): Under planning legislation, the decision as to whether to grant a<br />

planning application, with or without conditions, is a matter for the relevant planning authority<br />

in the first instance, in this case Dublin City Council, and for An Bord Pleanála in the case of<br />

an appeal. I understand that planning permission for mixed use development was granted by<br />

the Council on 19 November 2003 subject to a number of conditions. It is the responsibility of<br />


[Deputy Willie Penrose.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

the developer to implement planning permission and to comply with any conditions attaching<br />

to that permission.<br />

Enforcement of planning control is a matter for the Council which can take action, inter alia,<br />

where the terms of a permission have not been met. I understand that there are ongoing legal<br />

proceedings being taken by Dublin City Council regarding compliance with this permission. I<br />

have no role in the matter. Under section 30 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, I am<br />

specifically precluded from exercising any power or control in relation to any particular case<br />

with which a planning authority or An Bord Pleanála is or may be concerned.<br />

In addition to the above, the national Building Regulations set out the legal requirements<br />

for the design and construction of new buildings, including houses, extensions and material<br />

alterations and certain changes of use of existing buildings. The related Technical Guidance<br />

Documents provide technical guidance on how to comply with the Regulations. Compliance<br />

with the Regulations is the responsibility of the owner or builder of a building. Enforcement<br />

of the Regulations is the responsibility of the 37 local building control authorities who are<br />

empowered to carry out inspections and initiate enforcement proceedings, where considered<br />

necessary. Where building defects occur, their remediation is a matter for the parties concerned,<br />

namely the building owner, the relevant developer and the builder’s insurers, in line with any<br />

contractual arrangements agreed between the parties.<br />

While I do not intend to establish a commission of enquiry, it should be noted that this<br />

estate has been identified in the National Housing Development Survey database, published<br />

in October 2010, which established an authoritative baseline analysis of unfinished housing<br />

developments to assist in fully understanding the scale and extent of the issues involved; the<br />

analysis is informing the work of the high-level Expert Group on Unfinished Housing Developments,<br />

established in November 2010, in identifying practical and policy solutions to address<br />

the difficulties associated with unfinished housing developments effectively and promptly. I<br />

expect the Advisory Group’s Final Report to be submitted to me shortly; I will consider its<br />

findings and recommendations as a matter of urgency and will bring proposed actions and<br />

recommendations to Government for approval.<br />

Consumer protection in the area of quality construction of new dwellings is a critical issue<br />

and I have also asked my Department to prioritise the formulation of policy proposals that will<br />

enhance compliance and enforcement of the building regulations in general.<br />

Water and Sewerage Schemes<br />

110. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and<br />

Local Government the latest proposals for the greater Dublin drainage scheme; if proposed<br />

sites for a new regional waste water or drainage scheme will include locations in all four Dublin<br />

counties; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9951/11]<br />

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (Deputy Phil Hogan):<br />

The Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study (GDSDS) analysed the existing drainage system<br />

in the Greater Dublin area and proposed policies, strategies and projects for developing this<br />

system to meet future needs. In relation to waste water treatment capacity, the study recommended<br />

that, in addition to the expansion of the Ringsend waste water treatment plant, a<br />

future regional wastewater treatment plant should be constructed in the Portrane/Donabate<br />

area of Fingal. Fingal County Council decided that certain aspects of the GDSDS should first<br />

be subjected to a Strategic Environmental Assessment.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

The Strategic Environmental Assessment assessed sixteen strategic drainage options for the<br />

Greater Dublin Area and concluded that a new regional wastewater treatment plant should be<br />

built in the Northern Greater Dublin Area and that the outfall should be located along the<br />

North Dublin coastline following a detailed site selection process.<br />

All of the local authorities accepted the outcome of the Strategic Environmental Assessment<br />

and Fingal County Council has appointed a consultant to prepare a Preliminary Report for the<br />

scheme, including a recommendation on the optimum location for the proposed treatment<br />

plant. The location of the new plant is to be determined based on the site selection criteria set<br />

out in the Environmental Report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment.<br />

Local Authority Housing<br />

111. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and<br />

Local Government the turn around time for void houses in Dublin City Council and Fingal<br />

County Council local authority areas; if there is a maximum turn around time set down by him<br />

for void houses in view of the pressure for housing in both local authority areas; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [9970/11]<br />

Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government<br />

(Deputy Willie Penrose): The sixth Annual Report of the Local Government Management<br />

Services Board, published in February 2011, and which details service indicators in local authorities<br />

in 2009, shows the average number of weeks it takes each local authority, from the date<br />

of vacation of a unit to the date when all necessary repairs are carried out, to relet a unit. In<br />

the case of Dublin City Council, this was 19.5 weeks, and in the case of Fingal County Council,<br />

this was 18 weeks. The time taken to relet the unit following completion of necessary works was<br />

indicated as being four weeks for Dublin City Council and one week for Fingal County Council.<br />

In the context of current constraints on the public capital programme and the reduction in<br />

new social housing supply, returning vacant stock to use, in as short a time as possible, continues<br />

to be a major priority for my Department. As well as internal local authority resources,<br />

Exchequer funding is provided by my Department to assist and incentivise authorities in maintaining<br />

an active voids reletting programme. My Department remains committed to the funding<br />

of improvement works programmes which are an important source of additional supply of<br />

accommodation to meet housing need.<br />

Recreational Facilities<br />

112. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local<br />

Government if any schemes are available for the provision of playgrounds within communities;<br />

and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10040/11]<br />

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (Deputy Phil Hogan):<br />

While there is no specific funding allocation available to my Department for the provision of<br />

playgrounds, the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2007-2013 has funding of €425m available<br />

to be allocated to qualifying projects up to the end of 2013. One of the objectives of the<br />

RDP is to identify and provide appropriate cultural and leisure facilities to local communities<br />

not otherwise available to them and, in principle, it is possible that playgrounds could be<br />

eligible under the RDP. There are 36 Local Action Groups contracted, on my Department’s<br />

behalf, to deliver the RDP throughout the country and these Groups are the principal decisionmakers<br />

in relation to the allocation of project funding. Such decisions are made in the context<br />


[Deputy Phil Hogan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

of the individual Group’s local development strategy and in line with my Department’s<br />

operating rules and EU regulations.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

113. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and<br />

Local Government the level of State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for<br />

International and European Affairs during the past two decades, up to 2011; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [10218/11]<br />

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (Deputy Phil Hogan): My<br />

Department has paid for corporate membership of the Institute for International and European<br />

Affairs and for subscriptions for publications and an attendance at a conference. Details of<br />

payments made, from records readily available, are set out in the table below. Compilation of<br />

similar information for the years prior to 1997 would involve a disproportionate amount of<br />

time and work.<br />

Year<br />

Level of Support<br />

€<br />

1997 1,333.22<br />

1998 1,333.22<br />

1999 3,948.89<br />

2000 3,809.21<br />

2001 5,007.50<br />

2002 5,000.00<br />

2003 5,000.00<br />

2004 5,000.00<br />

2005 5,000.00<br />

2006 6,000.00<br />

2007 6,000.00<br />

2008 6,000.00<br />

2009 3,114.95<br />

2010 6,285.00<br />

2011 Nil to date<br />

Asylum Applications<br />

114. Deputy Áine Collins asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the position regarding<br />

an asylum application in respect of persons (details supplied) in County Cork. [9926/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): The first named person concerned<br />

applied for asylum on 17th December, 2009. His asylum application was considered by the<br />

Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner and the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, both of<br />

whom concluded that the first named person concerned did not meet the criteria for recognition<br />

as a refugee.<br />

Arising from the refusal of his asylum application, and in accordance with the provisions of<br />

Section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended), the first named person concerned was<br />

notified, by letter dated 30th December 2010, that the Minister proposed to make a Deport-<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

ation Order in respect of him. He was given the options, to be exercised within 15 working<br />

days, of leaving the State voluntarily, of consenting to the making of a Deportation Order or<br />

of making representations to the Minister setting out the reasons why a Deportation Order<br />

should not be made against him. In addition, he was notified of his entitlement to apply for<br />

Subsidiary Protection in accordance with the European Communities (Eligibility for<br />

Protection) Regulations 2006.<br />

The first named person concerned submitted an application for Subsidiary Protection. When<br />

consideration of this application has been completed, the individual concerned will be notified<br />

in writing of the outcome. In the event that the application for Subsidiary Protection is refused,<br />

the position in the State of the first named person concerned will then be decided by reference<br />

to the provisions of Section 3 (6) of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended) and Section 5 of<br />

the Refugee Act 1996 (as amended) on the prohibition of refoulement. All representations<br />

submitted will be considered before the file is passed to me for decision. Once a decision has<br />

been made, this decision and the consequences of the decision will be conveyed in writing to<br />

the individual concerned.<br />

The second named person, accompanied by her child, applied for asylum on 31st July, 2006.<br />

The child was included on her mother’s asylum application. The asylum application was considered<br />

by the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner and the Refugee Appeals<br />

Tribunal, both of whom concluded that the second named person concerned did not meet the<br />

criteria for recognition as a refugee.<br />

Arising from the refusal of her asylum application, and in accordance with the provisions of<br />

Section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended), the second named person concerned was<br />

notified, by letter dated 26th November, 2007, that the Minister proposed to make Deportation<br />

Orders in respect of her and her child. She was given the options, to be exercised within 15<br />

working days, of leaving the State voluntarily, of consenting to the making of Deportation<br />

Orders or of making representations to the Minister setting out the reasons why Deportation<br />

Orders should not be made against her and her child. In addition, she was notified of her<br />

entitlement to apply for Subsidiary Protection in accordance with the European Communities<br />

(Eligibility for Protection) Regulations 2006. The second named person concerned submitted<br />

an application for Subsidiary Protection. When consideration of this application has been completed,<br />

the individual concerned will be notified in writing of the outcome. In the event that<br />

the application for Subsidiary Protection is refused, the position in the State of the second<br />

named person and her child will then be decided by reference to the provisions of Section 3<br />

(6) of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended) and Section 5 of the Refugee Act 1996 (as<br />

amended) on the prohibition of refoulement. All representations submitted will be considered<br />

before the file is passed to me for decision. Once a decision has been made, this decision and<br />

the consequences of the decision will be conveyed in writing to the second named person<br />

concerned.<br />

I should remind the Deputy that queries in relation to the status of individual immigration<br />

cases may be made directly to INIS by Email using the Oireachtas Mail facility which has been<br />

specifically established for this purpose. The service enables up-to-date information on such<br />

cases to be obtained without the need to seek this information through the more administratively<br />

expensive Parliamentary Questions process.<br />

Citizenship Applications<br />

115. Deputy Shane Ross asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will provide clarity<br />


[Deputy Shane Ross.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

on a timeframe of a citizenship application in respect of a person (details supplied) in County<br />

Meath. [9956/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): A valid application for a certificate<br />

of naturalisation from the person referred to in the Deputy’s Question was received in the<br />

Citizenship Division of my Department in September 2009. The application is currently being<br />

processed with a view to establishing whether the applicant meets the statutory conditions<br />

for the granting of naturalisation and will be submitted to me for decision as expeditiously<br />

as possible.<br />

In that context, as I outlined in response to Parliamentary Question Number 69 of 7th April<br />

last, I can inform the Deputy that I have initiated steps within my Department to provide for<br />

speedier processing of applications to bring about a substantial reduction in the processing<br />

timescale. The new arrangements will be publicly announced once my Department is in a<br />

position to implement them.<br />

The granting of Irish citizenship through naturalisation is a privilege and an honour which<br />

confers certain rights and entitlements not only within the State but also at European Union<br />

level and it is important that appropriate procedures are in place to preserve the integrity of<br />

the process.<br />

I should remind the Deputy that queries in relation to the status of individual Immigration<br />

cases may be made direct to INIS by Email using the Oireachtas Mail facility which has been<br />

specifically established for this purpose. The service enables up-to-date information on such<br />

cases to be obtained without the need to seek this information through the more administratively<br />

expensive Parliamentary Questions process.<br />

116. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the position<br />

regarding the status of a citizenship application in respect of a person (details supplied) and<br />

the reason for the delay in the processing of such application. [9965/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): Officials in the Citizenship section<br />

of my Department inform me that there is no record of an application for a certificate of<br />

naturalisation from the person referred to in the Deputy’s question. The Irish Nationality and<br />

Citizenship Act, 1956, as amended, provides that the Minister may, in his absolute discretion,<br />

grant an application for a certificate of naturalisation provided certain statutory conditions are<br />

fulfilled. The conditions are that the applicant must—<br />

• be of full age;<br />

• be of good character;<br />

• have had a period of one year’s continuous residency in the State immediately before<br />

the date of application and, during the eight years immediately preceding that period,<br />

have had a total residence in the State amounting to four years; and<br />

• have made, either before a Judge of the District Court in open court or in such a<br />

manner as the Minister for special reasons allows, a declaration in the prescribed manner,<br />

of fidelity to the nation and loyalty to the State.<br />

In the context of naturalisation, certain periods of residence in the State are excluded. These<br />

include:<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

• periods of residence in respect of which an applicant does not have permission to<br />

remain in the State;<br />

• periods granted for the purposes of study; and<br />

• periods granted for the purposes of seeking recognition as a refugee within the meaning<br />

of the Refugee Act, 1996.<br />

It is open to any individual to lodge an application for citizenship if and when they are in a<br />

position to meet the statutory requirements as prescribed in the Irish Nationality and Citizenship<br />

Act 1956 as amended.<br />

I should remind the Deputy that queries in relation to the status of individual Immigration<br />

cases may be made direct to INIS by Email using the Oireachtas Mail facility which has been<br />

specifically established for this purpose. The service enables up-to-date information on such<br />

cases to be obtained without the need to seek this information through the more administratively<br />

expensive Parliamentary Questions process.<br />

Asylum Applications<br />

117. Deputy Nicky McFadden asked the Minister for Justice and Equality his views on the<br />

length of time asylum seekers must wait for applications to be processed; and if he will make<br />

a statement on the matter. [9973/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): Applications for refugee status in<br />

the State are determined by an independent process comprising the Office of the Refugee<br />

Applications Commissioner (ORAC) and the Refugee peals Tribunal (RAT) which make<br />

recommendations to the Minister for Justice and Equality on whether such status should be<br />

granted.<br />

During 2010, the median processing time for asylum applications by the ORAC was 6 to 7<br />

weeks from the date of application in the case of prioritised applications, and 9 weeks from<br />

the date of application in the case of non-prioritised applications. There were 541 cases on<br />

hand in the ORAC on 31 December, 2010. The median processing times for RAT appeals in<br />

2010 was 33 weeks in the case of substantive appeals (cases involving an oral hearing) and 9<br />

weeks in the case of accelerated appeals (appeals on the papers). On 31 December, 2010 there<br />

were 888 appeals on hand.<br />

I would point out that some cases can take significantly longer to complete due to, for<br />

example, delays arising from medical issues, non-availability of interpreters or because of<br />

judicial review proceedings. All asylum applications and appeals are processed in accordance<br />

with the Refugee Act 1996 and high quality and fair decision-making in all cases continues to<br />

be a key priority at all stages of the asylum process. For the sake of completeness, I should<br />

also state that persons who are refused a declaration under Section 17 of the Refugee Act 1996<br />

(as amended) enter what is commonly referred to as the “leave to remain” process which<br />

generally has two elements to it; an application for subsidiary protection and further consideration<br />

to be given under Section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended). This is separate<br />

to the asylum or refugee status determination process.<br />

The processing of cases at this point is also complex and extremely resource intensive given<br />

that where an application for subsidiary protection is lodged in addition to representations for<br />

consideration under Section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended), the subsidiary protection<br />

application must be considered first to assess whether the applicant has an identifiable<br />


[Deputy Alan Shatter.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

need for international protection. The investigation of such applications requires a fresh examination<br />

of the entire asylum file, the documentation and country of origin information submitted<br />

in support of the application, as well as an examination of objective, reputable, up to date<br />

country of origin information before a conclusion can be arrived at as to whether or not the<br />

applicant is likely to be exposed to ‘serious harm’ if returned to his/her country of origin. Where<br />

such an application is refused, consideration must then be given to the case in accordance with<br />

the provisions of Section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 (as amended), at which point the<br />

Minister must make a decision whether or not to make a deportation order in respect of the<br />

person. All of this must be done in strict compliance with the Constitution, together with<br />

relevant international law including the European Convention on Human Rights. It will be seen<br />

that these are not quick or easy decisions to make and, given the life changing consequences for<br />

the persons involved, these are decisions which must be taken with the most scrupulous care<br />

and attention.<br />

I am taking steps to speed up the processing of these applications by redeploying staff from<br />

primarily the refugee determination bodies. The Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill<br />

2010 which provides for the introduction of a single procedure to determine applications for<br />

protection and other reasons to remain in the State, should substantially simplify and streamline<br />

the existing arrangements. This re-organisation of the protection application processing framework<br />

will remove the current multi-layered processes and provide applicants with a final<br />

decision on their application in a more ‘straight forward’ and timely fashion.<br />

Closed Circuit Television Systems<br />

118. Deputy John Lyons asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the position regarding<br />

extending the closed circuit television to a location (details supplied); and if he will make a<br />

statement on the matter. [9980/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): I am advised by the Garda authorities<br />

that there is currently a Garda CCTV scheme in operation at the location referred to<br />

by the Deputy, consisting of 9 cameras. Any proposals to further extend this system are a<br />

matter for the Garda Commissioner in the context of his identified operational requirements<br />

and priorities.<br />

119. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the funding mechanisms<br />

in place to support the installation of CCTV cameras in public areas; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [10036/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): CCTV systems installed for the<br />

purposes of crime prevention and as aids to policing in areas to which the general public<br />

routinely have access, such as town centres, fall into two distinct categories: Community-based<br />

CCTV systems and Garda CCTV systems. The Community-based CCTV Scheme was launched<br />

in 2005 to provide financial assistance towards the capital costs of establishing a community<br />

CCTV system. To date, two major rounds of the scheme have been advertised, in 2005/2006<br />

and 2007, under which 45 substantive schemes have been approved funding. Any further plans<br />

for an extension of Community CCTV are dependent on a number of factors, including the<br />

progression of the schemes already grant aided, the availability of funding and overall policy<br />

considerations. Garda CCTV systems are planned and implemented on the basis of the Garda<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Commissioner’s identified operational needs and priorities, taking into account available<br />

resources.<br />

120. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the funding available<br />

to support the installation of CCTV cameras in an area (details supplied); and if he will make<br />

a statement on the matter. [10037/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): The Community-based CCTV<br />

Scheme was launched in 2005 to provide financial assistance towards the capital costs of establishing<br />

a Community CCTV system. To date, two major rounds of the scheme have been<br />

advertised, in 2005/2006 and 2007, under which 45 substantive schemes have been approved<br />

funding. I am advised by Pobal, who administer the Scheme on behalf of my Department, that<br />

no application was received under either round of the Community Based CCTV Scheme for<br />

the location referred to by the Deputy. Any further plans for an extension of Community<br />

CCTV are dependent on a number of factors, including the progression of the schemes already<br />

grant aided, the availability of funding and overall policy considerations. I am also advised by<br />

the Garda authorities that there is currently a Garda CCTV system, consisting of 14 cameras,<br />

in operation at the location referred to by the Deputy.<br />

121. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the funding available<br />

to support the installation of CCTV cameras in an area (details supplied); and if he will make<br />

a statement on the matter. [10038/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): The Community-based CCTV<br />

Scheme was launched in 2005 to provide financial assistance towards the capital costs of establishing<br />

a Community CCTV system. To date, two major rounds of the scheme have been<br />

advertised, in 2005/2006 and 2007, under which 45 substantive schemes have been approved<br />

funding.<br />

I have been advised by Pobal, who administer the Scheme on behalf of my Department, that<br />

a pre-development grant of €5,000 was awarded to Wicklow County Council, under Round 2<br />

of the Scheme (2007), to develop proposals for a Community CCTV system at the location<br />

referred to by the Deputy, for submission under a future round of funding. Any further plans<br />

for an extension of Community CCTV are dependent on a number of factors, including the<br />

progression of the schemes already grant aided, the availability of funding and overall policy<br />

considerations.<br />

Employment Regulations<br />

122. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Justice and Equality in view of the economic<br />

downturn and in particular the difficulty that this poses for law graduates in securing a<br />

firm of solicitors to provide the sponsorship for them to enable them to complete their legal<br />

education, if he will consider introducing an amendment to the law whereby solicitor firms can<br />

be allowed to take on apprentices without being obliged to pay them to complete their education;<br />

and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10071/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): Trainee solicitors are paid at<br />

present on the basis of general regulations made under the National Minimum Wage Act 2000<br />

and, while I have no direct function in the matter, I will bring the Deputy’s Question to the<br />

notice of the Law Society and will ask it for views in view of the exceptional circumstances<br />

that exist at present in the economy.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Departmental Funding<br />

123. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the level of<br />

State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for International and European Affairs<br />

during the past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10221/11]<br />

Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): My Department made payments<br />

totalling €63,550 to the Institute of International and European Affairs between 2004 and 2011<br />

in relation to membership of the Institute and the purchase of publications.<br />

124. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Defence the level of State grants<br />

and or other supports given to the Institute for International and European Affairs during the<br />

past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10215/11]<br />

Minister for Defence (Deputy Alan Shatter): The only support given to the Institute for<br />

International and European Affairs is by corporate membership held by the Department since<br />

1992. The annual subscriptions for corporate membership in the period 1992 to 2011 is set out<br />

in the following table:<br />

Years Subscription Per Annum Total Subscriptions Paid<br />

1992-1998 £1,000 (€1,269.74) £7,000 (€8,888.17)<br />

1999-2000 £3,000 (€3,809.21) £6000 (€7,618.43)<br />

2001-2005 €5,000 €25,000<br />

2006 to date €6,000 €36,000<br />

Total to date €77,506.60<br />

Grant Payments<br />

125. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if an<br />

appeal in relation to a grassland sheep scheme application will be successful in respect of a<br />

person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[9952/11]<br />

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Deputy Simon Coveney): An application under<br />

the single payment scheme/grassland sheep scheme was received from the person named on<br />

the 14 May 2010.<br />

This application was fully processed and payment under the grassland sheep scheme issued<br />

on 1 February 2011, based, in accordance with the provisions of the scheme, on the original<br />

sheep census return received by my Department on 11 January 2010, which indicated that the<br />

person named had ten breeding ewes in his flock.<br />

126. Deputy Patrick O’Donovan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food<br />

when persons (details supplied) in County Limerick may expect to receive payment under the<br />

suckler welfare scheme. [10052/11]<br />

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Deputy Simon Coveney): All of the documentation<br />

required to complete the change of the ownership of the herd number as it applies<br />

to this scheme has not been received. The outstanding documentation has been requested<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

again, and on receipt, and when all of the terms and conditions of the scheme have been found<br />

to have been complied with, payment can be processed.<br />

127. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the<br />

reason for the delay in issuing outstanding balances of single farm payments in respect of a<br />

person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10066/11]<br />

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Deputy Simon Coveney): An application under<br />

the 2010 single payment scheme was received from the person named on 5 May 2010. While the<br />

advance payment due under the scheme issued on 16 November 2010, the balancing payment is<br />

outstanding as issues have since come to light relating to a portion of those payment entitlements<br />

leased-in by the person named. It is expected that this matter will be resolved shortly,<br />

following which a balancing payment will issue to the applicant.<br />

Common Agricultural Policy<br />

128. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his<br />

views on matters (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10075/11]<br />

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Deputy Simon Coveney): I can confirm that<br />

Ireland will be taking a very strong stance in the upcoming negotiations on the next EU multiannual<br />

financial framework to ensure that CAP funds are protected. Ireland is committed to<br />

maintaining a strong and effective CAP which will support a vigorous consumer-focused agricultural<br />

production base in Europe.<br />

I am committed to continued decoupling because I believe that decoupled payments provide<br />

the best basis for stability and security in income support to farmers while allowing them the<br />

freedom to respond to the demands of the market.<br />

As to payment models, there is very little support among my colleagues in other EU member<br />

states for the current model of decoupled payments based on the 2000 to 2002 reference period.<br />

For that reason I am seeking maximum flexibility to tailor the payment model to our own<br />

circumstances in Ireland.<br />

I agree that there is a need to avoid massive changes in payments between farmers. This is<br />

one of the reasons why I have sought flexibility in the payment models within member states<br />

and why I will be insisting that any changes that might be made to the current regime will be<br />

introduced very gradually over a lengthy period of time. As to the scale of beef imports from<br />

South America, I am well aware of the dangers posed by the current negotiations for a free<br />

trade agreement with the MERCOSUR group of South American countries. Food Harvest<br />

2020, our strategy for growth of the Irish agri-food industry to 2020, envisages a 20% growth<br />

in output value for beef over the period. A MERCOSUR deal would raise serious questions<br />

regarding the viability of this strategy. Given the importance of the export-led agri-food industry<br />

to our economic recovery, an agreement with MERCOSUR to allow large quantities of<br />

South American food into the EU high value beef market, replacing Irish exports is something<br />

I cannot support.<br />

Indeed the initial presentation last week from the EU Commission of its impact assessment<br />

of a free trade agreements with the MERCOSUR group of South American countries was<br />

quite shocking and confirmed the point I have been making for the past number of weeks that<br />


[Deputy Simon Coveney.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

a MERCOSUR deal would damage EU and Irish agriculture. Ireland cannot afford to allow<br />

the Irish and European agri-food sectors to be sacrificed to get a trade agreement.<br />

As the deputy is aware the young farmers installation scheme was closed to new applicants<br />

on 14 October 2008 and I have no plans to reopen entry to the scheme at this time. An<br />

allocation of almost €1 million has, however, been provided in 2011 to meet the remaining<br />

commitments under the young farmers installation scheme and the preceding equivalent<br />

schemes.<br />

Under the terms of the 2010 agri-environment options scheme, all applications must be<br />

administratively checked before payment can issue to any individual and this process is ongoing.<br />

This work is being prioritised and payments will issue at the earliest possible date. While with<br />

the prioritisation of funding to deliver €5,000 AEOS scheme for 2011 and 2012, I have made<br />

provision for €25 million per year for five years to fund 2011 applications to join the scheme.<br />

I have fixed the maximum payment to any individual farmer applying in 2011 at €4,000. Further<br />

participation, beyond 2011, in agri environment schemes will have to be determined within the<br />

limits of the level of funding which will be available to my Department.<br />

Because of the overall funding constraints and in order to ensure that as many applicants<br />

can be accepted into the scheme, the rate for designated land will be €75 per hectare.<br />

I want to assure the deputy that I am strongly committed to the development of the beef<br />

and sheep sectors. The Food Harvest 2020 Report, developed in consultation with stakeholders<br />

across the agri food sectors, establishes a road map for development and I am personally<br />

chairing a high level group to oversee its implementation.<br />

The Government has already committed significant funding to these sectors. Already in 2011<br />

approximately €16.4 million has been paid through the suckler cow welfare scheme in respect<br />

of animals born in 2010, and depending on the number of successful applications, this figure<br />

has the potential to double by year end. In the sheep sector, some €54 million has been made<br />

available from the EU direct payments envelope for the three year grassland sheep scheme,<br />

while some €8 million has been committed for the sheep fencing/mobile handling equipment<br />

scheme. My Department also provides some €28 million in grant in aid to Bord Bia, which is<br />

active on EU and third country markets in promoting Irish beef and sheepmeat.<br />

In relation to the funding of discussion groups, I am of course aware of the significant benefit<br />

of such arrangements in the dairy sector. In so far as future expenditure commitments are<br />

concerned, including for discussion groups in the beef and sheep sectors, the realities of the<br />

public finances mean that difficult choices will have to be made when it comes to allocating<br />

scarce Exchequer resources. I can assure the Deputy, however, that my approach to these<br />

matters will be informed by the need to ensure that scarce public resources are utilised to best<br />

effect to facilitate the development of the beef, sheep and other agrifood sectors.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

129. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food<br />

the level of State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for International and<br />

European Affairs during the past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on<br />

the matter. [10213/11]<br />

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Deputy Simon Coveney): The following payments<br />

were made to the Institute for International and European Affairs by my Department:<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Membership Fees<br />

1993 £1,000<br />

1994 £1,000<br />

1995 £1,000<br />

1996 £1,000<br />

1997 £1,000<br />

1998 £3,000<br />

1999 £3,000<br />

2000 £3,000<br />

2001 €5,000<br />

2002 €5,000<br />

2003 €5,000<br />

2004 €5,000<br />

2005 €5,000<br />

2006 €5,000<br />

2007 €6,000<br />

2008 €6,000<br />

2009 €6,000<br />

2010 €6,000<br />

2011 €6,000<br />

Seminar Fees<br />

2008 €229.90<br />

2009 €114.95<br />

Preschool Services<br />

130. Deputy Dara Murphy asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding<br />

the provision of a place for a person (details supplied) in County Cork in the early childhood<br />

care and education scheme; if the scheme is open to second time applicants; and if not, are<br />

there arrangements available for this person; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[9921/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): The Early Childhood Care and<br />

Education (ECCE) programme, which was introduced in January 2010, is a universal programme<br />

which provides children with one free pre-school year prior to commencing primary<br />

school.<br />

There is no entitlement under the programme to any additional provision. The programme<br />

does, however, include a number of provisions to take account of children with special needs.<br />

These include an exemption from the upper age limit for qualification under the programme<br />

where a child is developmentally delayed and would benefit from starting primary school at a<br />

later age. In addition, children with special needs can apply to have the pre-school year split<br />


[Deputy James Reilly.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

over two years on a pro-rata basis, for example availing of the scheme for 2 days a week in the<br />

first year and for 3 days a week in the second year.<br />

While some children with special needs are availing of the free pre-school year in specialist<br />

services, many are availing of it in mainstream settings, or a mixture of the two. In February<br />

2010, shortly after the introduction of the programme, to ensure a coherent approach to service<br />

provision and supports for children with special needs across both specialist and mainstream<br />

settings, the Office asked the Office of Disability and Mental Health was asked to set up a<br />

Working Group to look at existing services and supports for pre-school children with special<br />

needs and the way in which these are allocated. This group is expected to report shortly.<br />

A limited number of children with severe disabilities who had availed of the programme in<br />

the introductory short-year period of January to June 2010, were approved on an exceptional<br />

basis for re-entry to the scheme in September of that year, the first full year of the programme.<br />

Each request was examined taking account of the information provided in detailed assessment<br />

reports. I understand that an application for a second free pre-school year was made on behalf<br />

of the child referred to by the Deputy but that the information provided did not confirm a<br />

diagnosis of severe disability and re-entry to the programme was not approved.<br />

Water Fluoridation<br />

131. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will respond<br />

to a matter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10030/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): The Forum on Fluoridation, which<br />

was established by the Minister for Health and Children in 2000, advised in 2002 that the<br />

fluoridation of public piped water supplies should continue as a public health measure. The<br />

Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health, which was established in 2004, monitors new and<br />

emerging issues on fluoride and its effects on health and related matters. The expert body<br />

advises that the balance of scientific evidence worldwide confirms that water fluoridation, at<br />

the optimal level, does not cause any ill effects and continues to be safe and effective in protecting<br />

the oral health of all age groups. I have no plans to discontinue the policy of fluoridation<br />

of public water supplies, which continues to make an effective contribution to oral health<br />

in Ireland.<br />

Services for People with Disabilities<br />

132. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Health and Children the progress<br />

made to date towards making a direct payments system available to those persons with disabilities<br />

who would prefer to be the direct employer of their personal assistant rather than<br />

contracting this role to a service provider; if he will report on the experience of the trials<br />

undertaken to date; if he will make the introduction of a direct payment option a priority; and<br />

if he will indicate a timeframe within which a direct payments system will be rolled out as an<br />

option. [9910/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): The Government’s central policy<br />

objective for people with disabilities is that people should be supported “to lead full and independent<br />

lives, to participate in work and society and to maximise their potential”. In line<br />

with this policy, the Government’s Programme for National Recovery 2011-2016 contains a<br />

commitment to “ensure that the quality of life for people with disabilities is enhanced and that<br />

resources allocated reach the people who need them.”.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Research, both international and national, confirms that the needs of people with a disability<br />

are most appropriately met and provided in their home and community and that this provides<br />

a more sustainable model for the provision of care. The Government’s commitment to people<br />

with disabilities is one whereby the focus of any supports should be based on individual need<br />

as much as possible and, while there is no “one size fits all” solution, the focus of supports<br />

should favour the individual rather than an organisation or service provider.<br />

A review of the efficiency and effectiveness of disability services funded from the health<br />

Vote is currently underway and will be completed later this year. As part of this review an<br />

expert reference group was established to review current policy in relation to disability services.<br />

Although it is important not to pre-empt any recommendation that may arise out of this process,<br />

a key theme emerging is the need for a shift in funding from organisations to individuals.<br />

This might or might not involve the transfer of actual funds to the individual. While direct<br />

payment may be considered in the future, a shorter term goal would be the transfer to the<br />

individual of choice and control over support and care decisions through the mechanism of<br />

individualised budgeting.<br />

I understand that the Health Service Executive is supporting a direct payments model for<br />

two people with a disability in the Cavan-Monaghan area. In addition, my Department through<br />

the Genio Trust is supporting a new innovative initiative for five individuals to manage and<br />

direct their personal assistant supports by receiving direct payments to purchase the supports<br />

they decide they need. The evaluation of this initiative will inform the implementation of the<br />

policy proposals currently being developed.<br />

Health Services<br />

133. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Health and Children if it is possible<br />

for a person with a personal assistant funded by the Health Service Executive to switch service<br />

provider; and the way they would do same. [9911/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As the Deputy’s question relates<br />

to service matters I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive<br />

for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Medical Cards<br />

134. Deputy Dara Murphy asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding<br />

the removal of a medical card in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if<br />

he will make a statement on the matter. [9919/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Health Services<br />

135. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding<br />

the care of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 3. [9924/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.<br />

Hospital Services<br />

136. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding<br />

physiotherapy services at a hospital (details supplied). [9925/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.<br />

Services for People with Disabilities<br />

137. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Health and Children if his attention has<br />

been drawn to the number of children in County Louth who are clients of the Louth Early<br />

Intervention Team for each of the past four years; and if he will make these number available.<br />

[9959/11]<br />

138. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of children<br />

in County Louth who are clients of the Louth Children’s Team for each of the past four<br />

years. [9960/11]<br />

139. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of children<br />

in County Louth who are clients of the Louth Autism Team for each of the past four<br />

years. [9961/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): I propose to take Questions Nos.<br />

137 to 139, inclusive, together.<br />

As the Deputy’s questions relate to service matters I have arranged for the questions to be<br />

referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Health Service Staff<br />

140. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will furnish<br />

statistics on the number of speech therapist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist wholetime<br />

equivalents assigned to the Louth Early Intervention Team, Louth Children’s Team and<br />

Louth Autism Team for each of the past four years. [9962/11]<br />

141. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Health and Children if he is satisfied that<br />

the ratio of whole-time equivalent physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists<br />

to clients under the Louth Autism Team, Louth Children’s Team and Louth Early Intervention<br />

team comply with best practice figures; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9963/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): I propose to take Questions Nos.<br />

140 and 141 together.<br />

As this is a service matter, it has been referred to the HSE for attention and direct reply to<br />

the Deputy.<br />

Hospitals Building Programme<br />

142. Deputy Noel Harrington asked the Minister for Health and Children his plans for a<br />

hospital (details supplied); when he expects work to start on the new hospital; and if he will<br />

make a statement on the matter. [9976/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Community Care<br />

143. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will ensure the<br />

continued operation of an organisation (details supplied) which provides valuable community<br />

services and faces eviction from its present premises. [9977/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the HSE for direct reply.<br />

Medical Cards<br />

144. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Health and Children the position<br />

regarding an application for a medical card in respect of a person (details supplied) in County<br />

Kilkenny and if he will expedite a response. [9983/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Health Services<br />

145. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Health and Children when a full-time<br />

care plan or long-term bed will be provided in respect of a person (details supplied) in County<br />

Kilkenny; if he will expedite a response from the Health Service Executive; and if he will make<br />

a statement on the matter. [9994/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As the Deputy’s question relates<br />

to service matters I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive<br />

for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Medical Cards<br />

146. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Health and Children if a medical card<br />

will be issued to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny and if he will expedite the<br />

matter. [10000/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Health Services<br />

147. Deputy Joanna Tuffy asked the Minister for Health and Children if funding is being<br />

provided for patients who attend a centre (details supplied) for treatment of an eating disorder;<br />

if it is the policy of the Health Service Executive to provide some patients with some funding<br />

and others with little if any; the criteria used for such decisions; if there are plans to extend<br />

proper funding to all patients in need of this treatment; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10055/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter the<br />

question has been referred to the HSE for direct reply.<br />

Medical Cards<br />

148. Deputy Patrick O’Donovan asked the Minister for Health and Children if a review of<br />


[Deputy Patrick O’Donovan.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

a decision to award a general practitioner visit card in respect of a person (details supplied)<br />

County Limerick will be reviewed with a view to providing a full medical card. [10057/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Health Service Staff<br />

149. Deputy Patrick O’Donovan asked the Minister for Health and Children the position<br />

regarding the number of social worker vacancies for the protection of older people within the<br />

Health Service Executive. [10059/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): Under the Employment Control<br />

Framework 2011-2014 for the health sector, social workers are among the grades specifically<br />

exempted from the general moratorium on recruitment and promotions. This means that vacancies<br />

arising in the exempted grades, including social worker posts, may continue to be filled.<br />

The framework also provides for an increase in the number of social workers posts within the<br />

overall approved employment ceiling, in line with Government policy, in order to meet the<br />

requirements of integrated care delivery and primary care needs particularly in respect of<br />

children at risk, the elderly and those with disabilities.<br />

Social Workers who deal with elder abuse are known as Senior Case Workers for Elder<br />

Abuse. The HSE has advised that there are currently two Senior Case Worker vacancies in the<br />

local health office areas of Dun Laoghaire and Kildare/West Wicklow.<br />

Medical Cards<br />

150. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding<br />

an application for a medical card in respect of a person (details supplied) in County<br />

Limerick. [10061/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): As this is a service matter it has<br />

been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.<br />

Departmental Funding<br />

151. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Health and Children the level of<br />

State grants and or other supports given to the Institute for International and European Affairs<br />

during the past two decades up to 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter.<br />

[10220/11]<br />

Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): Information on payments to the<br />

Institute for International and European Affairs (IIEA) are available in my Department since<br />

1994. From 1994 to 2009, a total of €56,398.34 was paid to the Institute.<br />

The Department’s corporate membership to the IIEA ceased in April 2009.<br />

Sports Capital Programme<br />

152. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when<br />

he will start taking applications for funding under the National Lottery funded sports capital<br />

grant programme as recently indicated by him; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [9971/11]<br />


Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport (Deputy Leo Varadkar): To date over 7,400 projects<br />

have benefited from the Sports Capital Programme with over €739 million paid out to<br />

fund essential sports facilities at national, regional and local level. While no new round of the<br />

Programme has been advertised since 2008 the Programme is still very active with €33 million<br />

being provided in the Estimates to fund the programme for 2011.<br />

No decision has been made about the timing of further rounds of the Programme.<br />

Coast Guard Service<br />

153. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport<br />

when will Malin Head Coast Guard station, County Donegal be upgraded with integrated<br />

communications system. [10031/11]<br />

154. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport<br />

his plans to build a new Coast Guard station at Malin Head, County Donegal. [10032/11]<br />

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport (Deputy Leo Varadkar): I propose to take Questions<br />

Nos. 153 and 154 together.<br />

The equipment for the Marine Rescue Sub co-ordination Centre (MRSC) Malin Head was<br />

delivered in 2010. It will be installed into a technical room in late 2011/early 2012 and the<br />

MRSC will go live on the new system during 2012. When the new building on the Malin<br />

Head MRSC site is completed in 2014, subject to funding, the ICS equipment will be reinstalled<br />

there.<br />

Departmental Programmes<br />

155. Deputy John Deasy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when he<br />

expects to announce the successful applicants for the smarter travel initiative. [10033/11]<br />

156. Deputy John Deasy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the criteria<br />

used to identify successful applications for the smarter travel initiative. [10034/11]<br />

157. Deputy John Deasy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the review<br />

process used for the smarter travel initiative for successful applications; if this will be carried<br />

out on an annual basis; if continued funding for the scheme will be based on the level of<br />

achievement reached by successful applicants; and if he will make a statement on the<br />

matter. [10035/11]<br />

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport (Deputy Leo Varadkar): I propose to take Questions<br />

Nos. 155 to 157, inclusive, together.<br />

With regard to the application review process for the Smarter Travel Areas Competition,<br />

eleven projects were short-listed from an original total of 39 for Stage 2 of the Competition.<br />

Local Authorities submitted written proposals to my Department which were assessed by a<br />

selection panel. A decision has yet to be announced regarding the outcome of the Smarter<br />

Travel Areas Competition.<br />

The future of the Programme is being considered in the context of the available budget for<br />

2011 and the National Recovery Plan. However, this programme is one I believe has considerable<br />

merit. While the scope and scale originally envisaged for the scheme is no longer possible<br />

given the current fiscal situation, there may be some scope to proceed with a scheme scaled<br />


[Deputy Leo Varadkar.]<br />

Questions— 4 May 2011. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

back in size. I believe that Smarter Travel Areas have the potential to provide a basis for future<br />

evidence based investment in the range of sustainable travel measures.<br />

The local authorities concerned will be notified of the outcome of the review in due course.<br />

Finally, given the current status of the Competition as outlined, it is premature at this stage to<br />

confirm review processes for future initiatives and funding provisions for existing Competition<br />

applications.I intend to formally delegate the Smarter Travel Areas under the Department of<br />

Transport, Tourism and Sport to the Minister for State for Public and Commuter Transport,<br />

Deputy Alan Kelly, in the coming days.<br />


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