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Affinity Precipitation of Proteins 39 were quantitatively precipitated in model experiments with bis-copper chelates. In another study, Lilius et al. (20) described the purification of genetically engineered galactose dehydrogenase with polyhistidine tail by metal affinity precipitation. The histidines functioned as the affinity tail and the enzyme could be precipitated when the bis-zinc complex with ethylene glycol-bis-(aminoethyl ether)N,N,N´,N´-tetraacetic acid, EGTA (Zn) 2 , was added to the protein solution. However, in general, the application of affinity precipitation with homo-bifunctional ligands has been quite limited (21). The requirement of a multi-binding functionality of the target protein and slow precipitation rate restricts the use of this type of affinity precipitation process (19,22,23). The concentration dependence and the risk of terminal aggregate formation further complicates its use (22). On the other hand, hetero-bifunctional format of affinity precipitation is a more general approach, wherein affinity ligands are covalently coupled to soluble–insoluble polymers. The ligand selectively binds the target protein from the crude extract. The protein–polymer complex is precipitated from the solution by a simple change of the environment property (pH, temperature, or ionic strength). Finally, the desired protein is dissociated from the polymer, and the latter can be recovered and reused for another cycle (18). In metal chelating affinity precipitation, metal ligands are covalently coupled to the reversible soluble–insoluble polymers (mainly thermoresponsive polymers) by radical copolymerization. The copolymers carrying metal chelating ligands are charged with metal ions and the target protein binds the metal-loaded copolymer in solution via the interaction between the histidine on the protein and the metal ion. The complex of the target protein with copolymer is precipitated from the solution by increasing the temperature in the presence of NaCl, whereas impurities remain in the supernatant and are discarded after the separation of precipitate. The precipitated complex is solubilized by reversing the precipitation conditions, and the target protein is dissociated from the precipitated polymer by using imidazole or EDTA as eluting agent. The protein is recovered from the copolymer by precipitating the latter at elevated temperature in presence of NaCl. The metal chelating affinity precipitation technique is presented schematically in Fig. 1. The technique uses mainly the thermoresponsive polymers, and these polymers constitute a major group of reversibly soluble–insoluble polymers. Among these, poly(Nisopropylacrylamide), poly(vinyl methyl ether), and poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) have been widely studied and used for various applications (24). Copolymers of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) were mostly used in affinity precipitation methods. Poly(NIPAM) has a critical temperature of precipitation at about 32°C in water and changes reversibly from hydrophilic below this temperature to hydrophobic above it (25). This transition occurs rather abruptly at what

Affinity Precipitation of Proteins 39<br />

were quantitatively precipitated in model experiments with bis-copper chelates.<br />

In another study, Lilius et al. (20) described the purification of genetically<br />

engineered galactose dehydrogenase with polyhistidine tail by metal affinity<br />

precipitation. The histidines functioned as the affinity tail and the enzyme<br />

could be precipitated when the bis-zinc complex with ethylene glycol-bis-(aminoethyl<br />

ether)N,N,N´,N´-tetraacetic acid, EGTA (Zn) 2 , was added to the<br />

protein solution. However, in general, the application of affinity precipitation<br />

with homo-bifunctional ligands has been quite limited (21). The requirement<br />

of a multi-binding functionality of the target protein and slow precipitation rate<br />

restricts the use of this type of affinity precipitation process (19,22,23). The<br />

concentration dependence and the risk of terminal aggregate formation further<br />

complicates its use (22).<br />

On the other hand, hetero-bifunctional format of affinity precipitation is<br />

a more general approach, wherein affinity ligands are covalently coupled to<br />

soluble–insoluble polymers. The ligand selectively binds the target protein<br />

from the crude extract. The protein–polymer complex is precipitated from the<br />

solution by a simple change of the environment property (pH, temperature, or<br />

ionic strength). Finally, the desired protein is dissociated from the polymer,<br />

and the latter can be recovered and reused for another cycle (18).<br />

In metal chelating affinity precipitation, metal ligands are covalently<br />

coupled to the reversible soluble–insoluble polymers (mainly thermoresponsive<br />

polymers) by radical copolymerization. The copolymers carrying<br />

metal chelating ligands are charged with metal ions and the target protein<br />

binds the metal-loaded copolymer in solution via the interaction between the<br />

histidine on the protein and the metal ion. The complex of the target protein<br />

with copolymer is precipitated from the solution by increasing the temperature<br />

in the presence of NaCl, whereas impurities remain in the supernatant<br />

and are discarded after the separation of precipitate. The precipitated complex<br />

is solubilized by reversing the precipitation conditions, and the target protein<br />

is dissociated from the precipitated polymer by using imidazole or EDTA as<br />

eluting agent. The protein is recovered from the copolymer by precipitating the<br />

latter at elevated temperature in presence of NaCl. The metal chelating affinity<br />

precipitation technique is presented schematically in Fig. 1. The technique<br />

uses mainly the thermoresponsive polymers, and these polymers constitute a<br />

major group of reversibly soluble–insoluble polymers. Among these, poly(Nisopropylacrylamide),<br />

poly(vinyl methyl ether), and poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)<br />

have been widely studied and used for various applications (24). Copolymers<br />

of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) were mostly used in affinity precipitation<br />

methods. Poly(NIPAM) has a critical temperature of precipitation at about<br />

32°C in water and changes reversibly from hydrophilic below this temperature<br />

to hydrophobic above it (25). This transition occurs rather abruptly at what

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