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328 Heegaard et al. 2. Introduce pre-incubated samples into the capillary by applying pressure (0.5 psi) for 99 s (injection volume ∼121 nL) (see Note 10). 3. Perform electrophoretic separation of drug standard solutions and HAS-containing samples using a voltage of +15 kV in the normal polarity mode and a detection wavelength of 200 nm (see Note 11). 4. Construct a calibration curve by plotting plateau peak heights as a function of drug concentration of the standard solutions and determine the free drug concentration from the plateau heights by aid of the calibration curve. 5. Determine binding parameters by suitable data analysis (see Note 12). Electropherograms obtained by CE-FA using experimental setups very similar to the one outlined above for warfarin-HSA binding are depicted in Fig. 7. The rectangular plateau peaks of the standard solution and the consecutive plateaus of the ligand-protein solution are characteristic of CE-FA. HSA and warfarin are both negatively charged with the apparent mobility of warfarin being slightly smaller than that of HAS, which leads to incomplete separation and the free warfarin plateau passing the detector after HSA. A positively charged ligand would be detected as a plateau before HAS, and complete separation would be obtained because of the large difference in mobility. Note that Fig. 7A was prepared for illustration of the CE-FA principle. With the long analysis time and very broad plateaus, the method would be of little practical interest. Figure 7B represents a more normal CE-FA experiment. 7. Conclusions To the extent that proteins are recovered during conditions that are relevant for their native or in vivo function, there is a great deal to be learnt about their function from ACE experiments. Close attention to peak shapes and analyte recovery, reproducible temperature conditions, inclusion of non-interacting markers and proper coverage of binding isotherms will make useful characterization of protein interactions possible also in cases where only few other methods succeed. 8. Notes 1. The term ACE is normally used to cover both the mobility shift and the pre-eq formats. A number of alternative names for mobility shift ACE methodology have appeared; ACE, classical ACE (17), dynamic complexation CE (DCCE) (94) and mobility change analysis (95). Pre-eq CZE has been termed CZE (96), equilibriummixture analysis (95), CE mobility shift assay (CEMSA), pre-incubation ACE (PI-CE) (10) and a variant hereof non-equilibrium CE of equilibrium mixtures (NECEEM) (82,83). The recommended acronym for CE in the FA mode is CE-FA as the abbreviation FACE (97) has been used for fluorescence anisotropy CE.

328 Heegaard et al.<br />

2. Introduce pre-incubated samples into the capillary by applying pressure (0.5 psi)<br />

for 99 s (injection volume ∼121 nL) (see Note 10).<br />

3. Perform electrophoretic separation of drug standard solutions and HAS-containing<br />

samples using a voltage of +15 kV in the normal polarity mode and a detection<br />

wavelength of 200 nm (see Note 11).<br />

4. Construct a calibration curve by plotting plateau peak heights as a function of drug<br />

concentration of the standard solutions and determine the free drug concentration<br />

from the plateau heights by aid of the calibration curve.<br />

5. Determine binding parameters by suitable data analysis (see Note 12).<br />

Electropherograms obtained by CE-FA using experimental setups very<br />

similar to the one outlined above for warfarin-HSA binding are depicted in<br />

Fig. 7. The rectangular plateau peaks of the standard solution and the consecutive<br />

plateaus of the ligand-protein solution are characteristic of CE-FA. HSA<br />

and warfarin are both negatively charged with the apparent mobility of warfarin<br />

being slightly smaller than that of HAS, which leads to incomplete separation<br />

and the free warfarin plateau passing the detector after HSA. A positively<br />

charged ligand would be detected as a plateau before HAS, and complete<br />

separation would be obtained because of the large difference in mobility. Note<br />

that Fig. 7A was prepared for illustration of the CE-FA principle. With the long<br />

analysis time and very broad plateaus, the method would be of little practical<br />

interest. Figure 7B represents a more normal CE-FA experiment.<br />

7. Conclusions<br />

To the extent that proteins are recovered during conditions that are relevant<br />

for their native or in vivo function, there is a great deal to be learnt about their<br />

function from ACE experiments. Close attention to peak shapes and analyte<br />

recovery, reproducible temperature conditions, inclusion of non-interacting<br />

markers and proper coverage of binding isotherms will make useful characterization<br />

of protein interactions possible also in cases where only few other<br />

methods succeed.<br />

8. Notes<br />

1. The term ACE is normally used to cover both the mobility shift and the pre-eq<br />

formats. A number of alternative names for mobility shift ACE methodology have<br />

appeared; ACE, classical ACE (17), dynamic complexation CE (DCCE) (94) and<br />

mobility change analysis (95). Pre-eq CZE has been termed CZE (96), equilibriummixture<br />

analysis (95), CE mobility shift assay (CEMSA), pre-incubation ACE<br />

(PI-CE) (10) and a variant hereof non-equilibrium CE of equilibrium mixtures<br />

(NECEEM) (82,83). The recommended acronym for CE in the FA mode is CE-FA<br />

as the abbreviation FACE (97) has been used for fluorescence anisotropy CE.

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