LEED Scorecard - McCullough Construction

LEED Scorecard - McCullough Construction

LEED Scorecard - McCullough Construction


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Verizon Georgetown - 6 July 2012<br />

Owner (EB) - Mary E. Mottershead, George Rizk, Robin Bettarel, Matthew Harris (EastBanc Development)<br />

Architect (BBB) - Hany Hassan, Jill Cavanaugh, Suzi Schmidt (Beyer Blinder Belle)<br />

MEP Engineer (FA) - Jerry Carson, Stephen W. Maier (E) (Face Associates)<br />

Civil Engineer (WM) - Mary Ramsey, Marcelo Lopez (Wiles Mensch)<br />

Structural Engineer (TCE) - Sanjay Khanna (Tadjer Cohen Edelson Associates)<br />

Landscape (CA) - Sandy Clinton (Clinton & Associates)<br />

Lighting Consultant (GSA) - Brian McIntyre (George Sexton Associates)<br />

Acoustic Consultant (SMW) - Christopher Pollock, Julie Fischer (Shen Milsom Wilke)<br />

General Contractor (GC) - TBD<br />

Sustainability Consultant (GS) - Iris Amdur, Bharati Karmarkar, Ashley Bakelmun (GreenShape)<br />

Commissioning Agent (CxA) - TBD<br />

<strong>LEED</strong> 2009 - New <strong>Construction</strong>, Major Renovations<br />

Pts.<br />

Responsibility<br />

Action Items<br />

61 11 11 27 Total Proposed Project Score 110 Doc. Coord.<br />

Due/<br />

Priority<br />

Review<br />

Certified 40 to 49 points Silver 50 to 59 points<br />

Gold 60 to 79 points Platinum 80 points and above<br />

A,B,C<br />

D/C<br />

22 1 1 2 Sustainable Sites<br />

26<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

Y SSPR 1 <strong>Construction</strong> Activity Pollution Prevention 0 Project will meet requirements. WM C C<br />

1 SS1 Site Selection 1 Project will meet requirements. WM B D<br />

5 SS2 Development Density & Community Connectivity 5 Project to pursue option 2. Project will meet requirements. BBB WM A D<br />

1 SS3 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 An underground storage/fuel tank will be removed from site. Project to document EB B D<br />

abatement measures.<br />

6 SS4.1 Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access 6 Project will meet requirements. BBB to confirm if exemplary performance will be met. BBB A D<br />

1 SS4.2 Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms 1 Approx employee FTE = 5, 1 bike space and 1 shower needed. Approx residential = BBB B D<br />

25, 4 bike spaces are needed. Will well exceed 4 spaces<br />

3 SS4.3 Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting and Fuel Eff. Vehicles 3 One parking space will be provided for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles. BBB B D<br />

2 SS4.4 Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity 2 Project will not meet requirements.<br />

1 SS5.1 Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat 1 Project will meet requirements. Green Roof to contribute towards requirement. WM C C<br />

1 SS5.2 Site Development, Maximize Open Space 1 Project will meet requirements. WM B D<br />

1 SS6.1 Stormwater Design, Quantity Control 1 Cistern can be placed underneath the ramp; 6000 gallons will be required. WM B D<br />

1 SS6.2 Stormwater Design, Quality Control 1 Project will meet requirements. CA and WM to confirm with calculations. WM B D<br />

1 SS7.1 Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof 1 100% of the parking is under cover. Exemplary performance can be achieved. BBB C C<br />

1 SS7.2 Heat Island Effect, Roof 1 Project will meet requirements. BBB B D<br />

1 SS8 Light Pollution Reduction 1 Requirements will likely not be met. Confirm feasibility. FA GSA A D<br />

6 2 2 0 Water Efficiency<br />

10<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

Y WEPR1 Water Use Reduction, 20% reduction 0 Project will install low-flow fixtures. FA B D<br />

4 WE1 Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% , No Potable Water Use 4 Green roof will have 6" sedum green roof on the main level and 3-4" on penthouse. CA B D<br />

2 WE2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies 2 Determine tradeoffs of using greywater with WEc1. Evaluate costs of using cistern for FA A D<br />

water closets.<br />

2 2 WE3 Water Use Reduction, 30%, 35%, or 40% Reduction 4 Reusing water would make it more feasible to get to 40%. Confirm % savings FA B D<br />

10 3 6 16 Energy & Atmosphere<br />

35<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

Y EAPR1 Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning 0 GS to send recommendations for commissioning agents. CxA EB A C<br />

Y EAPR2 Minimum Energy Performance 0 Project will meet requirements. GS B D<br />

Y EAPR3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management 0 Project will meet requirements. FA B D<br />

8 2 9 EA1 Optimize Energy Performance 19 26% savings estimated. GS to confirm with calculations. GS B D<br />

7 EA2 On-Site Renewable Energy 7 Project will not pursue.<br />

2 EA3 Enhanced Commissioning 2 Project will meet requirements. CxA EB C C<br />

2 EA4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management 2 Confirm with calculations. FA B D<br />

3 EA5 Measurement & Verification 3 GS to confirm if water must be submetered. Eastbanc to conduct cost benefit<br />

analysis.<br />

FA A D<br />

2 EA6 Green Power, 35% for 2 years 2 Pursuit of credit is unlikely. EB C C<br />

Contents of the <strong>LEED</strong> rating system are copyright of USGBC and have been included for reference only. This template is copyright © GreenShape LLC. Permission granted for use on the Verizon Georgetown project only. Page 1 of 2

<strong>LEED</strong> 2009 - New <strong>Construction</strong>, Major Renovations<br />

Pts.<br />

Responsibility<br />

Action Items<br />

61 11 11 27 Total Proposed Project Score 110 Doc. Coord.<br />

Due/<br />

Priority<br />

Review<br />

Certified 40 to 49 points Silver 50 to 59 points<br />

Gold 60 to 79 points Platinum 80 points and above<br />

A,B,C<br />

D/C<br />

5 2 1 6 Materials & Resources<br />

14<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

Y MRPR1 Storage & Collection of Recyclables 0 Project will meet requirements. BBB EB B D<br />

3 MR1.1 Building Reuse, Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof. 55%, 75%, or 95% 3 Project will not pursue.<br />

1 MR1.2 Building Reuse, Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements 1 Project will not pursue.<br />

2 MR2 <strong>Construction</strong> Waste Management, Divert 50-75% 2 Project to achieve 75% diversion. Include in specifications. Track in construction. GC BBB C C<br />

2 MR3 Materials Reuse, 5-10% 2 Project will not pursue.<br />

1 1 MR4 Recycled Content, 10%-20% (p.c. + 1/2 p.i.) 2 Project will likely get to 20% with steel and concrete. Include in specifications. Track in GC BBB C C<br />

construction.<br />

2 MR5 Local/Regional Materials, 10% - 20% manufactured, harvested regionally 2 Project will meet requirements. Include in specifications. Track in construction. GC BBB C C<br />

1 MR6 Rapidly Renewable Materials, 2.5% 1 Cork underlayment will be used for floors. GC BBB C C<br />

1 MR7 Certified Wood 1 Wood flooring will contribute towards credit. Include in specifications. Track in GC BBB C C<br />

construction.<br />

10 2 1 2 Indoor Environmental Quality<br />

15<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

Y EQPR1 Minimum IAQ Performance 0 Project will meet requirements. FA B D<br />

Y EQPR2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control 0 Smoking will be allowed in apartments. Ensure prerequisite requirements are met. EB B D<br />

Project will pursue option 2.<br />

1 EQ1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 1 Project will not pursue.<br />

1 EQ2 Increased Ventilation 1 Confirm the breakdown of mechanically and naturally ventilated spaces. Confirm if FA A D<br />

credit requirements will be met.<br />

1 EQ3.1 <strong>Construction</strong> IAQ Management Plan, During <strong>Construction</strong> 1 Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ3.2 <strong>Construction</strong> IAQ Management Plan, Pre-Occupancy 1 Will pursue air testing. Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ4.1 Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants 1 Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ4.2 Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings 1 Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ4.3 Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems 1 Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ4.4 Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber 1 Project will meet requirements. GC BBB C C<br />

1 EQ5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control 1 A 10-foot walk-off can be included at the building entrance. Confirm that there is ample FA BBB A D<br />

space.<br />

1 EQ6.1 Controllability of Systems, Lighting 1 Project will meet requirements. FA GSA B D<br />

1 EQ6.2 Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort 1 Project will meet requirements. FA B D<br />

1 EQ7.1 Thermal Comfort, Design (ASHRAE 55-2004) 1 Project will meet requirements. FA B D<br />

1 EQ7.2 Thermal Comfort, Verification Survey 1 Project not elligible.<br />

1 EQ8.1 Daylight & Views, Daylight 75% of Spaces 1 GS to send guidance on regularly occupied spaces. BBB A D<br />

1 EQ8.2 Daylight & Views, Views for 90% of Spaces 1 Confirm with calculations. BBB B D<br />

6 0 0 0 Innovation in Design<br />

6<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

1 ID1.1 Innovation in Design, Exemplary Performance for SSc4.1 1 See SSc4.1. BBB B C<br />

1 ID1.2 Innovation in Design, Exemplary Performance for SSc7.1 1 See SSc7.1. BBB B C<br />

1 ID1.3 Innovation in Design, Green Cleaning Program 1 Green cleaning contractor can be hired for common areas. EB C C<br />

1 ID1.4 Innovation in Design, Low Mercury Lighting 1 Include in specs. Track in construction. GC GSA C C<br />

1 ID1.5 Innovation in Design, Enhanced Acoustical Performance 1 Confirm with calculations. SMW B D<br />

Y BACKUP Innovation in Design, Education and Outreach Program 0 Green guidelines can be provided. Website content can be developed. EB B D<br />

M+ BACKUP Innovation in Design, Low Emitting Ceiling & Wall Systems 0 BBB to confirm if credit can be pursued<br />

M- BACKUP Innovation in Design, Appliance & Process Water Use Reduction 0<br />

BACKUP Innovation in Design 0<br />

1 ID2 <strong>LEED</strong> Accredited Professional 1 Iris Amdur and others are <strong>LEED</strong> AP. GS C C<br />

2 1 0 1 Regional Priority Credits<br />

4<br />

Y M+ M- N<br />

1 RP1.1 Region Specific Environmental Priority: SSc5.1 1 See SSc5.1 C<br />

1 RP1.2 Region Specific Environmental Priority: SSc6.1 1 See SSc6.1 D<br />

1 RP1.3 Region Specific Environmental Priority: WEc2 1 See WEc2 D<br />

1 RP1.4 Region Specific Environmental Priority: EAc1 (40%/36%) 1 Not pursuing.<br />

N BACKUP Region Specific Environmental Priority: EAc2 (1%) 0 Not pursuing.<br />

N BACKUP Region Specific Environmental Priority: MRc1.1 (55%) 0 Not pursuing.<br />

Contents of the <strong>LEED</strong> rating system are copyright of USGBC and have been included for reference only. This template is copyright © GreenShape LLC. Permission granted for use on the Verizon Georgetown project only. Page 2 of 2

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