The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End As Though ...

The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End As Though ...

The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End As Though ...


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Were you to accept the concessions of every scholar, In you would gather every evil.<br />

Related by Ibn 'Abdul Barr in Jaami' Bayaan al-'Ilm (2/91- 91), who said after it, "<strong>The</strong>re is ijmaa'<br />

(consensus of opinion) on this: I know of no contrary view."<br />

All this pursuing of concessions for the sake of it is what we reject, and it agrees with ijmaa', as you<br />

see.<br />

<strong>As</strong> for referring to the Imaams' views, benefiting from them, and being helped by them in<br />

understanding the truth where they have differed and there is no text in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah,<br />

or when there is need for clarification, we do not reject it. In fact, we enjoin it and stress upon it, for<br />

there is much benefit expected in this for whoever treads the path of being guided by the Qur'aan<br />

and the Sunnah. 'Allaamah Ibn 'Abdul Barr (rahimahullaah) says (2/182),<br />

"Hence, my brother, you must preserve the fundamentals and pay attention to them. You should<br />

know that he who takes care over preserving the sunnahs and the commandments stated in the<br />

Qur'aan, considers the views of the jurists to assist him in his ijtihaad, open up different angles of<br />

approach and explain sunnahs which carry different possible meanings, does not blindly follow the<br />

opinion of anyone of them the way the Sunnah should be followed without analysis, nor ignores<br />

what the scholars themselves achieved in preserving and reflecting on the sunnahs, but follows them<br />

in discussion, understanding and analysis, is grateful to them for their efforts through which they<br />

have benefited him and alerted him about various points, praises them for their correct conclusions,<br />

as in the majority of cases, but does not clear them of errors just as they did not clear themselves:<br />

such is the pursuer of knowledge who is adhering to the way of the pious predecessors; such is the<br />

really fortunate and truly guided; such is the follower of the Sunnah of his Prophet (sallallaahu<br />

'alaihi wa sallam), and the guidance of the Companions (radi Allaahu 'anhum).<br />

But he who refrains from analysis, forsakes the method we have mentioned, disputes the sunnahs<br />

with his opinion and desires to accommadate them only where his own view allows: such a one is<br />

straying and leading others astray. Further, he who is ignorant of all we have mentioned, and<br />

plunges carelessly into giving verdicts without knowledge: such a one is even more blind, and on a<br />

path more astray."<br />

Misconception Four<br />

<strong>The</strong>re exists another common misconception among muqallideen which bars them from practising<br />

the Sunnah which it is apparent to them that their Madhhab is different to it in that issue: they think<br />

that practising that sunnah entails faulting the founder of the Madhhab. <strong>To</strong> them, finding fault<br />

means insulting the Imaam; if it is not allowed to insult any individual Muslim, how can they insult<br />

one of their Imaams <br />

Answer: This reasoning is totally fallacious, and borne of not understanding the Sunnah; otherwise,<br />

how can an intelligent Muslim argue in such a way!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) himself said, When the one making a<br />

judgment strives his outmost and arrives at the correct result, he has two rewards; but if he judges,<br />

striving his utmost and passes the wrong judgment, he has one reward. 15 This hadeeth refutes the<br />

above argument and explains lucidly and without any obscurity that if someone says, "So-and-so<br />

was wrong", its meaning under the Sharee'ah is "So-and-so has one reward." So if he is rewarded in<br />


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