2011 Issue - Santa Fe Community College

2011 Issue - Santa Fe Community College

2011 Issue - Santa Fe Community College


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Rose lowers the flame on the stove, settles the baby down, then returns<br />

to the stove.<br />

Buck gets up from his recliner and sits at the kitchen table and stares<br />

at her while she scurries around the kitchen.<br />

“That's a sexy outfit. It shows a lot of skin. Is that what you wore<br />

to the market today Are you trying to impress somebody special, or are<br />

you trying to give everyone a thrill”<br />

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.<br />

“You're just like your sleazy momma. Lucky for you I came along to<br />

marry you and support your kid.”<br />

Timmy's body tenses as he listens to Buck's voice grow louder.<br />

“Are you meeting somebody You're meeting somebody ain’t you<br />

Who is he”<br />

He gets up from the table and moves toward her.<br />

“That's why you're dressing like that. Isn’t it I know it. Let me see<br />

your phone.”<br />

She grabs her phone off the counter and holds it away from him. He<br />

reaches and takes her arm with a vise-grip hold.<br />

“I said give me your phone. I swear I'll break your arm if you don't<br />

give me your phone.”<br />

He starts to twist her arm with both hands. She kicks his shin.<br />

“Ouch you bitch. You’re going to pay for that. Bring it on.”<br />

He balls his fists. His face is red. He hulks up and moves toward<br />

her with a crazed look in his eyes.<br />


Timmy hurries past Buck to the stove mumbling something that<br />

sounds like Latin, picks up the pan with the pork chops and throws the<br />

hot grease and chops on Buck.<br />

Buck staggers back and slumps against the wall. Smoke is rising from<br />

his head. His ears grow into a point and fold forward. His mouth slowly<br />

melts into a snout.<br />

Rose stares at Buck in shock, then turns to her son. “Look! Timmy<br />

what have you done He's turning into a pig. He has pig ears and a<br />

snout. Put him back before someone sees him.”<br />

Buck bats his pink pig eyelashes over bewildered pig eyes and grunts.<br />

“Oink. Oink.”<br />

<strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Fe</strong> Literary Review 91

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