The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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given the illusion that you have none. In part this has been what the master illusionists have been<br />

playing on us all and our ancestors for thousands of years, those who catch on to the scam were<br />

disposed of in various ways. It is truly a testament to how powerful we really are. <strong>The</strong> scale<br />

necessary to trap an infinite being within an illusion is astounding. <strong>The</strong>y want you to thrash out<br />

at the illusion that is the courts and all the actors within it. <strong>The</strong>y are well paid and are very<br />

comfortable, but in the end are merely actors for the illusion. <strong>The</strong>y are asking us over and over<br />

again, are we infinite beings or one of them, caught up in the illusion. Even LORD God said as<br />

much in Gen 3:22<br />

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and<br />

now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:” It’s<br />

a common fact that nobody lives forever, or do they We’ll revisit that idea later, but for now<br />

realize that the illusion is not what seems. It is an offer. <strong>The</strong> illusion can only offer you things.<br />

You have to be the one to accept it as valuable or believable. Up to this point I have been rather<br />

hard on the actors within the Illusion for I wanted to drive the point home that none of us agree<br />

with the amount of damage and unfairness that is going on within the <strong>SYSTEM</strong>. It’s to get you<br />

to understand that everything, and I mean everything that is happening, is coming from your<br />

lack of knowing who you are. When you know who you are, everything falls into place and you<br />

will know what to do in any situation. <strong>The</strong> Illusion can only offer you things; it requires your<br />

acceptance to act on you. This is how it is supposed to work and from what I have observed you<br />

can put the brakes on at any time and stop the illusion from acting on you. You just need to know<br />

what a thing called Commercial Law is all about.<br />

Is your Signature on the Constitution If not, then you are not a party to it. Is your signature on<br />

any of the acts or laws Once again, you are not a party to it. <strong>The</strong>y can only act on your person,<br />

which is the imaginary fellow that walks along beside you but doesn’t exist until you point him<br />

out with your awareness. <strong>The</strong> Actors cannot act on him until you bring him into the PLAY. Thus<br />

if they can’t see him they can’t act on him. Your attention to what you decide to bring into your<br />

awareness is the key to everything. <strong>The</strong> one thing that will help you a great deal through all of<br />

this is to realize that truth cannot exist within the <strong>SYSTEM</strong>, and that the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> operates<br />

within total truth. It operates from the premise that Evil and Lies are permissible within the<br />

Illusion and those in leadership positions are indeed illusions operating within their realm of<br />

truth. Good also exists within the Illusion but good is a relative term depending on who’s good<br />

you are talking about. You cannot fault the Illusion for being parasitic and full of lies and deceit<br />

for these are the instruments of an illusion. Instead recognize the simple fact that this is how<br />

illusions work and they are living within their truth. <strong>The</strong>y are merely our servants. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

illusionary creatures with no soul are only projections serving us, nothing more. We just haven’t<br />

realized that the Illusion is operating in truth. Fear as part of the illusion is a low vibrational<br />

energy, but we can change that through keeping perspective of what is illusion and what is real.<br />

Real comes through us. We are the only thing that is real and we are holding all the power. <strong>The</strong><br />

Illusion has no power and is using parasitic acts to take power from us, when in fact we have the<br />

power to stop it from doing so. Asking questions about what they are doing to us results in their<br />

exposure of what indeed they are trying to do. If they cannot answer our questions, they lose<br />

power over us.<br />

Now lets look at Bills of Exchange. It derives its value from a signature. No signature no value.<br />

Your acceptance of bills of exchange can be as simple as accepting mail from the Government.<br />

If you accept it you become a party to it. If you don’t open it and simply send it back then you<br />

are not party to it. <strong>The</strong>se are what Robert Menard calls Sliders.<br />

Commercial Instruments and Oaths<br />

Affidavits are commercial instruments and are supposed to reflect the truth. By swearing an Oath<br />

to God that something is true it puts us into a position of perjury if what we state is not true.<br />

Unfortunately there are a number of fundamental problems with this. First, it is a commercial<br />

instrument based in Fiction, and second you have no true name. One may think that not swearing<br />

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