The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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<strong>The</strong>re is an abundance of evidence that alien races that have visited the earth in the past and still<br />

do to this day, spawning the exponential growth of UFOLOGY. <strong>The</strong> human species has been<br />

genetically manipulated throughout time to dumb us down and make us into a slave labor force.<br />

Because of the level of secrecy behind this, it is difficult to pull out the smoking Guns and say<br />

for certain that this is indeed what is going on. Even the evolution of science is subdued. At one<br />

time people were imprisoned and tortured for not agreeing that the earth was the center of the<br />

Universe and life only existed here. With a Billion Trillion Stars in the Universe it is beyond<br />

lunacy to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the Universe. Hence the motive operandi<br />

of these people is to lie about the truth no matter how absurd the lie in order to keep the lid on<br />

who we are and our true history.<br />

It would seem that the military along with alien races are trying to keep us in a state of slavery<br />

and dumbed down for their own purposes. It takes them to use a great deal of force to keep us<br />

from self-actualizing and remembering who we are. <strong>The</strong> Disclosure Project headed by Dr. Steven<br />

Greer has done a great deal to uncover the reality of such a clandestine operation. Hi level military<br />

and civilian officials have come forward to verify in testimony that these things are indeed<br />

happening. David Icke has uncovered much concerning shape shifting Reptilians that through<br />

holography hide behind a human form and take on positions of power in large corporations and<br />

government.<br />

Fear can only exist within Illusion for truth has no room for fear, only love. Perhaps what is<br />

keeping us alive is the fact that we do live in truth and despite all the subjection of propaganda<br />

and behavior conditioning, they can’t eliminate the essence of who we are, that being infinite<br />

love. <strong>The</strong> hidden occupation has done a great deal of harm to this planet, our home in the<br />

Universe, and indeed this is our home and we would share it in an instant with all peaceful life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth sadly has reached a turning point and I am highly concerned about what I see happening<br />

to ecosystems that are ravished by greed and neglect. Large resource based mining corporations<br />

and chemical industries do the most damage, not to mention the wars that are dumping uranium<br />

all over the planet, irradiating the air, which we all must share. <strong>The</strong> prospects for surface life to<br />

continue living for the next 100 years is becoming less and less likely each day. If there are<br />

underground Alien bases and that is their home, we as surface life are perhaps expendable to<br />

them, I don’t know. Whatever happened to Mars could easily happen to earth in less than a<br />

hundred years from now if we don’t do something.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a great deal of geological evidence to show that a number of pole shifts have occurred<br />

and with the massive melting of the polar regions it may not be much longer now before such a<br />

thing happens. I don’t think you can ever be prepared for such a thing, I don’t know what you<br />

could do or where you could go to be safe from it. <strong>The</strong> Ice Age happened so quickly that Woolly<br />

Mammoths died while eating, the food was still in their mouths! To me, that is not something<br />

natural but something very unnatural, based on the pace which nature works. It seems like that<br />

would happen if you focused a scalar weapon on the earth, sucking the energy from it and cooling<br />

it. This is just one of many technologies that are kept very quiet and out of sight from people.<br />

For an overview of scalar weapons technology there is a rare video made by Tom Bearden that<br />

goes into the hard science of it, which can be watched here:<br />

http://www.cheniere.org/sales/buy-ttt.htm<br />

<strong>The</strong> very nature of these ruling elite is that they thrive on us like parasites. <strong>The</strong>y are energy<br />

vampires that flourish on fear. Our DNA is much like a computer program and through rituals<br />

such as those practiced by the Masons, they can unlock DNA codes and allow ethereal entities<br />

to possess their victims with greater ease. Imagine the horror of being consciously pushed aside,<br />

still able to see what is happening, while another entity controls your body, Reptilian most likely.<br />

Those that play the game of enslavement do so at a great price. We are very powerful spiritual<br />

beings and do not take too kindly to being lied to or manipulated. <strong>The</strong> perpetrators of this insanity<br />

stay in the background and use their minions as cannon folder. You will never see a world leader<br />

or one of the Banksters out leading the charge for any of their schemes. It is not their way. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

hide in shadows and run for cover whenever the jig is up. September 11, 2001 is a prime example<br />

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