The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Chapter 3<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hidden Occupation<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a huge Monolith in St. Peter’s Square of the Holy See. Amazingly enough, it is an<br />

ancient Egyptian monolith. Now ask yourself, what does an Ancient Egyptian monolith have to<br />

do with Christianity <strong>The</strong> very nature of Darkness is to hide their religion out in the open,<br />

essentially hiding it within the light. In truth their symbology takes on deep meaning for them<br />

in terms of how they subjugate and enslave us versus what they tell us their icons stand for. This<br />

is the nature of their occupation and enslavement of mankind. <strong>The</strong>y never reveal the true meaning<br />

of their symbols, for it would tip you off to knowing the truth about your enslavement and crushed<br />

dominion. <strong>The</strong>y are extremely patient and will wait hundreds of years before advancing certain<br />

steps in their agenda, couple would be getting us use to using names and identifying ourselves<br />

as a fiction rather than who we truly are. This has been going on for thousands of years on smaller<br />

scales, but because we are now approaching 2012 where our consciousness will shift to the point<br />

allowing us to ascend, they are going all out to try and stop us from ascending. <strong>The</strong>re is no doubt<br />

that we are at a point of great change and they know it. <strong>The</strong> beginnings of this tyranny can be<br />

traced back to the creation of various religions, all dating back to roughly the same time period<br />

and from regions in Europe and Africa.<br />

Religion is and has been used to pacify the masses into accepting Tyranny, God did not create<br />

Religion, man did. <strong>The</strong> foundation of religion is as a weapon to subjugate people through wars<br />

of division, to divide and conquer. <strong>The</strong> core of religious belief is that it is okay to murder others<br />

in the name of some prophet or deity, so long as you believe in the prophet you will progress to<br />

heaven. In Islam you must kill an infidel in order to go to heaven, so then what happens when<br />

everyone is a Muslim Even today wars are raging over Religion in the Middle East and<br />

elsewhere. <strong>The</strong>se conflicts are not deemed as a war against man created male or female by God,<br />

but against people who are labeled in some way other than man created by God, these are the<br />

“holy wars”. It is a testament to the true nature of the people who we consider to be holy and<br />

spiritual leaders. <strong>The</strong> very nature of the fraudulent beginnings and practices of these prison<br />

religions should give people a pause for thought, and lead us to question why religion would be<br />

involved in enslaving others, destroying cultures and committing genocide on large segments of<br />

the population In truth the Creator speaks to us everyday through total unconditional love, not<br />

religious doctrine. <strong>The</strong>re is no intervention by the Creator of this world into your life or anyone<br />

else’s unless we choose to invite it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Roman Empire is only one aspect of the Occupation taking place today. <strong>The</strong> entire<br />

Occupation is designed to set up false flags so that the occupied cannot really pin point exactly<br />

who or what is part of the Occupation. If you go chasing after the Crusaders (a.k.a. the Christians),<br />

the Jews, Islamic Extremists, Masons etc. you are going to miss the plot. All of these institutions<br />

operate with a command and control pyramid structure. Everything is compartmentalized so<br />

only a few see the big picture of what the hidden hand of manipulation at the top is doing. Many<br />

of the people in these institutions are there for benevolent reasons even in the various<br />

Governments. <strong>The</strong> truth is that if you want to control large institutions and concentrate the power<br />

into the hands of the few you must have these command and control structures in place. This is<br />

how it was in the Ancient world and this is how it is today.<br />

Each year the people in control of these structures meet in an event called the Bilderberg meeting.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y coined the name the Bilderbergers after first meeting in the Hotel Bilderberg. Generally<br />

people are put into key positions of Government power are involved in this group. Even the<br />

coveted Prime Minister Steven Harper attended a Bilderberger meeting a year prior to becoming<br />

Prime Minister of Canada in 2003. It is but one example of how a select few make decisions in<br />

secret that affect all of us. <strong>The</strong>re are attendees of these meetings that are leaking information<br />

about what occurs, and some journalists do report on it such as Alex Jones at www.infowars.com.<br />

I strongly suggest that you watch this video put together by Alex Jones to get an idea of what<br />

this group is truly about and the evil that they are perpetrating on the world.<br />

( Page 79 )

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