The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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and why it was important in society, as well as some basic protocols about what to do during the<br />

selection process. <strong>The</strong> accused stood on a pulpit type thing watching all this transpire while the<br />

Judge and lawyers sat watching a lottery taking place. <strong>The</strong>y first took attendance then the lottery<br />

began. <strong>The</strong> lawyers refused people who appeared to not have the maturity or mental capacity to<br />

make decisions (yes mentally handicapped people were drawn into the court). Anyone involved<br />

in Security or law enforcement in any way were also refused automatically. Interestingly, lawyers<br />

can be on a Jury. My PERSONS name was never called, but they went through about 3/4 of the<br />

room, about 130 people total, before twelve people were selected. <strong>The</strong> excuses that people came<br />

up with to tell the judge that they couldn’t do jury duty was amazing. It occurred to me much<br />

later in life that the Jury is actually made up of people who were not smart enough to come up<br />

with an excuse not to do Jury duty! During the selections, every step of the way they are seeking<br />

consent from the accused, having him stand there and not say anything about the process, or the<br />

simple fact that it isn’t him that is being accused but rather his fictional sidekick the PERSON,<br />

and his silence makes the contract.<br />

Everyone is equal under the law, but they are actors in a play and we have all been invited to<br />

join along.<br />

Another time I had to go to court as a witness to some assaults and threats. No matter how bad<br />

the assaults were, as long as weapons were not used, the crown would seek a peace bond, which<br />

would remove the criminal aspect and just keep it CIVIL. <strong>The</strong> outcome from this is that the<br />

accused would have to agree that he should stay away from the victim for 6 months. One victim<br />

did not know English very well and because his interpreter showed up late he did not understand<br />

what was happening and was made to agree with this. <strong>The</strong> guy who pounded this poor guy nearly<br />

to death walked out the court with a promise that he would stay away from him for 6 months.<br />

Try doing that to a cop and see what happens. I saw three or four of these situations and could<br />

only shake my head at how shameful it was.<br />

Now what really turned the worm on my thought process of the justice system was when I had<br />

to go to court to testify against a young man who had aided his friends in robbing me. He had a<br />

300-pound friend of his stand beside him while he threatened my life and then proceeded to<br />

punch me after I had thrown him to the ground for being in my face and previously punching<br />

me. I was well reserved trying to get my money back and trying to talk sense to this young man.<br />

<strong>Of</strong> course things would have been much different if he didn’t have his friends backing him up.<br />

This dragged on for about two years before it got into a trial.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first Crown prosecutor, who was absolutely snaky with me, only spent 15 minutes reading<br />

up on the case, totally unprepared to prosecute and only wanted to seek a Peace BOND. I was<br />

outraged. He also said that the robbery part was removed from the trial because they got the guy<br />

who actually did it, but his cohorts were not responsible in some way! It got put over because<br />

my witness never showed. <strong>The</strong> Crown prosecutor stated that it was his decision alone if they<br />

were going to prosecute. That blew my mind right there. What’s the point of going through all<br />

of this if there isn’t going to be a prosecution<br />

When we finally got to trial about again a year later my witness did not show yet again, but they<br />

proceeded any ways. <strong>The</strong>re was a different CROWN prosecutor this time and he seemed very<br />

kind. <strong>The</strong> Lawyer of the DEFENSE made reference to the CROWN prosecutor as being his<br />

friend to me. It was court talk, but I wondered just how friendly are these guys, later to find that<br />

he was saying he was a friend of the court, which tends to deal decisions his way, what a fraud!<br />

What transpired from there was the one of the lamest prosecutions I have ever seen. It was a<br />

complete dog and pony show. <strong>The</strong> judge actually had to intervene a bit and ask the young fellow<br />

questions pointing out his perjury and lies trying to obscure the obvious. In the end the Judge<br />

said he couldn’t decide who had hit whom first, even though they I had been robbed and they<br />

had just put one fellow into alternative measures for the robbery. <strong>The</strong>y do that for first offenders<br />

to avoid giving them a criminal record.<br />

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