The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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the world would have had no need of these Military <strong>Of</strong>ficers on a Mission posing as Missionaries<br />

if what they indeed were saying was true. <strong>The</strong> fact is that religion is invented and passed onto<br />

the Rabble as truth. Rabble are the uneducated or easily fooled people. Once you get enough<br />

people believing something it gains momentum, like the 100 monkey syndrome. If 10% of the<br />

population knew the knowledge contained within this book and began promoting a more balanced<br />

approach to life in terms of Law and money their <strong>SYSTEM</strong> would collapse.<br />

If you would like to read more about the Temple there are some excellent articles about it around<br />

on the Internet. I drew some of my information from:<br />

www.cooperativeindividualism.org/torrey baal-god-of-the-land-lord s.html<br />

In the UK Parliament there is the House of LORDS. This is a tricky thing because with all the<br />

Bishops and rich families sitting there it might be mistaken for LORDS Spiritual, when really it<br />

is the LORDS of Baal, they just overlay the words. <strong>The</strong>re is only one LORD in the Bible, that<br />

being LORD God. So all these LORDS are really Land Lords determining what laws are<br />

appropriate for the SLAVES. It is really a sad, sad situation when you sit back and see it for what<br />

it is. Again in the Coronation of the HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, she puts herself<br />

in Gods place and grants the rights and freedoms to the Clergy and the Church. Her<br />

COMMERCIAL entity commits Blasphemy against LORD God and God, by saying she is above<br />

him. This is another mechanism of the Temple. <strong>The</strong> Law is not LORD God’s Law but the Temple<br />

of Baal’s Law. It is not Blasphemy within the Temple, for they want you to believe that somehow<br />

an imaginary corporate fiction acted out by this Woman going by the name Elizabeth-Alexander-<br />

Mary: Windsor can have the power of God over living people. In essence it is really our failure<br />

to recognize that we are man created as male or female by God that is at the heart of the matter<br />

in terms of the system. If we take on a name we become a men and women created by LORD<br />

God and hold no dominion over the earth. Thus as property of LORD God, we are seen as<br />

abandoned chattel and thus gobbled up by the Temple of Baal, hence the Queen and her criminal<br />

elite family friends.<br />

Words<br />

<strong>The</strong> very nature of LAW is word play. This comes from John 1, “In the beginning was the word,<br />

and the Word was with God and the word was God.” All words spoken come from God as thus<br />

we are all in part God. This is why Oaths end in so help me/you God. Word is also a vibration<br />

and there are 22 levels of density or realms as it were that the earth and we can manifest into,<br />

like the musical scale, each octave is a realm. Thus the vibratory frequencies at each octave offer<br />

more and more density and programmability. <strong>The</strong> Atlantians and Lemurians knew a great deal<br />

about creation and were playing with creation to create life in the density just past us. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

unable to manifest into this realm or octave and ended up merging with the earth’s Oceans from<br />

what I have been told. All crystals resonate at a certain range of frequencies and will hold matter<br />

within that frequency range if encompassed by the same type of crystals; natural diamonds have<br />

an infinite range of frequencies and thus octaves to them. Without getting to side tracked here<br />

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