The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Do you have any document with any verifiable signature of God that you have the power over<br />

me<br />

When did I, John-Ruiz: Dempsey, a Child of God and a Minister of God with an indisputable<br />

title consent to your jurisdiction Especially over me, the man, a Sovereign, free born, sentient,<br />

living and breathing soul<br />

How did you obtain jurisdiction over me I want to know, especially when I'm not even a citizen<br />

of your country – my citizenship is in Heaven you can look it unpin the King James Bible –<br />

Philippians 3:20.<br />

Or maybe you think I'm a slave, do you say I'm a slave, or am I a freeman<br />

Could you show me anything, any statute, any law that could prove that you have jurisdiction<br />

over me<br />

I want to make it clear at this point, my name is John-Ruiz: Dempsey, not JOHNRUIZ DEMPSEY<br />

all capital letters as it appears on the style of cause. John-Ruiz:Dempsey and JOHN RUIZ<br />

DEMPSEY ALL CAPS are not the same; JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY ALLCAPS is a fictional<br />

name created by the state, it is not me, yet you and the law[less] society used that name to drag<br />

me into this muddle.<br />

Do you understand the difference between the ALL CAPS name and the real Christian name<br />

<strong>The</strong> bottom-line here is: which one is more important to you, is it the People, or the law[less]<br />

society. Your action speaks volumes, you don’t care about justice, you don’t care about mercy,<br />

you don’t care what’s going to happen to all the real People I represent, these are not fictional<br />

characters created by your statutes; these men and women are created by God and by interfering<br />

with my work, you are interfering with God. This is what God’s Word says about you in Luke<br />

11:52 " Woe Unto you Lawyers! For Ye have Taken Away the Key of Knowledge: Ye entered<br />

not in Yourselves, and <strong>The</strong>n That Were Entering in Ye Hindered"<br />

In Matthew 23:23 it says this about you: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for<br />

ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,<br />

judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.”<br />

How long do you think you guys are going to go on with your injustice and abuse of power until<br />

the people start a revolution<br />

I'm not dealing with your Court until the jurisdiction has been proven.<br />

Since the judge refused to answer my questions, these questions will be sent to him personally,<br />

after which, these questions will become part of an affidavit and entered on the file as public<br />

record.<br />

Now seriously, I would like you to read Cicero’s definition of natural law from his book, On the<br />

Republic, published in 51 BC.<br />

"True law is right reason in agreement with nature, universal, consistent, everlasting, whose<br />

nature is to advocate duty by prescription and to deter wrongdoing by prohibition. Good men<br />

obey its prescriptions and prohibitions, but evil men disobey them. It is forbidden by God to<br />

alter this law, nor is impermissible to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish the<br />

whole of it. Neither the Senate nor the People can absolve us from obeying this law and we do<br />

not need to look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of this law. <strong>The</strong>re will not be<br />

one law at Rome and another law at Athens. <strong>The</strong>re is now and will be forever one law, valid for<br />

all peoples and all times. And there will be one master and ruler for all of us in common, God,<br />

who is the author of this law, its promulgator, and enforcing judge. Whoever does not obey this<br />

law is trying to escape himself and to deny his nature as a human being. By this very fact, he<br />

will suffer the greatest penalties, even if he should somehow escape conventional punishments."<br />

( Page 61 )

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