The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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You can call me John, I prefer to be called John because I'm used to it. My friends call me John.<br />

I'm here to represent a fictional entity called JOHN RUIZDEMPSEY, spelled in all capital letters.<br />

Am I allowed to speak on behalf of JOHN<br />


Before we proceed, I have a few questions to ask you, is it ok to ask you a few questions<br />

As a Child of God and a Minister with indisputable title, I am standing in theKingdom of God,<br />

where do you stand<br />

Are we in a common law court or an admiralty court<br />

Are you a Mason<br />

Is there anyone here who is a member of any Masonic organization Did you receive a copy of<br />

my letter to you dated October 31, 2005<br />

<strong>The</strong>n you know that I am here on a special appearance and under the invitation of the fictional<br />

Petitioner, THE LAW SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA who agreed to pay me my fees,<br />

which is $5,000 per hour for making a special appearance here, correct<br />

Under the terms of my acceptance of the Law Society’s offer, I counter-offered that I will be<br />

here if they pay me $5,000 per hour for a minimum of 8 hours.<br />

Anyways, I have a copy of the contract, which I am entering on the record, you may read it if<br />

you want. A Demand for Payment has been served to Mr. Peter Voith; a copy of said Demand<br />

for Payment, which I also want to enter on the record.<br />

Did you bring a copy of your Oath of <strong>Of</strong>fice and your Bond today James<br />

If not, why not James I asked you in my letter to you of October 31st that you duces tecum must<br />

bring a copy of your Oath of <strong>Of</strong>fice and a copy of your Bond, why did you not bring it<br />

Do you have certified copies of these documents here in the courthouse or elsewhere<br />

(If no Oath or Bond) Let the record show that James W. Williams, d/b/a JUSTICE(JAMES W.)<br />

WILLIAMS/PUBLIC SERVANT, does not have his Oath of <strong>Of</strong>fice and his Bond in his<br />

possession today.<br />

Without your Oath, how can I be sure that you will act in an impartial manner here today as you<br />

did not do so last time I was here<br />

How can I be sure that you have no bias, or that you have no conflict of interest, or no interest<br />

in the outcome of this case Since you don’t have your Oath today, would you be willing to<br />

swear an Oath today<br />

How about you Mr. Voith, (law society), would you be willing to swear an Oath today I want<br />

to enter this on record that these men are not here to tell the truth – they are here to tell lies.<br />

You made a decision on September 13, 2005, despite the fact you have seen a copy of my<br />

Constructive Notice of Child of God status, now where in God’s name did you obtain the<br />

authority to make such an order<br />

Are you above God<br />

Are you equal to God<br />

Do you stand between me and God<br />

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