The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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friend, as indeed he/she is in their Temple. You may even notice the LAWYERS kneel towards<br />

the altar as they came in. Next you hear the clerk of the COURT say, “All stand, JUDGE so and<br />

so presiding”. <strong>The</strong> JUDGE walks in usually looking well fed and cared for and in good shape<br />

from all the vacations he has taken, and sits down at the top of a very large desk overlooking the<br />

entire room, where he/she sits down and gives the order for all to be seated. You sit down and<br />

do as your told, because you respect the JUDGES authority and there are POLICE in the room<br />

watching to see that everyone complies. In the COURT, compliance equals contract. By standing<br />

and then sitting you have just made an implied contract with the JUDGE that he has<br />

JURISDICTION over you. Next the LAWYERS and the CROWN PROSECUTOR all bow or<br />

kneel towards the JUDGE. <strong>The</strong> CROWN PROSECUTORS makes two key proclamations: “Your<br />

WORSHIP how are your today” and “Your HONOR we have a number of cases which we need<br />

to speak with you about today”. You sit there watching and hearing this, saying nothing to object<br />

to these statements. What just happened is that you have bowed before a false God, his/her<br />

WORSHIP, violating a LORD God’s Law, and further you have accepted the implication that<br />

the JUDGE has HONOR and thus is indemnified from breaking any laws against you. HONOR<br />

is a Title as well which indemnifies anyone using it, Political Leaders use it in Parliament where<br />

they constantly lie, deceive and abuse people’s intelligence on a daily basis.<br />

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary defines WORSHIP as: <strong>The</strong> honor and homage rendered to the<br />

Creator.Eng. law. A title or addition given to certain persons. 2 Inst. 666; Bac. Ab.Misnomer, A<br />

2. http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier w. htm<br />

Take note of “2 Inst. 666”. Who is referenced here as the CREATOR through title, and what are<br />

they the Creator of <strong>The</strong>y are the Creator of all Fictions within their imaginary world.<br />

Now you know why the whole system revolves around honor and dishonor. <strong>The</strong> JUDGE is also<br />

referenced as, “Your Honor”. <strong>The</strong> JUDGE is playing the role of God and the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> wants<br />

you to bow before him in various ways so you break the Mosaic Law, “Though shall not bow<br />

(before false Gods)”. With the establishment of the JUDGE as God unchallenged, you have<br />

seriously undermined your position in getting any kind of Justice, as if that ever meant anything<br />

to these Criminals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proceedings continue as they call out “your” (Thier all caps name which they own) LEGAL<br />

NAME and ask you to approach the Bar. You gleefully go up believing it is finally your turn to<br />

have your say and explain the fraud brought before you and others. You State your name for the<br />

Record, now entering into yet another Contract with the Court. <strong>The</strong> CROWN PROSECUTOR<br />

reads out the charges and begins the Prosecution. <strong>The</strong> Judge may look at you directly and ask<br />

you if you UNDERSTAND the CHARGES being presented to you. If you say yes, you just<br />

stated that you stand for them, as it was a choice question that is an offer of CONTRACT. At<br />

this point you have stepped up to the Bar or in some cases even crossed the Bar. Once inside or<br />

at the Bar you are now on the Bridge of the Ship called the CROWN in the Case of Canadian<br />

Courts and are now under the Judge’s Jurisdiction. Once you plead your case the Judge may hear<br />

from WITNESSES or POLICE OFFICERS and then render his VERDICT, which is only an<br />

offer of CONTRACT. If you sit there and say nothing, your silence is your acceptance of the<br />

CONTRACT. However it is the name that is contracted, not the man created as male or female,<br />

by God, but they try very hard to ignore this fact, as man we are above all laws.<br />

In Criminal court the sentencing is another time when they are offering you a CONTRACT. <strong>The</strong><br />

JUDGE will say, “Is there anything you would like to say before I render the Verdict or<br />

Sentence”. Some people will ramble on about how the charges were unfair or retell different<br />

aspects of the case. What the JUDGE is asking here in fact is, “Do you agree with me on<br />

everything that has transpired thus far” This is done because you are in a Commercial Court<br />

that can only recognize fictional entities and operates on CONTRACT. In cases where the JUDGE<br />

has read out the Verdict or Sentence, you should simply state, “I do not agree with your offer of<br />

Contract, Verdict or Sentence.” <strong>The</strong>y must get your compliance to the verdict or sentence.<br />

Otherwise it is not a lawful Contract. <strong>The</strong>y know this and will use intimidation and trickery to<br />

get to get your agreement. This is not a Court about Justice it is a Court about Bondage and<br />

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