The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Because Canada is the thirteenth district of the Federal Reserve, Canada is also a private<br />

Corporation of the Zionist Bankers in <strong>The</strong> City of London. <strong>The</strong> de jure Canada exists, but her<br />

Government offices lie vacant rather than filled as they are in the USA, from what I have heard<br />

and seen. In essence they did the old bait and switch game on everyone and only now are people<br />

becoming aware of it. I do focus a lot on Canada, but again everything is duplicated throughout<br />

the world, but Canada and the USA are the Bankers powerhouse. Canada has the natural resources<br />

to feed the Military forces of the USA, enabling it to oppress the world under the bidding of the<br />

Zionist Ban ksters.<br />

Part of the control of the Zionists comes from the fact that the epicenter of all the world commerce<br />

flows through Jerusalem. <strong>The</strong>y found the center cross point of the four corners of the earth, and<br />

set up shop at the intersection point of that cross, which was Jerusalem. All commerce and<br />

banking flows through Jerusalem so the Zionists get their cut of all commerce of the planet. In<br />

1933 all Countries in the world went bankrupt, and so commenced this ancient system of<br />

commerce that goes back before mankind even appeared on the earth. <strong>The</strong> complexity of it is<br />

based in deception and fraud, and it is important to realize that all nations or countries are de<br />

facto by nature in that they only represent bankrupt corporations, not the living people on the<br />

land masses.<br />

Did you catch that word, People I bet most of you thought People included you. Again it’s a<br />

matter of definition. Most English dictionaries would define People as Human Beings. Are you<br />

a Human Being No you are not. In fact Legal Dictionaries don’t define Human Beings, so if<br />

they won’t define it Legally, how do you know if you are or aren’t a human being How can<br />

you be held responsible for laws that apply to human beings if you don’t definitively know for<br />

sure what a human being is In Genesis 1:26-28 we read that God created man, both male and<br />

female, so if you allow someone to redefine who you are other than a man created male or female<br />

by God, then you lose all rights under the law since God gave the specific kind called man<br />

dominion over all the earth, and man created male or female by God dominion over every living<br />

thing upon the earth. Dominion means to rule. You are above these laws enacted by a<br />

constitution because they don’t apply to you; they apply to human beings or more precisely<br />

persons, not man created male or female by God. “We the People” in the in the Preamble of the<br />

U.S. Constitution clearly means not you as you are not a people. We are so used to using this<br />

word people, because the establishment teaches us this in our (indoctrination) school system.<br />

In Black’s Seventh Edition Dictionary, People is defined as, “<strong>The</strong> citizens of state as represented<br />

by the prosecution in a criminal case”. It makes no mention of a man created male or female by<br />

God. And since when does a prosecutor represent anyone How can a PROSECUTOR Fictional<br />

entity, a slave, make any determination over the living or over his own creator for that matter,<br />

being us. A Citizen is defined as being a person and a person is not defined as being a living man<br />

created male or female by God. Everyone is to believe that they are Citizens of the State, but<br />

they don’t get to be Citizens until the Prosecutor says so So if the word PEOPLE does not apply<br />

to you, why are you bothering with the Constitution, as it simply only applies to persons upon<br />

which a fiction called a (crown) prosecutor decides at his/her discretion to be a citizen that<br />

deserves representation as a defendant. <strong>The</strong> Crown represents the PEOPLE only because all<br />

PEOPLE are entities created by the Crown to begin with, and only if the case happens to be<br />

criminal in nature. What if they decide not to represent you as a citizen <strong>The</strong>n of course the<br />

constitution and bill of rights don’t apply to you. It’s all in fiction, so they have no authority over<br />

man created male or female by God, and should be told that. <strong>The</strong>y all swore to it in their oath to<br />

God, but then again all their oaths are done in perjury and therefore are false oaths to begin with.<br />

Canada’s Preamble is much the same. It says, “Whereas Canada was founded upon principles<br />

that recognize the supremacy of God and rule of law”. As soon it states that God is supreme what<br />

else matters but God In Genesis Chapter 1:26-28 you see that God only created the kind, of<br />

which is man as male and female and gave them and us dominion over all the earth and over<br />

every living thing upon the earth. <strong>The</strong> Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and all the laws<br />

in Canada only apply to PERSONS, which are imaginary entities, privately owned as<br />

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