The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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the Honourable James Hamilton Ross and James Andrew Joseph McKenna, Esquire, and having<br />

had explained to them the terms of the Treaty unto which the Chief and Headmen of the Indians<br />

of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country, set their hands on the twenty-first day of June, in the<br />

year herein first above written, do join in the cession made by the said Treaty, and agree to adhere<br />

to the terms thereof in consideration of the undertakings made therein.<br />

Take note of the “Honourable” Title given to James Hamilton Ross, which identifies him as a<br />

commissioner of breaking laws. Knowing that the treaty is unlawful, he proceeds with it. Another<br />

title is Esquire, given to James Andrew Joseph McKenna, which refers mainly to Attorneys. This<br />

gives them status of being one above Gentlemen and one below Knight. He is also listed as a<br />

military <strong>Of</strong>ficer (all esquires are military officers of the King).<br />

In witness whereof Her Majesty's said Commissioners and the Chief and Headmen of the said<br />

Chipewyan Indians have hereunto set their hands at Smith's Landing, on this seventeenth day of<br />

July, in the year herein first above written.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chipewyan and Cree Indians of Fort McMurray and the country thereabouts, having met at<br />

Fort McMurray, on this fourth day of August, in this present year1899, Her Majesty's<br />

Commissioner, James Andrew Joseph McKenna, Esquire, and having had explained to them the<br />

terms of the Treaty unto which the Chief and Headmen of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and<br />

adjacent country set their hands on the twenty-first day of June, in the year herein first above<br />

written, do join in the cession made by the said Treaty and agree to adhere to the terms thereof<br />

in consideration of the undertakings made therein.<br />

In witness whereof Her Majesty's said Commissioner and the Headmen of the said Chipewyan<br />

and Cree Indians have hereunto set their hands at Fort McMurray, on this fourth day of August,<br />

in the year herein first above written.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians of Wapiscow and the country thereabouts having met at Wapiscow Lake on this<br />

fourteenth day of August, in this present year 1899, Her Majesty’s Commissioner, the Honourable<br />

James Hamilton Ross, and having had explained to them the terms of the Treaty unto which the<br />

Chief and Headmen of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country set their hands on<br />

the twenty-first day of June in the year herein first above written, do join in the cession made by<br />

the said Treaty and agree to adhere to the terms thereof in consideration of the undertakings<br />

made therein.<br />

In witness whereof Her Majesty's said Commissioner and the Chief and Headmen of the Indians<br />

have hereunto set their hands at Wapiscow Lake, on this fourteenth day of August, in the year<br />

herein first above written.<br />

Some of the signatures from the above sections are omitted save room, but again the last names<br />

are all capitalized, and so all are corporate fictions. You can get a full copy of the Treaty from<br />

the Internet at:<br />

http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/trts/trty8/trty e.html<br />

Now the fact that all these people signed the document saying that title belonged to the QUEEN,<br />

a Fictional entity, does not negate that the QUEEN never signed the document and never will,<br />

because she is FICTION. <strong>The</strong>re is absolutely no evidence in any treaties anywhere in the world<br />

that a corporation can own land, as corporations are FICTION and not capable of it. Everyone<br />

on the planet has equal interest in the Earth, nothing more nothing less. Nothing can change that.<br />

This was completely and totally a military occupation and war against the Native people. <strong>The</strong><br />

use of the church as a way to destroy their ancient beliefs and knowledge was paramount to<br />

coerce the native people they did not kill. <strong>The</strong>se people came from Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis<br />

and the knowledge that they held (like the people in Africa) could easily counter the goals of the<br />

Bankers in their bid to completely take over the world and turn it into a giant prison. <strong>The</strong> race<br />

is on as more and more people begin to awaken to the truth of what is really happening and begin<br />

( Page 51 )

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