The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Title to Lands of Canada<br />

<strong>The</strong> QUEEN went to the Native people using Treaties to obtain rights to the land. <strong>Of</strong> course this<br />

was after destroying their source of food and willfully giving out blankets that were contaminated<br />

with Small Pox, an act of Genocide that wiped out large amounts of Native people. From where<br />

did the Native people have any Title to the land to begin with <strong>The</strong> Creator is the only one who<br />

has any rights to the land and us for that matter. <strong>The</strong>y know this and that’s why everything<br />

operates in an imaginary world. So much for Love thy Neighbor as thyself. <strong>The</strong> simple fact is<br />

that these treaties were signed under duress and threat of Genocide and have no lawful merit to<br />

be considered as binding. Let’s take a look at Treaty 8.<br />

Treaty No. 8<br />

ARTICLES OF A TREATY made and concluded at the several dates mentioned therein, in the<br />

year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, between Her most Gracious<br />

Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, by Her Commissioners the Honourable David<br />

Laird, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Indian Commissioner for the said Province and the Northwest<br />

Territories; James Andrew Joseph McKenna, of Ottawa, Ontario, Esquire, and the Honourable<br />

James Hamilton Ross, of Regina, in the Northwest Territories, of the one part; and the Cree,<br />

Beaver, Chipewyan and other Indians, inhabitants of the territory within the limits hereinafter<br />

defined and described, by their Chiefs and Headmen, hereunto subscribed, of the other part:<br />

In all contracts using dates, the dates are wrong and thus make an untrue statement. Jesus was<br />

Crucified during the Passover, which happens in spring around mid April, thus all Calendars<br />

should start the year in April not January. I know this is a trivial point but it is a subtle tip off to<br />

the true nature of the horrific level of lies, deceit and outright extortion that has and is taking<br />

place.<br />

WHEREAS, the Indians inhabiting the territory hereinafter defined have, pursuant to notice<br />

given by the Honourable Superintendent General of Indian Affairs in the year 1898, been<br />

convened to meet a Commission representing Her Majesty’s Government of the Dominion of<br />

Canada at certain places in the said territory inthis present year 1899, to deliberate upon certain<br />

matters of interest of Her Most Gracious Majesty, of the one part, and the said Indians of the<br />

other.<br />

This is the second time “Her Most Gracious Majesty” is used. Take careful note that you will<br />

never, ever see Alexandrina Victoria’s name used on any documents anywhere. Why Because<br />

Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland is only a Title, a fiction.<br />

Alexandrina Victoria cannot have Title to real land because it all belongs to the Creator, and<br />

they know this. <strong>The</strong> entire treaty is created from the context of the imaginary world taken from<br />

the PERSON’S perspective.<br />

AND WHEREAS, the said Indians have been notified and informed by Her Majesty’s said<br />

Commission that it is Her desire to open for settlement, immigration, trade, travel, mining,<br />

lumbering and such other purposes as to Her Majesty may seem meet, a tract of country bounded<br />

and described as hereinafter mentioned, and to obtain the consent thereto of Her Indian subjects<br />

inhabiting the said tract, and to make a treaty, and arrange with them, so that there may be peace<br />

and good will between them and Her Majesty's other subjects, and that Her Indian people may<br />

know and be assured of what allowances they are to count upon and receive from Her Majesty's<br />

bounty and benevolence.<br />

At what point did the Native people become Subjects of the Queen, a Fiction in an imaginary<br />

world No one is a Subject of the Queen. We all live in the real world and are the Creator’s<br />

Children. We are all self-determining and free. Once you become a Subject of the Queen you<br />

have no rights or freedom, you only have privileges, as you are a slave.<br />

AND WHEREAS, the Indians of the said tract, duly convened in council at the respective points<br />

named hereunder, and being requested by Her Majesty’s Commissioners to name certain Chiefs<br />

( Page 43 )

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