The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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sold a bunch of garbage. It is important to know that MOSES was told the Torah and the Talmud<br />

by LORD God, not God. Although MOSES wrote the Torah, the Talmud was given as Oral Law<br />

to Moses. <strong>The</strong> Talmud is over 4 million words and much of it does not relate to MOSES at all,<br />

it can’t be totally from LORD God, yet all commercial law is based upon it. Yet this oral law<br />

has been passed down orally since the time of MOSES. I don’t know of anyone who could<br />

remember 4 million words in the right exact order and context do you<br />

<strong>The</strong> Queen swore her Oath on the Bible, yet Genesis is based only on hearsay, in that we only<br />

have this fellow MOSES no one alive has ever met to, confer with. Considering that there are<br />

over 33,000 translation errors in the Bible, I would easily conclude that the Bible can’t be<br />

considered to be the, whole truth and nothing but the truth. We cannot swear an Oath to God<br />

based on hearsay and in doing so deny others the freedom God gave to everyone, yet this is the<br />

foundation of all oaths. If we know the Bible and the Koran have been corrupted, then why do<br />

we use it for Oaths Well there is no truth in fiction, so having corrupted Bibles is not a problem.<br />

Hence you are not being judged on the law anyways, ultimately it is about your knowing who<br />

you are, not what the law says or doesn’t say.<br />

We are free sentient beings and the earth is our home. This is easy to see by how the wildlife<br />

migrates everywhere, undaunted by imaginary lines on a map. <strong>The</strong> simple fact is that the<br />

Missionaries followed the explorers to soften up the people for exploitation. This was an effective<br />

way to destroy the ancient knowledge of the past. It is akin to the good cop, bad cop scenario.<br />

<strong>The</strong> missionaries would teach about God and the gentle teachings of JESUS to get the people<br />

into a frame of mind of forgiving others for doing horrible things to them, like Genocide, Killing<br />

off of food supplies, abuse or stealing their land via starvation. I am not saying killing is<br />

something one should do, but if a mosquito is sucking blood from your face let’s say, what do<br />

you do<br />

Why hasn’t this come out before Scholars and others have released the information, but<br />

information gets suppressed and books get burned. Even the Talmud was ordered burned by a<br />

Pope at one point because it exposed details about the life of Jesus and his brother Kristus, (hence<br />

Jesus Christ). <strong>The</strong> burning down of the Library of Alexandria five times and the mere fact that<br />

Universities will not offer Degrees that counter Christianity are other examples.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ancient law, called the Law of One, which was expressed in Matthew 22, Love thy neighbor<br />

as thyself, has been completely obliterated. Instead through commerce we are put in a position<br />

of fighting a war for money. In truth we are infinite love, spiritual entities of great power and<br />

capacity to create and love. <strong>The</strong> objective of the ruling elite is to shut down our capacity to love<br />

as much as possible and get us operating in a state of fear. When they can’t do that they simply<br />

use force to oppress us.<br />

Who is the Queen She is one of the top people in 13 bloodline families currently in positions<br />

of power running the planet today. She is one of the Owners of the Bank of Canada, Federal<br />

Reserve and the Bank of England, all central banks that have no lawful money in them. I look<br />

at her as the focal point of Darkness and Light within our spiritual reality. She operates as a<br />

facilitator between the two. Darkness puts up a massive illusion and uses oppression and any<br />

other means necessary to enslave you, and get you to willingly or grudgingly go along with their<br />

<strong>SYSTEM</strong>. Some have found that contacting her and using the Torah as the basis of their plea<br />

for freedom has worked. However, following 636 laws of LORD God is a very difficult challenge;<br />

although I notice lots of license plates on cars in parking lots at the Synagogues.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a set of laws that we are not told about that do apply to individuals based on Common<br />

Law. Common Law is derived from the Bible as supreme law. <strong>The</strong> whole system also resolves<br />

around hidden commercial law, based on the Talmud, and deals with creditor/debtor, master/slave<br />

situations. I am not convinced that ElizabethAlexanderMary:Windsor has any authority over me<br />

or anyone else in her capacity. I have seen nothing written anywhere about this. As for QUEEN<br />

ELIZABETH II, that entity lives within an imaginary world and has absolutely no authority over<br />

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