The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Acknowledgments<br />

Daniel J.: Lavigne<br />

Daniel came to Edmonton in 2000 and hosted a weekend lecture concerning his Tax Refusal<br />

program and brought in other speakers to discuss issues concerning Taxes. It was then that my<br />

eyes were opened to the agenda of the <strong>New</strong> World Order. Up to this point I had no idea about<br />

the agenda and how the world truly operated. Thank you Daniel for all you do. Unfortunately<br />

defending yourself with fiction against fiction does not work too well. Although what he says is<br />

true, there is little ability to enforce the law of not supporting a Society that commits Genocide<br />

against humanity. Canada is one of those Societies. http://www.taxrefusal.com/<br />

Mary-Elizabeth: Croft<br />

Mary wrote a book called, How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency<br />

Known to Man. Many people have read it and I started to write this book as I was inspired by<br />

her. She was instrumental in encouraging me and also played an important part in helping me<br />

realize fundamental truths revealed in Chapter 6. Mary has spent time traveling, conducting talks<br />

and expanding people’s awareness of what is going on. She has had some success in what she<br />

does, but essentially removed herself from the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> by not working within it.<br />

http://freedomfiles.org/mary-book.pdf<br />

Ken: Kirk<br />

Past President of the Alberta Marijuana Party. Ken is a Minister of Christ and has spent many<br />

years helping street people and those caught up in the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> in relation to using Marijuana.<br />

Ken may not agree with some or many things I bring forward in the book concerning Christianity<br />

and other Religions, but he was there for me in some of my most difficult times. He holds a PhD<br />

in Divinity and is well respected by many in the community.<br />

Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger, Minister of Christ<br />

Robin has spent many years helping those caught within the <strong>SYSTEM</strong>. It was actually an article<br />

that was written about him that helped me in my early days. It was his focus on the Bible that<br />

drew me to much of what I know about it today. Robin has founded a Church whose members<br />

are all Ministers of Christ, if they choose to be. If it were not for Robin’s hard work and desire<br />

to be free, many of us would still be in the dark about many things concerning the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> and<br />

its inner workings. Ultimately Robin has realized the simple truth that the <strong>SYSTEM</strong> is based<br />

upon Religion of Zionism and the Torah and Talmud are their books of law. <strong>The</strong>y created these<br />

Countries and Institutions for us to become dependent upon in order to live, and then accuse us<br />

of bowing to there false gods. Yet they attack and commit Genocide against those who are free<br />

of their System. It is both mine and Robin’s belief that the only way to stop them is to use the<br />

King James Bible and Privately Petition the Queen by her real name, Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary:<br />

Windsor about issues and show how you tried to resolve them through the use of the Bible and<br />

ask her to intervene.<br />

http://www.allcreatorsgifts.org/<br />

Robert-Arthur: Menard<br />

Rob has done a great deal of work in establishing the framework for the Free-Man-on-theLand<br />

status for those that seek it. I had an opportunity to meet with Rob in Edmonton one evening and<br />

corresponded with him on some issues discussed in my book. Rob’s approach deals with things<br />

within fiction, but I wonder how far one can go in relying on fiction for freedom, when it is truth<br />

and facts that bring forth freedom. Rob has a web site located at:<br />

http://thinkfree.ca/<br />

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